Villains Template

Chapter 780: Zhuge Wolong

in a prison somewhere.

Ning Caichen woke up again from a nightmare, climbed up from the stinking and corrupt straw pile, and stopped after a few laps in the prison.

His cellmate was writing and drawing on the wall with a stylus. When he saw Ning Caichen's appearance, he was not surprised. Instead, he asked with great interest, "Have a nightmare again, this time. What did you dream about again, say it to make the old man happy."

The old man is still very interested in his fellow inmate. Even if he lives in the prison, Ning Caichen refuses to accept his fate, and he is only a scholar with no strength, but he says that he once uprooted the prototype of a thousand-year-old tree demon. , and a friend who is a real immortal, who once helped a female ghost with kindness, and now that female ghost has become the goddess of the underworld.

Being imprisoned by himself is just a fate. The living real immortal told him that it was because he was close to a woman that he would suffer bankruptcy and jail time.

Of course, the old inmate did not believe Ning Caichen's remarks. He thought that Ning Caichen was actually thrown into the prison.

But the world of lunatics is very exciting, as long as Ning Caichen is not violent What is the world like.

Ning Caichen didn't have a city house in his stomach, and the old prisoner took out what he had experienced. Swordsmen, scholars, broken temples, female ghosts, tree demons, and gods were all told to the old inmate. come out.

The old inmate wrote a book based on this, and wrote a story about "A Chinese Ghost Story", but what he wrote was too different from what Ning Caichen told, and the characters were also revised, such as Yan Chixia and that The nameless living real immortal merged into one person, and the tree demon grandma also became a flying yaksha. In short, the frame is still the same frame, and the characters and details have been greatly changed.

After the book was completed, the old inmate also let Ning Caichen look at it, and Ning Caichen complained that the old inmate distorted the facts.

"Books are written for others to read. Do you know what books are selling the best? It's the kind of books that describe the affairs of men and women, and the ones with illustrations. The more beautiful the illustrations, the better the sales. Secondly, It is the storybook. The more bizarre and turbulent the story, the more attractive it is, but the premise is that it can be understood by people - write a book, write a book, if you want to sell it, you must write something interesting, tell it big The reason is unworkable, and the Qu Gao and the widow are also unworkable, otherwise we will go directly to the sages or Taoist scriptures."

Ning Caichen said: "But, old man, there is nothing profound or incomprehensible in what I said! Why do you still write like this?"

"Audience! Audience!" the old inmate said: "I write books to sell is the kind of scholar, you are in heaven and earth, you are an immortal and an underworld king. Yeah, how could they understand that..."

After that, the old inmate inmate often drew material from Ning Caichen's nightmares. He wrote a story in one dream, and almost accumulated a collection of stories. The old inmate also allowed Ning Caichen to read the rest of the books. Anyway, he was in prison. Nothing can be done, and it is good to have a book to read, but every time Ning Caichen has a nightmare, he has to tell what he dreamed about.

"I, I dreamed that I was dead... No, I'm not dead yet. My soul went to the underworld and I saw the underworld empress. She told me not to worry. Someone has come to rescue me in the past two days, so I don't have to worry." Ning Caichen said: "This is not a nightmare, but the scene in the underworld is so terrifying that I can't accept it."

The old fellow prisoner laughed: "It's really a day and a night dream, you can really go out now, but you're not going out alive - just now the jailer brought someone to see you, and there was a transaction in silver and silver, It is estimated to buy your life, whether you are called Ning Caichen or Zhou Yabing, it is estimated that you will become another person soon."

"Ah, what do you mean?" Ning Caichen was shocked.

The old fellow inmate said, "A ghost, a ghost, there are children of high-ranking officials and wealthy households who have committed crimes and want to be beheaded, but their lives are expensive. How could they lose their lives for no reason? Of course, I am looking for you."

"Ah, is this enough?" Ning Caichen was even more shocked when he heard something he had never understood before.

