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Chapter 676: Uchiha's son-in-law devours the master!

Seeing Uchiha Fugaku, who was kneeling on the tatami with a solemn expression and majesty, Uchiha Obito had a strong sense of sight. Almost a year ago, it was also one night. It was also because of Yue Si's affairs. Come visit with something.

And it's all for the money.

Unlike the last treatment where he didn't even have a cup of tea, Uchiha Obito placed a cup of hot tea in front of him.

"Lord Patriarch, this is the purpose of my trip, and the purpose of visiting you tonight." Obito, who was kneeling in front of Uchiha Fugaku, took off the wooden stick behind him and pushed it respectfully in front of him.

The servant who was waiting picked up the wooden stick and found that there was a universe inside the stick. It was split vertically from the middle, and the inside was hollowed out to hide something. The surface was carefully tied at both ends with hemp rope. If you only look at it from the surface, you can't tell that this stick is actually a box with something inside.

The hemp rope was removed, and the servant opened the box to reveal the ring-head knife inside.

"This is a chakra knife I got. You don't need to know any chakra swordsmanship. You just need to inject chakra into it, and you can... just like what he demonstrated." Uchiha Obito originally wanted to introduce that servant. After asking Uchiha Fuyue with his eyes, he started to try after getting permission, and it was very easy to make a layer of chakra on the blade.

Then, the Huan Shou Dao was handed over to Uchiha Fuyue by the servant. The Uchiha Patriarch looked at the Huan Shou Dao more carefully, and after a long time he slowly spit out a word: "Good sword."

It is indeed a good sword, good enough to surprise Uchiha Fuyue.

This sword, in terms of material and forging technique, is something that Uchiha Fugaku has never seen before. It is a very excellent sword, especially the characteristics of the chakra blade that can be formed only by inputting chakra, which can be used as a legend. The kind of weapon that has been passed down all the time, such as the Chakra short knife named "White Fang" by the Hagi family.

"Can you tell me the origin of this sword?" Uchiha Fuyue asked the servant to find a knife holder and put the ring-head sword on the knife holder before officially speaking to Uchiha Obito.

Judging from Uchiha Fuyue's attitude towards Huan Shou Dao, Uchiha Obito feels that selling swords is stable.

However, when Uchiha Fuyue asked about the origin of the ring head sword, Uchiha Obito looked embarrassed: "This, I can't say."

"Well, let me change the question, what do you want to get through this sword." As a patriarch, Uchiha Fuyue would definitely not think that a junior in the clan who was not outstanding could easily obtain such a good sword. Someone must have handed it over to the Uchiha family through Uchiha Obito. What he needs to pay attention to is what the other party's purpose is.

"Money." Yue Si said this to Uchiha Obito long ago. He had already answered the answer, and answered very simply and neatly: "A lot of money can provide more, this kind of chakra sword to Uchiha. A family, even as long as the price is enough, the craftsmanship of forging this chakra weapon is not impossible to sell together."

In fact, when Yue Si discussed the details of the transaction with Uchiha Obito, he also mentioned that in addition to money, he could also use another transaction method to hand over the metallurgy and forging industries to Uchiha, that is, in the Uchiha family Find a pretty girl of the same age as him, preferably the kind of arrogant loli who is "unhappy" in the literature, make a marriage contract with him, recruit Guan Shanyue into the Uchiha clan, and become a family After people, it doesn't matter to each other.

He Guan Shanyue didn't mind changing his surname from "Guan" to "Uchiha", from "Guan Shanyue" to "Uchiha Yue" or something. After all, even "Guan Shanyue" was just a It's just a fake identity - although even if he changed his surname to Uchiha, he wouldn't be able to wake up to something like Sharinyan.

However, Uchiha took the land rights when Yue Si said those words as a joke, but he did not expect that Yue Si really thought that way. After becoming a member of the Uchiha family, even if it was just a son-in-law, he actually did not care about Yue Si. What's worse, it's better to rest against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

The big deal is that there will be a "Dragon King's son-in-law" at the end, "it's okay for the Uchiha family not to wait", with a crooked smile or something.

