Villains Template

Chapter 719: shoot yourself in the foot

The erosion of the body of the third generation of water shadows by the cells between the columns started from the wound where the bullet was shot. The distorted and deformed pieces of meat formed around the wound position made it impossible for the medical ninja to start, but the highly activated column Ma The number of cell divisions is limited, and after a few breaths, it has completely died, ensuring that Mist Ninja cannot obtain such a big killer as the intercolumnar cell.

For Yue Si, there is actually another kind of material suitable for this "special warhead", that is, the black rod, which is made by the reincarnation eye. It can host the power of the reincarnation eye, and can also interfere with the hit. The flow of chakra in the body can also block the target's acupoints for refining chakra, and it can also play a role in the tailed beast.

But even so, even if the three generations of water shadows are rescued, this life will be abolished, the vitality is deprived by the intercolumnar cells, and the Chakra meridians and acupoints are destroyed by the raging intercolumnar cells.

Not to mention, Yue Si also added a shotgun to the third generation of water shadows, and the projectiles smashed the third generation of water shadows into a sieve.

"Medical ninja, hurry up!" Some ninja urged the medical ninja to quickly deal with the injury of the third generation of Mizukage.

To be able to become the shadow of a village, the three generations of Mizuying himself also have the hard power, a fatal blow, he is still breathing and heartbeat, he has become slight and invisible, but the serious injury has not died, with the incredible medical treatment of the ninja world. means, it is estimated that there is still the possibility of rescue.

Chakra appeared in the palms of the medical ninja's palms, and pressed against Mizukage's chest at a distance.

Originally, due to the excessive deprivation of mental power and vitality by the intercolumnar cells, as well as the pain of injury, the third generation of Mizukage actually passed out of a coma.

Under the stimulation of the medical ninja Chakra, the heartbeat that had slowed down became stronger and stronger, just like entering a state of vigorous exercise, but this is not a good thing for today's three generations of Mizukage, because he There is still a wound on the body, but the beating heart pumped blood out of the wound. With the loss of blood, the breath of the three generations of water shadows became weaker and weaker.

Three generations of Mizukage noticed what happened to him, and immediately understood what he wanted to struggle, but the surrounding mist ninja held his hands and feet for the first time, making him unable to break free from the state in front of him.

Two minutes later, Mizukage III died.

On the surface, except at the beginning, when facing Yue Si's assassination, the guards of the mist ninja did not perform well, and all subsequent behaviors are normal, such as forming a human wall to isolate the three generations of water shadows from the outside world, such as Let the medical ninja rescue the three generations of Mizukage who were assassinated, and so on, these outsiders can't pick out the fault, but it is these that really kill the three generations of Mizukage.

"Shuiying-sama is dead!"

"Shuiying-sama is dead!"

This news was broadcast and reached the ears of all the ninjas in this street, and then spread to the entire ninja village through various channels, and was known to more people.

Hearing this news, some people are happy and some are sad, and most people are sad and angry. Among the happy people, such as the clan elders, when the news was passed to the clan elders, this old guy was drinking tea. , said to the ninja of the summons: "Speak."

"The ninja named Shimoyama Heibei used a ninja tool we didn't know to hit the third generation of Mizukage. Mizukage-sama was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Then our medical ninja rushed to rescue, but the treatment was not good, and Mizukage-sama died. At the end of the assassination, the ninjas we were lurking around attacked Orochimaru, but there was only one of his clones, and the whereabouts of the deity was unknown."

"Shimoyama Heibei is on the run, and our people are chasing him..."

Hearing this news, the clan elder was so excited that he couldn't control his strength, he smashed the teacup in his hand, and when the hot water flowed along the palm of his hand, the clan elder regained his senses, picked up a towel and wiped the palm of his hand. The tea and teacup scraps in the middle: "Send both the Shangnin and Zhongnin in the clan, contact the other families, and rob and kill the downhill Heibei, and Orochimaru, even if it is the legendary Sannin of Konoha, face it. Dozens of Shangnin and hundreds of Chunin were besieged and killed, and they couldn't escape, especially in the village of Wunin, which was protected by the ocean, Orochimaru couldn't escape anywhere."

