Villains Template

Chapter 608: Rebellious psychology

"Superheroes refer to those heroes with abilities and equipment that surpass ordinary people, illuminating the darkness and defeating evil."

With hindsight, Yue Si, who found out that he was playing a line meme, said: "Speaking of which, superheroes are just like those heroes among ordinary people, but their abilities are outstanding and they can do what others can't. things, so got the 'super' prefix."

"Mr. Osborne, your beloved physical strength enhancer and aircraft can play a role, the former can endow ordinary people with superhuman physical strength, and the latter represents high mobility beyond the times, mastering these abilities, whether it is Relying on physical enhancement or the improvement brought by external technology, as long as they perform 'heroic' behaviors, they can be called superheroes."

"Mr. Yue, you are planning to make superheroes a profession." As an elite figure who built a business empire, Norman Osborn heard Yue Si's real purpose from those few words: "You are creating idols."

"Superheroes are like singers, movie stars, etc. in your eyes, they don't need too many works, they don't need too many deeds, they only need one or two famous works, and for them they only need one Two events that can be taken out, and maintain enough popularity, it is enough to have a certain popularity."

"Superheroes who fight crime are just an image symbol. Their deeds are actually addictive entertainment products, immersing the ignorant in sensory stimulation and enticing people to pay money, time and energy for that illusory image. , using their powerful exterior to fill their weak hearts, wearing the same superhero uniforms, repeating their lines, keeping in mind their deeds, and then assuming that role, thinking that he is as strong as him. "

"What you need for a cultural media company is to operate the image authorization of the superheroes you have created - just like a movie theater line, the profit comes from popcorn and drinks, those film and television companies, the profit point is in addition to the movie box office, Poster peripherals, toys, DVDs, etc., are included."

Yue Si leaned back in the chair, raised his head and laughed, pointed at Norman Osborn and said, "As expected of you, as expected of you, Mr. Osborne, although I just raised my head. , but, you have put forward all my entire strategic ideas, you are very right, that is what I think, Mr. Osborne, I am very much looking forward to our cooperation in the future."

After applauding Norman Osborne's wonderful speech, Yue Si continued: "Very well, Mr. Norman Osborne, I am very satisfied with you, and I will try my best to meet your requirements, whether it is funding or For technical support, I will try my best to satisfy you."

After speaking, Yue Si lowered his voice and said, "As long as it is within technical capabilities, no matter whether it is moral or immoral, I will try my best to satisfy you—my energy is beyond your imagination—find someone to print the contract. go."

Seeing that Yue Si agreed to cooperate with him so neatly, Norman Osborn was not as happy as he should have been, although in the process of development, he had used some shady means for the sake of his own efforts. , He is willing to do a lot for his own Osborne Group,

But now he can obviously get financial and technical support, and he has nothing to lose, but Norman Osborn feels that it is not a good thing to reach cooperation with Yue Si, but within the foreseeable range, he does not nothing will be lost.

After initially reaching a cooperation intention, Norman Osborne said: "Mr. Yue, when will our cooperation start?"

"You can do it now, I said, I can do my best to satisfy you, no matter the money or technology." Yue Si said with a smile, "I know you are keen on physical strength enhancers and aircraft, and I can come up with the ones that meet your requirements. The real thing - of course, if you don't want your previous research to go to waste, I can participate in your research and speed up the process of your research."

"In short, I can solve everything you need for you, which is the premise of our cooperation."

After speaking, Yue Si stood up, and Norman Osborn also stood up hurriedly and shook hands with Yue Si.

However, Norman Osborn didn't know what kind of road the Osborn Group would take after reaching a deal with Yue Si, and what the future would be like, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad, because For the same thing, even the same person will have different views at different times.

After the contract was signed, a large sum of money hit the account of the Osborne Group. It was an astronomical fortune for ordinary people, but for a large business, especially Osborne For a scientific research enterprise like this group, it can only solve the immediate problem, but not solve the problem fundamentally.

However, at this time, it is enough to be able to solve the urgent need.

What's more, this is only a preliminary cooperation, and there will be more exchanges of technology and funds after that.

After the initial cooperation intention was reached, Yue Si put forward a request to leave. Although he waited anxiously when he came, he only dispatched a secretary to the front desk to greet him. The difference between Yue Si and his strength was proved by Norman Os. Sent by myself.

Then I saw Yue Si waiting for a taxi, got in the car and left, but there was no luxury car to greet him at all.

Yue Si can transfer a car from the "Special Card Biochemical Technology Group", but he is a boss, his status is there, and it is impossible to drive by himself, and he has not hired a car a few days after he came to this world. The right driver can only take a taxi.

Moreover, even if you take out a car, no matter the model, the serial number of the engine, the license plate number, etc., it will not fit in this world. It is another trouble and needs to be dealt with slowly. It is better to buy a car in this world later. , hire a driver or something.

The taxi took Yue Si to a stop under a high-end apartment building. Yue Si did not buy a single-family house or a beach house, but rented a duplex room in a hotel-style high-end apartment for a long time. Duoping, the kind of elevator that costs 16 million dollars to buy.

In the apartment, Yue Si can see the movement of the entire "rich area".

The most important thing is that this kind of apartment does not need to prepare its own furniture. It is the kind of moving in with a bag. The apartment will provide free cleaning services and on-call catering supplies. Yue Si doesn't have to worry about anything at all, just pay for it. That's it.

