Villains Template

Chapter 441: devil muscle man

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Yue Si paraphrased the lines of Senior Brother Broken Water Flow, telling the past glory of this ghost king: "The devil's muscle man can be said to have become famous at a young age. A master who broke the flow of water broke a leg, and has since withdrawn from the arena without any news."

"No longer involved in martial arts fights, do some deceitful things, and finally went to this elite center and opened a grocery store."

"Sometimes, one thing can change a person, change his life, practice martial arts is like this, life is like this... World events are unpredictable."

"I think, you can't even dream that someone knows your true identity, your past glory and your present depravity."

Ghost Wangda squinted his eyes slightly, and his face showed a look of recalling the past. After a while, he slowly said: "I don't know what you are talking about, sir, you have made a mistake, what kind of martial arts fighting, I don't understand, If you want divine oil, I have it here."

"I thought you would be angry, that means you still have a chance to save." Yue Si took out a Mai Lisu from his pocket: "This is the secret Hulan Shaolin's Huan Dan, although it can't be said to be the living dead, Flesh and bones, but broken legs and disabilities, etc., can be described as medicine to cure the disease, even if it is an old chronic disease, the body can be restored to its original state in a month. I want to give it to the devilish muscle man in the martial arts world of the famous town, if that's the case, then forget it."

After speaking, Yue Si used his fingers to crush the Mai Lisu, blowing the powder all over the place in one breath, making it impossible to analyze whether it was a daikon or Mai Lisu from the residue.

Then turn around and leave.

Ghost King Da immediately chased after him and took a big mouthful of air, as if he wanted to inhale the powder of the so-called secret recipe Da Huan Dan into his body, but it was doomed to be futile, because how could an oral pill be absorbed by the lungs? , not to mention that it was just Mai Lisu.

The doomed ghost king Da looked at Yue Si's back and said helplessly: "Yes, I am the so-called devil muscle man, I am self-deprecating, I am despicable, and I don't even have the courage to face my past self. With that said, you are satisfied!"

He broke not only a leg, but also the heart of martial arts and the will to forge ahead.

It can be said that the character of Ghost Wangda and the actor are unprecedentedly unified. They are all young people who are successful and high-spirited, and then one has his leg broken, and the other is a gambler who spends his life recklessly, and his life plummets.

And they all need the help of a noble person, one Yufa Ge introduced the job of turning over, and the other was coerced by He Jinyin to encounter the opportunity to prove himself in the enemy's disciple.

Before that, Ghost King Da didn't want to have a chance to turn over. At the beginning, he was broken by his leg, and he went around for help, hoping that someone could help him heal his broken leg-traditional martial arts have been passed down for thousands of years, and people who practice martial arts will inevitably break their hands and break them. People with broken ribs in their feet, so each sect has their own secret medicines, which are miraculous in treating bruises and fractures. As long as they take action, Ghost King Da can recover as before.

But being young and vigorous means offending a lot of people. In addition, the name of Ghost King Da is not a specific martial arts successor, but "Ancient Chinese Boxing Technique", which invisibly means that as long as he does not die for one day, Ghost King Da , All martial arts must be ranked behind him, and all martial arts sects have been offended, and no one will treat his legs, which is why he is disabled for life.

Now there is a chance for recovery in front of me, I don't cherish it, I will miss it soon, why can't he chase it out, because the chance is sent to you, if you don't seize it, you will regret it lifelong.

"Oh, so you admitted it yourself. I thought I was in the wrong place. After all, there is more than one grocery store in this elite center." Yue Si took his clothes pocket and turned to look at Ghost Wangda.

"Liangzai, I am the only dead lame man who opened a grocery store in the Global Elite Sports Center. You crushed the secret recipe in front of me, just to provoke me." Ghost Wangda limped to In front of Yue Si, he stretched out his hand: "I admit that I am a devilish man, you can give me the Da Huan Pill."

Although he has admitted his identity, the impact of years of wasted time on Ghost King Da will not be easily changed by a few words. He is not looking at himself now, but a philistine who wants to take advantage.

Yue Si spread his hands and said, "No more."

