Villains Template

Chapter 549: General teacher

Li Gongfu and his group lost their formality not long after they left the city, and the primary school students on the spring tour were more orderly than them.

It is not a matter of time and a half to pay the mountain bandits and strongmen in the Qing Dynasty. The whole group has dry food on their bodies, and they are cakes bought by the government. They took out the pancakes and ate them, and they didn't have any self-consciousness to suppress the bandits—they were just ordinary people before, and they didn't have any training at all. This kind of behavior is normal.

In fact, even Li Gongfu doesn't have that confidence, because most of the more than 100 people are drawn to make up the number, even if they are given spears and spears, they will not be able to use them. Archers, there are no more than twenty people in total - well, if you count Xu Xian, there are barely more than half.

In order to make Xu Xian look good, Li Gongfu found a rope for tying people, coiled it into a coil and stuffed it to Xu Xian.

Just when Li Gongfu felt a headache, Yue Si appeared: "Li Zhaotou, I have found the whereabouts of that group of thieves, do you want me to take you there, there are only six of them, only one of them can use magic, the rest are just Ordinary people."

Hearing what Yue Si had detected, Li Gongfu was very happy: "Master, since you have found them, why don't you use magic to catch them, we don't have to come with so many people."

As he spoke, Li Gongfu pointed to the people who looked like idlers on the roadside: "The county magistrate is constantly on the move, and thinks that more people will be good, but he doesn't know that he recruited so many people, and Qiantang County will put them all together. When this incident came, the bandits who needed more than 100 people to exterminate, can imagine how big the scale was, and people were panicking, and many people simply closed their doors and did not do business."

"On the way here, I was going to buy two hot buns with Xu Xian to eat, but that one didn't open the door. I heard from the neighbors that they were frightened by our battle."

Yue Si smiled lightly and said, "Li Zhaotou, I have said before that the matter of demons and ghosts, I am here, and those who commit crimes will be handled by the people in your government. You still have to come."

As soon as these words came out, Li Gongfu felt a lot better, and the few arresters who had gone to the countryside with Li Gongfu to find cattle for the gentry saw Yue Si, and they also leaned over to talk through their previous relationship.

"If someone has been found, it's better to make a quick decision." Yue Si politely said something to those people, which is necessary for the world, and then said to Li Gongfu: "With your pace, if you start now, you can still Get back before sunset."

Looking at the strong people, Yue Si said: "But only you people can go, those strong people are troublesome, leave a few people to watch these strong people, don't let them run around and make trouble, all the archers Both go."

Li Gongfu went down according to Yue Si's instructions, and soon a group of people gathered and rushed towards the halfway up the mountain where the strongmen were hiding. When the people saw that they had been left behind, one by two they shouted.

They were brought in to be strong people. In addition to taking care of their meals, the yamen would also give them some money. Now Li Gongfu's team obviously left them. I'm down.

Although they dare not fight with others, they dare to encourage others to ask for money together.

And the few who stayed behind didn't say anything, just stared at them, and pulled out a small half of the knife around their waists. Those people died. thing, even if they have weapons in their hands.

Yue Si used two spells on the hunters, yamen, and archers who followed him, so that their footsteps became brisk, they did not feel tired when they traveled far, and the difficult mountain roads became very easy; one was to weaken the Even if more than 20 people don't make a sound, the footsteps, touching the branches of the roadside, etc. will make sounds.

After walking for about two hours, the group finally saw where the strongman was. Although the dense forest blocked the view, the smoke from the cooking meat was very conspicuous.

The archers spread out, shooting arrows at the humble tree house.

Seeing that eldest brother rushing out from behind the tree house, he quickly disappeared from everyone's field of vision through his familiarity with the terrain of the mountains. Yue Si, regardless of Xu Xian's willingness or not, grabbed his collar and carried him towards the eldest brother's Follow the direction.

He was Yue Si's swordsman test and general teacher for Xu Xianliu, and he couldn't escape.

No matter how familiar the eldest brother is with the terrain, he can't match the speed of Yue Si, but Yue Si is not in a hurry to catch the eldest brother, but hangs him not far behind, using invisible pressure to let the eldest brother stimulate his potential. Running under the pressure of death.

