Villains Template

Chapter 601: nature reserve

Again, human beings have never and will never be united to form a community of interests. The barriers formed by different languages, scripts, and cultural backgrounds are difficult to break. It was about to come, but after the looming problem was solved, it returned to the situation where either the east wind overwhelmed the militia, or the militia overtook Bai Yang.

Even with the Wallfacer Project, a great but ignorant concept in Yue Si's opinion, mankind is still a barely united alliance, a very loose alliance, which can be understood by looking at the different origins of the four Wallfacers.

The root cause of the penultimate war, which occurred 135 years ago, was the uneven development of all aspects.

Relying on the technical output of the underground base, the indescribable country is like a sports car with full horsepower, galloping on a straight and smooth road, riding the dust. Even if it relies on the technical output of resource exchange, the rest of the country can only Picking up some leftovers - not really leftovers, the technology is good when it comes to technology sharing, but when a series of processes are completed, it becomes lagging behind.

Even if Tomoko was transferred from the earth by the Trisolarans because of Yue Si's nonsense strategic plan, and the technology that human beings were locked in was finally unblocked after decades, but relying on a little bit of step-by-step research, how can it compare to the universe? The plug-in opened by the gods.

The indescribable country has already encircled the moon, built laboratories, and mined minerals. Even the US imperialists have not built a large space station. Even with assistance, their space elevator has been laid and put into operation. to use.

This made the world of dried seed oil, led by the US imperialists, unhappy.

The hegemony of American imperialism has a long history. The order established by the Angles through colonial plunder and military power does not allow for challengers, and the status of foreigners cannot be shaken. The actions of the country are slapping them in the face.

In a competition, if you want to gain the upper hand, you only need to do two things. One is that you are stronger than everyone else, and the other is that everyone is weaker than you. A country led by the US imperialists cannot achieve the first At one point, the second point is pursued.

As long as my competitors are not as good as me, then I stay ahead, and they really do.

And the greed in the bones of pirates makes them want to take advantage of it, and the little technology exchanged can't satisfy their appetite. What they need is to take advantage of it, no matter what method, as long as they eat it, even if It is stealing, robbing, and in the end, as long as you go to the church to repent, you will have no guilt.

Therefore, they launched a war, and before the threat of the Trisolarans was completely eliminated, they brazenly provoked a war that consumed the internal strength of human beings, completely disregarding how a gravitational bomb destroyed a large building in the third world war. How the city was destroyed by a gravitational bomb to three aircraft carrier fleets.

After these unforgettable things provoked the war, the space station in the geosynchronous orbit instantly locked the fission and fusion reactions of the earth, locked all the atomic energy, the nuclear power plant was shut down, and the mushroom egg became a decoration— Unless depleted uranium bombs or dirty bombs are used to pollute the environment.

The penultimate war lasted only seven months. Under the joint mediation of the three Wallfacers, the war ended with the opponent's indemnity, which was clearly showing a decline. the same army.

After many appeals from Wallfacers, who reiterated many times that the biggest enemy that mankind faces is not mankind itself, but the Trisolaran fleet that is constantly approaching the earth, this war has ended unclearly.

Afterwards, experts analyzed that the cause of this war was not without the possibility of ETO provoking it. After Tomoko had to be transferred from the earth by Yue Si's strategic plan, they still remained loyal to the Trisolarans, even if they lost Tomoko. This powerful backup, they still tried their best to weaken the power of human beings themselves, so as to ensure that when the Trisolaran fleet reaches the solar system, it can smoothly receive a planet.

Well, this method sounds familiar. It was exactly what the Eden Organization did, weakening human technology and returning to the era of "idyllic songs". After Yue Si became a Wallfacer, he never heard about the Eden Organization again. events.

In other words, after the existence of Sophon was known to the outside world, the Eden Organization never carried out any activities.

Combining the behavioral purposes of the Eden Organization and the ETO, it is difficult not to associate the two together. Perhaps, the Eden Organization was absorbed by the ETO. All are to weaken the power of human beings themselves.

But the truth of the facts has disappeared into the fog of history, leaving only speculation, no one knows whether it is the truth, because there is no way to verify, and there is no need to verify.

The penultimate war took place after another fifty years, eighty-five years ago, and this time, they were fully prepared for war.

In the past fifty years, the development of their space station and spacecraft is still slow, but they are launching satellites into space frantically. At the beginning of the war, all satellites are controlled by remote control. Physical impact method, Attempts to paralyze our space setup with potentially neutron jamming devices in this way have not been successful, only doing great damage to the indescribable nations and themselves.

However, this time, they seemed to be desperate for the war and sacrificed their wealth, and even the space facilities that were aided to them were directly used as weapons. Before the age of steam.

The real reason is also the uneven development. They are not willing to be subservient to others, whether it is technology, economy or race itself.

"Race?" Yue Si finally encountered a question he didn't understand.

At this time, he had already put on a set of power armor, and he could walk normally in the laboratory by relying on the adsorption force of the magnetic boots.

Chen Hui said: "Yes, you led the body strengthening surgery on the first soldiers in the space force, we developed this technology to make it universal, all the things you see today. People strengthen people—and the most important thing in strengthening surgery is strengthening the brain.”

"The essence of Qijera flower extract." Yue Si said the materials needed for that step.

