Villains Template

Chapter 276: long-lost sunshine

Yue Si went from a layman to an expert in less than two days. His rapid progress shocked the two scientists who came to teach him his homework.

It’s fine if you don’t forget it. The knowledge you memorize is just paragraphs of text and data, and it’s not useful at all. Yue Si’s understanding and application of knowledge is truly terrifying. People who make mistakes in the most basic knowledge are veteran experts with decades of experience in the industry.

These people are only the best of the best to join William Stryker's team, and their level is much better than their peers of the same professional outside. However, it took only two days for Yue Si to reach their level. , and there are faint signs of exceeding their level.

Even if William Stryker in their eyes was dismissed from his official position because of his ineffectiveness, it would not be a problem to run to the university as a guest professor. Except for the lack of experience accumulated through hands-on experiments, his level was completely sufficient.

The two of them were amazed at Yue Si's progress, and then called in the armed personnel stationed in the base. The long guns and short guns aimed at Yue Si's office, as well as sonic weapons, incapacitated weapons and other good things that the outside world did not have. Be prepared, and if something goes wrong, you will cover up.

William Stryker took over the mutant's research project for decades. If his level was really that high and his talent was so good, he would have already conducted experiments himself, why should he suddenly show his learning ability.

There is a high probability that the William Stryker in front of him is actually a mutant in disguise, such as the Mystique who has the ability to become anyone; Something, like a certain bald professor.

Because he is the director of the base, William Stryker is impersonated or controlled by mutants. The consequences are conceivable, and it is a threat to the security of the entire base. Considering this situation, William Stryker decided Many rules, once a person behaves differently than usual, immediately use force to control it, and go through a few verification procedures before returning to freedom.

Whether it is the soldiers standing on guard, the scientists in charge of the experiments, or even William Stryker himself, in the event of an abnormality, he must follow several procedures according to the regulations.

The first is an instrument for detecting mutants carrying the X gene. This was successfully developed and portable by Bolivar more than 20 years ago. The palm-sized device has been continuously improved for more than 20 years to verify whether it is a mutant. man in disguise.

Followed by blood test, the identity is verified again by comparing it with the DNA profile of the previous grade.

The power of the Multiverse Authority makes Yuesi's disguise perfect. These two screening methods are very effective for ordinary mutants to infiltrate, but in Yuesi's case, the conclusion is that he is indeed William Stryker himself.

The last is a dose of diluted brain fluid extracted from Jason's body, the dose is not enough to distort the mind like an X weapon, but it can put people into a trance state, hypnotized or mind-controlled people, One needle down guarantees to relieve the negative state of mind.

Unless it is Professor X's powerful mental power that can do a momentary mental invasion and control dozens of people at the same time, this measure is enough to deal with most of the invasions.

After the three procedures, Yue Si's version of William Stryker passed the verification, but this did not explain the reason for his strong learning ability.

However, as long as it is verified that Yue Si is William Stryker, the rest is not included in the regulations, assuming that Yue Si is replaced by an ordinary soldier or a scientist. · Stryker is the director of the base, it is not good to offend the superior, and the matter will be over.

Three days later, a package was sent to Bolivar Strucker's cell by mutants using his ability. Before that, an electromagnetic pulse burned all the surveillance settings in the cell. Bolivar himself saw the package. People who were exactly like him understood what was going on, and just complained: "This plan is very good, but it's too rough. The wear and tear status of teeth is an important evidence to identify a person. The teeth of this clone are completely new, no used…"

However, after complaining, Bolivar changed his clone very neatly into his own clothes, and put on the new clothes that Yue Si prepared for him, and let the mutants take him out of the prison.

Because the person monitoring Bolivar Strucker and the cell guard belonged to two systems, those people found that the surveillance had been destroyed. When they led the team to the cell, they saw only Bolivar Struct lying on the ground. Luck, it looks like the short scientist was obviously attacked, but fortunately there is still life.

Then Bolivar Strucker was rushed to the hospital, but could not be rescued in the This clone died on the operating table due to multiple organ failure.

Bolivar Struque, who had been imprisoned for more than two decades, was pronounced dead.

But the real Bolivar Stryker was in the research base directed by William Stryker, sunbathing that he had not enjoyed in the past two decades: "I thought I would never be able to do it again in this life. Enjoying the sun for such a long time, even if it is a hard-won release, I can only get a short period of time in the sun, and my body cannot synthesize vitamin D to a normal level, so I can only maintain it by taking vitamin D orally.”

"You are free now." Yue Si said, "But Bolivar Strucker is dead, and you need to change your name if you survive. How about Tyrion Lannister?"

"The name is just a code name, you can call it anything." Bolivar didn't care about the name, but asked: "You took a lot of trouble to bring me out of prison, what do you want me to do? I'm very old, and I don't have the same keen intuition and technical inspiration as when I was young."

"Of course, it is to continue the research on sentinel robots. Due to the technical productivity of the times, the generation of sentinel robots you have produced is insufficient in all aspects. The arrival of the new century will inevitably usher in a great explosion of technology. You can continue to improve the sentinel robots." Yue Si said, "I remember that before you were arrested, you seemed to have come up with a very remarkable concept?"

"Yes, I remember that it was a mutant called Mystique, her ability is to become anyone, and by analyzing her genes, I proposed to simulate her mutant genes to give the sentinel robot the corresponding ability - to simulate any The mutant power of mutants."

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