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Chapter 778: Queen of Yin Si

"I don't know where Shangxian uses the little girl." Nie Xiaoqian said humbly to Yue Sifu.

Not to mention Yue Si's status as a real immortal, his power is obvious to all. She is Nie Xiaoqian, a lonely ghost, and the tree demon grandma can drive her at will, not to mention the old Montenegro who even the tree demon grandma wants to please. The demon showed its body, but without showing any ability, it was destroyed by Yue Si's palm.

Whether it was the respect of her status, her own strength, or the grace of Yue Si for saving her from the sea of ​​misery, they were all worthy of Nie Xiaoqian's gift.

"I think you already understand what happened to you." Yue Si said to Nie Xiaoqian: "You have now escaped from being a lone ghost and a ghost, and have been transformed into a **** by me. As long as you get the canonization of Heaven, you can get A priesthood, holding a power; even if it is reincarnated, it is the kind of top-level wisdom, no matter of academics or martial arts, it is at your fingertips.”

"The matter of the Millennium Tree Demon and the Montenegrin Old Demon has been resolved. Now, how do you think your future will go?"

Yue Si's words are very simple, how can Nie Xiaoqian not understand, she can choose to reincarnate now, forget everything in the past, and become a brand new existence; she can also choose to keep her current identity and still become Nie Xiaoqian, Yue Si will find a way Get a priesthood for yourself.

How to choose this, of course, choose the latter.

Countless people have written books and created works, practiced diligently, and died from birth to death, in order to let their names be passed down, be remembered, accepted, and even more extraordinary to be enshrined as a god.

There used to be gods and Buddhas in this world, but now there are demons and ghosts, there is the order of heaven and order, and there are ghosts who carry out the reincarnation of souls.

At this time, a priesthood is very important. This is something that many people can’t ask for. Even a piece of land and a city **** are very precious. Nie Xiaoqian wants to agree to it, but she can’t be so eager. After mulling over his words, he said:

"In today's world, it is difficult to be a human being, and it is also difficult to be a ghost. Even if you are reincarnated, you will still have to rise and fall in the sea of ​​misery in this world. You have to go through all kinds of hardships.

"You chose this path and you chose to get a priesthood, but it's not for you to enjoy the incense." Yue Si said: "Now the order of the world of the sun and the underworld has collapsed, and it's not entirely a good thing to have a priesthood. The underworld is surrounded by countless demons and ghosts, you are all alone, there are many things that need to be done, and you need to do it step by step.”

After all, Yue Si took out the two stones left by the old demon of Montenegro, used his hand as a knife, and began to polish and seal the two stones. , the letter "Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Great Emperor", and some small characters "Life and Death, the Reign of Ghosts" are engraved under the shrine, indicating the function of this shrine.

The Great Emperor Rensheng of Tianqi Dasheng is the Great Emperor of Dongyue, the **** of Mount Tai, with a high status, in charge of the three hundred and sixty-five gods in the world, and the ruler of the ten halls of the underworld and the eighteen layers of hell, and this " In the period of life and death, the system of ghosts" is one of its functions.

Therefore, according to the old legend, the stone of Mount Tai in Dongyue has unique spirituality and divine power, and there is a custom of "Taishan stone dare to be".

Let Yue Si think of a priesthood now, but he couldn't think of it, so he invited this great **** and borrowed a priesthood from him.

Another relatively square stone was engraved by Yue Si into a large seal, which was the original Godzilla image of the deity, and the imprint was "Godzilla Buddha's false underworld affairs", which means that the deity used to be that The identity of the Great Sun Godzilla Buddha, temporarily in charge of the underworld.

And after this divine token was engraved, without waiting for Yue Si to do anything, the operation of heaven gave these two things real power. s things.

God and Buddha left, and the operation of heaven lost its maintainer. Now that someone has taken the initiative to take this responsibility, how can they be unwilling.

This kind of thing depends entirely on Tiandao's recognition, if not, even if He's jade is found to be engraved, it is a fake; if Tiandao admits it, even if it is carved out of a piece of radish, it will still work if it is printed.

Yue Si threw the magic card at Nie Xiaoqian, Nie Xiaoqian subconsciously took it, but did not catch it, because the magic card directly transformed into a clear light and merged into her soul. With the foundation of the previous wild god, Nie Xiaoqian instantly accepted the priesthood. , to become a **** recognized by the Tao of Heaven.