Clothes were scratched by branches, legs were scratched by thorns, all these were ignored, as long as they could escape.

After running for a distance, the eldest brother really lost his strength, turned around, knelt on the ground, and said to Yue Si breathlessly, "This Taoist priest, slow down."

"What, are you going to surrender yourself?" Yue Si said to the elder brother with a smile, throwing aside Xu Xian, who had been running fast and his legs were softening.

At this distance, Gongfu Li and the others won't be able to catch up for a while, so you can rest assured.

"Master, as long as you let me go, I have a lot of gold and silver treasures to offer!"

The eldest brother did not know that Yue Si had arranged everything for him. Instead, he held the last glimmer of hope and negotiated with Yue Si.

"Gold and silver treasures?" Yue Si looked at the big brother and said with a smile.

"Yes, the gold and silver treasure we stole, I hid it in a place."

As soon as the eldest brother saw Yue Si's smile, he knew that this matter had a turn for the better. Although he only robbed him once, the rich businessman was very rich, so he got a lot of money, and the wealth and silk moved people's hearts. Only then will there be all the nonsense before, but he didn't put the money and jewelry in the tree house, but found another place to hide it.

Although it was heartbreaking to let those gold and silver treasures go out, he felt it was worth buying a life.

"As long as you are willing to let me go, I will tell you where the gold and silver treasures are hidden!"

In this world, the value of gold and silver treasures is not generally high, and it is also attractive to monsters. In the past, Xiaoqing drove the five ghosts to carry the treasury and silver, and later the toad spirit king Daoling poisoned people to sell antidote for money.

Although Yue Si dressed up as a Taoist, he couldn't be moved by money.

"Haha, arrest you and torture you, you will still tell where you hid the money, Xu Xian, tie him up." Yue Si's words made the elder brother chill, his heart dissipated, and he fell to the ground.

Xu Xian heard the words, took out the rope in his arms, and was about to go forward and tie the eldest brother, but who knew that the eldest brother, who had lost all hope, suddenly had a murderous look in his eyes, and opened his mouth to spit out a black mouth at Xu Xian. fog.

It's a pity that the present Xu Xian is not what it used to be. Seeing the black fog, he practiced the swordsmanship many times and took advantage of the situation. The long sword around his waist was unsheathed, and Xu Xian held it in his hand. Big brother beheaded on the spot.

However, Xu Xian's saber was only for practice. In order to avoid hurting himself, it was not used. However, the principle of Li Da flying bricks is also applicable here.

The eldest brother fell in a pool of blood and died on the spot without even struggling, which is very in line with the tonality of this world.

Xu Xian was sprayed straight by the black mist, but as soon as the mana in his body turned, the toxins were removed, and then he saw his elder brother lying in a pool of blood. Sit down on the ground.

"I killed people, I actually killed people!"

Xu Xian looked at his hands and couldn't believe that his hands had just taken a life.

"Congratulations, you have taken an important step in your life." Yue Si applauded Xu Xian: "I still remember the first time I killed someone. It was a long, long time ago. My reaction at that time was similar to yours."

Yue Si lifted Xu Xian up, made a body immobilization technique, made him stand on the spot, then picked up the long sword thrown by Xu Xian, felled a nearby tree with one sword, and simply cut off the branches. The bark was fixed on the ground to form a natural shelf. The eldest brother's clothes were torn into strips of cloth, and his body was hung on the shelf.

"Since he has become a target for you to practice swordsmanship, then based on the principle of waste utilization, use his corpse to bring you into the gate of this school of medicine. The opportunity is rare, so be sure to look at it." Yue Si took out the previous Kegos Pulling the carving knife of the statue, he said to Xu Xian.

Being fixed by the law, Xu Xian couldn't even blink, so he could only watch helplessly.

Watching Yue Si cut open the skin to open the muscles, cut the muscles to look at the blood vessels, remove the muscles to look at the muscles and bones, open the chest to look at the internal organs, and cut the skull to look at the brain.

After the teaching was completed, Yue Si evaporated the eldest brother's body with a single palm, leaving only one head.

