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Chapter 751: The future of the ninja world has turned into a mess

Seven days later, Mechanic Godzilla came to the outskirts of the Fire Country capital.

Also here are the Konoha ninjas led by Sarutobi Hizan, but compared to the team before they set off from Konoha, the ninjas who are now following Sarutobi Hizan are not one out of ten, and they can see from their faces. , you can see confusion and panic.

During these seven days, on the way, they did not know how many times they attacked Mechanic Godzilla, how many methods were used, and how many sacrifices were made, but they did not even stop Mechanic Godzilla's footsteps.

They once used Tudun to raise steep and rugged mountains with the help of the original landform; they once used Tudun and Huangquan Marsh to create continuous swamps; they used to change the direction of the river, using Tudun and Sudun ninjutsu to guide the direction of the river. Huge man-made lakes form in the low-lying areas of Godzilla's only path.

All kinds of things, etc. In the past seven days, the Konoha ninjas have tried their best to defeat and even delay the pace of Mecha Godzilla. The art of war is constantly developing in their hands. If they go to fight for the third time now In the World War, the tactics and strategies that can be adopted are more exciting than before, and greater results can be achieved with the lowest effort.

However, in front of Mechanic Godzilla, it is not enough to see. No matter what measures they take with all their energy and energy, they will be destroyed in front of Mechanic Godzilla, and their confidence will be defeated again and again.

After repeating it many times, the confidence of the Konoha ninjas was broken, facing the towering mechanical Godzilla, as if it were an invincible god, they lost their confidence, lost their fighting spirit, and everything they were proud of was gone. live.

If it weren't for the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden who still maintained their fighting spirit, if it wasn't for this old rickety Shinobi who still maintained his fighting spirit, and his face was still full of determination, they would not be able to persevere, their only remaining will was , just following the old man.

But the situation of the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi is only clear to him. He is more desperate than other Konoha ninjas. Everything he shows is just a disguise. He knows that under his wrong decision and command, Konoha encountered It was a crisis bigger than the Great Ninja War and the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

After this battle, Konoha's vitality has been severely damaged. As the backbone of the Shangnin and Chunin, the loss is heavy. It is estimated that it will be difficult to recover without a generation, but it will still take time.

"Maybe I'm really old..." After questioning himself in his heart, Hiizhan Sarutobi immediately denied the judgment and cheered himself up: "As long as the daimyo is still alive, as long as the daimyo is still alive, Konoha will get enough support can be recovered at a faster rate.”

The huge body of Mecha Godzilla could not be concealed in any way. When Mecha Godzilla was still some distance away from the capital of the country of fire, this kind of war machine was unheard of in the Ninja world, and the unseen war machine headed to the capital of the country of fire. The news has spread.

When the residents of the capital city of the Land of Fire heard the words, they immediately tried to escape their homes in panic. Although doing so would inevitably cause property losses, it was nothing compared to their own lives.

As for the authenticity of the news, the residents of the capital city of the Land of Fire believe it, but the news that the big name is out hunting cannot be concealed from anyone. Whoever hunts is dispatched by the whole family. There are a series of carts and carts. Men, women and children are not pulled by one, even the ancestors. The main cards of the gods are all invited away.

When he saw the sparse crowd in the capital city of the country of fire, Sarutobi Hizan knew that the name of the country of fire must have been withdrawn. Also in vain.

Mechanical Godzilla did not step into the fire country capital, because it was completely unnecessary. Standing outside the city, the fairy chakra generated in the chakra battery was extracted, and the huge fairy chakra gathered on the head of Godzilla. The chakra is bound into a high-frequency particle ray, and the atomic breath spit out, and it arrives in an instant, like a light connecting the residence of the daimyo with the head of the mechanical Godzilla, that place is in the huge chakra. The bombardment of the whole evaporated. There is no trace of a palace once there.

"It's really familiar. It seems that in a certain world, I have done something similar to this."