With the divine position, Nie Xiaoqian understood what she was going to do next, what she should do, and what she could do.

And the big red wedding dress on Nie Xiaoqian's body has also changed under the blessing of the gods. It has become a robe, and there is an extra crown on the head. It is really an emperor's dress, and the whole god's aura has become more noble, really God is like the sea.

Then Yue Si handed the seal to Nie Xiaoqian: "You have accepted the priesthood and know what you should do. No matter how strong your mana is, it is not enough, so you need to recruit troops and horses. You can choose a man, and once you cover it with a big seal, you can make it a messenger under your command, waiting for your dispatch."

"Abide by the decree of the immortals." Nie Xiaoqian was in charge of a part of the authority of "the period of life and death, the rule of ghosts", she respected Yue Si even more, and held a very low attitude.

"You don't have to thank me, just do what you want." Yue Si laughed sarcastically and said, "All of this is in the calculations of the gods and Buddhas. This **** position has already been calculated by others. If they do it according to their plan, it may fall into their deeper calculations and become more entangled, it is better to make it simple and let you do according to the information they left."

"Shangxian, this is your magic weapon."

After saluting Yue Si again, Nie Xiaoqian handed over the long pole made of the tree heart of the tree demon's grandmother, and in Yue Si's hands devoured and refined tens of thousands of evil spirits selected by the old Montenegrin demon, and it has turned into a good magic weapon. , having obtained the divine throne and the great seal given by Yue Si, and the great grace of heaven, she did not dare to keep this thing.

"You keep this thing for use!" Yue Si clapped his hands and said, "This thing is of no use to me. You have to stand in the underworld and truly master the functions given by the gods. You don't have any real skills in your hands. No, this long pole has more than half of the power of the Montenegrin old demon clone in it, and you can use it to face ordinary demons and monsters."

Nie Xiaoqian thanked him again and again, and then Yue Si went back to the dilapidated inn in the world after leaving the underworld along the way he came.

Nie Xiaoqian, who stayed in the underworld, faced boundless loneliness, but she did not feel lonely because she had already made clear her future path and had become a god.

Holding the staff in the left hand and holding the seal in the right hand, Nie Xiaoqian held the staff high, and a thought spread, and the sound of horses' hooves galloping didn't take long. It was a few demon generals who were not killed by Yue Si's slingshot. They came with orders. .

When they were still a hundred paces away from Nie Xiaoqian, the demon generals dismounted, knelt on their knees, moved to a place ten paces away from Nie Xiaoqian, and knelt down on the ground, not even daring to lift their heads.

There are more than a thousand ghost soldiers entrenched in more than a hundred paces away, not even daring to approach.

They are ghosts, and they had the backing of the old demon of Montenegro. It can be said that there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings, but Nie Xiaoqian has won the priesthood, how can he dare to be arrogant? She was thrown under the altar of bones at the feet of the old demon of Montenegro, but now her status is indescribable and respectable.

It is an honor for them to be recruited by such a Yinsi Empress. Before the gods and Buddhas left this world, there were ghost kings who were recruited by gods and Buddhas such as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to bathe them in the Dharma and become the Dharma protectors. .

Now there are such characters being recruited, and when there are no soldiers and no generals under them, how dare they not come, how can they not come, and put them in the world, this is from the power of the dragon, or the first batch of refugees, and the future will be achieved. Unlimited.

As the saying goes, murder and arson are punished. Isn't that what they seek?

Nie Xiaoqian held the big seal and pointed towards the three or two demon generals. The bottom of the big seal emitted a purple gas with golden light, which turned into a letter of appointment, and submerged into the demon general's body, which was considered to have recruited them.

"The reorganization of the Yin Si order will start today... First, take me to the city of death! The old demon of Montenegro has occupied this big city for a long time, and there are countless soldiers and soldiers, and should take over the legacy left by it!"

Those ghost generals raised their heads, but only dared to look under Nie Xiaoqian's knees: "Follow the emperor's decree!"

The world, in the old inn.

When Yue Si came back here, the place where he appeared was the same hall. Ning Caichen, Xiahou Swordsman, and Yan Chixia, who had left the underworld first, were not here. Fire and voices came.

Going over there, Yue Si saw Ning Caichen who was busy, he was sweating profusely and burning a fire there. Although the stove was old, it was still usable. The firewood was broken windows, old tables, etc. Yue Si The small pot that was used to cook soup and scald vegetables that night was hung up, and something was boiling in it.

