Villains Template

Chapter 590: Don't get me wrong, it's for you

"The original intention of the Wallfacer project is to give human civilization an advantage in the competition with the Trisolaran civilization, and to hand over the supreme power to the Wallfacers, which represents the trust of all mankind in the Wallfacers!"

The English accent of the representative of the foot basin is very strange, so after rebuking Yue Si righteously, he switched to his native language and continued to explain his philosophy: "The first premise of the Wallfacer is to maintain the dignity and life of human beings. , Wallfacers should carry out their plans with the most basic kindness towards humanity, but you turn a deaf ear to this!"

"You actually intend to reduce the global population, regard human beings as a huge burden, and rely on your own means to deliberately reduce the number of descendants of human beings, to achieve your plan, how many people will you kill, one billion, or two billion !"

"If your plan goes ahead, you will be the most terrifying executioner since mankind created civilization!"

"Although to you, it's just the survival of the fittest and the inevitable phenomenon of the development of human civilization to a certain level and social civilization to a certain level, but for mankind itself, it will be the most terrifying plague! "

Yue Si looked at the representative of the saliva splashing foot basin, as if he was looking at a monkey in the zoo who did not get the food he wanted because of the keeper's eccentricity, and then said in a flat tone: " The incident of being broken by ETO is part of my plan, or, in other words, a surprise that I had not planned but expected, the main purpose is not to let ETO break the wall for me, but..."

Halfway through the conversation, Yue Si kept his mouth shut again. The representative of the foot basin wanted to press Yue Si, but was scolded by the host of the meeting. Before finally confirming the fact that Yue Si was broken, Yue Si was still a Wallfacer. Everything he did, an inconspicuous action, a seemingly casual remark, may be part of a strategic fraud. Yue Si didn't want to say it, and no one could force Yue Si to speak.

Even though Yue Si kept saying that his actions were aboveboard, no one believed him.

"So I propose to remove Wallfacer Yue Si from the list of Wallfacer plans, and select other Wallfacers to fill his share!" The representative of the foot basin said, looking at his appearance, he was so impatient that he kept using Pointing to the desktop.

"You are a representative of a defeated country, so don't jump here!" Yue Si said with a cold snort, "Push me down, your people must be chosen, and what plans will your people come up with? Surrender the Trisolaran Fleet, then engage in a kamikaze attack, play onboard charge, burn all the jade and stone, and exchange the sacrifice of a small number of people for the destruction of the Trisolaran Fleet?"

"Moreover, after your people become Wallfacers, they will first use the Wallfacer's authority to benefit you, such as multiple space elevators, or mushroom eggs, or the Cyclops system."

Yue Si sneered at the representative of the foot basin, and then saw that the other party's expression was wrong, and explained: "The representative of the foot basin, don't misunderstand what I said, I am targeting you."

Then, regardless of the other party's reaction, Yue Si continued: "What ETO thinks, my plan, is actually fundamentally wrong, that is to digitize human consciousness and memory and upload it to a certain storage. , that's simply not going to work, and that's something you can ask Wallfacer Bill Hines, and his wife, Keiko Yamasugi, who are experts in this area and have been doing research in this area."

"The dataization of human memory and personality is exponentially more difficult than uploading a piece of knowledge directly into the human brain, and it is also an extreme waste of resources. From a technical perspective, it is not feasible at all - at least currently From the perspective of the technological future, that is true.”

"So, ETO's breaking the wall for me is completely nonsense. They think that the review of my strategic plan is intertwined, missing a link, or a certain technology does not meet the requirements, It just doesn't work."

The technology of digitizing human thinking, which Yue Si has mastered, comes from the world of "The Matrix", but it is harmful to his current plan, so he does not intend to take it out at this stage.

Because that kind of technology is like a kind of cancer, and it is a stubborn disease that cannot be cured for human civilization.

Like some cyberpunk worlds, its fragile order is stable because big companies monopolize resources and technology, and give the bottom people a "placebo" to escape the physical space of reality, allowing the human spirit to It is a joy to enter an unreal world.

The journey of mankind is the sea of ​​stars and the sea, trapped in the digital world and data space, which is harmful to civilization itself, especially now that the Trisolaran is about to invade the overall situation, many people are afraid of the real world and want a person who can escape this. The world of everything, if this technology comes up in time, then...

Just like in the world of DC comics, there is a member of the Red Lantern Corps called Ratchet. The civilization he came from is a highly developed but deformed society. All people's activities are carried out in the virtual world. Everything is a virtual projection. Even if you have many friends, you will never meet him until you die, and even physical contact is illegal.

After knocking on the table, Yue Si's tone became sharp:

"ETO's breaking the wall for me is actually a part that I can take advantage of. I have always suspected that there are ETO members in high-level countries in various countries. They deliberately obstructed the implementation of my plan, resulting in a slow process. After so many years, which one can Do as I mentioned at the beginning, and even, I suspect, among us there is one or more members of the ETO, a real traitor to humanity."

"The many assassinations they targeted me, as well as this wall-breaking operation, all proved that the measures I was taking were correct and could truly threaten the Trisolaran, so they tried every means to get rid of me, or put me I excluded the Wallfacer program and disqualified my Wallfacer."

After that, almost everyone's eyes turned to the representative of the foot basin, because he was the only one who danced the most, and he didn't doubt who he suspected.

The reactions of the two front and rear representatives were too abnormal. Although they were instructed by their American father, it was hard not to make people suspect them on the premise that the former representative was confirmed to be an ETO member.

