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Chapter 502: Technology and Civilization

From a personal point of view, Crowe also supports this kind of behavior. The shameful tattoo on his neck represents his irreconcilable hatred with Wakanda, especially in order to get away after stealing Zhenjin. Designed to blow up many people with explosives, including many high-level Wakanda, it can be said to be a **** feud.

Just as the tattoos on the lips of the Wakanda are proof of their identity, the tattoos on Crowe are also proof of identity, an application of information technology.

If Crowe was not on the Triangle Trade when he came to Wakanda, he would definitely trigger the Wakanda alarm, and then the surveillance system throughout the country would lock his position, attracting Wakanda soldiers overwhelming. the hunt.

However, Yue Si used the means of violent intrusion, and showed no sign of concealing his whereabouts. The alarm triggered by Crow was covered up by the louder siren, and the bigger crisis covered up the trivial things.

Do you still care about a thief when you are being invaded?

The answer is right. When the fighter servants slaughtered, Wakanda's soldiers were sent everywhere to block, but Wakanda's most elite soldiers, the King's Guard, remained silent. The soldiers who appeared among the best among the soldiers did not appear on the battlefield, waiting for the appearance of the mastermind behind the scenes, and then as a new force to make a lore.

After many years of mining in Wakanda, a large hole has been dug in the place where the Zhenjin ore is located, and the Wakanda people built the national laboratory into the mine.

Prince T'Challa and the royal guard in red uniforms are here, watching the fireworks through the surveillance system, watching the fighter servants slaughter his citizens.

The king is old and his body has grown out of shape. Even with the strengthening of the heart-shaped herbs, he can no longer wear the black panther suit to fight. Although he still holds the throne of the king, the title of "Black Panther" has been passed down to T'Challa. , T'Challa also ate the heart-shaped herb to strengthen his body, and only when the old king announced his abdication, he could take over as king.

According to the conspiracy theory, the old king held the power firmly in his hands and handed over all the responsibilities of the king of Wakanda to his son. Although the old king was out of shape, he obviously still had After decades of hard work, T'Challa's princely position is estimated to have to sit for several more decades. He is bound by righteousness and fame, and he honestly works for his father.

Not long ago, they had received the alarm and distress signal issued by the chief of the border tribe, and immediately dispatched troops to prepare to meet the enemy, but they did not expect the enemy's attack to come so quickly.

The fighter servants attacking the real Wakanda were more aggressive than the fighter servants on the frontier tribe's side, the weapons attached to their exoskeletons turned them into mobile combat platforms, and they took all the goods in the Klaw's cargo. Bullet, I can't write any more later...

Watching the people fall in a pool of blood, T'Challa, who has learned how to be a king, clenched his fists and stared at the screen, but he knew that anger is useless now, he must calm down and act blindly Otherwise, it will fall into the trap of the enemy, causing the power not to be used in the correct place and unable to prevent the original casualties from appearing.

The mastermind behind the scenes must be found, and the thief must be captured first.

What's more, in the matter of commanding the battle, the Minister of Military Affairs is in charge, and the only one who can bypass him and issue orders is the king. He is not qualified to intervene at the moment, and he can only command the personal guards that belong to the royal family.

Soon, some technicians discovered the situation: "His Royal Highness, we have found a special signal."

"What is it?" T'Challa hurriedly asked when he saw the breakthrough.

"It's Crowe, the Crowe who stole the vibranium from Wakanda." The technician manipulated the instrument and retrieved the surveillance video of the location of Crowe's signal.

On a high-rise building, Crowe was talking to an oriental person. Beside them, there were tall weirdos in red robes, people in formal clothes and scepters, and people with strange Firearms personnel.

They looked around, watching every battle and killing, and it was clear that these people were involved in the attack.

"Claw!" T'Challa muttered the name through gritted teeth.

He only has a young and wise sister, and no other siblings, so he doesn't have to worry about someone robbing him of the king's position, so his education is carried out according to the standard of the crown prince.

Although Wakanda claims to be the most technologically advanced country in the world, their civilization is still very primitive, basically staying at the level of primitive tribes. It is difficult to say that there is no Wakanda who chooses to close itself and use a protective cover to protect the real country. Protected, but also isolated from the outside world, resting on one's own means stagnation and backwardness.

In the movie "Black Panther", the selection of the king's position is even carried out in a primitive duel. That is the position of the king of a country, and it is not that two stags are needed to fight for power among the deer.

For a primitive tribe, there are not many things worth recording, only war and shame.

Crowe's behavior of stealing Zhenjin from Wakanda is a very typical shame for Wakanda, and it is a thing worth recording, and T'Challa also learned about it in the process of learning. Afterwards, the worldview and values ​​cultivated from childhood to adulthood also made T'Challa remember Klau, the enemy of Wakanda.

T'Challa was already wearing the black panther suit designed by him. After putting on the helmet, he immediately took the royal guard, boarded the stealth fighter, and flew towards the location of Crowe.

"Crow, do you think Wakanda is advanced or backward? Rich or poor?"

Yue Si held the previous vibrating gold tuning fork in his hand, and flicked his fingers on it, causing it to emit bursts of oscillating sound waves, which were transmitted through the air as a medium, and then asked Klau.

For this question raised by Yue Si, Crow did not know how to answer it. He was just an arms dealer, not a social science researcher. He had never thought about this question.

Yue Si is not surprised by this. In his opinion, Wakanda is an alternative version of the American emperor, mastering world-class technology, but what can be directly reflected, only the towering architecture and military design can really enjoy For technological welfare, only a few people at the top, such as members of the royal family and chiefs of tribes.

Science and technology seem to have nothing to do with people at the bottom. Apart from being able to enjoy a little basic welfare, there seems to be nothing else.

