Villains Template

Chapter 625: parallel universe spiderman

"Peter Parker, Spider-Man?"

Peter Parker looked at each other—the big boy in front of him who called himself Spider-Man Peter Parker, except that they were all handsome men, had nothing like him.

He himself, Peter Parker, is an official employee of the Black Company's laboratory, and has another identity as Spider-Man.

One can bring him a huge income and a lot of employee benefits, and the other is active in the spotlight, enjoying the attention and applause of the public.

As far as outfits are concerned, he is a silk shirt and a custom suit, and the money from a set can be worth a month's living expenses of an ordinary family.

It takes half an hour every day to take care of the hairstyle. The kind that combs every strand of hair docilely, and goes out with a black shirt and suit, is a typical successful person.

Look at the other side again, ordinary and cheap coat, green dress, although he greets himself, but the smile on his face is very reluctant, as if his father just died, his face is broken, and the smile is squeezed. It came out very ugly.

"Yes, we're all Peter Parkers, and we're all Spider-Man—well, although Peter Parker isn't necessarily all Spider-Man." Big boy Peter Parker was a little overwhelmed with his hands and said, "You guys Don't be nervous, I know that you have just entered this world, you are unfamiliar with everything, and you don't know what happened to you..."

"What do you mean, we came to this world, you caused it." Peter Parker made a gesture of alertness.

"Although there are reasons for me, things are more complicated." The big boy Peter Parker waved his hands in a panic and said, "It's not just you who came to this world, there are more people who are only responsible for working with Peter Parker or Spider-Man is in contact with me."

"You mean, besides me and you, there are other Peter Parkers, and Spider-Man?" Peter Parker asked.

The big boy Peter Parker pursed his lips and said: "You understand that there are many Peter Parker and Spider-Man, not just the two of us. If you want to know the cause and history of things, you can follow me Come, someone can answer your questions, and I can provide you with food and a place to stay."

Peter Parker looked at Yue Si and got a positive look from Yue Si, who had been watching the play, and then said to the big boy Peter Parker: "I believe you for the time being, but if I find out that you have something to do with me. Deception, I will definitely make you feel what pain is."

In the past few years as a Spider-Man, Peter Parker has seen too many tragedies caused by his soft-heartedness. When he grew up, he was really merciless when he said that he would not let go. The sentence he said was Sincerely, in Big Boy Peter Parker's Spider Sense, Peter Parker is really moved, and he can do it.

The big boy Peter Parker pointed to the portal behind him and said, "Cross this portal and you can go directly to our destination."

"Is your technology so advanced?" Yue Si put away the glasses terminal that Peter Parker had placed at random, carried the box, pretended to know nothing, and said to the big boy Peter Parker: "One can The teleportation portal for cross-space travel, the knowledge of space physics involved, can barely be touched by the development of human technology for another fifty years."

"It's not technology, it's magic." The big boy Peter Parker said, shaking his head.

The three passed through the spark-splashed portal. On the other side of it was a single-family dwelling. The place was spacious. Looking at the layout of the interior, it should be someone's home. Here, some people were waiting.

These were men and women, mostly Spider-Man, mostly Peter Parker.

The reason why there is no absolute description is because there are two people, one is a fat man, with a Kama Taj ring on his hand. Obviously, he opened the portal. If Yue Si remembers correctly, it was Spider-Man's good friend Ned Leeds; the other is a dark-skinned, curly-haired girl who is Peter Parker's girlfriend, MJ.

A girl in a white hooded spider suit, she is also Spider-Man, called Gwen Stacy, also known as Spider-Gwen; and next to Spider-Gwen, a person who wrapped himself in a blanket, Yue Si It can be clearly perceived that he is Peter Parker, but it is Peter Parker who has been injected with lizard serum and has mutated.

Among these people, Yue Si saw a familiar figure—a one-eyed black marinated egg in a black battle suit, a black leather coat, and Erlang's legs crossed, the old **** sitting comfortably on the sofa.

It was Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., as we all know, where the black gravy played, something must happen - poor Spider-Man and Peter Parker, being played by Nick Fury.

"That's interesting."

Yue Si politely smiled and nodded as a greeting, and then stood in a corner as a transparent man, leaving the home court to the Spider-Mans.

After seeing Peter Parker, Peter Parker who was sitting there, who was Spider-Man, stood up and looked at Peter Parker who came with Yue Si.

They are very similar in appearance, almost exactly the same, but Peter Parker who came with Yue Si is full of confidence and can be described as high-spirited. The maturity of social beatings, the maturity of a middle-aged man.

The two stand together as if one were at different stages.

"Why, why are you so sad."

Peter Parker said to the middle-aged version of himself that the self in this different world feels different from others, as if he is looking in a mirror, and he even doubts that this is really the future self-parallel world Travel has appeared, and traveling across time is not impossible.

And this middle-aged Peter Parker is indeed Peter Parker brought over by Yue Si. It's just the past that middle-aged Peter Parker experienced without Yue Si's interference. He lost Uncle Ben and his good friend Harry Oss. Ben, and his beloved Mary Jane were not able to get together in the end. He was still alone in middle age, and his only relative, Aunt Mei, also died. It can really be called a loss.