"It is true that ETO's summary of my plan is very comprehensive." Yue Si no longer wastes too much saliva on this matter, just needs to plant the seeds of doubt, and the rest will naturally be done for him: "However, their conception of my plan was completely wrong, because from my personal thinking and strategic considerations, there was no such plan at all."

"I've contacted an experimental site for me by Wallfacer Frederick Taylor, which will test the viability of my plan, and this experiment will overturn the ETO's so-called Wallbreaker, proving their beliefs. How narrow is knowledge and thinking."

"Next, it's your discussion time, I'll give you half an hour, and then I'll do some questions and answers."

Yue Si left the stage for a short time and entered the room specially arranged for him to drink tea and rest. Old Xu was still acting like a sullen person, protecting Yue Si almost every step of the way. When Yue Si was drinking tea and contemplating, he was like a puppet. Portraits generally do not make any movement, and occasionally uncontrollably coughing softly will make people aware of the existence of a second person in this room.

"With this group of insects, how can we drive the development of human beings, how can we make human civilization stand on the top of cosmic civilization!"

At the last minute of the half-hour break, Yue Si angrily denounced the shortsightedness of humans, then got up and returned to the conference hall.

Yue Si noticed that the representative of the foot basin was no longer here, and his position was directly removed. The host of the meeting said: "The Planetary Defense Council, there is no more representative of the foot basin."

Yue Si nodded and didn't say anything about it. He sat back in his seat and said, "Half an hour's discussion time has passed. Now, what do you want to ask?"

There is only one question they want to ask: "When and where is your proposed experiment going to take place."

Yue Si replied: "The experimental site has been handed over to Wallfacer Frederick Taylor for consultation and selection. After he replies to me, the experimental site and time will be announced."

After the meeting, Yue Si left the venue in a hurry, he noticed something was wrong.

"All security personnel, all undergo physical examination!"

Yue Si said seriously, Lao Xu's cough was really abnormal.

Relying on the special drugs produced by the underground base, the bodies of Lao Xu and other security personnel have been maintained in a very healthy state. Through the combination of various drugs, the physical fitness and neural responses of these security personnel have been maintained at a very high level. The level is maintained at the golden age. When their lives come to an end, the signs of aging will appear on their bodies, so the security personnel are still the first batch of people.

Especially Lao Xu, as Yue Si's full-time security guard, he has been with Yue Si for a long time. Since the day Yue Si became a Wallfacer, he has never had a fever or a cold.

However, it was such an iron-clad man who coughed.

Although it was very mild, he coughed. Within half an hour, he coughed several times in a row. Previously, even if there was discomfort in the throat, Lao Xu would endure it. This is the professional quality of a professional.

This is an abnormal performance. Yue Si carefully observed his security personnel and found that several of them had cough symptoms, which just explained the problem.

Therefore, after the meeting, Yue Si immediately asked them to conduct a full-body medical examination. Sure enough, traces of a virus with artificial shear marks were found in the body fluids of the security personnel.

The infectivity of this virus is very weak, and there is almost no possibility of spreading infection. However, in contrast, it has a one-month incubation period and high lethality. After being recruited, with today's medical methods, there is almost no The possibility of being rescued can’t even prolong life—of course, that’s aside from the medical methods produced by the underground base.

Just like in World War II, when the foot basin was in decline in the war with the US imperialists, they thought of using bacteriological weapons to restore the situation, but the US imperialists had a lot of money and penicillin was used as if they didn’t need money, which made the attack on the foot basin fail.

As a protected person, Yue Si also underwent a relevant medical examination, and the results showed that Yue Si was very healthy and had no symptoms of infection at all.

"When?" Yue Si thought about it for a while, reviewed his itinerary since then, and found that the most likely move was the contact with the Wallbreaker when he was on vacation.

"Oh, it's impossible to guard against it!"

Yue Si patted his forehead and said so, just like Wallfacers rely on lies and deception to carry out their strategic plans, ETO also uses the act of "breaking the wall" to cover up their true intentions, and their goals have never been To change is to kill yourself.

To this end, they also specifically broke the wall for themselves, and spent a lot of resources to simulate and deduce a plan that seemed feasible, in order to create an opportunity to contact them, and even specially selected one that was very suitable for them. Make up the aesthetic people come.

Remembering that he specifically asked the wallbreaker to leave his contact information, Yue Si found him again and called.

The one who answered the phone was not the female voice in my memory, but the voice of a man with a humble tone: "I thought you would never call this phone, or use this phone as a clue to find the person from ETO."

Yue Si let out a long and started talking nonsense: "Oh, the girl who called herself my wallbreaker, she fits my aesthetic very well, if possible, I would like to develop with her."

"She has completed her mission and has left this world." The humble person said, "You may have noticed your physical discomfort, which was made by our biologists with the help of the US Emperor's biochemical laboratory. The virus, mixed in her perfume, makes you infected after close contact with you, and inevitably, she is also a victim of this virus, which is irreversible."

"I'm sorry, her sacrifice is worthless, just like I can make this call now, it shows that I am very healthy." Yue Si pretended to sigh and said: "If I keep her, I can enjoy With the same medical treatment as me, I can still talk and laugh now.”

"This defeat, we have confirmed, to be honest, we are still surprised by the advanced medical technology that humans have today." The humble male voice said: "In the beginning, we wanted to make a gene for you. Weapons, however, we found that you were very cautious and did not leave any genetic information at all, your parents and family members were also strictly protected, and we were unable to make contact."

"Besides, she's the most aggressive part of us, and if you leave her, she'll assassinate you."

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