"Liangzai, what do you mean when you say it's gone?" Ghost King Da froze in place: "It wouldn't be what I thought it would mean."

Yue Si nodded: "That's what you think."

The ghost king Da shook his head again and again: "You must be lying to me, right? There must be a lot of Da Huan Dan, so you took out one and crushed it to stimulate my fighting spirit."

"Huh, what are you thinking about, an elixir that can heal a person's skeletal, meridian, and muscle injuries, and gradually restore normal activity, is very precious. Master of Nocturnal Nocturne encountered a deity descended to the world, an immortal. The reincarnation is not willing to take it out for him, and I also spent a lot of money to exchange it, so far, there is no semicolon."

"Such a precious Shaolin secret system, you actually crushed it!" Hearing Yue Si's answer, the ghost king was in a hurry at the time, and hurriedly circled in place, and then muttered to himself: "Vacuum cleaner , vacuum cleaner, find a vacuum cleaner and see if you can get half of it back."

But he has spent all his money, and he lives in the warehouse behind the grocery store, where a broom is enough to clean it up. How can he use high-end household appliances such as vacuum cleaners.

"I'm going to borrow a vacuum cleaner right away."

Ghost Wangda thought that this was the Global Elite Sports Center. He didn't have it here, but it didn't mean that he didn't have it there. He just wanted to limp to someone else to borrow it, but at this time, a gust of wind blew, and there was a lot of dust, so that Ghost Kingda could see He had to jump straight: "My Great Returning Pill, my Great Returning Pill!"

"Liangzai, I have no grievances with you. Why do you treat me like this? Let me see some faint hope, and then crush him with your own hands." Ghost Wangda didn't scold Yue Si loudly, but dashed with a hope. The silence after.

"That Da Huan Pill is mine, and I can deal with it how I want." Yue Si held his arms and looked arrogant: "Entering the Da Huan Pill can increase your skill, and withdrawing the Da Huan Pill can heal the injury, what do you think you are? If you have one in your hand, will you give it to others easily?"

"If I have this kind of elixir, even if I don't eat it myself, I won't give it to others if I destroy it." Ghost Wangda said subconsciously, "Hey, pretty boy, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I got the news that the senior brother of Karate's broken water will be coming to the elite center in the past few days. Although you were arrogant and didn't take everyone seriously, you still represent Chinese martial arts. In the hands of the masters of the broken water flow, it is a shame for the entire Chinese martial arts." Yue Si said: "This time, the martial arts comrades decided to get this face back, let your ancient Chinese boxing method defeat the broken water flow, and teach those who blow karate a lesson. Become the arrogant guy with the strongest kung fu in the world."

"I'm a **** now, and I'm a lot older. In addition, I haven't practiced martial arts for many years. I'm already a cripple. You can find someone else for martial arts or something!" Ghost King Da walked away without interest when he heard Yue Si's words. .

"Don't delay my business, I need money for food and water. If I don't do business, I don't know if I can eat next meal."

"200,000, as long as you win this undecided competition, you will be able to get 200,000, and you will also be able to restore the prestige of the ancient Chinese martial arts, open the hall, recruit students, and become famous." Yue Si made a bid.

As soon as he heard the money, Ghost King Da immediately stopped and stretched out his hand towards Yue Si: "200,000, I don't think you have ever seen so much money in your life. If you have the ability, you can take out five hundred thousand. Give me the block, and I'll trust you."

Five banknotes were slapped in the hands of Ghost Wangda: "Five hundred yuan, keep it, if you dare to shake me, I guarantee you will be worse than now."

After speaking, Yue Si lifted the corner of his clothes, revealing the pistol attached to his waist.

"200,000 yuan, so generous, there must be a lot of business behind this game." Ghost Wangda collected 500 yuan and asked Yue Si in a low voice.

Whenever there is a competition, there must be a bet behind it. At the end of the "King of Destruction" movie, the competition between He Jinyin and the senior brother Shuanhuiliu put this matter on the table and said that it was generally bought that He Jinyin was beaten to death by the senior brother Shuanhuiliu. In the ring match.