Standing on top of Mecha Godzilla, Yue Si looked at the Japanese-style palace-like building destroyed under the breath of the atom, said to himself, then turned to look at Yuna and asked, "Yuna, what's next? Where are you going, the country of wind? The country of earth? Or the country of water across the sea."

Yuna was silent for a while, then shook her head and said: "Brother Yue, I think we have done enough now... I think we should not go on like this anymore, I actually don't want to see anyone die again. "

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "That's right, the existence of ninjas can be regarded as a kind of cherished resource, the new era I need, needs their resources to play their role role." Yue Si thought about it seriously, although the angle of considering the problem was different from that of Yuna, he still obeyed Yuna's suggestion.

"But the existence of daimyo, I will definitely destroy it."

After unlocking the psychic technique, the figure of Mecha Godzilla disappeared, and Yuna fell down under the action of gravity, but was stopped by Yue Si and flew in the direction of the third Hokage.

Although the power of [magnetic field rotation] reaches 500,000 horses, it can reach the [anti-gravitational realm], in addition to the [electromagnetic force], one of the four basic forces, and then master [universal gravitation].

In this realm, one can fly regardless of [gravity], and [flight] will become a kind of [instinct], just like [hearing] and [vision], it is an ability that seems to be innate to those with strong magnetic fields.

However, when the [magnetic field strength] reached 200,000 horses, he had already mastered the ability of [flying], and even entered [outer space] without protection, and moved freely in the environment of outer space, but that was more than that. In addition to the [Flying] instinct of [Anti-Gravity Realm], doing so would be quite energy-intensive.

Yue Si brought Yuna down in front of Sarutobi Hizan, which aroused the vigilance of the old man and the remaining Konoha ninjas. Although the days of battles and defeats had exhausted their energy and fighting spirit, they still did not admit defeat.

"Three generations of adults, it seems that you failed, and you did not stop me." Yue Si looked at the dust and the dust, as if he was ten years older, said Sarutobi Hizan.

"No, your purpose has not been achieved." Sarutobi stared at Yue Si: "Although we did not stop you, your purpose has not been achieved, and we have not lost."

Although Mechanical Godzilla destroyed the palace of Daimyo, Daimyo himself was not in the palace, and Yue Si's ultimate goal was not achieved.

Even if Konoha suffered heavy casualties, as long as the daimyo is still alive, everything has a chance. If Yue Si's goal is not achieved, he will not win.

"Since you think so, then I can't do anything about it." Yue Si's stubbornness towards Sarutobi Hiizan showed a helpless look with superficial acting skills: "Next, I will show my real Power, look carefully! Fear in front of my power, fear in front of my means, and then obey my will to change this rotten world - I am a very ritualistic person, what I want to do , it must be vigorous, and the scene is very spectacular."

"Then I'll watch! Look at you crazy guy!" Sarutobi Hizan roared at Yue Siyu with suppressed anger.

Yue Si folded his arms and sneered at Sarutobi Hizan's anger: "I originally wanted to use gentler means to change this ninja world and make this world a better place, it's you, the Hokage consultant and the other Konoha. High-level, personally killed my efforts."

"If you rotten and uncivilized fellows, if you can't keep up with the pace of the new era, you are destined to be eliminated. I hope you can be as stubborn as you are today after seeing my power."

After saying that, holding Yunai in his arms, Yue Si rose into the sky again and flew in an unknown direction.

After Yue Si left, Sarutobi was sweating like rain, and his figure became even more stooped. Even if Yue Si did not deliberately release his momentum, the coercion of 250,000 strong horses was no longer a problem. what the average person can bear.

"Three generations!" A ninja dressed as a Konoha ninja came from the direction of the capital of the land of fire. After seeing the three generations of Hokage, he immediately knelt in front of Sarutobi Hizan and lowered his head.

This Konoha ninja is the one that Sarutobi Hizan sent to deliver the message to the daimyo of the land of fire. Sarutobi Hizan just survived the pressure of Yue Si's imposing manner, and coupled with the days of hard work, he was already exhausted and weak. Holding a breath in his heart, he asked, "Is he alright, Da Ming!"