Cutting grass and rooting, killing people and killing people, these clan elders and a group of people who opposed the three generations of water shadows discussed the results. Through various measures, the space for activities of Orochimaru and Yue Si was compressed, and their schedules were full, and there was no time to do other things.

After they succeeded, even if they only injured the third generation of Mizukage, they would have the means to make the third generation of Mizukage die in the operation of the Konoha ninja, and then they would silence the two Konoha ninjas, and they would be justifiable. Couldn't pick out the thorns either.

And when the third generation of water shadows was giving a speech, a large number of mist ninjas gathered on that street. Even if two Konoha ninjas wanted to escape, they couldn't escape. That was a huge army!

Unless the **** of the ninja world Qianshou Hasuma or the ninja world Shura Uchiha Madara is resurrected, or this kind of battle, no one can escape.

At the same time, Madara Uchiha, a centenarian in the basement, suddenly sneezed for an unknown reason.

"Hehehe, it's a good plan!" Orochimaru's hoarse voice suddenly sounded around, and the clan elder and the ninja who sent the message were shocked. The ninja who sent the message could serve this position, regardless of loyalty or ability.

At the moment when he turned around in surprise, he had already raised his hand and flew out three kunai, hitting the direction from which Orochimaru's voice came, but nailed it to the wall and did not hit Orochimaru.

But the sudden appearance of Orochimaru did not dodge, his body collapsed into small snakes, wandering around, the three Kunai did hit his body, but they passed through the gap between the snakes. , and did not hurt his body.

Even if the body could not be maintained intact, Orochimaru's snake clone still showed a gloomy smile: "Thank you, the assassination of the third generation of Mizukage is also in my plan, but my purpose is the entire Mist Ninja Village!"

At this moment, the clan elder heard a series of explosions. The explosions gradually became clearer from far to near, as if a giant was stepping and gradually approaching. He could vaguely see the flash of fire from the explosion, and the buildings. The smoke and dust that swayed when he fell to the ground, the vibrations of different frequencies were gradually sensed by him, and it was obvious that the Mist Ninja Village was being destroyed.

"Thank you, it was your greed that allowed me and my partner to sneak into the Mist Ninja Village, and it was you who conspired with us to assassinate the three generations of Mizukage, which caused Mist Ninja to fall into chaos, thus giving us a chance to take advantage. Orochimaru realized that the clan elder had noticed something, and said with a smile: "From today onwards, Wu Nin Village will inevitably decline. The reason for all this is because of your selfishness."

Those small ninja villages will not be mentioned for the time being. The ninja villages in the five major countries are the existence of protective barriers, which are used to monitor whether there are ninjas intruding. Just like when Payne Six Paths invaded Konoha, it touched Konoha. The protective barrier was discovered at the very first moment of the invasion.

Therefore, if Orochimaru and Yue Si broke in, they would definitely be found, but they were invited by a group of people who opposed the three generations of water shadows in the mist ninja. They tried to bypass the barrier to be safe. dive in.

"You bastard!" Orochimaru's murderous remarks touched the elders of the clan. Although he was old and because of his status, he also left the battlefield early, only playing tricks and tricks to get out of the battle, but as a ninja fighting The instinct to fight was written in every nerve of the clan elder. At this moment, he was mobilized by anger and began to wake up.

Shun out a kunai from the ninja bag of Mist Ninja who sent the message, and rushed towards the direction of Orochimaru, even if the Orochimaru that appeared in front of him was just a clone, but even if he just killed the clone, he would still be able to kill it. Let out a little bit of his inner anger.

However, before the clan elder's Kuwu was killed, Orochimaru's snake clone could no longer be maintained, and it collapsed into snakes wandering around.

"Damn! Damn!" The clan elder threw out Kunai and nailed a snake to the ground.

Then the clan elder found that the body of the snake that was dead but not stiff, and was still twitching was a little different. There was a bulge in the middle, as if something was not digested just after eating. Not only this snake, the Orochimaru clone collapsed Several snakes in the snake are also like this, and have surrounded themselves faintly.