"Hey, have you forgotten how you got in?" the old inmate said, "It's all a pair of eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth. As long as they match up, they can be fooled. You claim to be Ning Caichen, and they came to arrest you according to Zhou Yabing's wanted order, so you were still locked in?"

"I, I don't want to die, Xiongtai said that I have been imprisoned, but I haven't been killed!" Ning Caichen panicked.

Yan Chixia personally admitted Yue Si's status as a living real immortal. This brother's criticism of him must be counted, but he didn't expect that he would be killed tonight.

"Brother said that I still have a marriage waiting for me, this shouldn't be!"

Seeing Ning Caichen panicked, the old inmate laughed outright. After listening to Ning Caichen's story for a few months, he was able to determine the truth of the story: "This is life!"

Then the old inmate packed some things for Ning Caichen, lifted the straw to make the bed, revealed a hole and said, "Your friend is really accurate, you only have the disaster of prison, not the disaster of death, hurry up and leave!"

"This is the secret passage for me to go out and print books. Get out of here... You shouldn't die."

Carrying the package, Ning Caichen asked the old inmate, "Old man, why do you have this tunnel? Why don't you leave here, and why didn't you tell me about the tunnel earlier? If I run away, what will you do?"

"I have food and shelter here, and no one cares about writing books. Why should I go out? As for why I didn't tell you this passage in advance, I just wanted to get some materials from you. Your dream is a treasure." The old inmate said: "As for my safety, you don't have to worry about it, this tunnel was dug with the help of the jailer in this prison, and I sneaked out to spend the day, and they should not have seen it. The book I wrote made money. They have their share of the money that came, and if you run away, they can just find another ghost."

After Ning Caichen left, the old inmate blocked the hole and lay there, dangling his legs leisurely.

It didn't take long for the head of the cell to lead someone over, a noble boy dressed as a scholar.

Before the head of the prison could say anything to the man who looked like a noble boy, he leaned on the door and shouted, "Old man, old man, where's the prisoner who is locked up with you!"

The old fellow inmate said indifferently, "I'm dead a long time ago."

"No, I saw other people when I came here just now!" The cell leader was a little flustered, and then said to the noble boy dressed as a scholar: "Master, the person you are looking for is not here."

"If that person is not here, I don't have to spend money to redeem him." The scholar said: "It seems that I am right, this guy will definitely be unlucky if he is close to a woman, but if he is not so close, how could he be killed? The calamity... if we don't see anyone else, let's go."

The prisoner bowed his head and said, "I'll send you out now."

His mother, this one is a killer!

In the evening, he took a knife and killed the county master's room, took him out of his concubine's bed, first asked the county master to spit out the silver taels he had been greedy for all these years, and then took the silver taels to find him. Go up to yourself and say that you want to redeem someone from prison.

Can I get the money myself? The money is good, but depending on where it comes from, the county magistrate's money is hot.

The county magistrate couldn't explain it himself, this killer was actually attracted because he arbitrarily arrested people and provoked his friends, and he was guilty of a big crime.

However, from the current situation, there is no such person in the prison, which is good for everyone. Although there is no money, at least there is no need to offend Shangguan.

On the other side, Ning Caichen drilled out of the tunnel and peeled off the weeds blocking the entrance of the cave, with a joy of being reborn.

If it was raining at this time, he would probably have opened his arms in the rain to celebrate.

After separating from Yue Si, he went to the next town to collect the bill, but unfortunately the bill was confiscated, and the horse and the only silver left on him were robbed. With complete facial features and the same number of eyes and noses as the man on the wanted list, he was forcibly given the name "Zhou Yabing", and he was imprisoned and locked up. By the way, he received the reward.

He didn't even count how long Ning Caichen had been in prison. For at least a few months, he had grown a long beard.

In the prison, the living conditions are not so good. Even drinking water is not enough. It all depends on the wind and rain leaking through the window, not to mention taking a shower. The cell is dark and damp, which breeds mosquitoes. Ning Caichen still complained, but he got used to it later.

After regaining his freedom, the first thing Ning Caichen wanted most was to leave here and take a good bath.

