Thirty million dollars soon arrived, and the female killer looked at Chen Luo nervously.

“I’ve already transferred the money, can you let me go?”

“You’re so naïve, do you think I’ll let go of my killer?” Chen Luo looked at the female killer with a mocking expression.

The female killer’s expression was extremely excited.

“Your words don’t count.”

“Words don’t count? Did I promise to let you go just now? ”

Chen Luoke never said that he would let this woman go after getting 30 million US dollars.

The excited female killer pulled the wound and showed a painful expression, if the eyes can kill, Chen Luo may have been shattered by the eyes of this female killer.

“How are you going to let me go?”

The female killer covered the wound of the stabbed, she did not want to die, now she just wants to live.

“Seeing that she is so eager to live, give her a chance, this killer may be useful to keep.” Zhao Yingxuan said to Chen Luo.

The female killer listened to Zhao Yingxuan’s words, and felt grateful to Zhao Yingxuan in her heart.

Chen Luo thought about it for a moment and nodded towards Zhao Yingxuan.

“Okay, then let’s leave her life for the time being.”

In fact, Chen Luo’s heart thought, the identity of this female killer may not be so simple.

Zhao Yingxuan is not a soft-hearted person, but she has repeatedly asked Chen Luo to let this woman go, and there must be something strange in this.

Of course, Chen Luo did not suspect that Zhao Yingxuan had a problem, but suspected that this killer might be a heroine, and Zhao Yingxuan was affected by the protagonist’s aura, so she didn’t want to kill this woman.

The heroines are also protected by the protagonist’s aura.

Looking at the appearance of this female killer, with Chen Luo’s eyes, she can also score ninety-five points, plus she is a big Yanmar and there are pluses, she has the prerequisites to become a heroine, and has the resources of a heroine.

“What’s your name?” Chen Luo asked towards the female killer.

“Stuart Elsa.”

The female killer did not dare to hesitate and immediately told Chen Luo her name.

“Can you stop the bleeding for me first?” Elsa pointed to the wound in her abdomen.

“It’s a shame that you’re a killer so afraid of death.”

Chen Luo’s words made Elsa feel ashamed in her heart, but whoever stipulates that the killer cannot be afraid of death.

One hand lifted Elsa up, threw her into the living room of the villa, and threw the medical kit to Elsa.

“Bandage your wounds yourself.”

Elsa silently disinfected and bandaged her wound.

“My little man spared you a life, how are you going to repay him?” Zhao Yingxuan looked at Elsa condescendingly.

Elsa wants to cry without tears, and I still want to repay him? But Elsa also understands that not killing her does not mean letting her go.

“I have nothing left now.”

All her money was given to Chen Luo, and she really had nothing.

“No, you don’t have nothing.”

Zhao Yingxuan held a dagger in her hand and gestured at Elsa, looking at Elsa’s heart, this woman who helped her intercede before and let the man let her go may not be a good person.


The clothes on Elsa’s body were cut open, and in an instant, Elsa immediately blocked it, and looked at Zhao Yingxuan with shame.

“Isn’t your own beauty a value?”

Elsa understood the meaning of Zhao Yingxuan’s words, and said angrily: “Don’t even think about it.” ”

While most Westerners are more open, not all of them are more open, and Elsa is one of the alternatives.

So far, she doesn’t have a man, and although Elsa doesn’t have the idea of keeping her body until her wedding night, she also wants to give the most precious thing to a man she likes.

“After thinking about it, your life is in my hands.”

A smile appeared on Zhao Yingxuan’s face.

If Elsa really cooperates, it won’t be interesting.

Looking at Zhao Yingxuan, who was close at hand, Elsa had an idea in her heart and held this woman hostage and fled.

She doesn’t want to die, but staying here without knowing what to face, it’s better to gamble.

Elsa was about to make a move when the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at her head.

The hand reaching out to Zhao Yingxuan froze, and Elsa raised her head and looked at the indifferent Chen Luo with a stiff expression.


Zhao Yingxuan slapped Elsa to the ground.

“Do you know why I dare to get so close to you? There are little men here, and I’m not afraid you’ll hurt me. ”

She dared to approach a killer because Chen Luo was there, and she believed that Chen Luo would not let people hurt her.

“You just wanted to hold me hostage, didn’t you? I also persuaded Chen Luo to let you go before, and I will take revenge.” ”

Zhao Yingxuan’s face showed a grim look.

Elsa, who had been slapped, looked up with anger in her eyes, and it was the first time she had been punched in the face.

But she was more afraid in her heart, would she die this time? She regretted it a little, why did it.

It’s good if you succeed, but if you fail, you may only die.

“Guess what I’m going to do to you next?”

“If you want to kill, kill it.”

Elsa closed her eyes, not that she looked away and was not afraid of death, but she felt that Zhao Yingxuan would definitely kill her, and she had to wait for death.

“Hehe, wouldn’t killing you free you.”

Zhao Yingxuan directly took out the rope to tie her to death, and then threw her into the secret room where Xiao Yixue was imprisoned before.

Not killed, Elsa breathed a sigh of relief, there was still hope to live.

However, she did not know what awaited her at this time, and if she did, I am afraid that she would feel that she might as well die.

“Xiao Yongqiang, that old thing is looking for someone to kill you, it’s time to let him die.”

After imprisoning Elsa, the female killer, a cold light appeared in Zhao Yingxuan’s eyes.

It is not difficult to kill Xiao Yongqiang, Chen Luo can easily solve Xiao Yongqiang by letting one of them make a move at will, and he can easily solve Xiao Yongqiang.

Unless he can find Ye Chen to go over and protect him as a bodyguard, he will definitely die.

Now I can’t find Ye Chen, Ye Chen is still in it and hasn’t come out, the Luo family uses connections to at least let Ye Chen stay in it for a while.

“Xiao Yongqiang wants to kill, but not kill him now.”

Chen Luo said to Zhao Yingxuan.

“You can’t swallow this breath without killing him.”

Zhao Yingxuan’s expression was cold, but then Zhao Yingxuan thought of an angry idea.

Just as the so-called father owes the son back, Xiao Yongqiang has no son, but he has a daughter, and he uses her daughter to get angry.

Then Zhao Yingxuan took her mobile phone and dialed Xiao Yixue’s number.

Yongqiang Group, Xiao Yingxue was in a meeting, her assistant Xiaoli walked in and whispered in Xiao Qianxue’s ear: “President, your mobile phone rang, Zhao Yingxuan called.” ”

Hearing the name Zhao Yingxuan, Xiao Yingxue’s face was frosty, Chen Luo and Zhao Yingxuan, she could not forget it in her life.

“Do you want to pick it up?”

“Let’s disperse first.”

Xiao Yixue announced the dismissal of the meeting, then took the mobile phone from Xiaoli’s hand and came to the no-man’s place alone, and only then connected.

“Daughter, it’s taken so long to answer the phone, what are you busy with?”

Zhao Yingxuan’s playful tone came.

“Say something if you have something.” Xiao Yixue’s tone was indifferent.

If it weren’t for Zhao Yingxuan holding his own death hole, Xiao Yixue would not have been able to take care of Zhao Yingxuan.

“Little mother, I want to see you, come to me, you can also choose not to come, but the consequences of not coming can be thought out clearly, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

After speaking, Zhao Yingxuan directly hung up the phone.

Xiao Yixue clenched her fists tightly, and Zhao Yingxuan threatened her, would she be pinched by those two bastards in this life?

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