‘Congratulations to the host for receiving rewards: villain value +20000, Ninth Rank cultivation base card*1, void knife technique! '

Ninth Grade Cultivation Card Note: Use this card to instantly obtain Ninth Grade Dzogchen cultivation base for 24 hours, unlimited!

Void Saber Technique: A star-level sword technique, created by a Void Hunter who cultivated in the Broken Star Realm, has been lost!


After seeing the explanation given by the system, Su Yu was obviously taken aback.

A star-level skill?

Broken Star Realm cultivator?

Nowadays, the kung fu and martial arts of the human race all have grades, the heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, and the heavenly grade kung fu is the highest.

So which class should this star-level cultivation method be?

Most of the creations of martial saints are at the earth level, and a few peak martial saints can create sky-level exercises, but most of them are at the middle level of the sky.

As for the heaven-level high-level exercises, only that Martial God can create them.

Now under the official protection of the Dragon Kingdom, only Martial Saints and a small number of Ninth-Rank Consummation Grand Masters can borrow and practice.

"It's really good. I got a copy of Star Broken Martial Arts in advance." Su Yu is familiar with all the plots of the original book, so he naturally knows what the star level represents.

It can be said that a star-level exercise is worth as much as a small planet!

When Su Yu was still immersed in the joy of obtaining star-level martial arts.

A smug look brought him back to reality.

Following the induction, he turned his head and saw Chu Feng who was pleasantly surprised.

At this moment, Chu Feng can be said to be very excited. The martial arts inheritance of a ninth-rank master will save him from ordinary background many years of detours!

If it is said that he was confident that he would become a martial artist within fifty years.

But now, he can proudly say that he has the hope of becoming a Martial Saint in thirty years!

"Combined with the particularity that I can practice automatically 24 hours a day, surpassing Su Yu is just around the corner." Chu Feng thought excitedly.

"Hahaha, Su Yu, even if you become a Heavenly Soul Grandmaster, you are still not as good as me!"

Chu Feng was very excited, and at the same time looked at Su Yu with joy.

He already has a great reputation in Jingwu.

In the future, these fame and contacts will bring him tremendous help.

And Su Yu...

Hehe, because of his arrogant personality and dislike of making friends, during the four years of Wuhan University, he didn't even have a single friend!

How could his future compare with his own!

Now that he has the inheritance of martial arts from a ninth-rank great master, he can't even compare with himself!

The geniuses around who were familiar with Chu Feng also understood that this guy had become the biggest winner when he heard Mr. Zhao summon Chu Feng, and everyone congratulated him.

"Haha, congratulations Brother Chu, it seems that your talent has made Mr. Zhao fall in love with you."

"Yes, Brother Chu, your future is bright."

"Based on Brother Chu's talent, it is a matter of time before he can enter the Ninth Rank. It is Brother Chu's greatest opportunity to enter the Ministry of Education."

They say they are not envious is a lie.

The martial arts inheritance of the Ninth Rank Great Master, and the position of the future high-level position of the Ministry of Education.

No matter which one is released, it will be very shocking.

The Ministry of Education is the most powerful organization in the Dragon Kingdom. It has Minister Ye Tao, a powerful demigod, a deputy minister of martial arts, and several ninth-rank masters. Who dares to provoke the Ministry of Education?

This time the martial arts inheritance, the Ministry of Education also came down to speak out in person.

No matter who gets the martial arts inheritance of Mr. Zhao, he can work in the Ministry of Education after graduation!

With this level of relationship, even if this person is a fourth-rank martial artist, his status is much higher than that of some second-rate families.

What's more, Chu Feng is still the second in the contemporary list!

After graduation, even the patriarch of a first-class family should be more polite when meeting Chu Feng.

The congratulations from the people around him greatly benefited Chu Feng.

However, he has been practicing Gou Dao for many years, even though he is very excited in his heart, he has been able to keep calm on the surface.

Chu Feng bowed his hands to everyone and said with a smile, "You are all talented students of Jingwu, I was just lucky enough to be favored by Mr. Zhao."

"Brother Chu, don't be humble, we admire your talent and strength."

"Yes, Brother Chu has the opportunity to drink together."

Chu Feng also smiled and said: "Then when the assessment is over, let's have a small gathering."

After all, he still did not forget to cast a look at Su Yu.

It means to say, look, so what if you are the young master of the Wusheng family, but you are unpopular, but I can drink with everyone.

No matter how strong you are, you will inevitably be squeezed out by geniuses!

Su Yu didn't understand Chu Feng's eyes, so he smiled back at him.



When you go to the battlefield outside the territory in seven days, you will know that not all cats and dogs can be friends with me.

They... don't deserve it.

Seeing that Su Yu was not angry, Chu Feng immediately became upset.

What's the meaning?

You are not angry when I show off so much, don't forget, I am uniting with everyone to exclude you!

Just when Chu Feng was about to say something, Principal Wang who was standing beside him said in an unhappy tone, "Student Chu Feng, hurry up and go in!"

Principal Wang was really angry at this time.

How long has Mr. Zhao called you in, and you are still chatting here?

Do you know how to respect the elderly?

Mr. Zhao is his mentor. Principal Wang has grown from an orphan to the principal of Jingwu. Mr. Zhao's guidance is indispensable, so he has long regarded Mr. Zhao as his father.

Seeing that Chu Feng disrespected Mr. Zhao so much at this moment, he was inevitably a little displeased.

Chu Feng shuddered, and when he realized it, he said apologetically, "I'm sorry principal, I'll just go in."

Depend on!

It's all because of Su Yu, a bastard, if it wasn't for him, how could he be so smug!

Obviously, he blamed Su Yu for all his faults.

I don't think it's my problem at all.

After Chu Feng entered, the matter of inheritance was finally settled.

Wang Tianming put away his displeasure, turned to look at the other students, and said sternly: "Now that the college assessment has been set, you can go home and visit your family by yourself."

"Seven days later, go back to school to gather and go to the foreign battlefield for the final assessment!"

"This assessment is jointly held by Wuhan University around the world. You will be assigned to fight in various places in the foreign battlefield. Prepare well and try to survive!"

Everyone responded after hearing the words.

Then they dispersed.

After receiving the news, all the senior students of Jingwu also cheered and packed their things and went home.

They have strong expectations for going to foreign battlefields to experience.

Walking on the campus, Su Yu could clearly see the relaxed and expectant smiles on everyone's faces every time he met some students.

But when they saw him, these students put on the appearance of meeting the plague god again, the smiles disappeared from their faces, and some were only vigilant and a little disgusted.

They also believed in Chu Feng's words, the young master of the Su family...

Humiliate them who are born in poverty.

Su Yu didn't pay any attention to the disgust and vigilance they showed to him. His sphere of influence...is not Jingwu!

But he couldn't help feeling emotional.

It's nice to be young.

If there are no surprises in this assessment...

The number of casualties in this year's experience is still more than 70%!

How many can survive?

Forget it, just take care of yourself, as for the life and death of others...

What does it have to do with him, Su Yu?

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