Villains Template

Chapter 431: Tang Niu is the God of Food

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A Xing belongs to the kind of people who are not diligent in their limbs and grains. Their bones and muscles are stronger than those who rely on a handful of strength to make a living. As soon as things go awry.

A slipper from the chartered woman in the pig cage made A Xing like a lost dog. In desperation, A Xing had to take out a cannon and set it on fire, pretending that it was a signal from the Axe Gang, trying to take advantage of the situation. Force back the charter wife.

But I never imagined that at that time, some people from the Axe Gang came to this pig cage city, and the second master of the Axe Gang personally led the team. He fought directly and led out the three masters of Wulang Bagua Stick, Twelve Road Tan Leg, and Hongjia Iron Line Boxing who lived in seclusion in this pig cage city. Even if they sent a signal to call for support from hundreds of people, and even had a submachine gun in hand, He was also beaten so badly that he fled away.

As the culprit who provoked the trouble and caused the Axe Gang to suffer heavy losses, Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong, who pretended to be members of the Axe Gang, were also taken away. Axe to help elder brother Chen Ge's attention.

"Even a pair of underwear, a piece of toilet paper, has its uses."

Although he didn't say so, but Brother Chen thought so, let A Xing and Fat Zaicong go, and casually said that if they killed one person, they would join the Axe Gang.

Axing was overjoyed, the Axe Gang was the largest gang in Shili Yangchang, and the rest of the small gangs had been swept away, and even the only Crocodile Gang that could compete with it was killed early. To be able to get the promise of the Axe Gang boss himself was equal to It is an open road leading to the foot.

I didn't expect that if I offended the Axe Gang, I could still survive, and I got the opportunity to join the Axe Gang by killing one person.

After leaving the territory of the Axe Gang, Axing and Fat Zaicong came to the traffic light box where they often come. Axing expressed dissatisfaction with Fei Zaicong's previous behavior of dropping the chain, so there was the previous dialogue.

"In this world, the streets are full of money, and there are women everywhere. Whoever can make up his mind can win, and whoever seizes the opportunity can stand out. Now the opportunity has come..." Ah Xing saw that Fei Zaicong couldn't help it. The appearance of the wall, almost venting said: "As long as we kill someone..."


An unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded, causing A Xing and Fat Zaicong to scream in fright. They all huddled together, their hands fluttered in front of them, and they slapped their teeth and claws like a kitten scratching someone, and it took a while before they stopped.

Only then did A Xing and Fei Zaicong notice that there was an extra person in the traffic light box that was originally just the two of them. He was dressed strangely, but he was imposing. Even if he was sitting there, he could be seen Not ordinary people.

"This gentleman, who are you?" A Xing asked curiously.

"I'm just a passerby." Yue Si, who entered this world but found himself in the light box of the traffic light, said: "I listened to you here for a long time, and found that the two of you are the kind of people who are unwilling to settle for the status quo. Youlong, dormant in the shoal, will soar into the sky just waiting for a meeting of the wind and clouds..."

Before the avatar Yue Si finished speaking, A Xing and Fat Zaicong put on a helpful look, with a straight waist, a prominent chest, and a look of "I'm amazing", A Xing even patted his chest and said it : "Good eyesight, not talented, it's the Axe Gang... reserve member, you have such eyesight, follow me in the future, make sure you are popular and spicy, and follow different women every day."

After all, Ah Xing took a look at the clothes on Yue Si's body. Although he had never seen the style before, the quality of the fabric was first-class. Then he looked at his fat boy Cong, who was in tattered clothes, so shabby. He's the kind of person who can't even get enough to eat.

Thinking of this, A Xing's toes were on the ground. Although his face was calm, he was embarrassed to death.

Although he concealed it well, how could Yue Si not see Ah Xing's embarrassment, and said, "I'm here to talk to you, not for anything else, but to see that Mr. Immortals descend to earth."

Saying that, Yue Si pulled A Xing's arm over and wanted to use the golden right foot in "Shaolin Soccer" to rub it with Vajra's sleeve. After thinking about it, he felt that it was a little disgusting, so he said directly. To: "Your Excellency has extraordinary roots. It is rare to see you in a hundred years. There is no one in ten thousand martial arts prodigies... It's a pity that you are old and miss the best time to practice martial arts."

