Villains Template

Chapter 620: Spider-Man's Big Crisis

"I suspect that among the people present today, there are people with bad intentions, Mr. Osborne, your safety is worth noting."

The Iron Patriot's head turned slightly, so that everyone present could see his "look around for a week" action, so that everyone present felt that the Iron Patriot's eyes had stayed on him, even if the two sides did not have substantial eye contact, even if he I haven't done anything, but because of this, I have a psychological fear, which is the so-called scaring myself.

"Whether there are any of you who come with other purposes, I, the Iron Patriots, are here to warn you or you not to think about what you shouldn't have! Otherwise, I will let you know, what is super hero!"

Yue Si said this sentence in a murderous way, and suddenly he didn't look like a good person, but who said that superheroes are not like this.

A superhero is a superhero, a saint is a saint, and a clay figurine still has three points of anger.

In order to make the Steel Patriots look like a person, Yue Si deliberately "slipped" once and said "them" as "you", but to those with a heart, the Steel Patriots did not say anything wrong, but intended Pointed out, and analyzed some things based on this.

In fact, it was none other than Norman Osborn, because the directors objected to the cooperation between the Osborne Group and the military - the Osborne Group robbed the exploration and aerospace business, and some With the military's funds, the stock price rise is inevitable.

Exploration Aerospace has long had the intention to acquire the Osborne Group, which is no longer a secret in the industry. It has reached cooperation with those directors who have succeeded and failed. Conducive to exploring mergers and acquisitions in aerospace.

Norman Osborn wanted his company to thrive, but the rest of the directors didn't, and the conflict was born.

Obviously, the Iron Patriots suspect that Norman Osborn is the real culprit behind the scenes, but they only suspect that they will not rashly make their own decisions until substantial evidence is found.

It seems that the Iron Patriots are warning some people not to think about Norman Osborn, but in fact, they are also warning Norman Osborn.

A misunderstanding was solved, and some people had even bigger misunderstandings, and the experiment continued as usual.

As Professor Connors said, one more joint or one more arm in a creature will increase the work efficiency exponentially. Dr. Octavius ​​is equipped with his four mechanical tentacles. Relying on neural links to be directly controlled by the brain, it is like growing four arms with strong strength, high accuracy and high flexibility.

If equipped with this set of mechanical tentacles, one person can also serve as the chief knife, first assistant, equipment nurse and other roles.

And the role of the mechanical tentacles comes with optical, radiation detection and other devices, which can directly transmit signals to Dr. Octavius' brain through nerve wires. What he obtained is not only four mechanical arms, but also four more eyes and other human beings. Organs never owned.

It is a pity that most of the people present did not have a correct understanding of Dr. Octavius' mechanical tentacles, and they did not realize what an amazing invention the mechanical tentacles were and how trans-epochal the technology applied to them was. , just to transmit the signal nano-neural wire this one, you can get the Nobel Prize.

However, people's attention has been attracted by the controllable nuclear fusion technology represented by the artificial sun, and they have not paid more attention to the mechanical tentacles of Dr. Octavius, and have not realized the technical depth it represents.

However, Yue Si and Norman Osborn are an exception. Norman Osborn directly obtained the technical authorization of Dr. Octavius ​​and obtained all his technology on the mechanical tentacles. Otherwise, Octavius Dr. Si also has no access to solid-state tritium, one of the most expensive elements in the world, and the highest technology to complete his artificial sun project.

Because it was only one experiment, the tritium used in the experiment was the minimum amount needed for the fusion reaction.

After the fusion device is activated, the generated force field suspends the tritium in the center of the instrument, and then eight high-energy laser excitation devices calibrate the direction, and the eight lasers irradiate the solid-state tritium. , almost instantly, a huge plasma ball appeared in front of everyone, like a miniature version of the sun.

The experiment of nuclear fusion was very successful, to the point of heinous success. The excitation device designed and manufactured by Dr. Octavius ​​controlled the fusion reaction within a very small range, and all fusion reactions only appeared in that sun-like in the plasma sphere.

And in this process, no electromagnetic pulse or thermal radiation leaked out, and even the strong light was controlled to a certain extent. Otherwise, at such a close distance, all those who visited the artificial sun project would be immediately stunned. Evaporation, not like now, people who stand a little further away don't even need to wear goggles, they can look directly at the plasma ball formed by the fusion reaction.

"The power of the sun is in the palm of my hand."

This sentence, uttered by Dr. Octavius, couldn't be more appropriate, and he deserved it.

The experiment on this side was successful, but Peter Parker on the other side, or Spider-Man, was caught in the incident. Spider-Man, who had just debuted, was in a hurry when faced with the problems he needed to solve.

In the beginning, it was just that the symbolic significance of Spider-Man's appearance was greater than the reality. It was just that this superhero, this self-proclaimed good neighbor who called himself everyone, was needed to maintain law and order in the city.

It can be seen from the dismissal of the company that Ben Parker had worked for 35 years before, the current economic situation is not very good. Senior technicians are fired in order not to pay pensions, which shows how bad the environment is.

And because of this, many people have no job but need money for food, clothing, housing and transportation. They are desperate, or are unwilling to change themselves. .

In addition to saving people from the fire, the first thing the Iron Patriots made their name famous was to solve these people.

Even if the Iron Patriots stand there and do nothing, those who have no business will not be able to cause damage to the Iron Patriots. After all, the power armor is there, and the pistol bullets cannot break the defense at all, and then the Iron Patriots lightly punch, People who have no business can only lie on the ground and howl.

