The soundproofing here is very good, although Li Ting is wailing, but the bodyguards outside can’t hear her wailing at all.

Of course, even if the bodyguards outside heard Li Ting’s wail, they couldn’t save Li Ting when they came in.

“Shut up for me.”

Ye Chen was like an angry lion, roaring angrily at Li Ting.

“I really want to kill you directly.”

Cold and ruthless eyes stared at Li Ting, Ye Chen wanted to kill Li Ting directly, but Li Ting’s identity made Ye Chen have to consider the consequences.

If you kill Li Ting, don’t say it’s a magic capital, even if the entire Xia Kingdom can’t stay, he will be chased and killed by the Li family.

At that time, the Luo family will definitely take the opportunity to fall into the well, and Chen Luo, he will definitely deal with himself.

Even the Wang family would definitely not be able to keep him.

Before the Wang family and the Li family came forward, they could make the Luo family compromise and release him from the inside, then the Li family and the Luo family united, and they had the ability to make the Wang family compromise.

Picking up the torn clothes, Ye Chen beat Li Ting fiercely, and then left the hotel room with an awkward step.

Li Ting was beaten violently by Ye Chen and had already been knocked unconscious.

And Li Ting’s bodyguards, seeing Ye Chen leaving from the inside, their expressions were slightly startled, and then they quickly entered the room, just in time to see Li Ting who had been beaten to death.

“You stay here and call an ambulance, I’ll go after Ye Chen, I can’t let him go.”

The faces of the bodyguards changed greatly, Li Ting had an accident, they couldn’t escape, and the Li family didn’t know how to punish them.

The only way now is to capture Ye Chen and atone for his sins.

They don’t know Ye Chen’s strength, and if they know Ye Chen’s strength, they will definitely not recklessly catch Ye Chen.

Li Ting’s bodyguards went to chase Ye Chen, and they caught up with Ye Chen, but the three bodyguards were directly solved by Ye Chen’s three punches, and all were disabled.

Ye Chen, who left the hotel, returned directly to the Wang family.

“I beat Li Ting.”

Ye Chen said to the old man of the Wang family.

“Why did you beat her?”

Hearing Ye Chen say that he beat Li Ting, the face of the old man of the Wang family changed, didn’t this offend the Li family?

“I know you don’t like Li Ting, but you won’t hit her either.”

Ye Chen opened his mouth, he didn’t want to tell the old man of the Wang family what happened, some things were difficult to say.

“Didn’t hit her out of the way, did you?” Old man Wang asked Ye Chen.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn’t want to say, Old Master Wang didn’t ask Ye Chen why Li Ting was injured.

Ye Chen had saved his life, and the Wang family would definitely help Ye Chen solve this matter.

I don’t know if Ye Chen’s beating of Li Tingyan is not serious, if the fight is very serious, then the matter will be troublesome.

“It won’t kill her.”

Restraining himself, although he did not use the force to kill Li Ting, the power he used when he shot angrily was not small.

Li Ting’s condition may be better than Luo Zixuan, but it is definitely not much better.

“Things are troublesome, you stay in the Wang family first.”

Even Old Master Wang felt troublesome, Ye Chen said that he would not ask for Li Ting’s life, but Old Master Wang also heard it, Ye Chen must have shot very hard.

What can be done now is to wait for the result, and by the way, Old Master Wang sent someone to inquire about the situation, waiting for the people of the Li family to ask about the crime.

It is not only the Wang family who pays attention to this matter, but also Chen Luo, and Chen Luo is single-handedly led by this matter.

“Ye Chen actually couldn’t bear not killing Li Ting, I don’t know whether to look up to him or underestimate him.”

Originally, Chen Luo thought that Ye Chen, who was angry, would directly start to kill Li Ting, and if Ye Chen really beat Li Ting to death, the consequences would be serious.

Li Ting is not dead, Ye Chen’s current protagonist aura should be able to keep him, but this time Ye Chen’s protagonist aura must be seriously damaged.

Anyway, Chen Luo’s calculation was successful, and successfully letting Ye Chen pull the hatred of the Li family depends on how the Li family makes a move.

In addition to the Li family, but there is also a Luo family, Luo Mingde will definitely not give up.

Chen Luo calculated all this, but now he is an outsider, just waiting to see a good show.

Li Ting was sent to the hospital, indeed not life-threatening, although not life-threatening, but Li Ting’s injuries are very serious.

“My daughter is hurt like this, what are you doing to eat?”

Li Zhong asked angrily to Li Ting’s bodyguard.

Li Ting’s four bodyguards, now there is only one intact, the other three have been seriously injured, he is glad that he stayed and did not chase Ye Chen.

If he also followed to chase Ye Chen, he would definitely be seriously injured.

In the face of the furious Li Chong, the bodyguard did not dare to speak at all, no matter how many reasons he had, it was also his dereliction of duty that Li Ting was beaten like this.


The furious Li Zhong asked the bodyguard to get out, and then went to the Wang family in person.

Halfway through, Li Zhong was stopped, and the person who stopped Li Zhong was Luo Mingde.

“Li Dong doesn’t mind if I go with you, right?”

Luo Mingde asked Li Zhong.

When he saw Luo Mingde, Li Zhong also understood that Luo Mingde wanted to go to the Wang family to find trouble together, and of course he would not refuse.

“Luo Dong, the previous things offended a lot.”

Li Zhong was referring to the last time he helped Ye Chen, and since the last time, there has been an extra layer of separation between the Li family and the Luo family.

“The matter has passed, I also understand, and I don’t blame your Li family.”

Although this is said, if Luo Mingde really does not blame in his heart, it is definitely impossible, but now that there is a common enemy, it will come together.

There are no eternal enemies under heaven.

The two people directly killed the Wang family, Li Zhong’s expression was indifferent, even in the face of the elder of Old Master Wang, Li Zhong was not polite.

“What about Ye Chen, let Ye Chen get out.”

Li Zhong said coldly.

Although his daughter is not good-looking, fat and ugly, Li Zhong himself is very fond of his daughter, even to the extreme.

Otherwise, he would not have been willing to help Ye Chen and the Luo family against him because of Li Ting’s request.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Ye Chen, who had helped him before, actually beat his daughter into a serious injury with his backhand, which belonged to Enjiang’s revenge.

Li Zhong didn’t know what happened at that time, but even if Li Zhong knew, he didn’t think it was his daughter’s fault.

His daughter, no matter what she does, is so overbearing.

“This matter, I helped Ye Chen apologize to the Li family, how is Li Ting now?”

Old man Wang personally got up and bowed to Li Zhong to apologize.


“Old man Wang thinks that in this way, I will not pursue it?”

Li Zhong directly laughed, even if Old Master Wang apologized to him, Li Zhong would not compromise.

“Don’t think about Old Master Wang, let Ye Chen get out.”

Luo Mingde, who was standing with Li Zhong, also sneered, this time let’s see if your Wang family can still keep Ye Chen, and have the ability to convince the Xie family, another family in the magic capital, to help Ye Chen.

Even if the Xie family really helped Ye Chen, he was not afraid now, at least the Li family would definitely stand with the Luo family now.

Old man Wang’s face was gloomy, and when he saw Luo Mingde and Li Zhong coming together, Old man Wang knew that it must be a bad person who came, and sure enough.

Obviously, the Luo family and the Li family are going to join forces to deal with Ye Chen, but even so, Old Master Wang will not give up Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is his lifesaver, and this kindness must be repaid by their royal family.

In fact, their Wang family is not very honest people, and the reason why they know the Entu News now is probably influenced by Ye Chen’s protagonist’s aura.

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