Villains Template

Chapter 429: mission over

The three Ultramans collided with Yue Si's energy ball, and a brighter light rose into the sky than when the captain was transformed. The colorful brilliance shone on the earth, as if a choir was singing holy songs. Set off the tall figure that slowly takes shape is extremely sacred.

It was an Ultraman whose leather case looked very expensive. He was more than 60 meters tall and had a peculiar pattern of red, blue, and Tsuburaya silver. He seemed to be wearing armor and had a crown-like decoration on his head. .

Although the body is huge, it does not cause any fear of giants, but feels a sense of holiness from the heart.

In general, it is like a **** walking in the world.

"I don't know Ultraman!"

The energy transformed from the double sweet death enveloped the whole body, and then propped up the energy shield to block Ultraman's blow. The flame-like punch caused Yue Si's shield to ripple, and he was almost unscathed. break in.

This Ultraman is so unruly, you should make an appearance as soon as you debut, put on a POSS for a few minutes, and then start the battle.

It's unreasonable to teleport and hit people as soon as you come up.

"It's amazing to move instantly!"

Yue Si used his flying ability, maneuvered quickly in the air, and flew away from Ultraman.

As long as you reach the boundary where reincarnators can move, as long as you can go there...

But Ultraman had teleported to Yue Si's side, and a colorful energy beam shot out. Yue Si propped up his shield at that moment, split the light into seven strands, and refracted it in other directions.

A golden beam of light emanated from Ultraman, shot straight into the sky, turned into a bowl-shaped barrier and buckled down, covering the entire range that the reincarnator could move.

In the field of light, in this space, all elements will be replaced by Ultraman's light, in which Ultraman can quickly recover his injuries, increase his combat power, and weaken the enemy at the same time.

After the domain was opened, Yue Si's previous plan failed. Like the reincarnator, he could only move within a certain range. Obviously, Ultraman had seen through his tactical intentions.


The corner of Yue Si's mouth grinned, and he gave a humane sneer, and then his body wriggled and deformed while moving at high speed.

The slightly bloated body of the monster became more human-like, and the scales and the stacked skin plates formed a large black armor with blood-colored lines in the middle.

The protruding face is flattened, the top of the head is horned into a crown decoration, the jagged spikes on the back are transformed into a pair of symbolic "wings", and a face emerges from the tip of the long tail.

"Form switching or something, I will too!"

The end of the wings spurted out high-energy particles, forming illusory wings, which pushed Yue Si's body to maneuver at high speed. The tail's face opened a ferocious mouth, and spit out a beam of energy, like a huge lightsaber, towards the same enemy. The high-speed flight chased the Ultraman of Yue Si and swung it away.

Ultraman made an emergency stop in the air to evade the killing sword, and the energy of colorful light flowed on his arms, turning into plasma light wheels and crescent-like energy light blades, cutting towards Yue Si. .

The energy light blade blocks Yue Si's range of activities, and the plasma light wheel kills.

Yue Si opened his mouth and spat out a series of energy light balls, which were used to counteract the attack from Ultraman.

The shock wave generated by the collision of energy set off a gust of wind, and the sound of the explosion was deafening, like thunder.

However, Ultraman's power clearly has the upper hand, even if it's just an ordinary energy light blade, it can easily cut through the energy light ball, weaken it, and then cut it towards Yue Si without any hesitation.

In an instant, several sparks burst out of Yue Si's body, the energy light blade left nicks on the armor-like carapace, the plasma light wheel cut the scars deep into the flesh, and dark energy gushed out from the wound.


A blade of light protruded from Ultraman's arm armor, and then he teleported and disappeared, leaving the place, avoiding the energy beam swept from Yue Si's tail, and appearing on the top of Yue Si's head, a sword fell, and Yue Si split in half from the beginning.

No blood, no screams, no explosions, what Ultraman cut open was just a puppet.

The puppet is made of clay, and there are many pipes for transmitting energy inside. Obviously, at some point, Yue Si's real body was hidden in this puppet, and he controlled it to fight with Ultraman.

After being cut open by Ultraman's sword, Yue Si's body fled far away, leaving only this puppet here.

Losing Yue Si's control, the original puppet suddenly became stiff. Although it could barely move, it became very stiff, and the color of the whole body faded, showing a gray and white basic color.

