Looking at Xiao Yixue, who wiped her tears, Chen Luo did not comfort her, and even Chen Luo wanted to laugh.

“Ahahaha, no, I really can’t bear it, you are too stupid, you can be deceived.”

Chen Luo, who couldn’t control it, couldn’t help but laugh loudly.

Xiao Yixue wiped away her tears, her teeth crunched, and this bastard was laughing at her.

Now Zhao Yingxuan is the person Xiao Qianxue hates first, and Chen Luo is the person Xiao Qianxue hates the second, and Xiao Yingxue’s senses are very complicated.

Chen Luo is Xiao Qianxue’s first man, whether it is hatred or otherwise, Xiao Qianxue can’t forget Chen Luo.

“You just stay here, review your experience of being deceived, and don’t be deceived next time.”

Chen Luo directly opened the door and left the secret room.

“Wait, I don’t want to be here.”

Seeing that Chen Luo didn’t mean to take her away, Xiao Yixue’s face changed instantly.

There was her psychological shadow here, the dark environment, and the sound of ghosts crying wolves, which scared Xiao Yixue a lot.

It was good to have Chen Luo here before, if she let herself be here, she was really afraid.

“You can’t help if you don’t want to stay here, now you can only stay here.”

Chen Luo didn’t mean to pity Xiang Xiang Yu in the slightest.

It was clear that he took Xiao Yixue’s most precious thing, but Chen Luo was ruthless and ruthless, and it was not bad to tie Xiao Yixue up and turn off the light.

“Damn, Chen Luo really locked me up inside.”

Xiao Yixue dragged his somewhat weak body and pushed the door hard, but did not push.

How could she, a weak woman, be able to push it, even if Chen Luo was locked up, it would take a lot of effort to get out.

“Stay inside honestly, someone will bring you food.”

In the sound above his head, Chen Luo’s voice was heard, and then no sound came from any more.

There is only one sofa in this secret room, Xiao Yixue curled up in the corner of the sofa, at this moment she lost her cold temperament, no longer the female president of the iceberg, but a little quail who experienced the wind and rain.

“Chen Luo, I curse you.”

Xiao Qianxue’s hatred for Chen Luo has increased, and he has gone hand in hand with Zhao Yingxuan.

This man is too ruthless, obviously he has taken her most important things, but he has no mercy for her.

Chen Luo didn’t know that Xiao Qianxue was cursing him in his heart, and Chen Luo already knew that Ye Chen had come last night through the reports of Xia Lan and Chunmei.

“It seems that the protagonist’s aura is not omnipotent either.”

At least Chen Luo took the heroine, and Xiao Yixue was not saved by Ye Chen, indicating that the effect of the protagonist’s aura is also limited.

Even if the protagonist’s aura is outrageous, it is impossible for Ye Chen to defeat two people whose strength is not weaker than him at all.

In addition, the aura of the primary Heavenly Mandate villain on Chen Luo’s body also had some impact on the protagonist’s aura.

That’s right, now Chen Luo has the aura of the Mandate of Heaven villain on his body.

Even if it is a primary Mandate villain aura, it is worth 100 billion.

Chen Luo definitely doesn’t have so much money to trade with the system, so the Mandate of Heaven villain aura on his body is rented, which can only last for seven days at most, and the price is 100 million, and according to the system, it is still a low-quality version rented, and the effect is actually not as good as the real primary Mandate Villain aura.

The price of genuine rental is too expensive, so renting an inferior version is somewhat useful.

Trading this is Chen Luo’s previous order to catch Xiao Yixue smoothly, otherwise Chen Luo is reluctant.

In fact, the inferior version of the Mandate of Heaven villain aura has little impact on the protagonist’s aura, and the most important role is to keep Chen Luo from the negative impact of the villain aura on his body.

Bearing the villain’s aura will be degraded, may do some mentally retarded things, and will also be unlucky and riddled with bad luck.

The Destiny villain aura can remove these negative effects, and the more advanced Destiny villain aura can even restrain the protagonist’s aura.

