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Chapter 227: "Protagonist" Trail

Yue Si's words pierced into the heart of Jiu Shu. Taoist Maoshan couldn't help but get married, but he begged for the truth wholeheartedly. In addition to his master, there should be a wife.

During lunch, Yue Si put out a table of items from the "Mei Di" card, pork chops, chicken chops, spaghetti, lobsters and the like.

"Why don't you eat it, fellow Daoist!" After feasting on a two-foot-long lobster, the four-eyed Daoist found that Yue Si didn't eat at all. Since last night, he has only drank a little tea and ate a little did not touch.

"Oh, you said this, I have cultivated... No, I was born with the body of an immortal. It is enough to eat and drink dew. Just drink water and breathe air to maintain what my body needs." Yue Si put on a gesture. Speaking of.

Hearing this, Ninth Uncle and the Four-eyed Daoist were in awe, and the expression on Yue Si's face was different, full of envy.

Then, Yue Si said: "I accept apprentices, and they should also be the kind of innate Dao body, pure Yang Dao body and the like."

Qiu Sheng asked suspiciously at this time: "Master, what is the Heavenly Dao Body and Pure Yang Dao Body?"

Ninth Uncle said, "If you ask me, I will also ask fellow Daoists. The ancient books that my master handed down to me don't even mention these two words. Maybe it's because of the sect of fellow Daoists!"

Yue Si Lang said: "The innate Dao body and the pure Yang body are both top-level cultivation physiques. All the veins in the whole body are connected, and the innate strength is infinite. Talented and intelligent, you can learn everything quickly. Whoever has a higher chance of becoming an immortal among the said sects is them."

Wen Cai said excitedly: "If I'm innate Dao body or something, then I'm not developed, and it won't take long to become more powerful than Master!"

Then Wen Cai suddenly felt a coolness jumping from the tailbone to the back of his head. He turned his head and found that his master, the ninth uncle, was staring at him with a "killing" look. Only then did he realize that he had said the wrong thing. .

"Master, I was wrong."

Wen Cai, who was crouching in the corner pinching his ears for the first time, said begging for mercy.

Qiu Sheng snickered on the side, although he and Wen Cai had the same idea, but the words only echoed in his heart, and he never said it at all.

After dinner, someone knocked on the door of Yizhuang again.

The visitor is a middle-aged woman. Qiu Sheng introduced that she is a tooth person in Renjia Town, which is commonly known as an intermediary. Anyone who wants to move a yin house or a new house will come to Jiu Shu through her - after all, not everyone. There are so many taboos, and you are not afraid to come to a place like Yizhuang.

"Aunt Zhang, which one should look at Feng Shui? I haven't heard that someone is going to build a new house recently, or something like a wedding or funeral." Ninth Uncle looked at Aunt Zhang and asked.

Aunt Zhang said: "Someone moved to Renjia Town from outside. I heard that he was the son of a wealthy family. In the early years, he was sent abroad to study abroad to see the world. He was robbed by a traitor and could not afford him the cost of studying abroad, so he had to sell his remaining property and moved from the big city to Renjia Town, and now he is preparing to buy a piece of land from Mr. Ren to build a house."

"However, even though I have stayed abroad, that gentleman still believes in the yin and yang of Feng Shui, so Master Ren asked me to invite you to visit him to check on that gentleman and see where the house has good feng shui."

"Although it's bankrupt, the thin and dead camel is bigger than a horse. That young man has no shortage of cash in his hand, and the red envelope cannot be without your Ninth Uncle."

As an intermediary, one mouth should be profitable, and Aunt Zhang explained the whole story in a few words, and by the way, Xu Yi lured it, making it difficult for Ninth Uncle to refuse.

It's just the background setting of this character. The more Yue Si listens, the more familiar it becomes. Isn't it the same self-setting used by those traversers, like the heroes of the heavens?

It's just that I came to this novice village only after I had leveled up to a very high level. The other party was just a fledgling. At most, he learned some martial arts and martial arts, injected T-virus enhancement, etc., and entered the world of "Flying Eagle Project". Take some gold.

Sure enough, Aunt Zhang lowered her voice after she finished talking about the real business, and gossips about Uncle Jiu: "That young man is so romantic, not to mention escaping alone, he brought two foreign women with him, hey - high nose bridge and deep eye sockets, he looks like a It's like a ghost, and it still smells of taint all over, and it can be smelled from far away."

"When I first saw them, I was startled, I thought it was a ghost in the daytime, those two foreign women understood our words, and when I shouted like that, they complained to the elder brother, who faced the two When he was a foreign woman, he lowered his eyebrows and raised his eyes, but when he talked to me, hehe—it seemed like he was going to frighten someone to death, just like a tiger coming down from a mountain."

Then Aunt Zhang imitated the way of speaking of the son, and said strangely: "These two are my wife Ye, we are going to settle in this town of Renjia, I don't want anyone to talk to me again. They were so rude."

In these years, the exchange of information is underdeveloped, and foreign culture has not yet invaded. The aesthetics of the Chinese people is self-contained, and they have not been brainwashed by the so-called "high-level face". In his eyes, he was as ugly as a ghost.

The person who is suspected of being a "traverser" doesn't understand. This kind of arrogant lobbyist can't be offended the most. Before the person has met, Aunt Zhang's few words made Jiu Shu feel bad about the "Ye Gongzi" who has never met. .

Although I don't know what Ninth Uncle was, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were listening, and they were already unhappy with the "Young Master Ye" whom they had never met. In their eyes, that Young Master Ye must be Those who bully men and bully women and the like, who have been raped and ruined their homes, must have offended people who can't afford to be offended by others, and then fled to this town of Renjia.

On the other hand, Yue Si also heard it clearly. When facing his "wife", he lowered his eyebrows and shy eyes like a stubborn head. Invite murder.

This kind of behavior, which is commonly known as being cheap, is really the behavior of the "traveler male protagonist".

Facing a beautiful female character or a character that is useful to him, he is shy like a dog, and facing the rest, to borrow Aunt Zhang's words - a face that stinks as if to scare someone to death here.

Sure enough, it was right for me to wait here and wait, and my mission goal really came to my door.

But Yue Si is a little curious, who are the two foreign female characters?

With them by your side, and then destined to soak Ren Tingting into her hands, will the parties be very embarrassed.

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