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Chapter 707: fire tornado

After running for a distance, Zhezhi Hanshiro suddenly stopped, and Chen Wuzuo and Hyuga Ashuo also listened.

"A-Shao, Guan Shanyue..." Zhezhi Hanshiro glanced back at the place where he was separated from Yue Si, then looked at Hyuga A-Shao, and asked her for help, hoping that her white eyes could see things about Yue Si.

Hyuga A Shao nodded and looked into the distance. At this time, the distance between them and Yue Si was beyond the scope of Bai Yan's ability, so she used Chakra to enhance Bai Yan's ability, which made her whole face Covered by soaring blue veins, a pretty face looks like a ghost.

"No way, the distance is too far, I can't see clearly, I can only see the Chakra of five people dimly."

"Five people?" Zhezhi Hanshiro and Jinwu Zuo asked in unison.

According to the situation Hyuga Asao had seen before, there were four ninjas being pursued by Yun Ren, one Konoha ninja being pursued, and another Guan Shanyue who went to help. Now there are only five people left, it must be There were casualties, but who would that be?

However, Hyuga Asao said regretfully: "I can't see the chakra of the Konoha ninja. Was it already caught up by the ninja of the cloud ninja before Guan Shanyue arrived?"

"Where's Guan Shanyue? How is he now?" asked Chen Wuzuo.

"He... he is very close to the four Yun Ninjas now and is fighting." Hyuga Asao said.

Seeing Zhezhi Hanshiro gnashing his teeth with a strange expression, Jin Wuzuo reminded him, "Hanshiro, don't be emotional!"

"I know!" Zhezhi Hanshiro had all kinds of words in his heart, but he couldn't say anything after all.

"What, do you still need to fight now?"

Ai Ju looked down at Yue Si and asked aloud.

They didn't know where the white-eyed ninjas of the Hyuga clan were, but they still knew about the ability of white-eyed. The ability of telescopic and see-through eyes is very likely to be watching their own in corners that they have not noticed. Direction, pay attention to the movements of the people on your side.

"Of course, my fighting spirit is burning."

Yue Si put away the wakizashi, took off the scabbard of the previous samurai sword, and threw it on the ground to lighten the burden: "Next, I'm going to show my true power, I hope you can be serious enough. "

"I will shoot with the purpose of killing you. I hope you can and can deal with me with the same idea, because if it doesn't work, you will really die in my hands. I will do what I say."

"Everyone has heard what he said. Next, don't keep your hands on him, just like treating the enemy!" Ai shouted loudly, and then heard three voices responding. is very unfavorable.

The four people on Yun Ren's bright face have been divided into four directions, showing a state of siege to Yue Si.

Even if the other two ninjas were not Yue Si's opponents, as long as they contained Yue Si a little, they would be able to create the necessary fighters for Ai and Chirabi, allowing them to strike a thunderous blow against Yue Si.

"Secret Technique, Qimen Dunjia Technique, Lei Dun!" Yue Si put his hands together, pretending to talk about secret techniques, but he actually used his true power.

The power of the [magnetic field rotation].

The rust-red war pattern appeared on Yue Si's face, and in an instant, Yue Si's style of painting became very tough, and became extraordinarily "strong!".

"Fire Escape, Dragon Fire Technique!"

A dragon-shaped flame was spit out by one of the two cloud ninjas, coiling toward Yue Si. The ferocious dragon head was swift and fierce. The high temperature and high speed when passing through the air caused the air to roar, like the sound of a dragon roaring. , again roaring like a beast.

Of course, Yue Si would not stay in the same place. With a slight jump, he left the place. Looking down, the dragon-shaped flame that was in the air did not dissipate, but turned over and went straight to himself in the air. Come.

The power of the magnetic field is condensed on the soles of his feet, just like "treading water" in ninja training, stepping on the air and drawing several broken lines in the air, Yue Si dodged continuously at high speed, avoiding the scorching flame, and his hands were meaningless. The ground quickly formed the seal, and ended with the common 'Chen' seal of Feng Dun, with a few words in his mouth: "Wind Dun · Big Tornado!"

In fact, it is running [magnetic field rotation], setting off a tornado, causing it to wreak havoc in the forest, rolling up dust, gravel, and countless broken branches, and then Yue Si, who is constantly moving in the air, grabs the tornado's One end, like waving a long whip, swept towards the technique of dragon fire that struck again.

Among the chakra attributes, Feng Dun can enhance the power of Huo Dun. Seeing that Yue Si used Feng Dun to block his Fire Dun and the Dragon Fire Technique, the Yun Ren was overjoyed, but he saw that the dragon-shaped flame was destroyed by Yue Si. The tornado in his hand shredded and devoured.

