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Chapter 642: child of god

"I'm just a poor fisherman, and I don't know any martial arts. Even if I learned how to use the sword with the people that Senor found, I only learned it for two or three months, and I couldn't learn anything at all. Still very young and very fit."

The old man Zadok said: "But I am very lucky. The celebration needs to last for seven days. Our group is divided into five groups to fight. On the last day, the winner of the five fights will have the final competition. I I was ranked last, the last group of people. During this period, I was able to communicate with other people. At that time, I made the most correct decision to meet the scholars who were also deceived and betrayed by Senor. Those people are very smart, and if they can find a way to change our situation, or even escape, they are the only ones."

"However, the situation of those scholars is very bad, it seems that they have been stimulated by some kind of stimulus, most of them are in a trance state, as if they are smoking something, they speak vague language, and in a sentence The arrangement of the words is very strange, only a few people can communicate normally, from them, I learned a lot of things, about Paradise Island, about the Amazons, a large part of what I tell is from them. It's what they told me."

"Unlike our beings as breeders, scholars don't have our nightmare encounters, they don't need to work, they just need to impart knowledge to the Amazons, the books that Senor brought with them and the knowledge they already have. For the Amazons, the Amazons learn very quickly, and in a very short time they have learned the knowledge that the group of scholars has mastered. Although they look like savages, everyone is the top scholar, no less than anyone. Men's Scholar."

"The Amazons originally spoke a lost and ancient language. Through the sailors brought by Senor last, they learned English. Through this group of scholars, they learned more languages ​​than spoken dialogue. , and learned to read and write.”

"Because we didn't have contact with us during the period, our two groups were divided on both sides of the island. The attitude of the Amazons misled the group of scholars. They did not hide their secrets and taught all the knowledge they had to the Amazons. And began to learn the language, characters, culture of the Amazons, and understand every sculpture of them. For them, the Amazons are a precious treasure. The discovery on the paradise island will definitely bring them an unimaginable reputation. ."

"But they didn't wait until that time, when the Amazon books, those books made of leather, recorded the knowledge of evil depravity, and it was so fascinating that scholars were so immersed in it that they could not derive the knowledge from the description and the Disengaged from the truth, and then hit the brain with that knowledge, hit the cognition - those scholars who I think go crazy and become in a trance state are actually normal, normal in their own eyes, because of the way they think about the problem and the language The ability to express is completely different from ours.”

The old man Zadok looked at Trevor with his cloudy eyes and said, "Actually, at that time, those few scholars who were still able to communicate with people, and the madness was not serious, told me a lot, but the evil, Depraved, filthy words, those disgusting knowledge, they are sin in the ears, how can I keep them in my brain."

"I told the sober scholars about the celebration, and told them our doomed fate. They really thought of a way. They are not as crazy as they are because they are not as crazy as others. Many books, they spend more time learning about the various sculptures and buildings on Paradise Island, and learning about this lost civilization from the bits and pieces of their lives. Their reason is not cursed and distorted by that terrible knowledge. Or not distorted as badly."

"And in the process, some of them have mastered the terrain of Paradise Island, or a part of the terrain, as long as we pay attention to guarding the patrolling guards, we can escape to the place where there are ships hiding, that is Senor traded to Amazon People's boats, with boats on them, we can leave Paradise Island in boats, and we need food and fresh water."

"Fortunately, the celebration is taking place, there is no shortage of food, water and wine. We easily collected enough supplies and hid them in a hidden place, waiting for the moment when the time came."

"However, I was found horrified by a scholar who was wearing ill-fitting leather armor by his Amazonian pupils, holding weapons and shields that were very heavy for him, and I can still recall the man's expression, because no one had ever been as frightened and trembling as he was."

"The Amazon who is in charge of learning from him is a new Amazon, born more than 30 years ago, she has inherited a trace of human kindness from her bloodline, and lent her leather armor, weapons and shields to That scholar gave him a chance to survive, and from that student's mouth, the scholar learned a very terrifying thing."

"That celebration was not actually a sacrifice to the **** Zeus, but a sacrifice to the child with the blood of the god, and to make fun of the gods who came to bless the unformed child. Those gods disguised as mortals, walking in the banquet and In the celebration, our plans can deceive the Amazons, but not the gods.”

"At that time, I didn't believe in the existence of gods. Everything I believed in later was only a few words from the mouths of those scholars at the time. It was not until later experiences that my understanding was reversed. I didn't trust the words of that scholar. Just think he's babbling and think he's just as mad as the rest of the mad scholars."

"My performance surprised the scholar and was very happy. He said that people who don't believe in the existence of gods cannot see gods. I am lucky. If we are planning to escape, who is the most likely Success, that's me, and he took off the leather armor on me."

"Because of the existence of the gods, the original plan of the scholars could not be carried out. They could only use simple weapons, like beasts, to fight under the force of the Amazons' blades. Those scholars were the first to fall. I am also concerned. Falling after them - I put the leather armor under my clothes. Although the attack on the torso caused me pain and wounded me, it did not cause fatal damage to me, but the unprotected head was scarred. I also lost **** of my right hand."

