Where did these two people come from, White Rose did not ask, the more she knew, the faster she died, she understood this truth very well.

“From now on, the two of them will stay with you and be responsible for keeping you safe.”

Chen Luo said towards the white rose.


White Rose couldn’t refuse, and she didn’t dare to refuse, she understood that these two women were probably the people sent by Chen Luo to spy on her.

Indeed, Chen Luo traded Qiuzhu and Dongju in order to monitor the white rose.

And not to pay for it yourself, these billion are spent white rose money.

“Eat this.”

Chen Luo took out a round white pill, and there was a trace of fragrance, which was the smell of medicinal fragrance.

Looking at the white pill, White Rose’s expression hesitated, who knows if this is poisonous or not.

Chen Luo could see White Rose’s thoughts at a glance: “Don’t worry, this pill is not poisonous, it is specially designed to treat your injuries.” ”

The previous punch should have caused internal injuries to White Rose, and there was a cyan mark left by being pinched on White Rose’s neck.

After eating this pill, these injuries will heal, and it took Chen Luo 100,000 soft sister coins to trade with the system.

Beat a stick and give a sweet date to eat.

White Rose swallowed the pill, and then felt warm, the bruises on her neck disappeared, even the pain in her abdomen was gone, and she felt comfortable.

Even some of the minor problems left by the past seem to be swept away, which is simply a panacea.

“Next, mobilize the people you can mobilize and help me do something.”

Chen Luo took out a photo.

“Help me keep an eye on this person, keep an eye on all his movements, his strength is very strong, pay attention when staring at him, don’t be discovered by him.”

The person in the photo is, of course, Ye Chen.

“Just staring at him?” White Rose asked towards Ye Chen.

“That’s right, just stare at him, don’t make your own claims and do it with him.”

As far as those little brothers of White Rose, if they start a conflict with Ye Chen, the result will definitely be beaten violently, and they will definitely give away people’s heads.

“By the way, is your real name White Rose?”

When Chen Luo was leaving, he asked towards the white rose.

“No, my real name is Bai Meixiang.”

White Rose is just a title given to her by the road, and her real name is Bai Meixiang, but not many people know her real name.

Most people already have White Rose as her name.

“The name is nice.”

Chen Luo instructed Qiuzhu and Dongju to obey White Rose, and then left the Rose Bar.

Watching Chen Luo leave, Bai Meixiang finally breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and at the same time there was an indescribable feeling, the pride accumulated over the years was ruthlessly broken by Chen Luo.

When I really faced death, I realized that I was just an ordinary person.

After leaving the Rose Bar and getting on the bus, Chen Luo said to himself: “I am also a human now.” ”

How long has it been since I just crossed over nothing, and I have the strength and power I have now in less than a month.

“No matter how powerful your protagonist’s aura is, you can’t fight me as an open hanger.”

Chen Luo’s expression was relaxed, and as he became stronger and stronger, Ye Chen became less and less worried.

Although he has the aura of the protagonist, it is difficult to kill him, but fight with himself, he can’t fight himself.

However, Chen Luo was not too inflated, his personality was already cautious, and if Ye Chen did not die one day, he would not be able to let go of his heart towards Ye Chen.

In the face of a creature like the protagonist, if you are not careful, if you do not pay attention to it, he may develop to the point that you cannot deal with it.

Zhao Yingxuan’s villa secret room, Zhao Yingxuan came here again.

“You lied to me.”

When he saw Zhao Yingxuan, Xiao Yixue stared at Zhao Yingxuan with murderous eyes, thinking of Chen Luo’s ridicule of her, Xiao Yingxue couldn’t help but want to find a seam to drill into.

Chen Luo was mocking her for not having IQ and was deceived by Zhao Yingxuan’s low-level means.

“You’re stupid.”

Zhao Yingxuan’s words caused a critical blow to Xiao Yixue.

The angry Xiao Yixue stared at Zhao Yingxuan deadly.

Looking at Xiao Qianxue’s expression of wanting to kill, Zhao Yingxuan is not afraid, anyway, she is still following Chunmei, even if Xiao Qianxue wants to make a move, it is definitely not Chunmei’s opponent.

“Don’t be angry, after all, everyone has a time to be deceived.”

In fact, the reason why Xiao Yixue was deceived was mainly because she was too panicked after she was kidnapped, and anyone who was kidnapped could not maintain her composure.

“I’m here this time, in fact, to bring you some good looks, do you want to come and see.”

Zhao Yingxuan took out a laptop and said to Xiao Yixue with a smile.

“You want to lie to me again, do you think I will be fooled a second time in the same routine?” Xiao Yixue looked at Zhao Yingxuan expressionlessly.

“Then take a look.”

Zhao Yingxuan deliberately raised her voice, which immediately made Xiao Yixue feel that her face was red.

This is a video, the key is that the heroine in this video is herself.

Xiao Qianxue gritted her teeth and reached out to grab the computer, but Zhao Yingxuan took two steps back and directly avoided Xiao Qianxue’s hand.

“Take a good look at your own play, I feel that your ‘acting skills’ are not good, you still need to improve more, you can find me to discuss it in the future.”

Zhao Yingxuan said with a smile.

Xiao Yixue, whose face turned red with anger, couldn’t help but shoot at Zhao Yingxuan, but as soon as she made a move, she was subdued by Chunmei.

“It’s a pity that it can’t hurt me, aren’t you angry?”

Deliberately angry Zhao Yingxuan still has a hand, Xiao Yixue is angry where there is still the appearance of the female president of the iceberg, they are about to be blown up.

“What do you want?” Xiao Qianxue asked angrily towards Zhao Yingxuan.

“I want you to obey me, how about it?”

Zhao Yingxuan approached Xiao Yixue and said to Xiao Yixue.

Thinking of Xiao Yingxue’s obedience to her, Zhao Yingxuan’s mood rose uncontrollably.

“You’re dreaming.”

“Do you say I dream?” Zhao Yingxuan sneered: “Then do you want me to publicize the movie you made to you, how about posting it in the company’s internal group first?” ”

Xiao Yixue’s face changed instantly.

In the hearts of everyone in the company, Xiao Yixue has an incomparably perfect personality, if she is really sent out by Zhao Yingxuan, then her life will completely collapse.

She is afraid that she will have no face to live, and even if she dies, she will feel ashamed.

“It’s impossible for me to obediently listen to you, I’d rather die.”

Xiao Yixue was still firm and unyielding.

“You change the conditions.”

Although she didn’t want to give in, Xiao Qianxue didn’t want Zhao Yingxuan to publicize this video for her, so she could only soften to Zhao Yingxuan again.

The corners of Zhao Yingxuan’s mouth hooked slightly, she definitely wouldn’t send it to others, otherwise a little man should be angry, she knows men’s possessiveness very well.

However, it is used to threaten Xiao Yixue, which is very useful.

Once a person compromises the first time, there will be a second, a third, and even countless times.

Let Xiao Yixue, who is extremely noble in both character and identity, fall, it seems to be very accomplished, I don’t know if it’s the effect of the villain’s aura, or she herself is bad, anyway, Zhao Yingxuan especially likes to do bad things.

“Yixue, how can I say that I am also your stepmother, I definitely can’t embarrass you, come, call me mother first.”

Xiao Qianxue’s face was ugly, where had she called Zhao Yingxuan’s mother before, and she couldn’t call this mother.

She only has one mother, and this mother is definitely not this, vixen.

Xiao Qianxue didn’t want to call, but could she refuse at this time? Zhao Yingxuan holds her dead hole.

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