Then the bodies of the snakes swelled abnormally, and then there was a violent explosion. In the firelight, the clan elder was blown to pieces, and the mister who was able to get in was able to collect the corpse for him. Here comes the dustpan and the broom.

In the flames of the explosion, half of the house was blown away.

In the rubble, a python found two packages, swallowed them, and left through the sewer—they were the clothes and forehead guards that Yue Si and Orochimaru had changed. They left these things behind to paralyze the elders and let this The clan elders thought they had plans to return.

On the other side, after the news of Mizukage's death was spread, the mist ninjas were in a mess, especially Orochimaru seized the opportunity, those snakes that swallowed the blasting clay have already wandered around the various places of the mist ninja village. At this place, after Yue Si solved the three generations of water shadows, Orochimaru detonated the clay in a timely manner, and now there are explosions and fires everywhere in the Mist Ninth Village.

It was as if the enemy had invaded in a big way, and with the loss of the backbone of the three generations of Mizukage, there was no ninja with enough reputation and power to preside over the situation. The catalysis of the mist, the village of Ninja became chaotic.

However, people all have the effect of conformity, and the other Wu Ninjas noticed the matter of the other Mist Ninjas chasing and killing Yue Si. After simply using a few words to communicate about the situation, they immediately pulled out the Kunai, Fight in the direction of Yue Si.

Yue Si forced back a few ninjas blocking the way with one shot, and then did not change the bullet, just put the empty gun in his waist like that, and took out a kunai from the ninja bag with his backhand: "Ah! The magnetic field is turning! "

A rusty red battle pattern appeared on Yue Si's face, and his originally slightly hunched figure became taller and straighter. For a moment.

When he shot and killed the third generation of water shadows before, Yue Si's own aura was restrained to an extremely weak level. Even if he shot and killed the third generation of water shadows, there was no killing intent at that time, and even his attention did not fall on the third generation. On the water shadow.

And relying on disguise, Yue Si's whole person looks inconspicuous, and it is impossible for anyone to look at him while standing in the crowd.

The current Yue Si is the exact opposite of the previous one. He is flamboyant, arrogant, domineering, and overflowing with killing intent. The ninja facing him felt locked by Yue Si's killing intent, and his heart stopped for a moment.

"That huge aura is like facing the tailed beast, this guy is stronger than the tailed beast!"

The ninjas felt the aura emanating from Yue Si. Although the power of [Magnetic Rotation] is completely different from that of Chakra, the power is common, and Yue Si has unabashedly demonstrated his power.

"The magnetic field turns!"

Yue Si attached the force of magnetic field rotation to Kunwu, and then threw it out.

Wu Ren, who was facing Yue Si Kuwu, used the Kuwu in his hand to block it, but at the moment when the two Kuwu collided, a huge force came from the Kuwu in his hand, and his entire arm was pierced. An explosive force twisted and snapped. new

And the kunai thrown by Yue Si did not even appear when it shifted, smashed the kunai of the mist ninja, and went straight ahead, like an armor-piercing bullet, penetrating a straight line, nothing could stop it, on this straight line , Several of the mist ninjas fell to the ground with no injuries.

"Wind Dun·Vacuum Blade!" Yue Si held a Kunai in his left and right hands, Feng Dun chakra spit on the Kunai, forming a vacuum blade more than one meter long, and then enhanced by the power of [magnetic field rotation], Form two extremely sharp long knives.

In group fights, especially if there are more than a dozen, the most taboo is to stand still in one place and walk around to ensure that you will not be surrounded, and you only need to face a few enemies at a time.

Uchiha Madara, who was reincarnated in the dirt, used this tactic when facing the ninja coalition, killing the ninja coalition.

At this time, Yue Si also adopted this tactic. He was fighting and walking. His double-edged sword was like chopping melons and vegetables. Mist Ninja is the enemy of one turn.

The crowd gathered for watching the three generations of water shadow speeches also helped Yue Si. Those mist ninjas could not perform ninjutsu, because it would affect their own people. The mist ninja dress on Yue Si's body has made many mist ninjas who do not understand the situation. Shinobu didn't join in rashly, fearing that it would be a strife in the mist.

If one's own hand hurts others, they will be attacked by a group.

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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