And because he took what Yue Si said seriously as a joke, Uchiha Obito didn't say those things, but only mentioned money.

Uchiha Obito’s answer surprised Uchiha Fuyue. He thought that the manufacturing process of this level of chakra weapons was very difficult, just like the forging of samurai swords. Because of the problem of fuel, the smelting technology was very backward. A qualified samurai sword needs to be repeatedly selected from the sponge iron smelted from iron ore, and continuously processed to reduce the content of impurities in the material. After repeated folding and forging, it finally becomes a samurai sword.

However, what Uchiha Obito revealed, the person who handed over the chakra knife to himself through him, can provide a large number of such weapons, and can trade the craftsmanship of large-scale and mass production.

Uchiha Fuyue turned his head and thought about it, and he understood that the craftsmanship that can be traded must be very expensive. Even with the financial resources of the Uchiha family, it is estimated that it is very easy to eat. It is just a thought given to him by the other party. Just tell yourself such a possibility.

"Two XXXX, chakra knives of the same quality." Uchiha Fuyue measured the financial resources of the family and the quality of the chakra knives, gave a suitable price in his heart, and reasonably pressed down. One pressure.

But this price has exceeded the price that Yue Si said to Uchiha Obito at the beginning, and it has directly doubled several times. According to the details discussed by the two at the beginning, the extra money is owned by the middleman, Uchiha Obito. According to the price given by Uchiha Fuyue, he earned much more than that.

"Okay!" Uchiha Obito nodded hastily and said, this was a surprise to him.

Uchiha Obito’s performance made Uchiha Fuyue aware of whether he had made a high price. He should have asked the other party to bid, and he would counter-offer slowly, but the quality of the ring knife made Uchiha Fuyue not regret the price:

"Any other requests?"

"Well, he said, he will only be in contact with me from the Uchiha family. Until the right time comes, he doesn't want others to know who he is - there are many people staring at the Uchiha family, and he doesn't want to be implicated." Uchiha Obito said so according to Yue Si's instructions.

For this point, Uchiha Fuyue did not deny it, because he held the responsibility of the wood industry police force, the Uchiha family often offended people outside because of official business. After the second Hokage, his successors were not as good as him. The second Hokage Senju Tobirama put down the hatred and tried to ease the relationship between the Uchiha family and Konoha Village.

However, the high-level leaders headed by the three generations of Hokage did not know that they recognized that their abilities were insufficient, and they were not enough to integrate them into the village on the premise of suppressing the Uchiha clan. They began to change the policy that the second generation had been implementing, and began to suppress the Uchiha clan openly and secretly. power.

This point, many people in the village can see clearly, including the senior elders of Uchiha, including his Uchiha Fuyue, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, who gave the chakra weapon to Uchiha Obito and asked him to hand it over to him The person behind the scenes, he can see through this, Uchiha Fuyue is not surprised.

However, the conflict between the Uchiha clan and Konoha Village has completely surged to an irreconcilable level, and after the Third Ninja World War, the Nine Tails attacked Konoha Village. The four generations of Hokage Naruto Feng Minato died in battle, and his superiors have never had the help of his personal influence to reconcile the reasons for the contradictions in all aspects of the village. After all, the reason why Konoha lost too much in the third ninja war, after all, Uchiha It is the power of Konoha.

But the fourth Hokage wave Feng Minato was killed in the battle, all those hopes were destroyed, and the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiyzen regained power.

And because the writing wheel of the Uchiha clan is the key to tame the nine tails, the Uchiha clan is the biggest suspect, and began to be rejected by the Konoha Village as a whole. Countless people's relatives were killed in the Nine Tails Rebellion. The relationship with Konoha Village can no longer be reconciled.

Now, although the relationship between the Uchiha family and Konoha Village is tense, it has not reached that irreconcilable level.

"I will follow this and will not send Uchiha's ninjas to follow you." Uchiha Fuyue thought about it, and immediately agreed, and asked the servant to bring enough money to Uchiha Obito as the first Payment for a chakra weapon.