Not long after he climbed out of the tunnel, Ning Caichen saw a good horse tied to the book, and lamented that the old inmate was not an old lunatic who made fun of him, but a master of the world with a clever plan, every step counted well. Oh - by the way, the prison friend seems to have said his own name, what is it called, by the way! Zhuge Wolong.

When he saw the horse, he thought it was prepared by the inmate, he untied the reins and got on the horse.

Just get out of here.

Unfortunately, this was a misunderstanding that was not beautiful. This horse was not prepared for him by Zhuge Wolong, but belonged to another person.

The Taoist priest of the Kunlun School knows the autumn leaves.

As the saying goes, when people eat whole grains, they have three urgency, knowing that the autumn leaves come by coincidence, but seeing no one around, they put their horses on a tie and go about the reincarnation of the grains.

But as soon as the story started, it had to come to an end. His horse was stolen, and he came out of the grass by the roadside with his trousers in his hand. When he saw a man riding his beloved horse, he was in a hurry. , yelled loudly.

Regardless of whether or not the latter half emits emissions, Zhiqiu Yiye pulled two leaves and wiped his buttocks, put on his trousers, and shouted at Ning Caichen's pinpoint-sized back, "Look how fast you run on it. , I'm still chasing down below!"

After saying that, he chanted the mantra, performed the escape technique, and chased after him from the ground.

Ning Caichen, who was riding a horse, was still ecstatic at first. The joy of escaping his life was several times higher than that of the students who were on vacation. But when he ran, he was not so happy, because the horses under his seat were completely different. Stop his command.

A few months ago, the group of them left Guobei County. The horse Yan Chixia chose for him was an old horse that was docile and cooperative with the owner, so that he would not fall off the horse even in a drowsy state.

But the horse who knows Qiu Yiye can't do it. Knowing Qiu Yiye is a master of art and boldness. The horse is a strong and good horse, or a precious Maxima, the kind of physical strength and short-tempered.

Knowing that Qiu Yiye can subdue, but it does not mean that Ning Caichen can, how can a weak scholar subdue a strong horse.

Seeing that the horse had changed people on its back, it had always been used as a tool to travel, and it immediately fell in love, as long as it ran happily, it didn't matter where Ning Caichen's destination was - although Ning Caichen himself didn't know where he should go. , He could only lie on the horse's back helplessly, holding the saddle tightly, to see where the horse was going to take him.

Knowing Qiu Yiye, the Maxima's speed is fast, but it must follow the road, Zhiqiu Yiye is chasing from the ground by relying on the soil escape, and there is no need for any twists and turns, and you can play a straight overtaking.

But Ning Caichen rammed like a headless fly, knowing that Qiu Yiye couldn't catch up at all. Sometimes he finally overtook a car, and his head popped out of the ground. As a result, he turned in the other direction early.

Fortunately, the horse's physical strength was limited. The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. After the thunder and lightning, it began to rain. The Maxima also slowed down, allowing Ning Caichen to control a along the way. After walking on the road for a while, when it got dark, Ning Caichen came across a villa, where he hoped to stay overnight.

As a result, when he walked in, it turned out that the villa had long since been abandoned, and the closed door was knocked down with just a light knock, and he had misread it.

Seeing these coffins, Ning Caichen was first surprised.

The joy of the rest of his life after the catastrophe made Ning Caichen overcome his fear, bowed to the coffins and said, "I'm only staying for one night, I won't disturb you, I will take care of myself!"

After saying that, I remembered something again, and started to talk about tiger skin as a banner: "Miss Xiaoqian is now an emperor in Yinsi, I have an old relationship with her, and when you reach the underworld, with this relationship, she will make you obey. Reincarnated smoothly."

Just after he finished speaking, Zhiqiu Yiye, who was embarrassed and covered in dirt, rushed in, pointed at Ning Caichen and scolded: "You guy stole my horse and went to no direction, running around in the east, west, north and west, harming me. Going around underground, driving gophers, earthworms, and all of them out of the ground."

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