Villains Template

Chapter 532: Human, your future...

"You filthy bugs, savage monkeys, lowly rats..."

As soon as Justin Hammer opened his mouth, it was almost abusive. He used thirty consecutive adjectives to degrade his compatriots, as if to separate himself from the race of the past.

That demeanor was the same as when Long Ma's maid introduced Long Ma's many names, but now it's completely reversed.

Servo skulls and baby-shaped cherubs floated above everyone's heads, and the speakers transmitted Justin Hammer's voice to everyone's ears, causing everyone to stare at each other.

His attitude is very arrogant, full of arrogance, even as a betrayal, he is as arrogant as if bathed in the glory of the empire, and he unabashedly expresses contempt for the big man he needed to look up to before.

Justin Hammer should be arrogant. Although he is the second devil, it depends on who he is serving. If they can, they also want to replace Justin Hammer.

Nick Fury looked calm and relieved about Justin Hammer's condescension - and sure enough, he guessed right, Justin Hammer knew the truth about the Imperial Fleet before them, because Charles Wu had long Worked for Hammer Industries, or rather, Justin Hammer had already used the entire Hammer Industries as a promotion to work for Charles Wu.

But what Nick Fury didn't expect was that Yuesi took a method beyond his knowledge, directly reshaping Justin Hammer's personality and making it completely loyal to the Empire.

"The Empire has leniently pardoned the crimes of your uncivilized primitive people. You don't have to be completely destroyed like those alien alien races, but you need to pay the corresponding price..."

Before Justin Hammer's words were finished, a big man raised his objection: "We are here to discuss the future of mankind, not like criminals, accepting your judge's sentence."

"Discussion? Discussion?" With a funny look on his face, Justin Hammer said in a somewhat surprised and slightly sarcastic tone: "What qualifications do you have to discuss your fate with the Empire? Just because you like to drink feces. ?"

"We..." The big man who was pushed out to speak was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to answer... Moreover, only a few people knew that he liked drinking dung wine. Who leaked it out?

In the eyes of the former Justin Hammer, he was a big man, but in the eyes of a bigger big man, he was a **** who could throw it out at any time to block the gun and mine; just like the Ming Dynasty ministers attacked each other and became bigger The bosses are all holding their ground, relying on those little pawns to bite at the front. As long as you bite hard, you can get into the eyes of your own boss.

And although those little pawns are small people in the court, they are officials of the court, and they are already high-ranking people.

"Kneel down, kneel in front of the commander of the empire's expeditionary fleet, the general marshal of the army and horses of the world!"

Justin Hammer raised his voice and shouted angrily, and the servo skull and the cherubs expanded his voice proportionally, and the psionicist in charge of vigilance in the command cabin released a subtle soul-pounding psionic magic at the right time, making those people Feeling fear from the bottom of my heart, then my knees softened and I knelt down involuntarily.

Nick Fury has some good things on his body, including mutants who are wary of psionic powers, and he is also sufficiently resistant to the soul shock of psionicists. Although it does not say complete immunity, it can reduce the influence to To a certain extent, with the agent's will to withstand all kinds of torture and Veritaserum, he can act like a normal person.

But at this time, standing up and acting different from others, it is completely an act of courting death, just like the old man who showed the courage of human beings when Loki attracted firepower before, he also had a mouth addiction, and the result was not given by others. torn.

"Land, minerals, vegetation...even air, all belong to the empire."

"Everything on this planet belongs to the Empire, including you."

"The fate of those of you who stole, plundered the resources of the empire, and slaughtered the people of the empire was already decided when the imperial fleet returned to the sacred homeland. The number of seven billion cannot be ignored. For this reason, the empire Endure the murderous heart."

"The empire admits that you are also human, not the bandit monkeys in Qianling Mountain who like to climb into the female anchor's house to steal toys. You should be thankful for this."

"Your ancestors and the crimes you have committed will be estimated by the wealth and money you understand. You, and your descendants, will carry such a debt because of past crimes, and the Empire will graciously Give you a job, and pay the debt for the pay of the job."

"According to the calculation of the empire, you need to work fourteen standard hours a day, ten hours of work is to pay off debts, four hours of work are for your own needs to earn daily food and other expenses, each time In a standard year, you have eleven standard days of holidays. A person starts working on the day he turns eighteen, and according to the standard working hours calculated by the Empire, he can pay off all his debts by the time he is forty-five.”

"The empire recognizes the existence of a family unit such as husband and wife, but does not recognize more than two genders. Men and women must be married and have three children. There are no restrictions on men and women, and they must be raised to adulthood. During the period, education and daily expenses are if If the couple can't afford it, the Empire will provide an interest-free loan."

Hearing what Justin Hammer said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Isn't it just debt? Which of them is not a small fortune, a debt that can be repaid by one person working for 27 years is not worth it to them. carry.

Moreover, Justin Hammer's speech also includes husband and wife, children and descendants, education, etc. It is even more good news for them, which means that the empire does not intend to change anything.

Because this is what the US imperialists do, encouraging excessive consumption, and then carrying debts for the rest of their lives, working for capitalists and banks for a lifetime.

As many people advocated, every family in the United States lives in villas, and every family has lawns in front of them. In fact, the lawns are counted as part of the municipal greening, but they are passed on to individuals and need to be dealt with regularly, otherwise they will be fined.

