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Chapter 260: The Red Queen did not rebel

Taking out the matching equipment from the "American Emperor" card, Yue Si activated the battle robots neatly arranged in two columns and issued an order to them: "You don't have bionic skins for camouflage, and wearing these equipment can hide your true identity. ."

Then Yue Si asked the world and his mission to them

Corresponding to the number of combat robots released, Yue Si prepared corresponding equipment from head to toe, combat uniforms, helmets, gas masks, goggles, bulletproof vests, gloves, knee pads, and military boots. Wearing this equipment, even if you did not sneak in The bionic skin used, as long as you don't take off the mask, you can't tell if it's a human or a ghost.

And the robot's load is much stronger than that of flesh and blood. Yue Si's weapons and ammunition ration for the fighting robots is very sufficient, and the rifles are put aside. Most of the weapons are light machine guns for the M249 class, and there is a submachine gun. A secondary weapon for fighting in a narrow space; a small part is equipped with an MM-1 revolving grenade launcher, a secondary weapon is a shotgun, and a grenade is on the body.

Wearing a full set of equipment and a tactical backpack with a large amount of ammunition on its back, the combat robot programmed with reference to Yue Si's consciousness data saluted Yue Si and said, "If we go in and find the advance team What if there are several oriental faces in different clothes in the team?"

Another battle robot said: "Has the reincarnation space or the main **** space not intervened in this world? For them, the world of "Resident Evil" is a very good training ground, with low degree of danger and high profit, and they don't send a few back and forth. Hundred waves of reincarnations swipe back and forth hundreds of times, squeezing the origin of this world as much as possible?"

"You don't have to worry about this kind of thing, just complete the task." Yue Si said.

Robots or all existences with subjective consciousness have such drawbacks. As long as the intelligence cannot keep up with the development of events, there will be errors in the judgment of reality.

Since the Multiverse Authority has decided to intervene in this world, it means that the system family and the Samsara (main god) space have already known the news, and they will definitely not waste their manpower and power in such a place.

These battle robots were made by Yue Si in the "Terminator" world and put away in blank cards, and their memory data only stayed at that time, not to mention that some news was sent directly to Yue Si by the Multiverse Administration, with certain The confidentiality of the rules, they have no way of knowing.

The robots saluted in unison: "Guaranteed to get the job done."

Halfway through, a battle robot stopped and asked, "Let me ask, is this the world of the first and second "Resident Evil" movies, or the world generated by the entire "Resident Evil" live-action series?"

There are a total of six films in the entire "Resident Evil" series. Except for the first two films whose plots are closely related and logically scrutinized, the rest can be regarded as independent films under a vague background.

The reason for the leak of the T-virus in the first part was that Spencer Parks, a security officer of the umbrella company who pretended to be a husband and wife with Alice, stole the T-virus and wanted to sell it for personal gain, and deliberately broke a virus tube. .

In the sixth installment, the culprit of the T-virus leak became Dr. Isaac.

The reason he did this was again "the world is dirty again". He believed that the development of human beings is like a parasite that threatens the ecology of the earth, and a part of it must be eliminated in order for the human race to survive for a long time. For this reason, he designated " T-virus" plan to destroy the world, only a small number of people can achieve "Noah's Ark" to spend the end of the day and usher in a "clean" new world.

"Noah's Ark" is an underground base located at the bottom of the hive base. There are a large number of hibernation bins inside, and there lie the "chosen people" who are the new masters of the earth after the end of the apocalypse.

Of course, these people are not randomly selected. These people are either rich or expensive, and the top management of the umbrella company occupies a large part.

If you push down the first five from the plot of the sixth part, you will find that this story is again a story of "Medi people are brain-damaged, and the whole world pays the bill".

Just like the leak of the US Imperial Biochemical Virus Laboratory, which resulted in a viral disaster that changed the world.

"Your goal is technical information, nothing else."

Yue Si said that the heroine Alice will never die. Even if she dies in an accident, a clone instilled with memory will be released to replace the original Alice, even according to "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" "In the plot, now this Alice is also a clone, and there are substitutes at any time.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room of the villa, Yue Si waited until dawn was an hour before the fighting robots came back.

Although Yue Si didn't care about the T-virus, they still stood outside the house and only sent a battle robot to take off their equipment and walked into the villa.

The fighting robot knocked on his head: "All technical information is stored here, including human clones, memory infusion, control chips implanted in the brain, biochemical modification of human technology... Umbrella Company is all stored in the hive base and The data of the Ark Base is all in my brain."

The data of human cloning technology alone is very huge. In addition to biotechnology itself, there are also design and production materials and related parameters of related supporting use standard five-point font on A4 paper. The technical materials on this aspect of human cloning are printed out, stacked one by one, to the size of a skyscraper in a space the size of a standard football field, with no storage other than the brains of combat robots The equipment can hold all the data of the next scientific research base.

Use a blank card to store the combat robot alone, and it didn't take long for a convoy marked with red and white marks on the body to arrive, and the personnel wrapped in chemical protective suits began to work.

The whole villa of Alice's family was wrapped with a metal frame and a white plastic tarpaulin to prevent the T-virus from spreading through the air, and a long passage was built at the exit, and the perimeter was surrounded by guns to prevent anyone from leaving. take off.

This is also the usual way of dealing with serious biochemical leaks - it also means that Umbrella is aware of a more serious incident at the Hive base.

The advance team headed by black James Scheder received the order to enter the hive base to shut down and recover the main board of the artificial intelligence "Red Queen". At that time, the umbrella company thought that the artificial intelligence had rebelled, but when the advance team entered the hive base. After learning about the situation, it was found that this was not the case. The Red Queen just completed the work of "disinfection and killing" faithfully according to the preset level, and the Red Queen did not defect.

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