Zadok gestured on his face, describing the wounds he suffered one by one, the scars that could not be erased by time, describing the sailors who were driven crazy under strong mental pressure and stimulated by the death of their companions The scene of slashing at him with a random swing of a weapon.

"Because of these injuries, I fainted and suspended animation. The Amazons saw the attack on me, didn't know that I was protected by leather armor, and wrongly judged that I had been mortally wounded and had inevitably died - Senio So many people traded to the Amazons this time, that the odious Amazons didn't scrutinize every single one of our fallen, and I was thrown somewhere along with the rest of the corpses."

"When I woke up, it was already night, and I found that I was surrounded by mutilated corpses, with corpses under my pillow and corpses covered on my body. I frantically pushed aside other people's corpses, escaped from there."

"Relying on the light reflected by the temple, I carefully identified my position, and was pleasantly surprised to find that my position was very close to the best escape route that the scholars said before, and I only needed to turn over a small path. mountains."

"Because any accident could happen, they told me the escape route. Those of us who were going to escape knew the specific route. On that road, I found food and water that had been hidden, just our plan. There should be a lot of people who can escape, but I am the only one who can really leave. I can carry very little food and water. In order to escape, I lost a part in the panic."

"Thanks to my father, to my poor fisherman life, that made me good water, know how to survive on the water, know how to control the boat, I managed to swim to Senio as planned by the previous scholars In the boat that Er traded to the Amazons, the boat was unloaded from the big boat, and in the dark of the night, a person rowed desperately, out of the paradise island, and escaped from life - I can hardly imagine that the injured me at that time was How to do that."

"It's just, how can a small boat conquer the sea? My boat was overturned and shattered by the wind and waves, and my left arm was injured in the process. I could only float on the sea with a boat board, drifting with the current. "

"A passing ship found me, and they rescued me on board, but the doctor on board told me that my left arm was seriously injured and I had to amputate it as soon as possible, otherwise I wouldn't be able to live. And just like that, I lost my left arm."

"As a reward, I gave the captain of that ship the leather armor that saved my life and I have been wearing it all the time. I remember the captain's name, Trevor, Captain Trevor."

Hearing that name, Steve Trevor felt as if he had been electrocuted, and his scalp was tingling. He subconsciously picked up the glass and took a sip of beer to suppress his restless heart—his great-grandfather, indeed He is a captain with his own ship.

This may be a coincidence. Steve Trevor looked down at his body. There was nothing on his body that showed his name. Zadok couldn't know his name through the ID card.

It's just a coincidence.

"Captain Trevor sent me to land, but that's not my hometown. My hometown is a very remote small fishing village. Even the neighboring towns are also almost unknown places. I can name them. There are only those two places."

"I've lost my hometown, I've lost my family - but I'm not willing, I want revenge, revenge on that nasty guy in Senor, who I've been searching for for years and finally heard about him The whereabouts of him and those sailors, relying on gold to become nobles, people I can't reach, my accusations have no effect on them, and once they know of my existence, I escaped from Paradise Island. , I will definitely be killed by them, to prevent others from knowing about the existence of Paradise Island."

"And their people, Senor and his sailors, have gained eternal life by that abominable magic, and the sailors have told us that the tears of the mermaid are mixed with the fountain of eternal life and drink it. The story of eternal life is actually a metaphor for magic, those who never grow old, who fake their own deaths, disguise themselves as their offspring, and continue to control their wealth and power."

"Abominable Senor still has a connection with Paradise Island. After the arrival of every thirty-three-year cycle, they will continue to send people to Paradise Island, continue to perform their direct transactions, and continue to rely on evil magic to continue them. s life."

"They thought no one but them knew the secret, but they were wrong, I've been reminiscing about that event every day for the past few decades, repeating that experience in my mind over and over, remembering it forever!"

Zadok took a sip of his beer and stopped talking, tired of the long talking, and he sat panting and looking gloomy.

Trevor knew why this group of spectators had already heard the story of Old Man and why would they listen to it again here, because they were not listening to the story, but the old man Zadok told the story. The painful experience was retrieved from memory, and the pain, annoyance, and anger they showed when they recounted it to others. What they used for fun was the suffering of this old man.

But the spectators around were still dissatisfied and started to talk about it. There was a lot of people talking, but Steve Trevor heard something. When Zadok told his past, he focused on the wealth of Paradise Island. , and the beauty of the Amazons, those tragic killing rituals, and the process of his escape, and many details, which have never been told before.

"Why are you telling the story about Paradise Island and the Amazons at this time? Didn't you say you've been avoiding those people from knowing about your existence, why are you talking about it now for a drink?" Trevor asked.

Zadok glanced at Trevor and said, "Because, the son of God has been successfully born and grown up healthily with the blessing of the gods, Paradise Island no longer has to hide himself, my existence has given them and them It doesn't matter."

"Also, I may also be affected by the magic of Paradise Island, I have lived long enough, I have lived enough, I can't even drink a glass of beer, I have no value in living anymore, I can rely on those Things for a beer, that's enough for me."

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