Justin Hammer knew that these people had misunderstood and said: "Before this, everyone's property will be confiscated, although for the empire, the earth civilization you represent is no different from the primitive people, the wealth you think is, For the Empire, it is no different from those rough animal skin clothes, polished stone tools, and wooden spears in your eyes."

"However, as punishment, the Empire will still take that from you—no, everything you've created will be destroyed, your history, your technology, will be erased."

"The education you promised..." Another **** came out to ride the thunder.

"Don't say that, this is not my promise, but the decision of the empire." Justin Hammer hurriedly waved his hand to deny that he was just a messenger, how could he make a promise on behalf of the empire? , only the figure sitting on the command seat: "This is the order of the empire, you just need to obey, there is no room for bargaining."

"Education is inevitable. The empire needs you to be workers instead of slaves. A qualified worker needs to know more..." Speaking of which, Justin Hammer said: "After working until the age of forty-five, Those who pay all their debts will be set free, and if they cannot pay their debts, they will be used as sacrifices."

Justin Hammer explained the decisions of the empire piece by piece, and the people who fell on their knees became more and more frightened. Although they verbally admitted that the people of the earth were people, they did not look at people at all. From the moment they start to carry a debt, a debt that cannot be repaid through work, this debt will stay with them for life, and will be passed on to their children and grandchildren, passed down from generation to generation, until it becomes an unshakable number .

The livestock in the farm are treated better than them. At least the livestock are fed, the feed is controlled enough, and there are regular medical examinations. The most painful thing is the slaughter after they are slaughtered; they are all slaughtered after a certain age. Not only is there no guarantee for human beings , even their own feed requires work to earn.

Knock the bone and **** the marrow, this is downright knocking the bone and sucking the marrow.

"As for the country that did not come, the Empire will not move it. Just like the nature reserves you set up, we will keep them and use them as an observation object for continuous observation."

"So, what about people who are over forty-five now?" The **** said, none of the people kneeling here are younger than the watershed of forty-five years. This is a problem related to them.

"Of course it is used as a sacrifice." Justin Hammer said: "The empire needs sacrifices. The empire originally planned to eliminate you at the age of thirty-five and send you to the altar, but the empire discovered that people at the age of forty-five Only when your emotions and thinking have grown to a mature level, it is more appropriate to use them as sacrifices, your memories, emotions, and souls are hard currency.”

"That's why the empire kindly allows your descendants to be educated, because the more you understand, the richer your emotions will be, and the more valuable you will be." Justin Hammer pointed to the man who was kneeling in the dark. To: "You, all of you, have exceeded the forty-five-year-old limit. The empire will not leave you. You have only one place to go, and that is to enter the pyramid."

"You are all elites among human beings. The sins in your souls and the filth hidden in your memories will make you more valuable, and they are the best sellers."

"We cannot accept this condition." This time it was no longer a pawn, but a real boss.

"Hehe, I have already said that this is not a negotiation, but a notification." Justin Hammer said: "And, what is it to do with you? Destroying your civilization and race is a trivial matter, Empire. Allowing you to survive and reproduce is actually more laborious and laborious."

"Then we will resist by force!" said the great commander with oath.

He can't say that. This year is the day of the presidential election. Whether he can defeat the presidential candidate for the second term is still a matter of two questions. He is about to step down and walk in. As a result, the aliens invaded and the empire came.

What's the matter? He can rely on the presidential amnesty order to make a sum of money and pat his **** and leave. How can he come across this kind of thing?

And if the empire is an alien, it is irresistible, but they are actually related to the Indians. The history of the American Empire is the history of blood and tears of the Indians, and the rest need not be said.

Now listen to Justin Hammer's words, pull him out and put him in the pyramid.

Before they boarded the battleship, they waited under the pyramid for a while. I don't know if it was intentional or not. They witnessed how tragic the fate of those who were pushed into the temple as sacrifices.

A living Asan, after entering the temple, was immediately divided and eaten by an unknown and unseen existence. The scene was not bloody, but it felt extremely terrifying.

That Asan lost his health, lost his memory, lost his emotions, lost his youth, and was finally eaten and wiped clean—although it showed rapid aging, then the whole person lost color, and finally The whole person disappeared, but a group of people somehow could see the hidden essence in the performance.

He didn't want to end up like that, and that was a relief.

They did not enter the temple but were detained inside the pyramid. Although the rest of the people are alive, death is inevitable for and before death, they will undergo various tortures, resulting in various Emotions are then harvested and traded, and their souls and bodies will not be traded to the devil until they are squeezed to the point of exhaustion.

Without the tortured procedure, it would be happier to die simply.

The president is grateful for his identity, and thanks to his identity that he can directly learn his destiny from the empire, instead of being thrown into the temple as a sacrifice inexplicably.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The President stood up, and he said loudly to Justin Hammer: "I, in the name of the President, declare war on you, freedom or death."

Anyway, it won't be him and his family who will go to the battlefield, and he won't send his children to the battlefield to repel the empire. He is the most famous president after Roosevelt. Even if he loses, his end will be It won't be any different from doing nothing.

Thanks to the power the world has bestowed on him, he could have done so.

And kneeling beside him, there are also some giants who have already expressed their support for themselves in a subtle way, even if they cannot profit from this war, they are willing to do so in order to protect what they have.

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