After unlocking the immobilization technique, Xu Xian immediately ran out for a long distance, and then vomited while holding onto a tree. The vomit was inhumane. After becoming a cultivator, his memory made him unable to forget everything he had seen before. The anatomy of the human body was clearly remembered, and then the vomit became worse.

However, with Yue Si's explanation and all the medical books he had read before, Xu Xian's understanding of human beings became more thorough, and he didn't know how to look at this incident.

In less than a day, the strongman who murdered and sold the goods became the corpse. The county magistrate was very happy, thinking that he had a good leadership, and the corpse brought back was identified by the wealthy household and the nursing home, and it was confirmed that it was the one who robbed the road yesterday. Personally, Li Gongfu did not kill the good and take credit, and found some farmers, beggars and the like to fill up.

Moreover, even if Li Gongfu wanted to kill Liang, he would have no chance. There are so many strong people in the third class of yamen, and it is not an easy task to stop the mouths of so many people.

As for the eldest brother who came back with only one head, Li Gongfu relayed it to the magistrate according to Yue Si's explanation: "Reporting to the magistrate, the Taoist chief said that the bandit leader knows some magic tricks. It's also because my wife and brother are not good at learning, otherwise the bandit leader will be left with a whole body."

The county magistrate was very happy to be able to complete the settlement of the strongman, so he didn't care so much. He wrote an official letter to report the matter, and transferred some silver taels to reward a group of meritorious people. Xu Xian also got it. some silver.

But Xu Xian was always gloomy. He didn't want to eat or drink, just like a piece of wood, the pestle didn't move there, and he didn't even eat dinner. Although he saw some dead people, Li Gongfu didn't have an appetite.

Xu Jiaorong didn't know what her husband and brother did during the day, but when she asked, Xu Xian recalled those painful, even nightmare memories.

Yue Si explained: "Xu Xian killed a wicked man, but he couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart."

Although what Xu Xian experienced was far from simple, it was far more challenging to reason and psychological endurance than murder.

It's okay not to explain. After listening to Yue Si's words, Xu Jiaorong exploded like water in a frying pan. She was a good brother when she went out in the morning, but when she came back in the evening, she killed someone.

She knew about her brother, honestly, he would never do such a thing. After seeing Xu Xian's appearance, Xu Jiaorong couldn't say anything, so she had to put her anger on Li Gongfu, He was a good scolding.

Li Gongfu felt that he was wronged very much. It was clearly Yue Si who brought Xu Xian to chase the elder brother, but in the end it was not his own. Moreover, the county magistrate rewarded Xu Xian, the righteous man who killed the most evil, a lot of money.

However, Gongfu Li knew that it was impossible for a husband and wife to get along, and reasoning would not work, so he took the fault on himself, and then coaxed Xu Jiaorong, but Xu Jiaorong only calmed down a little and was still sulking.

In the evening, Xu Xian went to bed Originally he thought he would be haunted by nightmares, and after worshiping the phantom of Godzilla Buddha in the sea of ​​mind and consciousness, all kinds of negative emotions were swept away, Instead, he re-examined that memory in a state of no joy and no sorrow, deepened his memory and understanding, and made great progress in medical skills.

At least he has an understanding of how the human body works, and his cognition of the positions and functions of the internal organs is better than that of the old doctor in the pharmacy, and his own practice has also made great progress.

See yourself, see heaven and earth, see sentient beings.

With Big Brother as a teaching material, Xu Xian has a deeper understanding of himself as a human being and can better mobilize his vitality.

Li Gongfu got a leave from the county magistrate because of his meritorious deeds, so he did not have to get up early the next day to go to the Yamen Dianmao, but Xu Xian got up early to practice swordsmanship after sleeping for two hours to replenish his energy, and then went to the pharmacy to continue his medical studies when the hour was over. .

It was as if nothing had happened, but Xu Jiaorong was stunned. If it wasn't for Xu Xian's speech and manner, she would have thought that something was wrong with her brother.

It is not that there is no change, Xu Xian has become more mature, no longer the cowardly and mediocre Xu Xian before, but has become confident and responsible, as if yesterday's experience had transformed Xu Xian.

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