Taking his pulse, Yue Si said: "Hey, so you have practiced martial arts, you are still the Tathagata Palm, and you are not a condescending talent, just looking at your skills, it is very strange, like you have practiced for two or three days and then let it go. It will only happen if you don’t practice.”

Yue Si didn't lie. Ah Xing's roots are very good, and there is a lot of energy in his body, but the eight meridians and eight meridians are blocked, so the energy cannot be released, so Ah Xing behaves like an ordinary person, but the energy Now, let Axing not invade all diseases, no matter how serious the injury is, it can heal itself.

"Hey, you actually know martial arts!" Fat Zaicong looked at Ah Xing in surprise: "We've known each other for so long, and you haven't told me... But you know martial arts, why did you get caught by that fat woman in Zhucongcheng Walled City? The charter wife fought so badly."

Axing never told anyone about the "Tathagata's Palm", but when Yue Si pointed it out, Axing cheated him out of the "Tathagata's Palm" that an old beggar used for two cents when he was a child. He talked about his ten dollars, and that ten dollars was what he was going to use to study. Otherwise, he would be a doctor or a lawyer today, and it would be a money-making business.

Speaking of which, Ah Xing couldn't help but sigh, and after practicing "Tathagata's Palm" for a few days, he learned to be a hero to be a hero, but he did not hide the embarrassment of being humiliated.

"You were still too young at that time. After studying, whether you are a lawyer or a doctor, you need ten years of hard study. The same is true of martial arts. You can practice it overnight, and it is still a profound martial arts like Tathagata's Palm."

Yue Si shook his head and said to A Xing, between words

"That old beggar sold me the real thing." Ah Xing buried his face in his palm, filled with regret.

This wasted time is more than ten years. Originally, he was able to become a knight, but turned out to be a little gangster who is nothing, and he is still a beggar who is stronger than a beggar.

"Boss, I haven't asked for advice yet..." While choking, Ah Xing suddenly remembered something, raised his head and said to Yue Si.

"My name is Tang Niu, and I am the 105th graduate of Shaolin Temple's back chef, but I don't agree with Shaolin philosophy. You can regard me as a Shaolin traitor." Yue Si said.

"Character Card: Tang Niu (from the movie "God of Cookery"

"Explanation: Insidious and cunning people, in order to achieve their goals, can do anything, including hiding their arrogant and arrogant self into a humble existence, can endure what others can't bear, and it is very easy to gain the trust of others."

"Skills: Superior Internal Exercise, Shaolin Temple Martial Arts (Cooking Version), Etienne Cut, Dragon Subduing Eighteen Shovels, Qinggong, etc."

"Note: Tang Niu is the real God of Cookery."

"Character Card: Tang Niu" is a card opened by the main body in the world of "About My Reincarnation as a Slime". I thought it was very suitable for Zhou Xingxing Universe, where the clone was going to go, so I gave it to him.

"It turned out to be a Shaolin master, and I have been looking forward to it for a long time." A Xing said with his hands up.

When Fat Zaicong saw Ah Xing's approach, he also learned to surrender, but Hanhan's face pretended to be serious, which made people laugh.

Yue Si waved his hand and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm new here, I don't know where you two know where there are masters in this ten-mile foreign field, and want to ask for advice."

"Of course it's Pig Cage Walled City, where there are experts." Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong said in unison.

During the daytime, they were startled by the three masters in Pig Cage Walled City, and they thought of it subconsciously.

"Boss, you have traveled thousands of miles to this 10-mile foreign field. Apart from finding a martial arts master, do you have any other plans?" Ah Xing suddenly asked, "You were born in Shaolin, so you must be highly skilled in martial arts. Brother Chen, I know you, let me introduce you to me."

Yue Si shook his head and said, "I'm just here to find happiness, I don't have any idea of ​​standing out."

I'm here on vacation, not as a thug.

"You don't want to stand out. It's a lot of money and a lot of women, and you can use shark fins to rinse your mouth." A Xing used his imagination to tempt Yue Si with the beautiful life he could think of.

"Money? I don't lack that thing." Yue Si jumped off the light box with Fat Zaicong in one hand and Ah Xing in the other. When he landed, there was no movement at all, and he was light and steady.

