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Chapter 513: confrontation

Alexander Pierce seems to be asking unintentionally, but in fact, like those directors, he is asking how to contact Charles Wu Yuesi and how to control each other.

For today's earth, the existence of Yue Si is equivalent to a variable. No one knows what he can come up with. A seemingly inadvertent gadget may change the pattern of the entire world.

Just like the emergence of mushroom eggs, it completely overturned the possibility that small countries could fight against big countries in the past.

Even if it is not a weapon of mass destruction like mushroom eggs, even if it is just a new type of engine that is different from internal combustion engines, external combustion engines, steam engines, jet engines, and electric motors, the impact is extremely powerful.

Whether the five members of the World Security Council consider the interests of their home countries, or, like Alexander Pierce, consider his Hydra organization, in fact, everyone is not wrong.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the situation is favorable for the US emperor, because Yue Si lives in the US emperor, and all the technologies he uses are actually enhancing the strength of the US emperor.

However, compared to the tense relationship between the World Security Council and Nick Fury, Alexander Pierce, the former boss, is of course closer. Nick Fury will not doubt that he has selfishness, so Alexander Pierce will There is such a question, but who would have thought that the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was the big BOSS of Hydra?

"He's not working for anyone, he's just working for himself, it's just that we can benefit from the process." Nick Fury said ambiguously, causing Alexander Pierce's doubts.

Perhaps seeing that Alexander Pierce couldn't understand the meaning of his words, Nick Fury took the initiative to explain: "For Charles Wu, there is no difference between earthlings in his eyes, just like you go to the zoo to see monkeys, In his eyes, human beings are virtually indistinguishable, except for the people who study it, raise it, or have differences in body shape and hair color that make it stand out in the race."

"And as he said, he's just an interstellar refugee who just came to Earth to live temporarily. As long as he can provide good living conditions, he doesn't really care which country he lives in, whether it's the United States, Lucia, Europe, Even the indescribable country doesn't really make any difference to him."

"The reason why he came up with technology is to make his life better. For example, after you go to a primitive tribe and integrate into them, in order to make your life better, teach them how to use fire to cook food. Machining, how to set traps for hunting, and even smelting metals for more powerful weapons and tools."

For the average modern person, these knowledge and skills belong to the category of understanding but not understanding, but Nick Fury is different from Alexander Pierce. They are both agents. As an agent, you must know a lot, in addition to being skilled In addition to using modern equipment, wild survival and the like are also in their training programs, and they are wild survival experts one by one when they are released.

So, Nick Fury's example is very appropriate, because he has a lot of trust in Alexander Pierce, and he also jokingly gave an example: "If he came to earth seventy years early, in his eyes, choose the Third Reich and we actually There is no difference, if the Hydra is still there, and he can even give more favorable conditions than S.H.I.E.L.D., he will definitely serve the Hydra without a word—in his eyes, we are just a tribe of primitive people."

"Oh, did he see us that way?" The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Nick Fury just gave an example, but Alexander Pierce's heart was turbulent, but a qualified agent is a perfect actor, His expression did not change in the slightest, and even his heartbeat became stable under control.

Nick Fury is too good, so as the Hydra BOSS, he will choose him to be the successor of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Nick Fury lived up to high expectations. Under his management, S.H.I.E.L.D. has grown rapidly. At least he can get more funding from the World Security Council, and the Hydra parasitic in S.H.I.E.L.D. has also grown rapidly by taking advantage of this east wind.

However, just because Nick Fury is so good, Alexander Pierce has always been anxious, worried that Nick Fury will find the trace of their Hydra, especially after the successful verification of the first sky carrier, Hydra The "Insight Project" to clear the obstacles to world **** is on the agenda, and the Hydra must make some moves that may alarm Nick Fury

"On the way to New Mexico, I had a long talk with him for a while. He was very surprised by the pattern of the earth. In his opinion, in addition to the primitive tribe period, there is actually a civilization on a planet that is developing to At this level of ours, instead of forming a unified regime, we are separated from each other, hating and hostile to each other.”

Nick Fury didn't notice what his old boss was thinking, and said: "Actually, the reason he chose Earth is because Asgard has Asgard's protection, and Earth doesn't have to worry about the overall situation of aliens. Invasion, and Asgard does not directly intervene in human civilization, and has not interfered with human development for thousands of years, resulting in their existence has become a legend, and even the relationship between the characters is confused."

Then, Nick Fury continued to say a lot of things, his consideration for the future, and his analysis of the current situation.

Alexander Pierce does a good job of being a listener, and that's part of his job, and he's only able to navigate the World Security Council to provide Nick Fury with what he's going to do help.

After wrapping up the chat, Alexander Pierce returned to his office in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Tri-Wing Building to continue his work today, as well as do some preliminary preparations around Nick Fury's plans.

Almost the figure of Alexander Pierce disappeared in the corridor with his forefoot, and another Alexander Pierce walked into Nick Fury's office. This was obviously not the real Alexander Pierce, but had an old relationship with Nick Fury. Its the work of the Skrull Talos.

In this universe, the skrull's mimetic deformation ability is preserved, and after getting close to a person and mimicking his image, he can obtain the short-term memory of the other person, but if it is too long, there is nothing that can be done.