Returning home with a huge sum of money for him, Uchiha Obito still finds it hard to believe that this transaction will end so smoothly. For the last few boomerangs, Uchiha Fuyue took Uchiha overnight. The elders of the wave family were invited, and now Uchiha Fuyue can make the decision alone.

Uchiha Obito, who has not yet been deeply involved in the world, is not clear. This is the growth side of Uchiha Fuyue. The patriarch began to gradually take charge of the power in the clan, and he can make decisions on important matters by himself, without being restrained by those elders.

After returning to his room, Uchiha tossed the soil and couldn't fall asleep. After a long time, he took out the envelope with the thick stack of money, counted the money agreed with Yue Si, and transferred the rest to himself. here.

"This is not good!" Scratching his head, Uchiha Obito took part of his share of the money and put it in the share for Yue Si.

"There is still a long time before the transaction with Guan Shanyue, so there is no need to think too much at this time."

In the middle of the night, Uchiha Obito looked at the money in front of him, still worried, still so worried that he couldn't sleep peacefully, even if he used various reasons to convince himself that he couldn't do it - in fact, during the day, Yue Si told him about it. The truth is so deeply rooted in people's hearts that he couldn't help but think about it.

Start thinking from the perspective of having the wealth to buy the entire ninja world, thinking about your future, and thinking about the meaning of your life.

These are too esoteric for adults who are running around for life, and just right for a hot-blooded teenager like him in the second phase.

The holiday soon passed. After all, the practice took up most of the time, and Yue Si ushered in the second grade of life.

The head teacher is still Hattori Kirizou, but the head teacher, who has no role in acting, announced something that was not very good for Yue Si in the first class of the school: "After high-level discussions, it was finally decided that the Ninja School's The school system has changed from six years to four years, and you will only have three years left in your next study career instead of five years, so in the next three years, you will study the original five-year course."

"I know it's been a very tough job for some of you..."

While Hattori Kirisaka was lecturing over there, Yue Si began to think about himself. Although the timeline of Naruto World was very chaotic, it was certain that the pace of the third ninja war was coming.

The impact of the Second Ninja World War is still affecting all countries, and a war is urgently needed to vent internal conflicts, and more has been obtained through war to eliminate internal conflicts.

The high-level Konoha has already noticed this and knows that the third ninja war is inevitable, but when it will break out, and what event will break out, it is an unpredictable thing.

To this end, they must prepare in advance for this upcoming war. As they have experienced two ninja world wars, they know everything that the war needs. Bombing is their response, and reducing the school year of ninja school is theirs. Measures, the four-year course is already the result of their concession, if necessary, the ninja school can only have a three-year course.

As for cannon fodder, no amount is too little.

On the podium, Hattori Kirizou was still talking about something. As a teacher, he had basic eloquence. In his words, the shortening of the school system of the ninja school became a test and recognition for the students. Hatake Kakashi, who has become a chunin at light, can hear the enthusiasm of the students around him, as if he can be like each other, and he can become an honorable student without even having to complete the four-year course. The ninja and then climbed steadily, becoming the youngest Jōnin in the history of Konoha.

For Yue Si, this is undoubtedly a bad thing, disrupting his slow development plan.

And, don't forget, he still wears the identity of a spy ninja in Yunnin Village. Once the war starts, it is very likely that he will start his line, but he is only a student of ninja school, how can he provide so much usefulness? intelligence.

In the script that Yue Si wrote for himself, it did not develop like this. Although he was a little disdainful, he still wanted to sit in the position of "Hokage" - that is, the undercover agent became the boss, and when he closed the net, he faced the front. The kind that your boss says, "Sir, we're doing legitimate business."

Moreover, his power needs time to accumulate and explore.

The power of [Current Push] has not been cultivated to the extreme, and the research of [Magnetic Field Rotation] has just started. He supports the Uchiha family and the rise of those small and medium-sized families in Konoha, and uses them to stir up the Konoha civil strife "Konoha Collapse Plan" Just beginning to take shape.

"Time, time!"

Yue Si sighed in a low voice, causing the Moonlight Blast at the same table to look sideways.

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