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Chapter 134: Prepare

Of course, Yue Si's strengthening of the Terracotta Warriors and the creation of the twelve golden figures was not for them to bully the human army, but for the battle of gods.

The war between human beings is still left to human beings. Those who develop a sense of qi will rapidly improve their physical fitness. The Terracotta Warriors will train them to become qualified soldiers who are forbidden by law, and then follow the warlord soldiers to learn how to drive and how to use firearms and artillery. And so on, the soldiers trained in this way will be the soldiers that Da Qin needs.

But there are gods in this world. Maybe in a certain war to destroy the country, which **** in the corner will pop out and lead its army to fight a comeback battle, just like in "The Mummy 2" The Scorpion King and his army of Anubis.

Moreover, werewolves, vampires, Frankensteins and the like may also be real. Maybe angels and demons will also come to the world. In this case, only the Terracotta Warriors and the Twelve Golden People have the matching force to destroy them.

As for this kind of war at the level of cruelty, firstly, the situation of the war is urgent, and if you don't do it again, it will consume a lot of manpower and material resources, which will outweigh the gains; secondly, you need to practice the tactics formulated in actual combat, and find out the missing areas and actively improve them. , as well as the training of personnel cooperation.

Longdi felt that the most urgent task was to catch some people who knew how to make cars, and let them study how to make cars run faster and farther when they were full of people, as well as repair bridges and pave roads, and build a perfect transportation in the land of China. network.

Originally, the servant soldiers followed the terracotta warriors, but due to road conditions and traffic problems, the servant army was left far behind, and only the terracotta warriors took the lead.

Although he was very satisfied with the combat power of the army that had followed him for more than two thousand years, the Dragon Emperor was still dissatisfied.

"Immortal Master, I need a mechanized infantry, cannons, and planes." The Dragon Emperor came to Yue Si and made a request to Yue Si using the vocabulary he learned from the warlord.

Through a war, he understood a lot. Today's long-range firepower is all provided by the Twelve Golden People, and the army without them has no such ability at all. Under his command, many undestructed firepower has been gathered Artillery, but that's just rootless duckweed, he needs an industrial chain that can be self-sufficient.

Also relying on the twelve golden men, they have anti-air firepower, which is only passive defense, and it is only in his mind to be able to let his plane fly over the enemy's head and bombard it.

It is better to have a weapon that can directly hit the other side of the earth and bring the whole world into the attack range.

"Okay, since you have such an idea, go ahead and implement it, why beg me." Yue Si listened with a smile at first, and after the Dragon Emperor finished speaking, he simply replied.

At this time, the Dragon Emperor suddenly woke up. Yue Si was never his subject. It was only because the two had the same goals in certain matters that they reached the current situation of "cooperation", and Yue Si's status was higher among the two. It has always been that he has asked for him, not Yue Si who needs his own strength.

Whether it is to resurrect himself, find the fountain of immortality for himself, or resurrect his army of terracotta warriors, Yue Si needs to do that himself; to strengthen the terracotta warriors and create twelve golden figures, also Yue Si needs a strong army Force clears obstacles.

Even the goal of building China into an "earth immortal dynasty" was instilled in him by Yue Si at the beginning, and the last inheritance of the earth immortal dynasty was also Yue Si's Taoism rather than his Da Qin's.

Everything that I do from head to toe is what Yue Si wants to do by himself, and it is in line with Yue Si's interests. One sentence made the Dragon Emperor very terrified.

After bowing his hands and bowing in salute, the Dragon Emperor said, "Immortal Master, I'm abrupt!"

"Your idea of ​​building a technological army is very good, but why do you have to ask me for everything?" Yue Si said, "Look at the firearms, cars and the like, which did not exist and had no concept in your era. Things, now that it exists in the world, you can find someone to produce and improve it for you, if I rise up from the house one day, all of you will become rootless duckweed."

The Dragon Emperor nodded and said yes, and he had already made up his mind.

In the way of science and technology, barbarians are stronger than China. When they attack those countries in the future, they must first collect various scientific books, capture those scientific and technological talents, and let them contribute all their knowledge to the Chinese people, and let their factories be Daqin. Production of strong ships and sharp guns.

With a flick of the spot, he turned into a dragon's body, and the Dragon Emperor roamed above the sky, rising higher and higher, until he saw the outline of a "ball" when he overlooked the vast land.

Today is the first battle of Daqin, and this kind of battle will be repeated thousands of times until this planet is turned into Daqin's territory.

In the rest of the kingdoms, those who submit are servants, and those who do not submit will perish.

In the future land of China, in addition to cultivating immortal methods, we must actively promote the development of science and technology. Powerful weapons like the twelve golden men will be produced from the factory like flowing water, without relying on the power of the immortal Yue Si, Daqin can build a ship as big as a city - he will build his palace on the forever overlooking all living beings.

Even if it takes thousands of years, he can always wait for the immortal body.

"These thousands of years are just a flick of a finger for me, I can afford to wait..."

It was not the Dragon Emperor who was talking, but Yue Si, who stayed on the ground. He just implanted this idea into the Dragon Emperor's thinking through techniques such as "inner demon", and made him move towards what he wanted. in the envisaged direction.

Even if his personality is distorted, the Dragon Emperor is still the tyrant who doesn't understand materials science at all, and fills the walls with human beings as building materials. The ignorant who dismembered the corpse of five horses.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no more useful tool person in this world than the Dragon Emperor, Yue Si would never have kept him until now. A tool is not allowed to have its own ambition, just like the purpose of serving human beings. It is not necessary to have a so-called "dream" to create a Maggia.

When the whole world has become the territory of Daqin, and the casting of the Epanggong, which is a collection of immortal arts and technology, is completed and lifted into the air, it will be the time when the Dragon Emperor dies. He and his army of Terracotta Warriors have completely lost their use value. After all, the world is still a world in which humans are the mainstream, and there should not be a group of undead non-human beings above the heads of human beings - if there is, it can only be He Yuesi.

It is estimated that the people of China, who are all cultivating immortals by the time, may also transcend the category of "human beings", and have comprehensively evolved in terms of physiological functions and thinking abilities. They are already two different races from the previous themselves.

It is not impossible for a real immortal to be born in such a group.

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