“Ye Chen.”

Xiao Qianxue gritted her teeth and watched the entire process of “Ye Chen” killing her father in the surveillance video.

“Where did you get this surveillance video from?” Xiao Qianxue looked at Chen Luo suspiciously.

Her home surveillance was destroyed, all surveillance video was deleted, even computer experts could not recover.

The surveillance in Xiao Yongqiang’s villa was destroyed by Chen Luo, because the evidence left behind was too obvious and would be suspected of being true or false.

“I installed a monitor in Xiao Yongqiang’s house, he has always wanted to deal with me, of course I have to monitor him to rest assured, that’s why I have this surveillance video.”

For Chen Luo’s words, Xiao Yixue believed it.

Then Xiao Yixue investigated again, and she determined that Ye Chen had indeed gone to find his father, and died after Ye Chen left his father.

All the evidence pointed to Ye Chen, it was obvious that her father was killed by Ye Chen, and Ye Chen was her father-killing enemy.

“Ye Chen, this person is really a wolf’s heart, Xiao Yongqiang can help him a lot, and as a result, he killed Xiao Yongqiang because he couldn’t win over your father to deal with the Luo family and the Li family.”

Chen Luo’s words deliberately told Xiao Yixue that Ye Chen had a motive to kill.

Chen Luo did not lie to Xiao Yixue with some words, he did install monitors and bugs in Xiao Yongqiang’s house, Ye Chen talked to Xiao Yongqiang about something, and Chen Luo also knew everything.

Even Chen Luo also put some conversations between Ye Chen and Xiao Yongqiang to Xiao Yixue.

“If you still don’t believe me, you can take this surveillance video to find someone to identify whether there are traces of fraud.”

“I believe in you.”

Xiao Qianxue looked at Chen Luo, she still had some trust in Chen Luo.

“I want to make a copy of this surveillance video.”

This is evidence that Ye Chen killed his father, and with this, she can deal with Ye Chen.

“Of course, no problem, after all, you have agreed to my requests.”

Before Chen Luo asked Xiao Qianxue to agree to listen to Chen Luo’s request for a week, any of his requests could not be refused, what Chen Luo would do to her, Xiao Qianxue had already guessed.

But in order to find the murderer of her father, Xiao Yixue still agreed, hoping that Chen Luo would not treat her too much.

After Xiao Yixue made a copy, she left first, agreeing to Chen Luo’s request, she needed to honor it later.

“Honey, you’re so bad.”

As soon as Xiao Yixue left, Zhao Yingxuan wrapped around Chen Luo like a beautiful snake.

It is indeed too bad, although Xiao Yongqiang was not killed by Chen Luo himself, he is also the mastermind behind the scenes.

After killing her father and actually playing with her, Chen Luo is indeed getting worse and worse, becoming more and more degenerate.

But I’m a villain, isn’t it normal to do these bad things.

“How do you guess Xiao Yixue will retaliate?”

“She should have handed the evidence to the police.”

Chen Luo guessed well, Xiao Yixue did give this evidence to the police.

“Thanks to President Xiao’s intelligence, we will arrest the prisoners now.”

After the police determined the authenticity of the evidence provided by Xiao Yixue, they had completely locked Ye Chen as the murderer.

“Can you shoot him if you catch him?”

“I can’t answer President Xiao about this, how to convict is a matter for the court.”

The chief shook his head at Xiao Yixue, what they should do was to investigate the evidence of the other party’s crime and arrest the criminal.

As for how to convict, that’s a matter for the courts.

“He killed more than one person, but also your father’s bodyguards, and if it is also determined that he killed him, then it is very likely that he will be sentenced to death.”

“I see.”

Xiao Yixue nodded lightly.

After catching Ye Chen, it depends on her ability as a lawyer of the Yongqiang Group.

In any case, Xiao Yixue also wanted Ye Chen to be sentenced to death.

Ye Chen became a suspect, and the well-informed Wang family could naturally receive the news.

Wang Hong anxiously found Ye Chen.