The clay puppet that had been cut in half suddenly merged into one, twisted into a tentacle monster, wrapped around Ultraman's body, and then lit up.


In the distance in the air, the dust-sized Yue Si stood on a clay bird not much bigger than him, pinched a seal with one hand, detonating the clay puppet, and the instant explosion formed a huge fireball that engulfed Ultraman inside. Even the city on the ground was affected, a huge depression appeared, and the cracks spread around.

The crack is several meters wide and bottomless, and it is closer to use "gully" to describe it.

"Character Card: Deidara (from Naruto

Just now, Yue Si used the "Didara" card left for him to create a clay clone, and used the "Atomic Woman" zoom-in ability to enlarge it to a scale of 50 meters, and he returned to a human posture and Shrinking into a speck of dust, like controlling a large mecha, controlling the puppet.

When Ultraman slashed with a sword, Yue Si used the "Criminal Syndicate" card to enter the "Grid" state, opened the sound explosion channel and transferred away instantly, switched to the "Atomic Girl" state and reduced it to a speck of dust, and then After manipulating the clay clone to wrap around Ultraman, it detonated it.

With a flash of light, the flames and clay smoke from the explosion were cut open, and Ultraman flew out of the fireball in an instant, before killing the invisible Yue Si.

The captain said to his teammates before that in his field, even if the man in yellow shirt shrinks, he has nothing to hide, and Yue Si is the same here.

It's just that the previous clay clone was too delicate and didn't match the abilities displayed by the alien beasts, so Ultraman was caught off guard.

"I'm the real Ultraman!"

Switching to the "Speedmaster" character mode, it was as if Yue Si, who suddenly appeared, punched Ultraman in the face, knocking the giant of light flying with an extremely discordant body proportion.

Although it was only one punch, the scene of Ultraman vs Ultraman appeared.

"Right now, come on, sweet death!"

No matter how Yue Si changed, the avatar Sweet Death was always that big. He went around behind Ultraman with a stack of ashtrays and smashed them towards the back of his head one by one. When he hit the fifth one, Finally, the "stun" effect of the rate was triggered, Ultraman fainted and lost consciousness. Ultraman's flying ability also disappeared, and he fell toward the ground.

Regular weapons are just so useful.

Yue Si switched to his "THEONE" form, caught up with Ultraman, grabbed it with his long tail wrapped around his body, clamped the opponent's arms with both hands, and the corners of the mouth on the flat human face split open. At the base of the ear, serrated fangs were exposed, and they bit into Ultraman's shoulder. The strong bite force made the sharp teeth pierce into Ultraman's body, and then absorbed Ultraman's energy.

"Energy absorption", this is an ability that is not common in monsters. For example, in the forty-ninth episode of "Ultraman Tiga", in the plot that interacts with the original Ultraman, it pays tribute to the universe created by "Bermura" The first ferocious monster "Yanagaki" absorbed Tiga's energy by this move, and then the first generation came to the rescue.

In the theatrical version of "Ultraman Nexus", "Ultraman Next", the ancestor of the alien beast "THEONE" also once captured Ultraman Next, and used this trick to absorb Nexus special energy.

The stand-in held the ashtray and kept filling the back of Ultraman's head, causing him to fall into dizziness. Yue Si was constantly absorbing Ultraman's energy. In the process, Yue Si felt that he was constantly dizzy. It is much stronger than the fear and life energy provided by the hundreds of thousands of people before.

In the abolition case of "Ultraman Nexus", the final BOSS is not the dark Zaki, but the existence named Dark Lucifer. The real face is the alien beast that absorbed the energy of Ultraman.

The color timer on Ultraman's chest began to flash red, and a rapid warning sound sounded, which made Ultraman get rid of the fainting state and began to struggle hard. He raised his elbow and was about to face Yue Si. His face was called, but his arms were restrained by Yue Si, and he could not break free at all, and his teammates were killed by Yue Si, and no one could help at this time and break the situation.

The flashing frequency of the color timer became faster and faster, the alarm sound became more and more urgent, and Ultraman's resistance became more and more fierce, but under the replacement's supplementary knife, he fainted again.

Finally, the color timer dimmed, and the light disappeared from Ultraman's body.

The body of the giant of light collapsed into particles of light, and the unconscious captain and the Ultraman reincarnation fell to the ground, and were then killed by sweet death.