Yan Chixia sat cross-legged beside the fire, closed her eyes, meditated and adjusted her breath. The Xiahou Swordsman took off his jacket and wrapped it around Yan Chixia's body. On Yan Chixia's body, he also wrapped Ning Caichen's scholar's robe.

Even though she was wearing thick clothes and leaning on the stove to keep warm, Yan Chixia was still shivering, her face was pale and gloomy, and under the flames, there was white air above her head, and at a glance she knew it was the underworld. Yin qi entered the body, its own mana and qi and blood could not be resisted, and it broke out completely, and it could only rely on this method.

"Master Yan, according to your instructions, the **** has been cooked in the wine - fortunately, the things left by Xiongtai are well prepared. In addition to this small pot, there are things like **** and garlic."

Using two firewood as clips, Ning Caichen took the small pot off the fire and put it in front of Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia reached out and picked up the small pot. The cold air in her body made him not feel hot, so she drank the wine boiled in it together with the shredded ginger. The wine should be heated through water. This method is wrong. Yes, but now the matter is urgent, and there is no need to care about that.

"The yin wind in the underworld is really terrifying, and the blood is not smooth. I feel that my internal organs are almost frozen into one piece. This time, my skills will go back ten years."

After drinking a portion of hot wine and chewing and swallowing Jiang Si carefully, Yan Chixia let out a cold breath. With the help of the wine and Jiang Si, the chill in his body was dispelled, and he was barely able to speak. .

He didn't have many chances to make a move this time in the underworld. Yue Si defeated the army of the old black mountain demon with one blow, and destroyed the opponent's body with one palm, and he was just a blow to the dark wind caused by the old black mountain demon. , and was attacked by the wailing of ten thousand ghosts, and this is what happened now.

Yue Si walked into the kitchen, and Ning Caichen saw it and was overjoyed: "Brother, you are back!"

He looked behind Yue Si, but he couldn't see Nie Xiaoqian's figure, and his face became darker: "Xiaoqian she..."

"Hey, don't think about it, that little girl of yours didn't reincarnate, didn't lose her soul, but gained a **** position and became a **** in charge of the underworld, she won't leave the underworld easily... If you One day without life, the soul has to go down to the underworld, and it is estimated that I can meet her again." Yue Si waved his hand and said: "However, the difference between your status will be big by then, you are just an ordinary person. Ghost, she is already the Great Emperor of Yin Si who holds the power of one party, if she can look at you one more time, she has already accepted her current affection."

Hearing this, Yan Chixia's eyes shone brightly: "The clergy of the Yin Division! The Great Emperor of the Yin Division!"

Daoist cultivators yearn for immortality, to be able to rise to the immortal realm in life, and to be recruited by the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth in death. It's good to die.

And listening to the meaning of Yue Si's words, Nie Xiaoqian's priesthood must be related to him.

This is a thigh, the thigh of chivalrous tenderness!

If it weren't for the fact that there were still things in the world that he couldn't give up, and that the magical powers and spells had not been fully cultivated, Yan Chixia would have wanted to die in front of Yue Si and asked him to help him get a **** position for her.

"Brother Tai, is it better to be a **** than to be reincarnated as a human being?" Ning Caichen asked in confusion who didn't understand the truth.

But Yan Chixia refuted: "You scholar, you are stupid! What are you studying for, isn't it just for an official or a half-job? The same is true for us cultivators, for the purpose of soaring!"

"Now that Nie Xiaoqian has ascended to the sky in one step, he has obtained the divine position from the God of Lonely Ghosts and Wild Ghosts, and he is still the Great Emperor of Yin Si, which is equivalent to going from a street beggar to becoming a high-ranking member of the court... No, he has become the king of cracking earth. All the way princes!"

Yue Si looked at Yan Chixia again and said, "Master Yan, you have achieved great merit this time. You have helped the Yin Division to have a female emperor to manage it, and because of this, you have been engulfed by yin. I have one here. The set of exercises is just the "Tianxin Wulei Zhengfa" on the bad street, but it is also the orthodox of the Xuanmen. It is hard to say what you have cultivated, but it is still helpful to dispel the yin in your body. Do you want to learn it?"

Facing Yue Si's promise, how could Yan Chixia refuse to agree, if it wasn't for her stiffness, she would have already thanked her.

"But don't be in a hurry." Yue Si said to Ning Caichen, "Hurry up and take out the meat, dry food and wine. I'm hungry." Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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