After entering the apartment, the front desk enthusiastically said to Yue Si, "Mr. Yue, what do you want for dinner today? We have a batch of quite fresh lobsters."

Yue Si is a straightforward person who lives alone in the apartment and has no habit of cooking by himself. Therefore, the front desk pays special attention to Yue Si's needs-although the front desk remembers everyone in the apartment with his brain.


"The taste is good and the ingredients are fresh. In addition, I need a bottle of wine to celebrate my cooperation with the Osborne Group." Yue Si said casually, glanced at his watch, and added: "It's delivery time. , in three hours."

"Also, help me find a driver."

The front desk took out a notepad and pencil and asked, "Mr. Yue, what are your requirements for the driver you need?"

Yue Si thought about it and said, "A man with enough experience, preferably a formal job before, and enough familiarity with New York - let's say, a white male with no criminal record, the kind with a family."

The front desk wrote down Yue Si's requests one by one, and then watched Yue Si enter the elevator.

After swiping the room card to enter the apartment, Yue Si changed his suit and leather shoes into a set of casual clothes.

"Superheroes are ready, although it still takes a certain amount of preparation, but as their opponents, it's time for supervillains to step up to the stage, or in other words, it's time to start nurturing villains."

Putting on a gas mask that covered his entire face, Yue Si performed the escape technique, left the apartment, and came to a warehouse area near the dock area. There are many abandoned warehouses here, sparsely populated and basically few Individuals will approach here, and many illegal and disciplinary things will happen here, such as smuggling and smuggling.

and transactions of certain indescribable items.

Yue Si entered an unremarkable single-family building. Because no one came here for a long time, the windows and everything were broken, even the door locks were rusted, and the interior of the room was full of dust. Bird droppings and traces of wind and rain, but these were not a problem for Yue Si at all.

Mana is a panacea, although it consumes a little more, but slipping the door to pick the lock and clean the dust is all a matter of flicking your hand.

It was just a chore of chanting a mantra, and the single-family building was cleaned up. Although it wasn't spotless, it was almost there.

After turning around in the small building, Yue Si checked the terrain of the small building, and began to arrange the venues he needed. He took out some equipment that was about to be scrapped but could be used from "Special Card Biochemical Technology Company" and arranged them separately. In this small building, and the cable drainage and other problems were solved, within an hour, a laboratory that looked like that appeared—of course, it only looked like that, because there was no access. The electricity network, these devices simply cannot be used.

Moreover, the level of these devices does not exceed the leading level in the world today, belongs to the middle and upper reaches of the level, and is valuable, but will not cause a technological innovation.

In addition, a biochemical laboratory has very high requirements for safety protection. This small building basically does not have any, and the discharge of sewage is also required. Yuesi's side is directly discharged into the sewage pipe network. .

Of course, Yue Si didn't intend to use this place, just to make it look like that, in order to create an opportunity, just like the cave left by the practitioners in the fantasy fairy tale novel. Good things like gong methods, instruments, and medicinal herbs.

Just like the character "Sentinel" in Marvel comics, the sentinel's real name is Robert Reynolds. Before he acquired superpowers and became a sentinel, he was just a drug addict. One day, he had an addiction attack, broke into a professor's laboratory, and accidentally drank it. With the secret formula invented by the professor, he gained a powerful ability, which is the energy from another universe, with the terrible energy of the explosion of millions of stars.

However, because the "Sentry Potion" has too many contingency and cannot be copied, it can only be taken by the sentinel himself, and it can only be effective when drinking it for the first time. Even if Yue Si wanted to, he could not reproduce the same result. , but it's okay to play with the stalk and review the process, and that's what he's doing now.

After arranging the scene, Yue Si left an unmarked suitcase in a place that was not conspicuous and not difficult to find. A tablet computer was fixed on the upper layer of the suitcase, and there was an introduction video about a certain Instructions for use of the "Body Enhancement Potion", opening the suitcase will trigger the tablet's autoplay function.

In the lower layer, a potion is fixed with shock-absorbing foam, which is a gift from Yue Si to the adventurers, a "superpower potion" that can make people gain powerful power - the deity of Yue Si used to be in the world of "Human Removal Plan" I have done relevant experiments It can be said that it is easy to review, and in the world of "Spider-Man", the genetic mutation of human beings is a benign attitude.

That is to say, after being irradiated, there is a high probability that you will acquire superpowers, instead of dying at the moment of being irradiated, or watching your body rot a little bit, or become cancerous or something,

Although no human experiments on this kind of medicine have been conducted on people in this world, Yue Si is very confident in his own medicine.

After putting "Adventure" away, Yue Si did not rush to leave, but said thoughtfully: "The best way to hide something is not to hide it; if you want to let something be hidden The best way to find it is to hide it on purpose, but leave some clues that are easy to find."

"That is to say, if you want to spread something out, you must find someone who can't keep your mouth shut and likes to gossip, like the neighbor of a street writer, and when you say that thing out , plus 'I'll tell you this matter alone, don't tell anyone else', it won't take long for that matter to spread everywhere."

Therefore, Yue Si decided to "hide" this place.

Find some wooden boards, completely seal the windows from the inside, and paste a few layers of newspapers to cover the windows so that the windows are airtight and no light can penetrate. Lock.

In short, just to make this small building look like it is hiding something, and to guard against it, it is almost necessary to put up a sign that says "No outsiders are allowed to enter."

However, doing so will attract some people.

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