Gu Jing

"Gentlemen and girls, can you wait a moment for your small talk, I have something important to announce here." Nick Fury interrupted the impending conversation of the two Peter Parkers very indifferently, and jumped from the sofa. He stood up and announced something to himself.

Then the black gravy didn't say anything directly, but said to Peter Parker and Yue Si: "This Peter Parker and this gentleman, you can introduce yourself, let all the Spider-Man and Peter in the parallel world. Parker got to know you guys."

Obviously, the black marinated egg wants to inquire about intelligence through this method.

"My name is Peter Parker, I am an employee of the Black Company's laboratory and also Spider-Man." Peter Parker introduced Yue Si: "This is Dr. Yue, a senior executive of Black Company, and a very famous scientist. , but also a superhero sentinel."

"Black Company, what is that?" asked the middle-aged version of Peter Parker, and the rest had the same puzzled expressions.

"Black Company, which is a superhero company, is responsible for the promotion of superheroes, as well as the operation of superhero images, charging image licensing fees and so on, and providing logistical support for superheroes, such as necessary money, superheroes are also people , also need food, clothing, housing, and transportation, which is inseparable from money, and superhero uniforms and equipment, which are basically consumables and need to be supplemented.”

"Black Company also protects the real identities of superheroes, prevents people from blackmailing superheroes through their families, and compensates for the losses caused by superhero actions." Peter Parker looked at the other people's faces with confusion, Said: "Don't you have such a company in your world? The information I found, this world should have, the Stark Group, which provides logistical support for the superhero group Avengers."

Because he just browsed some information roughly, Peter Parker had a very shallow understanding of what happened in this world. He only knew a general idea, just like simply interpreting "Les Miserables" as the tragic life of Jean Valjean, completely ignoring it. The story expounds and shows the background of the times, the vast *.

Therefore, when Peter Parker understands those events, he is all set into the background of his own world, so he has this misunderstanding.

"In your world, there are other superheroes besides Spider-Man!" asked Peter Parker, a Spider-Man in his youth, his expression was excited, obviously to what Peter Parker mentioned surprised.

In fact, he was not the only one who was excited, the rest of Spider-Man or Peter Parker, and even unrelated people showed their incomprehension about this matter-does such a company really exist?

The same is true for Nick Fury. As a conspiracy theory implementer, he will never believe that the Black Company will be so kind-in addition, this reminds him that it can completely open up new sources of money.

The members of the Avengers don't care, but their images are used by countless businesses, launching countless products, such as underwear known as "the same Hulk", perfume and leather jackets co-branded with Black Widow, etc. The popularity of the Avengers, as long as the corresponding advertisements are put out, the products are generally sold more popular, and fans are irrational to consume.

Just like Tony Stark's hairstyle has been imitated by many people.

The Avengers are busy saving the world and don't worry about these little things, but S.H.I.E.L.D. can take care of it, whether it's image licensing or direct prosecution, and can get a lot of cash - as long as you have money, many things can be solved is very easy.

If only I had known... but it's too late now, or it's too early to think about such a thing.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Peter Parker said in surprise: "Isn't it? Is there only one superhero in your world, only one Spider-Man, no superhero companions, and no one to help you behind the scenes."

Middle-aged Peter Parker and young Peter Parker are silent. They have always fought alone. There is no team operation behind them. No one defends them in the field of public opinion. Self-liberation, even the daily expenses are earned by working, such as selling self-portraits to the Daily Bugle, and even the battle clothes are made by hand, and if they are broken in battle, they have to sew them one by one.

Those toy manufacturers made toys and masks with various Spider-Man elements, and they did not give them even a dime as the Spider-Man deity. They earned a lot of money, but poor Spider-Man Peter Parker had to worry about rent.

Mom messed with Fake, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

What moved them the most was the protection of Black Company for superheroes and their families. Superheroes protect ordinary people, but who can protect superheroes? Black Company did it.

These useless lone rangers all have a voice.

Really envious! ×N

They were inexplicably excited by Black's humane approach, and envied the newcomer to the Peter Parker and Spider-Man family in front of them.

The existence of Black Company is what they have been missing, a solid and reliable backing and safe haven.

"Seeing your reaction, I feel recognition for my behavior in founding Black Company." Yue Si, who has always been a transparent person, coughed lightly, reminding others of his, and then said with a gesture. To: "We superpowers, from the moment we choose to use our power to help others, we should also be helped and protected by others. This is my original intention."

"Dr. Yue would not have been involved in the first place. Before I came to this world, I had an abnormality in my body. I asked Dr. Yue for help, and then brought Dr. Yue to this world." Peter Parker said.

"Don't talk about this, it's more important." Yue Si said, and then looked at Nick Fury: "Sir, what are you going to say just now, and the reason why we were brought into this world, I am very aware of it. Interested to find out - the purpose of your doing this."

Hei Ludan said: "My world has been invaded by an incomparably powerful enemy. Human technology and military power will collapse at the touch of a button, and there is no way to form an effective resistance. They use incomparable power and strength to reshape me. a world in which humans are raised as livestock.”

"But we will not sit still. Humans can be eliminated, but they will never be defeated."

"That group of invaders maintained complete arrogance. They didn't think we had the ability to resist them, and took pleasure in the struggles of human beings in a desperate environment, and this arrogance will be an opportunity for them to be defeated."

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