As we all know, in addition to directly or indirectly creating favorable conditions for the protagonist, the protagonist’s aura also has an ability that does not know whether it is a negative effect, that is, mockery.

Obviously, it was just the first meeting, but Chen Luo was unhappy with Ye Chen.

“With the little white face you raised, did you come here to show off your might?”

Xiao Yixue asked coldly.

“Yo, there are still slap prints on this face, Chen Luo, you are not light.”

Seeing the slap mark that remained on Xiao Yixue’s face, Zhao Yingxuan couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Chen Luo’s face was expressionless, he wanted to kill this woman who covered her mouth and smiled.

The protagonist is here, you directly revealed the matter of me beating Xiao Yixue, and pulled me a good hand of hatred.

With this kind of villain as a good teammate, why not worry.

Sure enough, the gaze as sharp as a knife came over again, meaning that the protagonist had already set his sights on him.

Ye Chen had anger in his eyes, from the first time he saw Xiao Qianxue, he had already determined that Xiao Qianxue was his woman, this little white face dared to hit his woman.

“Come upstairs with me.”

Xiao Qianxue looked at Zhao Yingxuan, who was covering her mouth and smiling, coldly dropped a sentence, and then turned upstairs.

There are still many people below, although those people are far away and may not be able to hear the voice on this side clearly, but Xiao Yixue does not want to spread it out, does not want to continue to lose people.

Zhao Yingxuan was not afraid of her and followed her up.

“Did you deliberately pull hatred for me?”

Chen Luo approached Zhao Yingxuan and asked Zhao Yingxuan unpleasantly.

He felt that Zhao Yingxuan was deliberately pulling hatred for him, regardless of whether Zhao Yingxuan did it on purpose or not, this feeling of being pitted made him very uncomfortable.

“Are you worried that I will let Xiao Yongqiang know about your beating Xiao Yixue? Don’t worry little man, even if Xiao Yongqiang knows, I can help you settle it out and won’t let him get you into trouble. ”

Chen Luo is a little tired, even if you can level Xiao Yongqiang, but can you level this guy next to you?

Coming to Xiao Yingxue’s office upstairs, before Xiao Yingxue and Zhao Yingxuan could speak, Ye Chen spoke.

“Snowfall, do you want me to help you teach you a lesson about this waste that beats women.”

“Who does the waste say?”

“Waste says you.”

“Oh~! That’s right, it’s the waste that is talking about me. Chen Luo had a faint smile on his face.

“You look for death.”

Ye Chen stared at Chen Luo with fierce eyes, and was actually tricked by a little white face, if only his former subordinates knew, they would not laugh at him.

Looking at Ye Chen, who made a move without saying a word, Chen Luo showed a sneer on his face, today I will teach you a lesson, don’t use force casually.

This punch Chen Luo could actually dodge, but Chen Luo did not avoid it.


In terms of visual effects, it was Ye Chen who punched Chen Luo and flew out, in fact, Chen Luo flew out on his own initiative following Ye Chen’s strength and was not injured.

Even Ye Chen didn’t notice this, he thought that Chen Luo was too weak.

Looking at the appearance, Chen Luo really looks relatively thin, and his appearance is still so handsome, and in Ye Chen’s eyes, he is already a deep-rooted image of a little white face, and it is normal that he will be weaker.

“Waste, vulnerable.”

Ye Chen sneered and looked at Chen Luo lying on the ground.

“What are you doing, Chen Luo, are you okay.”

Zhao Yingxuan immediately went to help Chen Luo, with a touch of worry and anger in her eyes.

Chen Luo glanced at Zhao Yingxuan in surprise, the worry in her eyes did not seem to be fake, but it should definitely be pretended.

“I… I feel like I’m going to die, Express… Call the police and don’t let the murderer run. ”

As he spoke, Chen Luo avoided Xiao Yixue and Ye Chen and winked at Zhao Yingxuan.

In an instant, Zhao Yingxuan understood that Chen Luo was okay at all, and yes, she had touched Chen Luo’s strong muscles, and Chen Luo was not as thin as he looked.

Zhao Yingxuan directly took out her mobile phone and called the police.

When she called the police, Ye Chen, who was still looking at Chen Luo with disdain just now, was a little panicked, and he didn’t expect that the other party would not talk about Wu De’s alarm.

Xiao Qianxue frowned and looked at this scene, and then she chose to ignore it.

For Ye Chen, she also hates it, and it is good to be arrested.

“It’s also a shame for a man to be as fragile as you are, and to call the police.”

Ye Chen said angrily.

He really didn’t want to call the police, because of his identity, he was not the kind of serious soldier king, he was a mercenary.

This time back to the Great Xia Kingdom, the channel for handling identity is also a shady channel, and if it is investigated, there may be trouble.

“You’re okay, don’t die here.”

Looking at Chen Luo, who looked pained, Xiao Yixue couldn’t help but ask.

She didn’t pity Chen Luo for being beaten, she hadn’t forgotten the slap she was slapped by Chen Luo, Xiao Qianxue was worried that Chen Luo had an accident with her, which would affect the image of their Yongqiang Group.

“Why are the words so incomprehensible, can you speak?” Chen Luo said unpleasantly.

Xiao Yixue was going to call the ambulance hand to stop, and this guy was pretending to be dead just now.

Chen Luo also found himself exposed, but what about exposure, anyway, it was indeed me who was beaten, I just lay still, I had to send you in.

“You pretended?”

Ye Chen stared at Chen Luo fiercely: “Bastard, you give me up.” ”

“Brother, you have a little temper, you will do it if you don’t agree with each other, I am now teaching you a lesson, teach you the truth of social survival, don’t do it casually, if you don’t appreciate me, forget it, and scold me?” Wolf heart dog lung is to describe people like you, right? ”

“You’re looking for death.”

The punch was like the wind, the air exploded, and Chen Luo’s face changed slightly.

Before Ye Chen’s punch, it was estimated that it took less than three percent of the strength, but this time he really held the intention of killing himself.

This TM Xiaobaiwen protagonist has too violent personality, this wants to kill, this lawless character, you are more like a villain, right?

Chen Luo instantly pushed away Zhao Yingxuan next to him, and then narrowly avoided this punch.


A punch hit the ground, and the floor was shattered, revealing the concrete underneath.

Zhao Yingxuan and Xiao Yixue were shocked, and they shattered the floor with a punch, and the concrete floor was punched out of a big pit, is this still a person?

Chen Luo, who got up, clenched his fists slightly, and his eyes were a little cold.

If he hadn’t dodged the punch just now, he would definitely be severely injured with his current physique.

“Chen Luo, don’t fight him.” Zhao Yingxuan immediately grabbed Chen Luo.

That punch is too scary, hitting people can definitely kill people, the concrete floor of this floor was almost pierced, if the concrete is a little thinner, it will really be pierced.

“Stop, do you want to kill?”

Xiao Yixue also hurriedly stopped it.

“Count you lucky.”

Ye Chen didn’t make another move, in fact, after making a move just now, he regretted it in his heart, this is not outside, and he only has the way to escape if he kills someone.

Chen Luo smiled, you should be considered lucky, if you are in a place where there is no one, Lao Tzu will take out a gun and kill you.

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