The Wang family, old man Wang had a serious expression.

“How is Ye Chen?”

“The injury was serious, the bullet in his arm had been removed, but in addition to the injured arm, the punch on his body was the heaviest.”

Wang Hong took out an alloy steel plate, and there was a deep fist mark on the alloy steel plate.

This is the steel plate that Ye Chen put on his body before, and Ye Chen doesn’t know why the ghost sent a steel plate on his body today, but it was this steel plate that saved his life.

Otherwise, Chen Luo’s punch could pierce his heart.

Looking at the fist print on the steel plate, Old Master Wang gasped for air, this is what a person’s fist can cause?

“Fortunately, Ye Chen’s body is very strong, and I am afraid that ordinary people are already dead.”

He was also shocked, punching the steel plate like this, and this is not an ordinary steel plate, this steel plate is an alloy steel plate, the hardness is far beyond the ordinary steel plate.

“In addition, Jin San died, and most of the forces under him were taken over by White Rose.”

Wang Hong told his old man the bad news, it doesn’t matter if Jin San is dead, as long as his power is preserved, even if Jin San dies, they can launch a silver third master or Jin fourth master.

But Jin Sanye’s forces were all accepted by the white rose, although they did not receive it completely, but they received most of it.

It can be said that the underground forces of the magic capital and their royal family cannot interfere, and White Rose has become the only queen under the magic capital.

“Have you found out which company is behind the White Rose?”

Old man Wang asked in a deep voice.

He didn’t believe that there was no one behind the white rose.

“Not yet, she’s too mysterious.”

Wang Hong shook his head, even if he used the power of the Wang family to investigate the origin of the white rose, it is undeniable that the white rose is the only queen under the magic capital.

He wanted to take revenge on the white rose, but how could he retaliate if he couldn’t catch the handle of the white rose?

Even if Jin San’s death is related to White Rose, but they have no evidence, the trouble of finding White Rose will make her launch a substitute ghost at most.

White Rose can receive most of the forces of Third Master Jin so quickly, and it has also been laid out before, otherwise there is absolutely no way to receive Third Master Jin’s forces so quickly.

This can also show that Bai Meixiang’s ability is indeed extraordinary, and Chen Luo does have an extra help to subdue Bai Meixiang.

Chen Luo didn’t know anything about the magic capital before, but after having Bai Meixiang, he was equivalent to an extra pair of eyes, a pair of eyes that could observe the entire magic capital.

“Only after Ye Chen wakes up can we know what happened.”

When they found Ye Chen, Ye Chen was already in a coma, and his injuries, coupled with the sequelae of the adrenaline outburst, made him faint before he could contact Wang Hong.

So far, Ye Chen is still in a coma, so they still don’t know what happened to cause Ye Chen to be so badly injured.

“Wake up, he’s already awake.”

A doctor wearing a mask came out of the room.

“Hard work, Dr. Li.”

This Dr. Li is the personal doctor of the Wang family, and his medical skills are very high.

“Not hard, not hard.”

Doctor Li hurriedly said when he heard Old Master Wang’s words.

The Wang family pays him so much salary every year, where does he mean to say that he is hard.

“Old man Wang, where did that monster come from, his recovery ability is simply terrifying, at least seven or eight times that of a normal person.”

Dr. Li couldn’t help but inquire, although Ye Chen’s injury was very serious, Ye Chen’s recovery power shocked him even more, this recovery power was simply not a normal person.

“Doctor Li, don’t ask if you shouldn’t.” Wang Hong said lightly.

Hearing this, Dr. Li’s heart froze, and then he suddenly did not dare to ask more.

Don’t see that sometimes the people of the Wang family are very polite to him, but he understands his identity, and it is good that the people who provoke the Wang family are expelled.

Old man Wang and Wang Hong walked into the room.

“Ye Chen, what happened?” Old man Wang asked Ye Chen.