Ghost Wangda also thinks so. He thinks that if someone wants to promote this game behind the scenes, the game must be very big, so he will offer himself a price of 200,000 yuan and other benefits.

"Whoever asks about this matter will die." Yue Si gave a stern warning.

"Understood, don't ask." Ghost Wangda said: "I lost the game back then, and I'm down to where I am now. There is no reason for the people behind the game. Unless you are them, there is no way to deal with them. Well done."

"You don't need to worry about this matter, just prepare for the game with peace of mind." Yue Si said.

"I said in advance that I won't be able to enter the ring now. I'll see what you say." Ghost King Da looked at Yue Si, and felt more and more that Yue Si's martial arts were unfathomable. A person who came out to participate in the competition.

"It seems that you still don't understand the rules of martial arts. You need people of the same generation to compete in martial arts. Whether it's the big bully or the young bully the old, you will be left behind." Yue Si said: "Back then According to Chunnan Chuan, Master Ye found a local person as his apprentice, and asked his apprentice to fight with other martial arts people."

"And, a little-known person who won an impossible opponent in an almost suicidal challenge, then this kind of showdown is topical."

"Then the person who buys that little guy and wins must be the dealer." Ghost Wangda said, "One book will make a lot of money!"

Yue Si found He Jinyin on the lawn outside the elite center. The delivery boy was holding a sandwich in one hand and milk tea in the other. A lot of it was spread on the ground, but when I looked at it from the front, it turned out that it was a man giggling, not having epilepsy.

"Takeaway boy, what's the matter, so happy." Yue Si asked, "Could it be that you found a hundred dollars that fell from the sky?"

"No, it's happier than finding a hundred dollars. My first kiss is gone, but my first love is coming." He Jinyin said with a very exaggerated smile: "A beautiful girl kissed me, and it was still Bo's mouth. ."

"Wow, I'm so lucky. Could it be that beautiful girl who was entangled and pulled you out as a shield?" Yue Si said, "It's you, a delivery boy, who is self-indulgent."

He Jinyin heard the words, pulled his hat to cover his eyes, smiled a little bit, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth narrowed a little bit: "Yeah."

Then He Jinyin remembered something, raised his head and said to Yue Si: "But she promised me that as long as I get two tickets for the God of Songs concert, she will go to the concert with me, in fact, I still have a chance. of."

"Wow, this shows that you still have a chance, but tickets for the God of Songs concert are hard to buy. You must not be used by others as a tool." Yue Si asked: "What's that girl's name, I'll ask Is it as beautiful as you say - you won't tell me, you gave people your first kiss, and you don't even know the other party's name."

"Ali, her name is Ali." He Jinyin said.

"Ali, it turned out to be her. There is a flower in the elite center. She is tall and has long legs and looks beautiful. A man's dream goddess." Yue Si said contradictory words, and then took a hundred yuan from his wallet and stuffed it. He entered He Jinyin's pocket, patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Take advantage of the time now, eat and drink well, don't treat yourself badly, this hundred dollars counts as the medical expenses I sponsored for you or Funeral expenses."

"Sir, don't scare me!" Ah Xing took out the money in his pocket and put it into Yue Si's hand: "I'll return all the money to you, can you tell me why?"

Yue Si pushed the money to He Jinyin: "Do you know why I say that Ali is a flower in the elite but just a man's dream goddess?"

He Jinyin shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Because the head of the judo club, Black Bear, is pursuing Ali and regards her as his dish, anyone who is interested in Ali is his enemy." Yue Si said: "Black Bear is as his name suggests. , The body is as strong as a black bear, and the way of thinking is no different from that of a black bear. If you have watched the science and education channel, you know that this ferocious beast will fight in order to pursue a mate."

"I know." A Xing nodded.

"That's right, the black bear is pursuing Ali, and anyone else who pursues Ali will be regarded by him as a competitor, an opponent that needs to be solved, so even if Ali is very beautiful, no one dares to beat her. Idea." Yue Si continued to intimidate He Jinyin with words, causing him to tremble all over.

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