"And even if I want to get ahead, I won't be a younger brother. If I want to be the boss." Yue Si said, "Let's go and bring you money."

There is a tram stop not far from the traffic light. The rickshaw driver puts the car here, waiting for someone to take the car, and the beggar waits for the person who can afford the tram or rickshaw to give some alms and then eat something. Live a while longer.

Some people waiting for the tram to arrive were standing there, Yue Si stepped forward, put his arms around the neck of a suit and leather spectacles, and said, "Brother, do you have any cash on you, take out one or two and take a look. "

With a stack of newspapers under the armpits of the gold-wire glasses, he helped the glasses that slid down when Yue Si held his neck and said, "Are you blackmailing me?"

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your little money, I really just want to borrow one or two to look at." Saying that, Yue Si lifted the corner of his clothes, revealing a dark muzzle.

The glasses of the gold-rimmed glasses began to slide down again, and the body couldn't stop shaking: "Brother, don't be nervous, don't get lost, I'll get you the money... I stretched out my hand to get my wallet, absolutely nothing else. Don't get me wrong."

Saying that, the golden glasses carefully put his hand into his arms, then took out a wallet and handed it tremblingly to Yue Si's hand.

"That's right, it would have been better if it didn't happen earlier, it's good for everyone, why make things so stiff." Yue Si took the wallet, put his arm down from the neck of the gold-rimmed glasses, opened the wallet, He took out several banknotes of different denominations and looked carefully.

At this moment, the tram came. The golden glasses saw that Yue Si was concentrating on the money. Then he moved toward the tram step by step. When he moved to the door, he immediately jumped up and used the carriage with a short body. Block yourself and wait until the tram starts before you dare to come out.

"I will definitely call the police and arrest you!"

The gold wire glasses gathered his hands into a trumpet shape, put them in front of his mouth, and shouted at Yue Si.

A Xing and Fat Zaicong watched this scene next to him, ran to Yue Si's side, and shouted in a pretentious manner: "Four-eyed boy, if you have the ability, get out of the car and blow your dog's head."

Then he looked at the wallet and banknotes in Yue Si's hand and said, "Wow, what you said about making money turned out to be a robbery..."

Yue Si took out a chocolate bar from his underwear pocket and stuffed A Xing's next words, the thing that was mistaken for the muzzle of the gun by the gold wire glasses was just a chocolate bar. Intentionally covering it up, the gold wire glasses mistakenly thought that Yue Si was carrying a pistol.

Seeing this scene, the gold-rimmed glasses at the back of the carriage had a look of annoyance on his face. He was actually frightened by a chocolate bar and handed over his wallet in vain.

"What's the matter? When I was taking a graduation photo after high school, the photographer asked us to answer a question so we could put a smile on it. He asked what to do if I ran out of money, and the whole class said 'grab' in unison."

After talking nonsense, Yue Si stuffed the few banknotes back into his wallet, then took out a dozen thick ones and stuffed them into the same, making the wallet bulge.

"The third form of the Tathagata's palm, the Buddha moves the mountains and rivers!"

The palm holding the wallet was patted in the direction of the tram, and the palm pushed the wallet and flew out, falling firmly into the hands of the gold-rimmed glasses.

The wallet was found, and the gold-rimmed glasses were overjoyed. When he opened the wallet, he saw that his money was not only a penny, but also a lot more, which was like a windfall.

"I said, I'm just borrowing one or two to see. I'm not interested in your money."

With a Yue Si looked back at Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong with dull eyes, and asked, "What's the matter with you two?"

"Money, a lot of money!"

A Xing and Fat Zaicong looked at the direction the tram was going in a foolish way. They had never seen so much money since they were young. Yue Si gave it away like this, which challenged their cognition very much.

"Isn't it just a little money, as for that."

Yue Si took out two stacks of banknotes and slapped them on the shoulders of Ah Xing and Fat Zaicong. The two of them instantly returned to their souls, grabbed the banknotes, and counted them one by one, attracting the attention of the surrounding beggars and rickshaw drivers. .

So a sum of money is placed there, how can it not attract their hearts.

Wealth and silk are touching. With such a sum of money, they may change their fate. If it is not scruples that this is on the street, they may become another face.

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