The most intuitive manifestation is that Wakanda's farming and grazing are relatively primitive methods, and there is basically no shadow of high-tech, not to mention combine harvesters, not even a walking tractor.

Perhaps the person who "created" Wakanda was based on the status quo of his own country, plus some "idyllic pastoral" delusions, to turn this originally very powerful country into this deformed appearance.

Although it is the same as Kamen Rider, the setting is the setting, and the combat performance is the combat performance, but this is too much.

Oh, Wakanda was created by the Medi people, that's fine.

In a certain movie "Frustrated and Ten Circles", they also replayed this set, which was embarrassing to death.

The development of science and technology is the development of productive forces. The ultimate goal is to liberate human beings from heavy and tedious work. It is directly reflected in all aspects closely related to life. The most obvious place is farming.

Breeding and selection, crop improvement, land reclamation and ploughing, planting, fertilization, pest control, irrigation, harvesting, warehousing, there are so many things involved, United Fruit Company and Monsanto Company are both big Macs related to agriculture enterprise.

The original model of the tank was improved on the basis of the tractor. The "No. 1 Tank" of the Third Reich was called "agricultural tractor" when the project was first established.

Even after digging a shovel of soil on the moon and bringing it back for research, the people of an indescribable country are most concerned about whether they can grow vegetables on the moon.

Moreover, Wakanda is actually relatively poor. Although they are sitting on the precious mineral Zhenjin, they do not sell it to the outside world. Although the transaction price of Yuesi's purchase of Zhenjin from Klau is 20,000 US dollars per gram. , the value of wealth represented by the total amount of vibrating gold in Wakanda exceeds the total wealth created by the entire earth civilization, that is, nominally Wakanda has wealth that can buy the entire earth.

But things are not so simple. Just like when the real estate of the foot pot chicken was at its peak, it was said that "one Ginza can buy the entire US emperor!", the actual value and market value are not equal.

Only in the process of circulation can an item reflect its value. Just like the ancient rich man, he buried gold, silver and copper coins in the ground, or melted copper coins into incense burners. Although these things still have their existence as precious metals. value, but has lost the value of currency circulation.

The same is true here in Wakanda. They have the most valuable minerals in the world, but they do not sell them. The two transactions recorded so far are the vibrating gold stolen from Wakanda by Crowe's family. Selling to the outside world has made a lot of money, and the people of the Crowe family have been cheapened in vain.

And once a large amount of vibrating gold flows into the market, its unit price may not be that high. No one foolishly spends $20,000 per gram to buy it, and that part of the asset will shrink.

But these have nothing to do with Yue Si. Even if the entire US emperor is packaged and sold, he will not be able to buy a space battleship, because there is no such level of goods for sale on the earth, and the poor wealth of mankind is seen in higher-level civilizations. Come is worthless, just like the ancient shell currency, can you still buy things now?

That is something under two financial systems at all. In the eyes of the ancients, the shell currency has its value as a general equivalent, but in the eyes of modern people, that is not the case at all.

Yue Si asked a few words to the mechanical priest next to him. The mechanical priest said that Wakanda's technological creations cannot communicate, and the concept of machine souls does not exist in Wakanda's creations.


Yue Si turned his head to look at the sky, a stealth fighter approached, and then instantly released the stealth state, the hatch opened, and a black shadow jumped down from the open hatch and rushed towards the crowd.

Except for Crowe, the rest of the people could clearly see what the shadow was. A man in a black tight-fitting combat suit and a leopard-shaped helmet. His fingertips popped out sharp claws, like a hunting black panther. , to catch the crowd.

A psyker stretched out his hand, as the ambient air temperature dropped, as he had done with Crowe's crew before, trying to freeze the mind of the Panther.

But the psyker's attempt failed, and there was a special power in the soul of the black panther T'Challa, which protected his soul from foreign forces.

That is the power of the panther **** that Wakanda believes in. In the Marvel world, gods are real. For example, Kama Taj inherits the power of the Trinity Weishandi. There are many gods in Wakanda, except the mainstream ones. In addition to the leopard god, there are also the white ape god, the crocodile god, etc. In the comics, those who engage in rebellion, kill the old king, and compete for the throne of the king are those who believe in the white ape god.

In the opening scene of the "Black Panther" movie, there is a picture of a Wakanda priest finding a heart-shaped herb under the guidance of Black Panther.

When T'Challa drank the heart-shaped herb, it was not so much a strengthening of a super soldier, it was more like a ritual. He needed to cross his hands on his chest, and then lie down in a shallow pit, covering his body with fine sand. Very symbolic of death and burial.

After drinking the mashed heart-shaped T'Challa will also enter a fantasy world called 'the realm of the ancestors' and see her deceased father, although it is difficult to say the center Did the herbal medicine act as a hallucinogen, but in the legend, only the soul can enter the kingdom of the gods. Combined with the previous ritual, the meaning is obvious.

With the protection of the power of the Leopard God, the psionicist can't shake T'Challa's soul, and the psionicist's sure hand will fail.

Since metaphysics can't be dealt with, let's play with technology.

A crew member raised the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger towards the panther T'Challa. A ray shot from the muzzle and hit T'Challa.

The black panther suit that T'Challa is wearing now is not inherited from his father's, but designed by him. In terms of setting, T'Challa is also a highly intelligent and highly educated talent. In the comics, Ultron is raging on the Internet. At the time, he secretly helped the Avengers.

Although this battle suit does not have the nano battle suit designed for him by his sister Su Rui, it has the ability to absorb, store and convert kinetic energy into attacks, but the vibrating metal has the characteristics of not conducting heat, energy and kinetic energy. , can be said to be indestructible, so facing the attack of the crew's mere individual weapons, T'Challa did not choose to avoid, but continued to grab in the direction of Klaus and Yuesi.

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