When you have 100 billion, you must first trade a permanent Mandate villain aura, even if it is a primary one, it is stronger than the current inferior version, and the rental price is too high.

The key is that Chen Luo still does not dare not rent, otherwise if he does something brain-dead by himself, it is possible to play himself to death.

No way, the protagonist comes with a buff aura, and the villain has a negative aura, which is inherently a disadvantage.

“How’s it going, were you comfortable yesterday?” Zhao Yingxuan asked Chen Luo with a smile.

“Not at all comparable to you.”

Hearing Chen Luo’s words, Zhao Yingxuan was very satisfied in her heart, don’t see that she is laughing now, but it is false to say that she is not jealous.

Although Xiao Yixue was also given to Chen Luo by herself, women are such contradictory creatures.

“You should have watched the live broadcast, right?” Chen Luo couldn’t help but ask.

He remembered that there was surveillance in that secret room.

So this woman knows everything, she sees it all.

“You have too much pity for that woman, people are a little envious.”

Zhao Yingxuan lay in Chen Luo’s arms.

Indeed, with Chen Luo’s physical fitness, if it weren’t for pity for Xiao Yixue, I am afraid that Xiao Yixue should be in a coma now.

“Don’t be so polite to her in the future, according to my research, the more such a woman with a cold surface, the more she likes violence.”


Chen Luo glanced at Zhao Yingxuan and didn’t believe Zhao Yingxuan’s words at all.

“I know you won’t believe me, but there’s nothing to lose by trying.”

Zhao Yingxuan is right, there is no loss in trying, but it is earned, that is, Xiao Yixue is going to suffer.

Xiao Qianxue suffered or not, Chen Luo didn’t care at all, he knew very well that he had no feelings for Xiao Qianxue, he was just hungry for Xiao Qianxue’s body.

“Brother Luo, there are people staring at our villa outside.”

Chunmei came over and said to Chen Luo.

“The people staring at should be Xiao Yongqiang’s people and Luo Zixuan’s people.”

Knowing that it is not strange to be stared at Chen Luo, there is nothing strange, Xiao Yongqiang will definitely stare, and Luo Zixuan, who cares about Xiao Yixue, will definitely also stare at this side.

If Luo Zixuan knew that his goddess had now been eaten and wiped clean by Chen Luo, I was afraid that he would fight with Chen Luo.

“Do you want to get rid of them?”

“There is no point in solving them, even if they die and there are other people staring, in addition, it is easy to kill them, and it is a bit troublesome to deal with them.”

Just stare at it, anyway, they don’t dare to approach the vicinity of the villa, they only dare to stare from a distance.

As long as it couldn’t affect Chen Luo, Chen Luo didn’t plan to solve them.

“It’s a bit short of manpower.”

Now what Chen Luo lacks most is people, and they are people who can be trusted.

Artificial humans who trade with the system can guarantee loyalty 100%, but the price of trading artificial humans is too expensive.

Even if you don’t bless too much ability, it’s not cheap.

Zhao Yingxuan also has no subordinates, even if there are some trustworthy, they are only people who help her take care of business.

“Does the Demon Capital still have the same black forces as Liang Xinghu?”

Chen Luo asked Zhao Yingxuan.

If the people of the underground forces can be subdued, it is equivalent to an extra group of thugs, and it is not too difficult for Chen Luo to subdue this underground force.

In addition, Chen Luo is also worried that if he does not accept it first, he may be accepted by the protagonist Ye Chen.

“Yes, there are two more, the underground forces that were originally invisible to the demon capital are three-legged.”

“In addition to Liang Xinghu, who was destroyed by you, there are Third Master Jin and White Rose.”

“Among the three of them, Liang Xinghu should be the weakest, Third Master Jin is the strongest, and White Rose is the most mysterious.”

Zhao Yingxuan and Chen Luo said something she knew.

“Are you going to do anything to them?”

“If you want to attack them, I suggest you attack White Rose, it is rumored that she is a big beauty.” Zhao Yingxuan winked at Chen Luo.

Chen Luo was really interested in White Rose in his heart, this woman may be a heroine.

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