“Who the hell injured you, our Wang family will definitely avenge you? Is it the person with the white rose? ”

Wang Hong’s expression was resentful, and White Rose was now the enemy of their Wang family.

After all, what White Rose did had already cut off one of the arms of the Wang family, and one of the arms of the Wang family to deal with dirty affairs.

“The person who injured me was Chen Luo, and White Rose was Chen Luo’s subordinate.”

Ye Chen’s face was gloomy, if he guessed correctly, the death of his mercenary group’s subordinates was also inseparable from the white rose.

He should have investigated Chen Luo’s subordinates a long time ago, and Ye Chen’s goal had always been to think about how to deal with Chen Luo, forgetting to solve his subordinates first.

Chen Luo is difficult to deal with, to deal with Chen Luo, it is best to slowly solve the power he has first, and finally slowly deal with Chen Luo, who is alone.

The white rose has been listed by Ye Chen as one of the first enemies to be eradicated.

Originally, the white rose should be the heroine’s, but now she has been completely pulled into the villain camp by Chen Luo.

“Chen Luo, it turned out to be him.”

Old man Wang instantly thought of the young man who had followed Luo Mingde to the Wang family before.

When he first saw Chen Luo, Old Master Wang felt in his heart that this young man was not simple, and sure enough, this young man was indeed not simple.

“Don’t worry, this Qiu Wang family will definitely repay you.”

Wang Hong said seriously towards Ye Chen.

This is not simply to help Ye Chen take revenge, but also to help their Wang family avenge themselves, dare to move the power of their Wang family, really think that their Demon Capital Wang Family is good to bully.

“You should stay in the Wang family temporarily to recuperate.”


Ye Chen thought about it, it was indeed safer to stay in the Wang family to recuperate, and Chen Luo should not kill the Wang family to deal with him.

Chen Luo really wouldn’t kill the Wang family to deal with Ye Chen, even if Chen Luo was faint, he wouldn’t do such an outrageous thing, the Wang family was not Third Master Jin.

Third Master Jin himself is the kind of unsavory character, and it is very simple to kill him.

But if he killed the Wang family rampantly, then the matter would not be so easy to solve, and the consequences would need to be carefully considered by Chen Luo.


“System, give me a way to kill the protagonist.”

Chen Luo asked the system.

This time he failed to kill Ye Chen, Chen Luo was very disappointed, he really had the idea of killing Ye Chen when he made a move.

As a result, he still let Ye Chen run away, obviously his strength was stronger than Ye Chen, but he was shot out by Ye Chen’s explosive seed, and then with his master-level marksmanship, he didn’t even kill Ye Chen with two shots.

This must be said that without the influence of the protagonist’s aura luck, Chen Luo absolutely does not believe it, otherwise why would Ye Chen escape from his hands?

[Ding, the answer requires 50 million soft sister coins]

“It’s really expensive, forget it, I bought it.”

[Ding, the following three methods are provided to the host]

[The first method, relying on the strength that the protagonist cannot resist, kills the protagonist with an absolute crushing advantage, and the protective effect of the protagonist’s aura also has a limit, and it will also die if it is targeted by the power that exceeds the limit]

[The second method, buying the Destiny villain halo, can curb the influence of the protagonist’s aura, and the more advanced the Destiny villain aura, the less affected by the protagonist’s aura]

[The third method, step by step to affect the protagonist’s luck, reduce his protagonist aura effect, Ye Chen’s protagonist aura has been weakened by the host a lot, otherwise even if the host is stronger than Ye Chen, there is a possibility of being killed by Ye Chen]

Now Ye Chen’s protagonist aura has been weakened a lot by what Chen Luo did, and any act of hitting Ye Chen can weaken his protagonist aura effect.

Fortunately, his protagonist aura has been weakened a lot, otherwise Ye Chen might not only be as simple as escaping from Chen Luo’s hands, but also be able to kill Chen Luo.

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