Villains Template

Chapter 475: Great War

Coulson, who came to Stark Industries to find Pepper Potts, happened to meet her. At this time, Pepper Potts used the black technology U disk provided by Stark to copy the information about the cooperation between Obadi and the Ten Commandments Gang. While walking out with Coulson, I called Tony Stark and told him about it.

"I was discovered by Obadi. I don't know what he will do. I am now with the Coulson you know. It is safe for the time being. If you have any means to deal with Obadi, hurry up!"

After getting the evidence from Potts, Coulson, who was holding a real hammer, immediately called his boss Nick Fury to report the situation and briefly explained what happened. Coulson then applied for the arrest of Obadiah. .

Nick Fury directly ordered the arrest of Obadi It is very possible that he has a network of contacts in the government for 100 years.

As everyone knows at this time, Obadi has brought the Ark reactor brought by Justin Hammer to his secret laboratory, installed it on the chest of the Iron Overlord armor, activated the armor, and then stuffed himself. go in.

"You have to die tonight!"

Provoked by Justin Hammer's words, Obadi has been killing all the people and decided to kill all the insiders tonight. He has deleted the video on the computer. As long as he catches Little Pepper Potts, he can kill U. Take the pan back, destroy this thing, get her and the agent out of the way, then find time to kill Tony Stark, and then you're all set.

Then, when Coulson brought his team and followed Pepper Potts to the secret laboratory, he just bumped into Obadiah and came out wearing the Iron Overlord armor, and a wave of people could be said to have hit the locomotive.

The Iron Overlord armor has been activated. Through the monitoring, I saw the scene of Pepper Potts and a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. I broke through the gate and rushed out. AGENT - Where did a group of people see this scene.

But agents are agents. After sensing the danger, their bodies made dodging movements before their consciousness could react, and they hid in the blind spot of Iron Overlord. Potts was protected by Coulson and was safe.

The agents who found the cover stuck their heads out and took out pistols to shoot the Iron Overlord. Because things developed unexpectedly, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents led by Coulson did not take heavy weapons at all, at most pistols or a few agents. Dedicated props, it is not an easy task to capture Opadry alive in this situation.

Because of a lot of time to upgrade and transform, the current set of Iron Overlord armor is a third-generation product. With a big wave of Obadai, he replaced a considerable part of the Iron Overlord's shell material with aviation gold-titanium alloys, and the pistol bullets only It can leave a little lead mark on Tiebawang's shell, and it can't cause substantial damage to it at all.

Just at the critical moment, the hero appeared, and the gold and red steel battle suit fired two palm cannons, and the impact hit the menacing Iron Overlord to the ground—after Pepper Potts finished calling him, he wore it. He got on the steel battle suit and flew towards this side, hurriedly catching up and finally caught up.

But Tony Stark's attack was just a fall for the Iron King. In fact, it didn't hurt much. If Tony Stark's steel suit is a supercar, the Iron King is reloaded and thickened with armor. It is a main battle tank, which is much more durable than expected. After standing up, it fought with Tony Stark.

It's a pity that things in the world are not so absolute. Just like the prosperous Ming Dynasty who died in a slave society, Tony Stark's steel battle suit is very delicate and has a high level of technology. He is the Tony Stark at this stage. A proud work that combines all of Stark's wisdom with the industrial capabilities of Stark's industry, but the huge size of Iron Overlord is full of power, just like the "one power to break all laws" often mentioned in fantasy texts and in the national art text. The "power is unreasonable", even if you have all kinds of martial arts, it is useless to hit me without pain, but if you hit me, you will be hurt.

Relatively speaking, the steel suits that use more advanced technology are very mobile. Tony Stark led Obadiah away from the building to the empty square, and then, like an assassin with a single boss, he went around the Iron Overlord. Flying and wandering, small rockets and palm repulsion cannons greeted Tiebawang one by one, knocking Tiebawang to the ground, but the armored shell of Tiebawang was not broken, leaving black marks at the most. The outer paint is scratched.

"Jarvis, scan it, what material is Obadeh's armor shell made of." Tony Stark looked at the gold under the spray paint of Iron Overlord's armor, a small armor-piercing bullet that can even shoot into the soul of a tank Why can't break through the protection of Iron Overlord has created doubts.

Different from the original Iron Overlord armor, the two upgraded Iron Overlord armor is covered with solid armor. The thick armor wraps various fragile structures, and almost no weak points are exposed.

Just at this moment, Tony Stark, who was half a beat slower, was caught by Iron Overlord's giant mechanical palm. The difference in size was that this scene looked like an adult holding a baby, and then Obadeh lifted Tony Stark high and threw it to the ground.

The excellent shock absorption system allowed Tony Stark to be protected from the huge impact, but the steel suit temporarily failed when the ground was smashed into a big hole. As the special sound of mechanical operation approached, Tony Stark turned over as best he could, raised his arms high, slid a distance with the reaction force of his palm cannon, and then quickly pulled up after the system was restored, looking down at Obadeh - why was he so stupid just now, he has it Isn't it a simple matter to control the air and beat Obadiah? Why fight melee?

"Oh! Tony, it's really good, you can actually fly." Obadeh's voice sounded through the speaker, and then the Iron Overlord's back, soles, and palms also began to spray repulsive white light, making the heavy Iron Overlord armor float. In the air: "Unfortunately, flying, I can too."

When Tony Stark saw this, he immediately thought of moving the battlefield to a place where no one was there. Although the Ark reactor used by the Iron Overlord armor did not know where it came from, the power was a bit smaller than the one he used, even if it was the same version , With the huge self-weight of Tie Bawang, he is definitely going to fly slower than himself.