"Yes, the essence extract of Chijera flower, although it needs to be injected regularly, its effect is very good, and it can maintain the activity of human brain cells." Chen Hui said: "This strengthening effect started at the beginning. It won't be obvious until the technology for direct-to-brain transfer of knowledge matures—that's after the penultimate war."

Hearing this, Yue Si frowned and said, "Before I went to sleep, I had already verified the possibility of this technology and successfully conducted experiments. I didn't expect that it would take so long to promote it."

"No, what I said made you misunderstood. We have already promoted this technology and covered a large number of people. It was Bill Hines, who was in front of the wall, who really caused the contradiction to appear. This is a technological breakthrough." Chen said: "After Bill Hines promoted this technology, they did not find the problem until they promoted it as we did."

"This technology is related to the human brain's own brain volume, the number of neurons, and the activity of brain cells. Even if the same technology is used, and the same knowledge data is used, relying on Qijera flower essence extract, we can Digest, assimilate, understand that knowledge faster, and in the process, without damage to brain cells.”

"In one year, we can rely on this technology to obtain knowledge that ordinary people need to learn in a lifetime, but it will take another year to digest that knowledge. However, they do not have Chijera flower essence extract, Not only does the transfer of knowledge have an adverse effect on the human brain, it is very slow to digest."

When explaining, Chen Huan projected the structure of the human brain and demonstrated two different brain states - these things, Yue Si understands better than them, because it was born from his hands.

"Dizziness, drowsiness, nosebleeds, these are the side effects of their direct transfer of knowledge to the brain. Human brains cannot load so much information in a short period of time. They can only choose to transfer knowledge in small amounts at a time, although more With traditional learning methods, even with the recovery period, the efficiency is still terrifyingly high.”

"It's just that we are afraid of comparison in everything. Our efficiency is terrifying. Although they obtained a small amount of Qijera flower essence extract by means of spies, they couldn't restore the ingredients at all. Later, they shared the technology in a multi-party meeting. The proposal was rejected, and the next best thing was also rejected - because our internal digestion is not enough, how can we make the behavior of financing the enemy."

"For them, it means that, over time, the gap between us and them will increase, and although we all have the same appearance and call themselves human, both physically and intellectually, we are They've all evolved, and they're destined to be eliminated -- in their minds, we're bound to exterminate them, as they've done historically."

"Then war has a reason to exist. They fear us, and this reason is enough to provoke war, and there is no place on earth that is stronger than them."

The technological gap ended the war in just three months, but the damage caused by the war took seventeen years to heal. Too many people were involved, such as Yue Si. the remaining three Wallfacers.

Due to the popularity of hibernation technology, a considerable number of people choose to enter hibernation, such as the three Wallfacers who have done something and are ready to do something. The technology that I needed was developed, but I didn't wait for that day to come. It was affected by the war in the state of hibernation, and then disappeared.

It is precisely because of worrying about Yue Si's safety that Yue Si, who was in hibernation, was rushed to the Lunar Laboratory and was awakened today.

Of course, the Wallfacer plan also went bankrupt in this war. In addition to the complete breakdown of the old order, it was also one of the reasons why the Wallfacers went to three places. Their respective strategic plans became one with their own demise. and bankrupt.

The reason for bankruptcy comes from the power given to them by the Wallfacer, they don't need to explain to others what they do, therefore, what they do and what their purpose is, no one knows, which makes their actions to save humanity cannot be A legacy in history.

As for ETO, it has also disappeared with the changes of the times.

"Afterwards, eighty years have passed, what happened?" Yue Si asked: "Also, if you have enough authority, you should know the existence of the underground base. I need to go there."

"The earth is the earth of our human beings." Chen Hui said: "After the end of the penultimate war, we discussed and voted that the existence of those people is an unstable factor for the entire human civilization. Let them exist, It will hinder the development of human civilization, and even lead to the destruction of the entire human civilization, so we decided to carry out protective surveillance on them."

The earth was projected on Chen's stereoscopic projection device, and then the direction of migration was marked with arrows of different colors: "We drove them out of the land that originally belonged to them or was occupied by them, and drove them to what was formerly known as the on an Australian island."

"It used to be called... Has Australia changed its name now?" Yue Si asked Chen Hui said: "Yes, now its name is Natural Person Observation Reserve, and their living customs have been acquired. Retain and leave them certain technologies - castrated technologies, such as agriculture, medical treatment, etc., to prevent them from mastering too powerful technologies to destroy the earth's environment, and we artificially isolate the natural person observation reserve from the outside world Get up and erase their knowledge of the world, and of us."

"In their education, the earth has only two landmasses, one is the habitable land where they are located, and the other is Antarctica."

"Natural Person Observation Reserve?" Yue Si chanted the name and asked, "Since you call them natural persons, what do you call yourself? Adjusted persons? Or new humans?"

"No, we are humans." Chen Hui said: "Originally, they should be called primitive people, primitive humans without technological evolution. However, the academic community has raised objections, saying that it is easy to compare with academic primitives. If people are confused, they are renamed as natural persons.”

Yue Si asked again, "What's the use of keeping them?"

"Entertainment, when you were active as a Wallfacer, we have carefully studied and implemented the suggestions you put forward. People need work, and they need entertainment." Chen Huan said: "I don't know if you still remember that in the AD era. In the era, there is a movie called, a person's life is a drama in the eyes of others."

"Natural persons observe all kinds of things happening in the reserve, all recorded by cameras, and after some post-production work such as editing, color matching, and subtitles, it has become a film and television series that we use for our daily entertainment."

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