The Konoha ninja lowered his head even harder, and there was an indelible shame and shame in his words: "I'm sorry, three generations of adults..."

He and the Konoha Ninja who shared the letter were smooth at the beginning, and they came to the capital of the country of fire very smoothly. After verifying their identities, they saw the name of the country of fire and told the news that the mechanical Godzilla was coming. came out.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. The name of the country of fire is a life-threatening one. Hearing this, he immediately set off, took his family, gold and silver, and various daily necessities, and left the fire under the guise of "hunting". capital of the country.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} However, just half a day ago, a certain strong man suddenly attacked the convoy of the daimyo of the land of fire, which had been far away from the capital, and brought the daimyo family with him. Therefore, everyone who inherited the position of the daimyo was taken away. According to the other party's words, the daimyo should stay where the daimyo should be.

All the forces, including the twelve guardian ninjas belonging to the daimyo, who were protecting the daimyo convoy openly and secretly were defeated, and they fell to the ground one by one without even noticing how the opponent launched the attack.

The last sentence left was deliberately let the Konoha ninja hear by the other party, or was directly told to him.

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hizan looked towards the direction of the Daimyo Palace, where there was only a large pit full of lava left. ???.

The third Hokage widened his eyes, but his pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhead, and his heart stopped for a beat.

He understood what Yue Si had said before, that the person who attacked the daimyo convoy must be Guan Shanyue. It was he who attacked the daimyo's convoy before he knew it and plundered the entire group... and most likely stuffed the daimyo back. palace.

And this is what Guan Shanyue said about the sense of ceremony. He clearly could solve the big name family in the team, but he took a lot of trouble to bring it back to the capital of the country of fire...

Sarutobi Hizan thought that Yue Si was simply destroying the vacant Daimyo's palace, but the Daimyo and his family were inside and evaporated along with the palace.

The hard work I put in is a joke, I can't protect anything.

This news completely shattered Hiruzen Sarutobi's confidence, letting him relax the anger in his heart, his eyes darkened, and he fainted.

Jiraiya, who had been away from the village for many years, returned to Konoha.

But he didn't come back alone, he was accompanied by two women, one big and one small, it wasn't that he had been messing around outside these years - oh no, he started a family and started a business, but one of the same Konoha Sannin Tsunade, and her disciple mute.

Not long ago, he was lurking around a hot spring and peeping... No, the source of the material was suddenly reversed by the Toad Immortal from Miaomu Mountain and went to Miaomu Mountain, and then told him that the Big Toad Immortal wanted to see him.

The Great Toad Immortal is the ancestor of Miaomu Mountain, a veteran who has lived from the Kaguya era thousands of years ago to the present, and has the ability to predict. knowledge and look for the "son of prophecy" who can bring peace and change to the entire ninja world.

However, one day, the Great Toad Immortal lost this ability. To be precise, this ability is still there, but he can no longer spy into the future through dreams. In the original words of the Great Toad Immortal: "The future has become Like the bug chewing gum that Immortal Fukasaku chewed, it's a mess, and I can't figure it out."

Jirai was also deeply puzzled. The big toad immortal told him the reason. Someone broke the fate by his own strength. The future of the ninja world will be shaped by his thoughts. It is conceivable how complicated and unpredictable the future of the ninja world will be.

All the prophecies made by the Great Toad Immortal before, except for the part that has already been fulfilled, the rest have been uncountable.

Jirai also searched for the son of the prophecy for half his life, and he disappeared without a trace when the prophecy was broken.

Moreover, according to the report from the toad sent by Miao Mushan to Konoha, Konoha has undergone great changes and needs someone who is as qualified and capable as Jiraiya to go back and preside over the overall situation.

Under the guidance of the Great Toad Immortal, after Jiraiya left Miaomu Mountain, he found Tsunade who had been away from the village for many years without much effort, and persuaded her to return to Konoha Village. At this time, we must unite our forces to deal with it. future.

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