"Don't think about escaping and lead me somewhere else." Seeing Tony Stark adjust his posture and prepare for high-speed maneuvering, Obadi began to intimidate. For decent people, he can always There is something that threatens them: "If you let them be killed by me, then just run away!"

Tony Stark looked back and was about to scold his mother, because a missile appeared on Obadi's Iron Overlord's arm, but the direction of the missile was not himself, but the industrial center beside him; the camera of the steel suit was fast Zooming in, I found that my secretary, Pepper Potts, and a group of SHIELD agents were still there.

The Iron Overlord suspended in mid-air can be said to be condescending, and there is no obstacle between him and the little peppers. If he launches an attack, he must be able to hit it directly.

"Tony, don't think about running away!"

The sound from the speakers fell, Obadiah's missile ignited, and Tony Stark hurriedly released a small infrared induction device, detonated the missile halfway, and breathed a sigh of relief.

After such a delay, the Iron Overlord was already close, and Tony Stark hurriedly increased the power of the repulsive jet port to fly upwards, leading Obadeh to the sky—as an arrogant inventor, he would not Just follow the advice of others. After the steel suit was made, he wore it for an experiment once, and there was ice formation at a height of 4,000 feet. If he didn't close his hands in time and didn't let the sensor go to sleep due to low temperature, he would have to experience it. The taste of free-falling movement was felt, and after that, he changed the material of the steel battle suit to aviation-grade titanium alloy to solve this problem.

Tony Stark, who had the experimental accident in mind, was trying to take advantage of the high-altitude icing against Obadiah.

"Sir, Mr. Obadeh's armor is made of aviation gold-titanium alloy." At this moment, Jarvis, the co-pilot of the steel suit, came to a conclusion after analysis and comparison. Hearing the news, Tony S. Tucker's blood was cold, and after Majafak said, "Jarvis, hack the smart control system of Obadiah's armor and turn it off."

"Sir, the intelligent system of Obadiah's armor is at the same level as that of Stark Industries. I can't control it for a long time. In thirty seconds, the other party's system will automatically restart to gain master control, and the firewall mechanism will be Stop my re-invasion in a short time," Jarvis said.

"Thirty seconds is enough!"

I regret that Tony Stark, who had designed such a complete system of Stark Industries, turned his direction and slammed into Obadistan from the air under the dual action of gravity and repulsion. At this time, Obadiah Iron King As if the armor suddenly shut down, he lost power and quickly descended under the impetus of Stark - no matter how powerful the shock absorption system of the Iron Overlord armor was, it would be hard to imagine that it would not die at this height and hit the ground.

It's a pity that people are not as good as the sky. When there are still two hundred meters from the ground, Tony Stark's repulsive force jets downward, stopping himself in the air. Obadi, who was released by him, can only fall freely, but At this moment, the intelligent control system of Tiebawang resumed work, and the repulsive force sprayed full power output. It crashed into a corner of the Stark Industrial Center and fell on the road outside, squashed a car and stopped. , and caused a larger car accident because of a chain reaction.

Tony Stark, who was catching up, looked at the deformed and disfigured car under Tiebawang with regretful eyes. Judging from the damage to the vehicle, the passengers inside had lost the need for rescue.

"Go to hell! Tony." Obadi turned over and got off the wreckage of the car, raised his arm, the Vulcan cannon attached to it was activated, and a long whip intertwined with metal and flame swept towards Tony Stark. In this case, Tony Stark needs to take care of others, otherwise the fight between the two involves other people, but he can do whatever he wants.

The two mechas were fighting on the road, with impact beams, rockets, etc., in order to prevent themselves from being involved in the fight of the gods, the car drivers slammed the steering wheel to avoid the two, one or two cars did this. That’s all, but during this period of time, the traffic flow was high, and the cars forcibly changed lanes one by one, causing the incidents of rear-end collisions to continue to occur.

With the traffic jam, people abandoned their cars and ran away from the battlefield. The people trapped in the car because the vehicle was impacted and deformed frantically patted the window, trying to attract the attention of others to help themselves escape, but At this critical moment, your own life is the most important thing. How can you take care of others? The characters in the movie who have to help others escape in times of crisis only exist in the movie.

In order to consider the appearance and its own fluency, Tony Stark's steel suit armor has not many weapons, and it has been used up in the previous battle, and now he can only rely on the palm cannon to bombard the Iron Overlord one after another. .

Obadi is different here. Although the Iron Overlord is improved on the basis of Tony Stark's steel battle suit, everything is prepared for war, and various external weapons can be installed. They are all equipped with rockets on the left arm, and the Vulcan cannon on the right arm can continue to fire for two minutes, and after several upgrades by the scientists of Stark Industries, many structures have been simplified, Therefore, the amount of ammunition is larger, so you can fire at will without considering the issue of ammunition.

Although the defensive power of the outer armor of the steel suit can ignore the firepower of Obadi .

He had no problem hiding, but the innocent people suffered. Whether it was the effective range of the Vulcan Cannon of 3000 meters or the coverage of the rockets, they were inevitably implicated. A woman who mistakenly used the accelerator as the brake The driver caught the attention of Obadiah after ramming two cars, and then the female driver and her three children, along with the car, were torn to shreds by a Vulcan under Tony Stark's nose.

"Obadai, don't you want my life, come after me!" As the casualties of innocent people increased, Tony Stark's eyes were red, and the repulsion jet was activated and suspended in the air, urgently want to move the battlefield.

Obadeh threatened Tony Stark with Pepe Potts before. Although the final result did not achieve his goal, it was quite effective in terms of the process, so he would not follow Tony Stark. 's wish - threatening the protagonist with insignificant ordinary people is what a big villain like him should do.

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