The original Huo Dun · Dragon Fire Technique and Yue Si's 'Wind Dun · Big Tornado Technique' merged into one, turned into a fire tornado, held in Yue Si's hand, the fire borrowed the wind, the wind borrowed the fire, the fire dragon. The destructive power displayed by the scroll is far greater than the sum of the two original techniques.

And the combustibles inhaled by the tornado added fuel to the flames, and the moisture in the forest was quickly dried by the high temperature, becoming extremely hot and dry, and the green leaves on the tree withered and curled up.

Yue Si took the fire tornado and swung it towards the Yun Ren who used the fire escape.

He is not the kind of person who sits still, moving quickly in the forest, approaching Yun Ren in another direction, and the other Yun Ren made a seal with his hands and pressed it on the ground: "Tu Dun · Tu Liubi!"

One after another earth and stone walls rose from the ground and were superimposed together to form a widened and thickened defensive wall, blocking the two cloud ninjas and fire tornadoes. The layers of earth and stone walls were the same as reactive armor. , weakened the power of the fire tornado in the constant fragmentation.

Yue Si saw a flash of sword light from the corner of his light, and he fell back. Kirabi's ninja knife almost rubbed the tip of his nose, but Kirabi's target was not Yue Si, but the one he was holding in his hand. Fire Tornado.

The ninja knife slashed through the fire tornado diagonally, separating the fire tornado from Yue Si's hand, losing the maintenance of Yue Si's power, and the fire tornado quickly dissipated, dissipating into a scorching wind in the forest.

"Saved!" Yun Ren, who was hiding behind the earth-rock wall, wiped a handful of sweat beads on his face from the high temperature steam of the fire tornado. The earth-rock wall created by Tu Dun·Tu Liubi is only the last one left. If it wasn't for Kirabi's timely action, the two of them would be engulfed by the fire tornado.

Because the target was not Yue Si, which made Kirabi's flaws, Yue Si aimed at one of his gaps and kicked out.

However, Yue Si's move was halfway through, and he only felt a bad wind coming from behind his ears, but it was Ai who was in Lei Dun Chakra mode with a punch to support Kirabi in the way of attacking the enemy and saving him.


Yue Si sneered, kicked Kirabi out without taking a high kick, then bent his knees and walked towards Ai's fist.

As before, a special force pierced through Ai's Lei Dun armor, disrupted the operation of his chakra, and shattered his chakra cohesion. After going out, all the tricks rushed to the acupoints on Ai Zhou's body, kicking him upside down and flying out.

"Ai, I want you to be more serious!"

Stopped on a big tree and adjusted his posture, Ai took a few deep breaths, and Yue Si's sense of blockage in his chakra operation by relying on the secret technique has completely disappeared, and snorted coldly: "This guy, really good It's disgusting, just like his face when he was a kid."

In Ai's memory, there is a scene when Yue Si was still in Yunren Village when he was a child.

At that time, Yue Si was a very arrogant child. At the age of four, he graduated from Yun Ren's ninja school. When other children had just reached school age, he had already passed the ninja assessment and became a ninja. The glorious Yun Ninja Murakami Shinobi.

As the best student of that class, the third generation of Raiying, Ai's father personally met him. At that time, Yue Si had the same expression as he is now. Even when he met Raiying, he had a arrogant attitude, which was the same as now. Same shit.

Ai and Chilabi, who were present together, were very unhappy with Yue Si's expression. Although Chilabi was several years older than Yue Si, he was still in the category of "children" at the time, so he used his rap to humiliate Yue Si. After a while, Yue Si was about to start, completely ignoring that he was in Raikage's office.

However, the three generations of Raikage expressed their appreciation for Yue Si, and admired his talent, talent and character, and then told Yue Si that there was a arduous task to be handed over to Yue Si—that is, as a war orphan, enter the woods Ye Rencun conducts undercover work.

After all, it was a village built by the **** of the ninja world, Senju Hasuma. Although the Qianshou family has been broken down into pieces and completely integrated into Konoha Village, no one has inherited the wood-dun ninjutsu that has suppressed the first generation. , but there are still two powerful ninjas, Uchiha and Hinata, not to mention other large and small families.

Excellent people are excellent wherever they go. If Yue Si enters Konoha Ninja Village, he will definitely be able to show his excellent side, and then he will definitely be valued and cultivated without a family background, and his status in Konoha Village The more he improves, the greater the role he can play for Yun Ren.

This is the judgment and decision made by the three generations of Raikage regarding the current situation of Konoha.

Although the three generations of Raikage are the same as Ai, they are two meters tall and muscular, and they seem to be the kind of people who train their muscles into their brains, but whoever really thinks this way, it is a big mistake. .

Every Raikage is the kind of person with a delicate mind. He is very clear about the changes in the situation and the measurement of people's hearts. He can see what the heirs of the second generation of Hokage are. Yes, sending Yue Si to sneak into Konoha is definitely a good move.