“Ye Chen, tell me, did you kill Xiao Yongqiang?” Wang Hong asked Ye Chen with a serious expression.

“I killed Xiao Yongqiang?”

Ye Chen thought that Wang Hong was joking with himself, but looking at Wang Hong’s serious expression, it didn’t look like he was joking.

“I didn’t kill Xiao Yongqiang, why do you ask like this, did Xiao Yongqiang have an accident?”

His brows furrowed tightly, and Wang Hong came to him to ask if he had killed Xiao Yongqiang, there must be a reason.

Could it be that Xiao Yongqiang is dead?

“Xiao Yongqiang was killed, and the police have found evidence, the suspect is you, and now they have come to arrest you, tell me if you killed me?” Let’s be honest. ”

“Of course not.”

Ye Chen was a little unhappy, and Wang Hong asked again, as if he didn’t trust him.

“Someone must have framed me.”

He also didn’t expect Xiao Yongqiang to die, but didn’t he know that Xiao Yongqiang was not killed by him, someone must have framed him.

“Who the hell is it?”

Ye Chen had three suspects, the first of which was Chen Luo, and the other two were the Luo family and the Li family, and they were also likely to be the targets of framing themselves.

However, Ye Chen felt that Chen Luo’s suspicion was the greatest, don’t ask him why, asking is intuition, and intuition told him that Chen Luo’s suspicion was the greatest.

“I’m afraid things are troublesome.”

Wang Hong had a look of sadness on his face, even if someone calculated Ye Chen, they couldn’t find evidence.

“Now you can only escape first.” Wang Hong said seriously towards Ye Chen.

The Luo family and the Li family will definitely take the opportunity to fall into the well, and if he is caught at that time, it will definitely be finished.

Hearing that Wang Hong let him escape, Ye Chen’s face was ugly, so I am not a wanted criminal?

“I see.”

Ye Chen also understood that there was no other choice, and now he had to run.

Just now, Wang Hong said that there is already evidence to prove that he is the murderer, and since he was framed, he must be fully prepared.

“Don’t worry, I will investigate with all my strength and prove your innocence.”

Wang Hong comforted Ye Chen.

“Actually, there is another way now, it just depends on whether you are willing to do it or not.”

“What way?” Ye Chen immediately asked.

“Li family, with the help of the Li family, even if you are really arrested, with the energy of the Li family and our Wang family, we can ensure that you are okay.”

“You’re not kidding, the Li family is now enemies with me.”

Hearing Wang Hong say that he had obtained the help of the Li family, Ye Chen felt outrageous, the Li family wanted to kill him, how could they help him.

“As long as you get Li Ting’s forgiveness, or even are willing to marry Li Ting or join the Li family, then the Li family is not an enemy, but your assistant.”

Wang Hong had spoken to Ye Chen once before, and Ye Chen refused without hesitation.

But this time, to solve this trouble, Wang Hong felt that this was the best choice, because the Wang family might not have the ability to prove Ye Chen’s innocence.

Wang Hong also believed that Xiao Yongqiang was not killed by Ye Chen, but the other party had already made a calculation, obviously prepared.

“How to choose your own consideration, now I will let people send you out of here.”

Wang Hong called the butler over and asked the butler to leave with Ye Chen, he had already arranged a hiding place for Ye Chen, and he would not be found for the time being.

Ye Chen looked stunned, the leader of his Blood Wolf Mercenary Group, the mercenary king, the god of war who was terrifying on the battlefield, was actually so embarrassed now.

“Chen Luo, you are definitely framing me, Xiao Yongqiang was definitely killed by you.”

There is not much friction between the Luo family and the Li family and Xiao Yongqiang, only Chen Luo and Xiao Yongqiang have a grudge against each other.

Chen Luo gave Xiao Yongqiang a green hat, Xiao Yongqiang has always wanted to kill Chen Luo, it is not surprising that Chen Luo wants to get rid of Xiao Yongqiang, and the murderer who killed Xiao Yongqiang is definitely Chen Luo.

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