In the study of the Luo family.

Luo Mingde was writing with a brush, while Luo Zixuan stood next to him without saying a word.

“The physical injury is not good, but you have not tossed less.”

After writing, Luo Mingde raised his head, and the brush in his hand smashed directly on Luo Zixuan’s face, and the ink on his face made Luo Zixuan look very funny.

“There was a conflict between you and Chen Luo, right?”

Luo Mingde placed eyeliner beside Luo Zixuan, the purpose was to stare at Luo Zixuan.

Luo Zixuan was okay before, but recently Luo Zixuan always made him hate iron and steel, although Luo Zixuan was not particularly capable in the past, he didn’t like to make trouble as much as now.

“Tell me about the cause of the matter.”

Luo Mingde put the written note next to it to dry, and then glanced at Luo Zixuan.

“Don’t you know, why do you ask me.”

Luo Zixuan secretly cursed in his heart, which person around him betrayed him, if he let him find out, he must be thrown into the Huangpu River and sank.


Slapped on the table, Luo Mingde said angrily: “I let you say that you said, who clashed with Chen Luo?” ”

“I can’t blame me for this, I suspect that he caught Xiao Yixue, that’s why he clashed with him.”

“It’s because of Xiao Yixue again, why did I give birth to such a useless son as you, how many people have you provoked because of a woman?”

Luo Mingde, who hated iron and steel, directly slapped Luo Zixuan’s face.

“Isn’t it just to offend two people, and our Luo family is still afraid of offending two people?”

Luo Zixuan was not convinced after being beaten.

“That’s right, it’s two people, but these two people are not easy to mess with.”

Annoyed, Luo Mingde couldn’t help but slap Luo Zixuan.

“That Ye Chen hasn’t investigated his origin yet, so can he be an ordinary person? And there is Xiao Yongqiang behind him, Xiao Yongqiang’s lifesaver. ”

“Another Chen Luo, the information I investigated is all false, he is not simpler than that Ye Chen, I suspect that there is a huge force behind him.”

Ye Chen’s origin, Luo Mingde did not investigate, Luo Zixuan did know Ye Chen’s origin, but now he was taught that he was too lazy to say.

And some of Chen Luo’s intelligence, he let people investigate, but these intelligence is too ordinary, Luo Mingde suspects that it is false, and from the intelligence investigated, it is not a person at all.

In fact, it is indeed not a person, Chen Luo in this world is dead, Chen Luo was carried by the system to cross over, and he is wearing a body rather than a soul.

He had no fundamental relationship with Chen Luo in this world, but only replaced his identity.

Luo Mingde suspected that there was a huge force behind Chen Luo, because Ah Da, that Ah Da Luo Mingde had been tempted, did not look like a normal person at all, more like a brainwashed killing machine.

Chen Luo was able to find this kind of person, and even said to Luo Zixuan that if he still needed manpower, he could continue to look for him, indicating that there was more than one person like Ah Da.

If there is no huge force behind this, Luo Mingde will not believe it at all.

“Go to Chen Luo’s bank card and punch a billion, and then find a way to reconcile with him.”

Luo Mingde said to Luo Zixuan.

He even knew the things of that billion very well, and the people Luo Mingde placed beside Luo Zixuan followed Luo Zixuan at that time.

Hearing his father’s orders, Luo Zixuan felt a little unhappy in his heart.

“I’ve already given 200 million.”

“The extra 200 million is regarded as an apology.” Luo Mingde said lightly.

Luo Mingde is very generous, their Luo family is not short of money, don’t look at the richest man in the magic capital is Xiao Yongqiang, but Xiao Yongqiang’s wealth is much worse than that of the Luo family.

After all, the accumulation of the Luo family for generations, the hidden wealth definitely exceeds Xiao Yongqiang.

Generosity is not generosity for no reason.

If Chen Luo was really like what he guessed, there was a powerful force behind him, then it would not be a loss to use these 1.2 billion to ease relations with him.

If it was different from what he guessed, there was no powerful force behind Chen Luo, then the money he took out now would be able to get it back sooner or later.

No matter how you calculate the left and right, they Luo family has already won hemp.

“I’m not going, I’m going to do it.”

Luo Zixuan directly refused.

Let him go and bow to Chen Luo, he will definitely not be able to do it.

After speaking, Luo Zixuan left Luo Mingde’s study directly, he was worried that he would be beaten if he stayed here.

“This rebel.”

Luo Mingde looked at Luo Zixuan angrily, wasn’t he doing this for Luo Zixuan’s good?

If the forces behind Chen Luo are very strong, they can also help Luo Zixuan in the future, which is obviously a good thing, but Luo Zixuan refused.

“If that rebel doesn’t go, let me go to meet Chen Luo.”

Luo Mingde planned to meet Chen Luo in person, this was Luo Mingde’s original plan, and he also had to penetrate Chen Luo’s bottom.

Then Luo Mingde picked up his mobile phone to contact Chen Luo personally.

“Unfamiliar number.”

Chen Luo, who got 500 million from Xiao Yongqiang, heard the ringing of his mobile phone and took it out.

After thinking about it, Chen Luo chose to connect.

“Hello, my name is Luo Mingde, and I am Luo Zixuan’s father.”

After connecting, Luo Mingde took the lead in reporting his home.

“Oh, it’s Luo Dashao’s father, I don’t know what happened to calling me?”

Chen Luo suspected that the other party was looking for trouble, could it be that Luo Zixuan was stunned and looked for his father to make a move?

“That unfilial son took someone to search your villa before and caused you a lot of trouble, I specially apologized.”

Luo Mingde was very polite to Chen Luo.

With Luo Mingde’s identity, even if Xiao Yongqiang saw him, he would be shorter in front of Luo Mingde, and being able to be so polite to Chen Luo showed that he had given Chen Luo enough face.

Even Xiao Yongqiang did not have this honor.

“Sure enough, the Luo family will not become an enemy with me for the time being.”

All this was expected by Chen Luo, Luo Mingde would be so polite, it should be afraid of the forces behind him.

Although Chen Luo did not take the initiative to fictionalize what forces were behind him, he would make people think that there was a powerful force behind him.

Before handing Ah Da to Luo Zixuan, and telling Luo Zixuan that he needed manpower to contact him at any time, these were all foreshadowings laid by Chen Luo.

Even if Luo Zixuan wouldn’t guess, the Luo family behind him would guess.

“Luo Dong is too polite, why do you need to apologize personally.”

Chen Luo had a casual tone, and did not show shock because the other party was Luo Mingde.

This made Luo Mingde even more suspicious that there was definitely a terrifying force behind Chen Luo, otherwise an ordinary young man could be so calm when facing him?

“To do wrong is to do wrong, I apologize for Zixuan, and another billion compensation should arrive soon.”

Rominde’s tone was gentle.

“Since Luo Dong is so polite, then I will accept this apology.”

“That’s good, I hope you don’t get angry with Zixuan, I still hope that you two can maintain a good relationship.”

“Don’t worry Luo Dong, I’m not such a stingy person.”

You are so generous, can I still be stingy? The Luo family has so much money, maybe you can consider continuing to make money on the Luo family.

“It’s too insincere to verbally express gratitude, I’m here to be the host, I don’t know if Chen Luoxian’s nephew is willing to give me this face?”

“Luo Dong’s face can’t be given.”

Chen Luo heard that Luo Mingde invited him to dinner, and did not refuse.

Still thinking of making money from the Luo family, of course, he can’t refuse, even for the sake of money, it’s no problem to give Luo Mingde a face.

After a couple of small talks, Chen Luo hung up the phone and made an appointment to meet at the best private restaurant in the magic capital.

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