Undercover is such a task that ordinary ninjas can't undertake, it is extremely difficult and dangerous.

A ninja entered other ninja villages without a legitimate reason, and the interrogation department must be waiting for him, so Orochimaru carried out the "wood industry collapse plan", taking advantage of the time when everyone took the test, Konoha allowed a large number of other ninja villages. The timing of the ninja entering Konoha.

And to be an undercover agent, you must do long-term infiltration work. It is not as simple as spying on intelligence. Even if you imitate others with the transformation technique, you will be exposed sooner or later.

Therefore, sending a child who is nothing and will not attract suspicion as a spy, starting from scratch, growing up little by little in Konoha, and having a complete growth trajectory, is the best spy candidate.

Therefore, this candidate must be a child with both temperament and talent. This kind of talent is mainly cultivated in the village. Therefore, after the three generations of Raiying came up with this idea, they have been shelved until Yue Si is born. brought up.

When the three generations of Raikage told Yue Si about this proposal, Yue Si agreed without hesitation, and said that he was such an excellent talent—sure enough, Yue Si successfully entered the Konoha Ninja Village, in order to let himself The identity is more convincing, and he also lived in Konoha's orphanage for two years until it was discovered that he had a talent for chakra.

However, many years have passed, and Yue Si has not been reported, and his reputation is not obvious. Yun Ren thought that Yue Si had an accident, died in the middle, or disappeared, but he did not expect to appear in front of them today. Grow into a powerful ninja.

In the ninja world, memories don't take time, so when Ai's memories are over, Yue Si's attack strikes again.

"Big Dipper, Hundred Split Fist! Ah da da da da da da..."

The continuous high-speed punches hit Ai, and the quick punches left more than a dozen afterimages, as if Yue Si had more than a dozen arms.

"I'm really going to be serious this time!" Ai's body surged out of a larger thunderbolt chakra, and the current on the body surface appeared more frequently and more turbulently.

Ai fights fists with fists. This time, he no longer keeps his hands, and the chakra is released without reservation. He also punches at the same high speed under the full-opening of Lei Dun's chakra mode. In an instant, the two exchange. Punching thousands of fists, the fist strength poured out, although the wind escape ninjutsu was not used, but the wind suddenly rose, blowing around.

The two Yun Ren not far away raised their arms to cover their faces, staring at the two fighting each other: "Are they all monsters!"

This level of battle is not something they can mix in. Even if they are willing to participate, they will not be of much help at all.

And Kirabi was eager to try,

Among the thousands of punches, Yue Si used the secret technique taught to Matekai, punching into Ai's arm and spreading to his whole body, but Ai's own practice is also very strong, inheriting the three generations of Raikage The physique is as powerful as a tailed beast, and the Lei Dun chakra mode has also been polished very skillfully by him. He has a record of slashing one horn of eight tails with one hand. The chakra resisted, but it also continued to cause damage, but was resisted by his powerful resilience.

However, that little elbow restraint finally paid off after thousands of times of accumulation. Ai's chakra movement finally stopped for a moment, and at this moment, Yue Si's fist hit Ai's chest.

Under the bombardment of the fist, Ai flew out and smashed into a big tree. At this time, Kirabi, who was already ready to go, seized the opportunity and came forward with a ninja knife.

March, early spring.

See the latest chapter content and download the iRead Novel app. The latest chapter content is already in the iRead Novel app, and the website has not updated the latest chapter content. East of Nanhuang Continent, a corner.

The gloomy sky was gray and black, showing a heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, the ink soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds layered on top of each other, blending with each other, dispersing one after another of crimson lightning, accompanied by the rumbling thunder.

Like a **** roaring, echoing in the world.

Please download the iRead Novel app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. The blood-colored rain, with sadness, fell to the mortal dust.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the red rain of blood.

In the city, the walls are broken, everything is withered, and collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, withering silently.

The bustling streets in the past are now desolate.

The sandy road where people used to come and go is now no longer noisy.

There is only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper, and it is indistinguishable from each is shocking.

Not far away, a mutilated carriage was deeply immersed in the mud, full of mourning, only an abandoned rabbit doll on the hull of the carriage hung on it, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie and eerie.

The turbid pupils seemed to have some resentment left, staring alone at the mottled stones ahead.

There, there was a figure lying there.

This is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, dressed in tatters, covered in dirt, with a torn leather bag tied around his waist.

The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his tattered coat from all directions and swept through his body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

But even if the rain fell on his face, he didn't blink, staring coldly into the distance like a falcon.

Following his gaze, at a distance of seven or eight feet from him, a skinny vulture was eating the carrion of a wild dog, occasionally observing the surroundings alertly.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, it will vacate in an instant with the slightest disturbance.

Download the iRead Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the young man is like a hunter, patiently waiting for an opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely submerged its head into the belly of the wild dog.

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