Even if they turned their heads and fled, how could they compare to the enhanced Norman Osborn, and the Iron Patriots also had flying skateboards, mastered air supremacy, and the power armor helmets have facial recognition and other functions that can be used in A specific target is locked in the crowd, and they cannot escape.

That's right, don't stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand.

Gu Zheng

After coming and going, the Iron Patriot became famous. Later, he didn't even need to do anything. He just drove a flying skateboard around the city and announced his existence, which can form a shock and deter some younger generation. Some thoughts that shouldn't be there.

And this caught the attention of managers in other cities, who were struggling with the high crime rate, and contacted the Black Company, hoping to "invite" the Steel Patriots to their city as a guest, and they would ask the Black Company Paying for the travel expenses of the Steel Patriots - although that's a lot more than the travel expenses, it's more like hiring a superhero to be a security guard for their city from the Black Company.

But there is only one Iron Patriot. Although there is a second superhero, Spider-Man, the popularity of this new superhero has not yet started. Unlike the Iron Patriots, who can stop children crying at night, invite Spider-Man. very few.

So on this day, Black Company arranged for Spider-Man to go to a neighborhood with poor security, and let him brush his reputation here. Just wait here, and criminals will bump into his hands.

Sure enough, although it was daytime, the Steel Patriots didn't move, and some people couldn't hold back.

A man in a hoodie entered a small supermarket with a baseball cap on his head that was held down so low that it covered the top half of his face, making it impossible to see him clearly.

After entering the supermarket, Hoodie first went to the shelf to get two bottles of wine, and when he went to checkout at the counter at the door, he suddenly said to the cashier: "Take out all the money in the cash register and put it in a sturdy bag. ,quick!"

As he spoke, the hood neatly drew a gun from his waist, held it crookedly, and pointed the muzzle at the cashier.

"Okay! Okay! I'll do it!" The cashier immediately raised his hands and whispered, "I'll do as you say, I'm going to open the cash register now, don't get me wrong."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Hoodie pointed at the cash register at gunpoint, scolded a few words, and urged, "I just want money!"

"Cough cough!" An untimely cough came from the direction of the gate. Seeing that the hoodie's attention was attracted to him, Spider-Man took a pose and said, "Sir, please put down your weapon, Go out and wait for the police to arrive - ma'am, you can call the police."

"Who are you?" Hoodie scolded, then shook the guy in his hand at Spider-Man and said, "You pervert in pajamas, get out of here immediately, be careful I'll cut a hole in you!"

Compared with the power armor of the Iron Patriots, Spider-Man's tights are almost conscious, and it is normal to be said to be perverted in pajamas.

"Am I so unpopular?" Under the hood, Spider-Man's expression was a little depressing: "Haven't you heard of me? Everyone's good neighbor, Spider-Man - I'm a superhero."

"Mommy Falk, hand me the money!" The hoodie pointed the gun at the cashier, urging her to get the money quickly, and preparing to teach Spider-Man a lesson.

But seeing Spider-Man raise his wrist, a wad of spider silk was fired, stuck on the gun-holding hand of the hood, and stuck the trigger hammer, preventing him from firing normally.

"Mommy Fake!" Seeing that the biggest reliance was lost, and the other party really had unusual power, Hoodie decided that it was better to escape first, but how could Spider-Man let him go and move towards the other party's double The legs fired two **** of spider silk, and the hood fell into a rolling gourd, unable to move.

"Call the police!"

The cashier saw the hoodie rolling on the ground like a maggot, and only remembered what he needed to do when he heard Spider-Man's reminder. After calling the police, a police car arrived soon to accept the criminals.

Spider-Man did not choose to retire at this time, but stayed on the scene - he needed to make a name for himself, and he needed to prove that he caught the hoodie and prevented a crime.

"Superhero." After the police came to understand the situation at the scene, they looked at Spider-Man and said, "Just now, there is something I need your help here - a car is driving at high speed in the city, if you have the ability, Help it stop."

Except for money, there is nothing that can make everyone like it, and the existence of superheroes is not recognized by everyone, just like this sheriff named George Stacy, who is indifferent to superheroes or even The kind that is hostile, so the attitude towards Spider-Man is not so friendly.

For this kind of popularity, Spider-Man is of course happy. After asking where the crazy car is and where it is going, he shoots spider silk and swings between high-rise buildings quickly. He arrived at the inquired address, attached to the outer wall of the high-rise building, looked out at the street, and soon found the car that Sheriff Stacy mentioned.

Compared to other normal driving cars, it travels very fast, it is very conspicuous, and it is very easy to spot.

Spider-Man's various physiological functions are several times more than that of normal Relying on the constant swing, he gradually approached the car and waited at the traffic light at an intersection that the other party was about to pass by. , jumped off when the car arrived, and landed on the roof of the car.

Climbing on the roof of the car, Spider-Man stuck his head to the front window glass, and saw that the driver was a bald man. He was crying bitterly. After seeing Spider-Man, he saw the savior. Same.

After knocking on the car window, Spider-Man shouted: "Sir, you need to stop your car immediately, otherwise, I will take violent measures against you!"

It's a pity that at high speed, the noise generated by the air friction overwhelmed Spider-Man's voice, so that the bald man who was crying couldn't accurately hear: "What are you talking about?"

But this is not in the way. In addition to the tights, the equipment Yue Si provided to Spider-Man also had a pair of multi-functional arm guards. Relying on the pair of arm guards, Spider-Man and the driver could communicate normally.

"You need to stop the car now!" Spider-Man repeated himself.

"I want to stop too, but I can't!" the bald driver said to Spider-Man. "Didn't they tell you?"

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