Yue Si let out a long breath, and his nervous heart finally calmed down.

In the face of Xinao, who was born after the combination of the power of two Ultramans and Gauss, he was still unable to cope with it, and could only rely on partial means to deal with it.

Anything is possible as long as you can win.

Therefore, Yue Si flexibly used the card in his hand, struck it with an "ashtray" with a little regularity, and won.

What does evil do not overwhelm the righteous, as long as you can win to the end and survive, you are righteous.

"Submit the mission!"

"Quest World: Public Enemy Robot"

"Mission: Hunt the reincarnators."

"Task requirements: Kill the reincarnators as much as possible."

"Task reward: according to the number and quality of killing reincarnations, a number of reward points will be issued, and a random card will be drawn once (high-quality items must be obtained)."

"Task status: Completed, the task reward has been settled."

Yue Si turned into a light and left this world.

If you don't leave, it will be impossible. The consciousness of the main **** (reincarnation) space has never really been invested in this team battle world, but simply left a mechanized program to promote the progress of the team battle. That program will not be dispatched.

When Yue Si entered this world, he was just a healthy ordinary person, and that insignificant force would not touch him at all. Obtaining a substitute and absorbing the concept of life to become stronger was also carried out in this world, in line with the rules of this world. It doesn't touch it either.

The team battle will soon come to an end, the consciousness of the main **** (reincarnation) space will enter this world to "take a look" and pick up the winner of the team battle. If Yue Si is still here at that time, this outsider will Ushered in the annihilation of regularity, and traced back to the source to find the body of Yue Si.

In the rubble of the city, a big handprint was suddenly printed from the ground, and a large piece of soil and reinforced concrete structures were raised. come out.

The more developed a city is, the more perfect its underground sewage pipe network will be. The sewage pipe network in this near-future sci-fi world is as strong, reliable and accessible as civil air defense facilities. It is very safe to hide in it, and even robots are too lazy to enter this kind of system. The place is a good place for reincarnators to go for points.

But the battle between Yue Si and Ultraman was so loud that even the underground pipes were damaged, and the reincarnation was buried in the thick soil layer.

And this person is none other than Han Shangda.

He patted some of the dust on his body, looked around, and saw that the original technology capital had turned into ruins, and he was very sad.

"Fortunately, I have a lot of teammates, otherwise, this will be too much!"

"Character title: Survivor - as long as you have teammates, you can sacrifice teammates in exchange for your chance to survive."

Then Han Shangda grabbed a human-shaped stone from the ground. It was the shape of the fourth member of the Muzuishan team after elementalization. By rocking it, he could survive in the underground environment of high pressure and lack of oxygen.

"My teammates, before I die, before new teammates join you, you must live!"

The teamfight ended when the first rays of sunlight hit the city's borders.

Han Shangda and the reincarnators with elemental ability, as well as a very few fish that slipped through the net, were picked up by the main **** space and the reincarnation space respectively.

After the figure of the reincarnator disappeared, the spaceships descended, and groups of soldiers with guns and live ammunition, all wrapped in chemical protective suits, got off the spaceships and started to search for useful things in the wreckage of the city with special devices.

For example, the broken limbs of the reincarnators, as well as the weapons and equipment left behind.

For the natives of this world, reincarnations are a group of monsters with human appearance but powerful power. The value of what they left behind is extraordinary. Even a little blood sample can be reversed through the laboratory. Analyze the source of their respective abilities, and then apply them to the! "A chemical suit took the sealing device to the front of the team leader and showed him the unidentified blue crystal: "This is the most valuable thing we have found. "

"What is this?" the leader asked.

"The energy density of an organism's cells is very high, even several times that of TNT. Even if it's just some cells, it still has strong activity." The chemical suit turned on the projection device and analyzed the simple cells of that kind of cells. The result was projected: "Although it is a bit arbitrary to say that, this may be the most valuable thing we have gained."

The team leader took a few glances at the analysis data, took the sealing device from the chemical protective suit, and then said, "Very good, but you didn't find this kind of cell today, remember?"

The chemical protective suit was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood something: "Got it."

"Very good. After the team is closed, give me your bank account. After a while, there will be more numbers in that account. That's a gift."

The team leader, who was also wearing a chemical protective suit, made a phone call: "I found, you mentioned, the sample of the monster that can devour humans. The price is negotiable..."

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