Although the people of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group were all restless, they did not dare not listen to Ye Chen’s words, even if they were arrogant in character, they respected Ye Chen very much.

“I’ll give you a task first, first get this woman for me.”

Ye Chen took out a photo, which was Zhao Yingxuan’s photo.

He actually wanted to let his subordinates capture Chen Luo, but he gave up thinking about it, arresting Chen Luo obviously couldn’t work, Ye Chen was very clear about Chen Luo’s strength.

If he went to capture Chen Luo, these of his subordinates were most likely to go up and give it for nothing.

“Head, what a beautiful woman, do you fancy her?”

“Give me less nonsense, you guys must tie this woman to me when you find a way.”

Ye Chen snorted coldly.

Xiao Yixue was in Chen Luo’s hands, and Ye Chen grabbed Zhao Yingxuan just to exchange with Chen Luo.

“This time things must be done well, I don’t want any surprises.”

If you want to rescue Xiao Yixue, you can only capture Zhao Yingxuan in exchange, otherwise Ye Chen has no good way.

Xiao Yongqiang’s forces had almost rummaged through the demons, and they had not been able to find Xiao Yixue, indicating that they hid Xiao Yixue too deeply.

The only way is for them to get a bargaining chip and then negotiate terms with Chen Luo.

“Don’t worry, boss, we haven’t done this kind of thing before.”

Moore looked confident, they can run rampant on the battlefield, isn’t it trivial to kidnap someone.

“Don’t be careless, I’ll show you a few more photos to see their faces clearly.”

Ye Chen took out several photos again, which were those of Chen Luo, Chunmei and Xia Lan.

After looking at the photo, Moore asked: “BOSS, do you want us to tie them up together?” ”

“No, I want to tell you that if you encounter them, run away, you are not opponents.”

Ye Chen said to them with a solemn expression.

Chen Luo’s strength was above them, and Chunmei and Xia Lan, the last time he went to Zhao Yingxuan’s villa, were repelled by the two of them joining forces.

Each of them is not weaker than their own.

“BOSS, you said that this little white face and these two beautiful women are very powerful?” Harvey looked disdainful.

“Don’t make people look good.”

Ye Chen glanced at Harvey and frowned slightly, although Harvey’s strength is not weak, any of these three people can kill him in seconds.

Is arrogance costing, or is it the price of life.

Other people’s words, Harvey, this black guy, will not listen, but Ye Chen’s words he dare not listen.

In the past, when he was disobedient and arrogant in front of Ye Chen, he was cleaned up by Ye Chen, and he was already afraid of Ye Chen.

“I have arranged a place for you to live, and then you will live there first, and then follow my orders and start acting.”

After the explanation, Ye Chen let them leave.

However, what they didn’t know was that now that they had been targeted, White Rose could be mixed up in the magic capital, and there was a lot of eyeliner under her hand.

“President Bai, the investigation is clear, there are a total of nineteen foreigners in those foreigners.”

Originally, it should have been twelve people, but the other seven people who had chosen to retire, after knowing that their boss was in trouble, also chose to go out of the mountain and come to the magic capital.

Therefore, a total of nineteen people came to the magic capital, and all the members of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group had already arrived.

“Have you figured out where they are?” Bai Meixiang asked lightly.

“It has been clearly investigated, and it is in a remote building in the western suburbs.”

A group of people who can’t see the light will of course hide far away, so the location they choose to temporarily settle is also relatively far.

“I see, you keep people staring.”

Then Bai Meixiang called Chen Luo directly and told Chen Luo that he had investigated the number of foreigners and their location.

“Well done, you’ve done a great job this time, what do you want?” I will satisfy you if I can satisfy you. ”

Chen Luo was very satisfied, sure enough, it was useful to accept Bai Meixiang, after all, her White Rose underground power in the magic capital should not be underestimated.

Bai Meixiang wanted to say that she wanted to be free, but she knew that this was impossible.

“It doesn’t take anything, it’s all I should do.”

Bai Meixiang has already made her identity clear, she is now Chen Luo’s subordinate, do she still want to be rewarded for doing things for Chen Luo?

Even Bai Meixiang’s heart was ready for the worst loss to Chen Luo, and she was still very confident in her charm.

But sometimes being beautiful is a good thing and a bad thing.

Fortunately, now Chen Luo did not mean to beat his own idea, Bai Meixiang comforted himself in his heart, even if there really was that day, he would not suffer a loss.

After all, Chen Luo is indeed handsome, which is completely in line with her aesthetics, that is, she is too passive when facing Chen Luo, and Bai Meixiang likes to take the initiative.

“Gather your people and get ready to do it.” Chen Luo ordered towards Bai Meixiang.

Chen Luo said before, start first and take the initiative.

They all guessed that the other party was coming at them, and if they didn’t take the initiative to attack, wouldn’t they become brat.

Chen Luo’s seven-day Heavenly Mandate villain aura has not expired, and he will definitely not do anything to lose his IQ.


Bai Meixiang responded succinctly with one word.

“Xia Lan, you stay, Chunmei follow me.”

This time, Chen Luo planned to take the initiative to make a move, and it was best to be able to eradicate Ye Chen’s forces in one fell swoop, which was equivalent to breaking one of Ye Chen’s arms.

On the other side, Bai Meixiang also led her people to remote buildings in the western suburbs.

This place is indeed remote, and no one lives here at all except for the group under Ye Chen.

“Mr. Chen.”

Bai Meixiang and Chen Luo will reconcile, when she sees Chen Luo, Bai Meixiang has a complicated mood, this young man, but let her for the first time give birth to fear, facing the fear of death.

“Brother Luo.”

Qiu Zhu and Dong Ju also said hello to Chen Luo, and after they were arranged by Chen Luo to Bai Meixiang’s side, they stared at Bai Meixiang almost all the time.

He even unintentionally showed his strength in front of Bai Meixiang, which was one of the reasons why Bai Meixiang honestly obeyed Chen Luo’s orders and did not make small moves.

“You brought a lot of people.”

Chen Luo glanced at the people brought by Bai Meixiang, there were more than fifty people in total, and most of them had guns in their hands, and being able to get a gun showed that Bai Meixiang was not simple, not to mention so many guns.

“Mr. Chen should attach great importance to this matter, I naturally have to give my all.” Bai Meixiang has the attitude of I take things seriously for you.

“Get moving, remember to kill them at all costs, shoot if you can, those people are mercenaries who have been killed from a hail of bullets.”

Chen Luo reminded Bai Meixiang.

At this time, Bai Meixiang knew that the identity of those people turned out to be mercenaries.

Hearing the three words of mercenary, Bai Meixiang’s expression became cautious, although she was also calling for wind and rain in the underground world of the magic capital.

But there is still self-knowledge, and these people under her are definitely not the opponents of the mercenaries who have fought on the battlefield.

“These people have just come to Xia Country, they may not have weapons in their hands, and you don’t have to worry.”

Chen Luo seemed to see Bai Meixiang’s concern and spoke.

In fact, even if those people were fully armed Chen Luo, they were not afraid, and they didn’t even need Chen Luo to make a move, Chunmei, Qiuzhu, and Dongju could solve them.

Chen Luo led people to approach the remote building, and the people inside had not yet realized that the crisis was coming, and they did not know that death had come.

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