Villains Template

Chapter 128: 12 golden people

"The immortal master indulges my army to slaughter, the reason is this."

After Yue Si opened the altar and preached again, the Dragon Emperor came to the door, as if he had seen through Yue Si.

During this period of time, in addition to appearing to appease the people, the Dragon Emperor has been studying everything about this era, including technology, culture, history, laws, and more.

Daqin is an existence that is good at learning, and in terms of technology, it is also more respected than other vassal states. For example, the Qin Mo lineage who worked for Daqin established standardized industrial production for Daqin, and the famous Daqin crossbow army was their first hand. made.

The book is the same as the text and the car is the same track, which has established the tone of China for two thousand years.

Shang Yang's reform is the reason why the Qin state was able to become strong.

After laying down an area, the Dragon Emperor did not rush to expand, but absorbed the proceeds of the war, such as recognizing the composition of forces on this land by relying on various maps; learning the current language and characters; studying the laws and formulating suitable The laws and regulations of the times stabilize the order of the conquered area, and accumulate strength one by one.

When attacking the city and looting the land, the Dragon Emperor found that although his army was broken, the firearms in the hands of the warlord troops also brought them a lot of trouble, so he had the idea of ​​recruiting young men to form an army of servants using firearms.

Firearms are rampant in today's era, and the tactic of charging a dense army formation group is no longer suitable for today's battlefield, and the combat effectiveness of the terracotta warriors and horses army that has been tempered by Yue Sizhen has doubled, and forming an army formation is a waste of combat power. Elite tactics, three terracotta soldiers lead a small group of human servants to fight.

Those people have already obtained Yue Si's immortal cultivation law, and practicing the law will inevitably strengthen their health. Although they cannot live forever, they will have the power to capture cattle and subdue tigers in the long run. They are already the first-class soldiers in the world.

Immediately after Emperor Long made a suggestion on these matters, some figures such as lieutenant generals of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Army conducted research.

Emperor Long was not good at dealing with this kind of thing. In his era, no matter internal affairs, military affairs, or laws, there were large-scale talents available. Why should he do everything himself? Killed, only temporarily recruited a group of progressive students from the private sector, and released a group of educated prisoners who had been imprisoned in prisons before. They made a general legal direction according to their own wishes, and they checked the gaps on the side. Traps to provide insights.

Even if the law formulated in a hurry has the mature Qin law and the current law for reference, it is not perfect after all. It needs to find out the omissions in practice and then modify it.

After being busy for a while, the Dragon Emperor was free and met Yue Si.

Before he knew it, the dragon emperor had been transformed by the magic weapon that Yue Si had implanted in his body in advance. In the process of this transformation, Dragon Emperor's personality cannot be erased in a short time, and he often engages in some mentally retarded behaviors, just like now.

"Then tell me, why did I condone your killing?" Yue Si crossed his arms and looked at the Dragon Emperor with interest.

The Dragon Emperor said: "That is for the corpses and souls of those people. After marching to fight, if the corpses are not properly handled, it will inevitably lead to a great plague. Of course, I don't have all the undead bodies, and I will leave them behind after killing them. , but those corpses disappeared overnight, and these methods must be done by Immortal Masters."

Yue Si shook a red leather gourd decorated with purple gold hanging on his waist, which contained some kind of liquid, and made a sound like a sea tide under his shaking.

"You're right, I just need their corpses and souls. I made a purple-gold red gourd, put people in it, and I can turn their flesh and soul into aura in just a few moments. It's just the material basis of this world. Too bad, even if I tried my best, the final gourd could not take in the living. In desperation, I can only let you wait for the killing. The law will refine them into spiritual energy."

"This kind of spiritual energy is too old and complicated for me and others, and it is not possible to improve my cultivation. Instead, I have to spend all my efforts to save the succulents to get a little harvest, but for those people, it is a rare treasure, smelling all kinds of diseases. Get rid of it, hear it, hear it, and see it clearly. When I preach the scriptures, I open the lid of the gourd, pour out a little spiritual energy and spread it out. Only with this ray of spiritual energy can we lead them into the Dao, otherwise everyone is a genius?"

"This world, after all, is still cannibalistic. Only by eating people can you become stronger... If you really want to recreate the Great Qin Dynasty and build an earthly immortal dynasty, then kill and slaughter!"

The Dragon Emperor was silent and did not say a word, and after a long time he said: "I will definitely destroy the foreign and barbarian countries, and use their corpses to lay the foundation for my country to build Qin Well said!" Yue Si drummed. He applauded, and then said: "Just with your current military strength, it is still not enough to deal with foreigners. Their strong ships and cannons cannot be easily defeated by your infantry... Those troops under your hands can only be on land. Fighting, wading across the river will inevitably sink to the bottom."

"Also, in addition to bows and arrows, you also lack weapons for long-range attacks, and your anti-air capabilities are also very weak, and you lack attacking equipment... You can still have the upper hand against these warlord troops, because they don't have planes and tanks, and those foreigners But you can use planes to fly over your heads to drop bombs, artillery washes, and Nakatusha rockets!"

"The Immortal Master must have been prepared for what he said." The Dragon Emperor heard the sound of Yue Si's words.

Yue Si said, of course, and then cast a spell to release twelve huge rolls of white cloth from his sleeves, and let them float in the air after unfolding, with different figures drawn on them, which were drawn with ink lines to outline the giant robot. pattern.

With just twelve giant pictures, the Dragon Emperor has been able to intuitively feel the pure destructive power represented by the robot, which is an existence specially designed for war.

"To collect the soldiers from all over the world, gather them in Xianyang, and sell them as twelve golden men, each weighing a thousand stones, and put them in the palace."

Pointing to the design drawings of those giant robots, Yue Si said, "This is what the one I remember did. You didn't have this experience during your lifetime, but that doesn't prevent us from using the name of the Twelve Golden Men. , cast them in this era, and make them a weapon for the Daqin army to conquer the Quartet!"

"These twelve combat robots are named after the twelve Earthly Branches, and are divided into twelve types, each of which will be dispatched according to different combat needs."

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