Villains Template

Chapter 309: 1 other timeline


In his sleep, David heard an angry male voice in a trance. The other party's voice was so loud that David thought that someone was holding a pistol and shot him in the ear. The loud noise caused him to have tinnitus symptoms.

"David! You stupid pig that wastes nourishment cream! Get out of your bed, get dressed, and make your bed for today's training!"

David opened his blank eyes, who am I? where am i? What should I do?

Then I saw a rough and strong man pointing a pointer at him, and then he let out a shrill scream, and an electric arc emanated from the tip of the pointer, like a piezoelectric lighter in a lighter. Electric sparks fell on him.

The pain instantly made David awake, and then he hurriedly dressed and made the bed neatly, and immediately stood in the queue after finishing within a minute.

The comrades in the same dormitory were divided into two lines, standing upright, looking straight ahead, without a trace of emotion on their faces - although they were all amused by David's unfortunate appearance, there was absolutely no trace of it on their faces.

The rough instructor stood in front of David and yelled at him almost face to face, and all David could do was shout with the best of his strength: "Yes, sir!"

Because the other party has the right to expel him, once he leaves the military camp, he can only return to the miserable life in the past.

Twenty years have passed since the appearance of the disaster of mankind. It has been twenty years since mankind lost the sun, and the civilization of mankind has been destroyed for 20 years.

During these twenty years, human beings have relied on the remnants of the previous era to rebuild the wasteland and developed a deformed social state.

To keep the atmosphere warm, people released a layer of chemicals into the atmosphere that greatly slowed the rate of cooling the planet.

Because the human disaster took away the sun, traditional agricultural production disappeared, replaced by various chemical synthesis, people's clothing and food and even everything in life are all provided by the chemical industry, the oil originally called industrial blood has become an important calorie for people Source, the pungent-smelling nutritional ointment synthesized from petroleum as the main raw material is the only food for people.

There are only pitiful saprophytic fungi, commonly known as mushrooms, that can be used as agents in life, but because of the large-scale death of plants, the humus that can be provided to fungi is becoming rarer.

But this is not the only choice for human beings. The development of controllable nuclear fusion technology allows human beings to have almost unlimited energy, and artificial sunlight can make plants grow normally; the improvement of genetic engineering, the yield of food crops is ten times higher than before; Cloning technology is more able to provide fairly objective meat while consuming relatively few resources.

However, even after a devastating blow, the overall number of human populations is still very large, and the output of those food crops is not enough to feed everyone, and can only supply the needs of a small number of people.

And these few people are warriors, warriors who wage war against the scourge of mankind who are still walking on the earth, and brave warriors who take back the sun and the future that belong to mankind from his hands.

David is one of the warriors. Of course, he is just a recruit now. He has only been trained for thirty days. The food and use in these thirty days are more than everything he has spent in the past twenty years.

That's real bread and real meat made of flour, not a nutritious paste that's hard to swallow.

Therefore, even though David knew that the survival rate after becoming a qualified fighter and entering the battlefield was less than 1%, he still did not want to give up this opportunity.

After reprimanding David for a while, the instructor opened his eyelids and rolled his eyeballs to check for symptoms such as fundus hemorrhage, and then continued to roar at everyone: "Damn it, I just finished the chip implant operation. You, you should have a normal routine like a soldier, otherwise the information in the chip will assimilate your brain in your sleep, making you an idiot, and the resources invested in you before will be wasted! "

Human learning ability is quite backward, it takes a lot of time to master knowledge and skills, and the most lack of human beings is time, so the brain chip implantation technology was developed to connect human brain nerves with chips, so that human beings can permanently acquire some knowledge and skills.

But this technology is imperfect, or the chip technology that people dug out from the ruins of the old era is not used in this regard, and its side effects are very obvious.

The loading of knowledge will make people drowsy, and the memory will be assimilated by that knowledge, resulting in amnesia and cognitive bias.

Therefore, the routine of this group of recruits is strictly controlled, and through continuous training, they are allowed to connect the knowledge recorded in the chip with reality, so as to create a qualified soldier in just six weeks, let them learn the needs Mechas and chariots that can be controlled normally for a long time.

The current social conditions of human beings are not sufficient for all people to complete basic education. This method is the fastest way to give an illiterate the option of using war equipment.

And that would be boring training, training and training. For the entire human race, these warriors are great victims and cheap consumables.

Two weeks later, David, who became a qualified fighter, took a deep breath. The air mixed with a small amount of sedative in his respirator calmed his restless nerves and calmed his nervous Now he is driving expensive The power armor, repeating the mechanical movements in the dark, marched towards the battlefield step by step.

He is not only fighting alone, there are fighter planes waiting to take off at the rear, comrades in arms driving the same mecha beside him, and tanks on the flanks carrying mutant warriors.

Their destination was what was called New York in the old days, and David had seen in teaching materials that the plague of mankind was there according to intelligence.

Today's human civilization has become deformed. Everything develops around war, and all resources are tilted towards war. It took a generation for mankind to rebuild from the ruins, and it will take several generations to continue. Challenge the Son of Man until he is defeated, or mankind will have no next generation.

Disaster of Humanity has no intention of hiding his traces at all, he released light without temperature, suspended in mid-air.

Through the detector, David saw the outline covered by the light. Although he was educated since childhood, it was the human disaster that turned the original human civilization into what it is today, and it took away the sunshine of human beings. , but it was the first time David saw with his own eyes the natural disaster that was said to destroy human civilization within seven days.

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