And this is also a way to distinguish the Skrull disguise.

"Have you found it?" Nick Fury said lightly.

"I found it." Talos replied, and then spit out a word: "Hydra."

Hearing this word, Nick Fury let out a long sigh and closed his one eye. He had already noticed that there was an undercurrent in S.H.I.E.L.D., but he didn't know where it came from. A secret room with five fingers out of sight, surrounded by walls, unable to find the direction, every step will hit the wall.

At that time, Nick Fury found himself out of control of S.H.I.E.L.D., so he sent trusted agent Black Widow Natasha to conduct an internal investigation without alarming anyone, and finally found clues, although only one scale and half a claw , but as an intelligence officer, Nick Fury got a very scary truth, a truth he didn't want to believe.

In the information obtained there, almost all clues pointed to his old boss, former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Alexander Pierce. Nick Fury was not stunned, but fearful.

Not surprised by the mutiny of Alexander Pierce, Nick Fury has maintained a skeptical attitude all the year round, which is why he has been sitting in this position for a long time. Only by being careful can he live long, even himself, Nick Fury was distrusted, let alone Alexander Pierce, his former boss.

Therefore, Nick Fury is only afraid of what Alexander Pierce is going to do. This is the dignified former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. How many contacts can be used, even if he has reorganized S.H.I.E.L.D. over the years, the basic staff of the personnel cannot be shaken at all, and it may even take the opportunity to occupy a high position.

Therefore, today's video conference with the World Security Council, on the surface, is the negotiation between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the World Security Council represented by Nick Fury, but it is actually Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce. The personal interrogation did not end until Alexander Pierce walked out of the office.

Nick Fury even threw out the heavy weight of "Charles Wu Yues", just to stimulate the former director with words, took out the secrets hidden in Alexander Pierce's heart, and then used Talos to imitate, Get his memory.

What Nick Fury didn't expect was that the Hydra, which he was just using as an example, turned out to be true. This organization that had turned into the dust of history turned back to life, parasitic in S.H.I.E.L.D., and has been secretly accumulating power. It has grown and grown, and even more than half of S.H.I.E.L.D. today are Hydras.

To tell a joke, it's not that Hydra is lurking in SHIELD, but that there are SHIELD agents in Hydra.

Even if Nick Fury is determined to eliminate the Hydra elements in S.H.I.E.L.D., how many people will follow him to do this, even if he does that, and finally succeeds, the final result must be S.H.I.E.L.D. The bureau fell apart.

The S.H.I.E.L.D., which was formed with the painstaking efforts of countless seniors to protect world peace, has become a seedbed for nurturing evil organizations. The efforts made to protect the world have instead contributed to Hydra's ambition to rule the world.

"Record all the information you have about Hydra." After closing his eyes briefly, Nick Fury resumed his SHIELD director and king of agents' style.

Even if the efforts of countless seniors are buried, the Hydra must be completely eradicated.

After Talos completed the list and the Hydra factions from Alexander Pierce's memory, he impersonated the appearance of a SHIELD agent and left, and Nick Fury looked at the list more and more. The more frightened, the parasitized by Hydra was not only S.H.I.E.L.D., but the entire Western civilized society.

Take the U.S. imperial side as an example, there are members of Hydra at various senior levels, state legislators, and even the World Security Council, although the purpose of their joining Hydra is not as pure as in the Red Skull period, but only with the help of Hydra. The snake's channel to make profit, but when the Hydra completes their plan and rules the whole world, they will definitely become a human being as a member of the Hydra.

The formation of the Avengers is what Nick Fury is going to use to block Alexander Pierce's plan. Captain America ensures that the team will not go astray, and the Hulk will provide positive output. Tony Stark provides With logistical and technical support, Hawkeye Clint and Black Widow, as agents, are able to carry out some non-positive operations.

But when the facts are in front of him, even if it's not the whole picture, Nick Fury feels that the matter is difficult. The range of enemies they have to face is so wide and powerful that it is no longer something a superhero of the Avengers can resist. of.

If you really want to exterminate the Hydra, then you have to fight to the death...

As for Alexander Pierce, after listening to his description and going to contact Charles Wu Yues, Nick Fury was able to make sure that they didn't get any benefits in front of this alien, who was far from being as simple as he said. Keeping the information written down by Talos firmly in mind, Nick Fury turned off the smoke alarm in the office, took out a lighter and lit the paper document, leaving it in the metal garbage. Burned out in the barrel, and then mashed the ashes to complete destruction.

He took out a bullet casing from the drawer of his desk. Nick Fury put the yellow and golden thing on the work table in front of him. Looking at the fine inscriptions and skull marks on the bullet casing, Nick Fury found that he seemed to be Forgot one thing, but what that thing was, Nick Fury couldn't remember.

That's right, if he can remember something he forgot, then it won't be forgotten.

Good nonsense.

What Nick Fury forgot was that Yue Si had already disclosed the information of Hydra, and it was drawn on the wall with the lives of many Snake Shield agents and their blood.

However, the investigation into this matter came to an abrupt end at an unknown time, and there was no more news after that, all investigations were over, all data records disappeared, even Nick Fury Rui himself didn't pay attention to this matter, and couldn't even remember it.

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