“Moore, tell me, when exactly does the boss want us to avenge our brothers?”

“The boss hasn’t said yet, don’t worry about Harvey first.”

Moore also didn’t know when Ye Chen was going to order revenge, and the order he received now was to wait.

“I don’t care, I can’t help it anymore.”

Harvey has a very short temper.

These days, they are also very depressed, Ye Chen let them hide temporarily, they can only hide in the east, when did they suffer this kind of qi outside before.

“Moore, you ask the boss who killed our brother is, and then we’ll do it.”

Biles looked at Moore and said.

“When we poke our heads, I’m afraid he’ll guess what we’re thinking, and he’ll definitely not tell us.” Vinson said as he ate a chicken leg and said to his companion.

Looking at the three brothers, Moore was also helpless, he knew that these three people wanted to take revenge, but the order Ye Chen gave him was to wait.

“Moore, let’s do it ourselves.”

Vinson looked at Moore seriously.

“Have you investigated who the murderer is?”

Hearing Vinson’s words, Moore looked at Vincent and asked, and the eyes of the other two were also focused on Vinson.

“I don’t know, I’m afraid only the head himself knows, but we can bring them out, you also found out, now the demon capital is looking for us, and the person looking for us must be the murderer.”

“If we take the initiative to expose, we will definitely be able to lure them out, in Xia Guo’s words, it is to lead the snake out of the hole.”

Vinson voiced his plans.

“Actually, I also have an object of suspicion, that is, the person who wants us to be careful before the head.”

Saying that, he took out three photos, which were photos of Chen Luo, Chunmei and Xia Lan.

“Well, just as Vincent said, we’ll lure them out and kill them.”

Harvey directly agreed with Vinson’s plan, and he was reluctant to just go into hiding and do nothing.

Moore was silent, of course he wanted to take revenge, but he was unwilling to disobey Ye Chen’s order.

“If you don’t want to follow us, then we’ll do it ourselves, as long as you don’t snitch on the boss.” Byers said directly to Moore.

His words showed that all three of them agreed to the plan, leaving Moore left.

“It is true that our brothers cannot die in vain, I am with you.”

Brothers who were born and died together really can’t die in vain in a foreign country, and they are not without feelings for a long time together.

“Then follow the plan I made, I have already chosen the position.”

Vincent brought up a map on his computer, which was a map of the magic capital, and drew a circle at a park location.

“There are not many people in this park, there is a small forest next door, which is convenient for us to retreat later, and it is also suitable for us to ambush, and the most important thing is that it is not far from where we are now.”

Moore nodded, and then decided to let Byers take the initiative to expose and lead the person over.

“Give it to you Biles, don’t get caught by them.”

“Harvey, you’re underestimating my abilities.” Biles glanced at Harvey dissatisfied.

Then Byers took the initiative to expose and appeared in a conspicuous place, and not long after he took the initiative to expose, he was targeted by the people of White Rose.

“Found one of them? Send someone to follow him immediately, taking care not to be exposed. ”

Bai Meixiang immediately ordered.

Then contact Chen Luo and tell Chen Luo the news that one of them was found.

“I suspect that they may have been actively exposed, and before sending people to try hard to find them, today I found that one of them appeared in a conspicuous place, without even the slightest cover-up.”

Bai Meixiang also told Chen Luo her guess.

The other party appeared very wrong, as if deliberately exposed, white charm fragrance and not stupid, naturally there are doubts.

“Okay, I see, you let Qiuzhu and Dongju go over to take a look, let them pay attention to safety, and keep an eye on Ye Chen, you must make sure that Ye Chen is not with the four of them.”

As long as Ye Chen is not with those four people, even if they have any conspiracies, Qiuzhu and Dongju can solve them.

If Ye Chen was also with those four fish that slipped through the net, then he had to be careful, and Chen Luo still needed to respect the protagonist’s aura.

Even if Qiuzhu and Dongju are not weaker than Ye Chen, something may happen.

“After determining Ye Chen’s location, tell me Ye Chen’s location.”

Chen Luo thought about it and said to Bai Meixiang again.

After Bai Meixiang answered, she immediately relayed Chen Luo’s order to Qiuzhu and Dongju, and then asked the people who were staring at Ye Chen to ask Ye Chen’s location.

After asking clearly, he immediately sent Ye Chen’s location to Chen Luo.

“Yongqiang Group.”

Chen Luo looked at the location of Ye Chen sent by Bai Meixiang, and immediately went to Yongqiang Group.

To solve those four people, there is no need for Chen Luo to make a move, Chen Luo only needs to watch Ye Chen, and those four people who watch Ye Chen will definitely die.

Chen Luo believed in the strength of Qiuzhu and Dongju.

Came to Yongqiang Group, Chen Luo still has the identity of Zhao Yingxuan’s bodyguard, of course, no one stopped him, and easily entered Yongqiang Group.

“What about Ye Chen, the manager of your security department?”

Chen Luo stopped a security guard and asked.

“Manager Ye was transferred back by the chairman to work as a bodyguard for President Xiao, and he should be in President Xiao’s office now.”

Hearing this security guard’s words, Chen Luo immediately went to Xiao Yixue’s office.

Came to Xiao Yixue’s office on the top floor, Chen Luo knocked on the door, and then the door opened, and the person who opened the door was Xiao Yixue’s assistant Xiaoli.

The moment Chen Luo came in, the air seemed to be cold, the temperature dropped several degrees, and Xiao Yanxue’s face was cold.

“What are you going to do?”

This was Ye Chen’s voice, and Ye Chen clenched his fists and stared at Chen Luo, like a wolf staring at his prey.

“I came to talk to President Xiao about business.”

Chen Luo smiled, not affected by the atmosphere in the slightest, and sat in front of Xiao Yixue with a smile.

“President Xiao, I don’t know if the cooperation between us will continue?”

Since Xiao Yixue was captured by him, the scar removal ointment that he had cooperated with before had also been temporarily stopped, and now the other party should be out of stock.

Xiao Qianxue handed a signed approval contract to Xiaoli, raised her head and looked into Chen Luo’s eyes with a cold gaze.

“Of course, I hope that Mr. Chen can continue to supply us according to the contract.”

“No problem, President Xiao doesn’t mind if I stay here a little longer, right?”

As long as he stays here, Ye Chen will not leave, he must be worried about what Chen Luo will do to Xiao Qianxue after he leaves, so as long as Chen Luo stays here and does not move, Ye Chen can only stare here.

Xiao Yixue’s face was cold: “You are not welcome here.” ”

“If you hear no, don’t hurry up and get out yet.”

Ye Chen’s gaze seemed to be about to kill, and he kept his gaze on Chen Luo.

“At least we are also a cooperative relationship, don’t be so ruthless.”

Chen Luo’s thick skin stayed here directly, and even took the initiative to make himself a cup of coffee.

Xiao Qianxue glanced at Chen Luo indifferently, but did not continue to drive Chen Luo to leave.

“What the hell does he mean?”

Ye Chen looked at Chen Luo with a frown, and his intuition told him that Chen Luo was not so simple to come here, and he always had a feeling that something was going to happen.

Not only Ye Chen, in fact, Xiao Yixue also felt that Chen Luo came here not simply to continue cooperation.

Xiao Yixue and Ye Chen’s gaze kept noticing Chen Luo, and Chen Luo drank coffee calmly.

“President Xiao just do his own thing, you peek at me like this, I thought you were interesting to me.” Chen Luo said with a light smile.

Xiao Qianxue snorted coldly, simply ignoring Chen Luo, and she felt irritated in her heart when she saw Chen Luo.

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