Villains Template

Chapter 787: ghost

The eighteen levels of **** that Buddhists talk about are not like a building with floors one to eighteen, but eighteen different spaces with different punishments, sizes, and time flow.

Compared with the human world, the flow of time in **** is very slow, so that the Ten Temple Yama can interrogate the dead one by one, reward the good and punish the evil, punish their sins during their lifetime, and praise their good deeds during their lifetime.

Only in this way, so many people die every day, the underworld will not collapse due to the surge in workload, maybe there will be a five-day, eight-hour working system, and there will be no backlog of work.

But the underworld in this world is different. Its structure is very simple. There are no multi-filled spaces nested with each other with different time and flow rates. It is just another space that is parallel but intertwined with the human world, but it has perfect functions, even if it loses It has a manager, but under automatic operation, it still retains basic functions, such as the reincarnation of reincarnation.

Yue Si originally used the power of heaven to seal Nie Xiaoqian as the queen of the underworld, and asked her to recruit troops and horses to clean up the ghost kings who occupied the underworld, and restore the order of the underworld.

However, how could Yue Si not do anything in it? No matter the engraved seal or the magic card that Nie Xiaoqian fused, they were all made with special techniques, leaving behind a secret door.

At the beginning, the secret door was not conspicuous. As Nie Xiaoqian used the big seal to attract more people, the power of Yue Si's secret hand would be stronger. When Nie Xiaoqian gathered an army of the underworld, that The secret hand has swelled to a level that cannot be ignored, and even directly affected Nie Xiaoqian, the underworld empress recognized by Heavenly Dao.

No matter Nie Xiaoqian's divine position or the seal used for the canonization, it was all accepted and acknowledged by the Heavenly Dao in this world. It was sent by the rush, and it was too late to take it back.

And the secret hand left by Yue Si is to exhaust his understanding of the "Secret Book of Xuanjun Seven Chapters", plus all the previous understanding of the relationship between the divine way and the operation of heaven and earth, it is not that no one has done it, but also It is a god. kanδん

The authority of the order of heaven and earth is given to the personified gods, but the predecessors gave authority to specific people, that is, those who have names on the list of gods, and Yue Si will make the underworld self-awareness and master its own authority. , which shall be in charge of the functions of the Yin Division on its own.

It's just that the underworld has just awakened its consciousness, and the self has appeared, and it has truly "lived", but the authority it possesses has instantly surpassed Nie Xiaoqian, the female emperor of the underworld, and has become the real controller of the underworld from ancient times to the present.

Nie Xiaoqian led the army to regain the lost ground. At the moment of the awakening of the underworld, everything returned to the grasp of the "underworld", and the underworld, in addition to its original function of reincarnation, also mastered a new kind of authority.

To sum it up, there are only sixteen words: "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there is no reward, the time has not come."

Under normal circumstances, the underworld cannot interfere with the affairs of the earth, but after the deceased enters the underworld, it will be different.

This is also a kind of wish that people are dissatisfied with the status quo. The sins committed during their lifetime are not punished, and then they will be settled after death. Death is something that no one can avoid.

Even if the sins committed during his lifetime are concealed, everything is clear when he looks at the mirror in front of the mirror.

Originally belonged to the power and functions of Yama in the Ten Temples, and there were also eighteen levels of hell, all of which were controlled by the "underworld".

And this will born from the underworld has no human emotions. This is what Yue Si wants to see. The laws of nature are ruthless, and being emotional means that there is a possibility of favoritism and cheating. What is the matter with powerful people? There is a way.

In "Journey to the West", Li Shimin's soul went to hell, and the judge of the underworld took the initiative to greet him. After seeing Li Shimin, he directly bowed to the ground, and Yan Luo of the Ten Temple even bowed and saluted. Tampering with the pen, added 20 years of Yangshou to Li Shimin.

Punishment of good and evil naturally requires ruthlessness.

This consciousness born from the underworld, if you count it, is similar to the "ghost" propagandized by Mozi. It is a "tool" to maintain a certain order and values, and has supreme authority, and "the underworld" goes further , is the embodiment of the rule, the rule itself, and it is not appropriate to use the term "hell", so it is temporarily referred to as "heavenly ghost".

It's just that not everyone can accept

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Chapter 787 Heavenly Ghost [1/3 of the "living" **** is a fact, this will have a severe impact on people's inherent cognition, imagine that things like stones are actually alive and conscious …

But the way of heaven is natural and does not benefit things. What it needs is only the operation of order. Although the underworld has undergone great changes and changed its previous form, it is beneficial to maintaining the operation of heaven and earth. "The underworld, admitting the existence of "heavenly ghosts".

When Yue Si melts silver to make a mirror, it is to open the boundary between the two worlds of yin and yang, and borrow some of the power of the "underworld". Before the mirror surface was polished smooth, Zhiqiu Yiye once peeped into the underworld through the silver mirror, even if it was a hazy glance. The identity of a living person has seen the truth of the underworld, and he has lost his mind, and he is as sluggish as a walking dead.

After a long time, it was Yue Si who helped him stabilize his soul, and entered the secret of a thunder and fire weapon into his memory.

As for Pudu Cihang, who was directly taken into the underworld by Yue Si using a silver mirror, even with a thousand years of cultivation, he can maintain himself for a longer time after entering the underworld, but because of this, he can see more about "the underworld" "The truth of ”, and then the idea collapsed, the values ​​established for thousands of years were defeated, and the legacy of the Ten Temples Yama and Earth Store Bodhisattva that should be in the underworld, even the ghost king of the underworld would not destroy it, but none of those things are there, the underworld. Everything and the scripture records did not want to do anything, which made Purdue Cihang completely insane.

But madness returns to madness, Purdue Cihang will still be judged by the "ghosts", swallowing the luck of the dynasty, eating the military officials of the court... I don't know what crimes will be convicted according to the standard of "ghosts", But it shouldn't be light.

The effect of the silver mirror's immobilization is also that Yue Si slightly revealed an aura of the underworld through the silver mirror, and used that aura to freeze people's souls.

The words were divided into two parts. After destroying Purdue Cihang, Yue Si did not stop. He quickly walked out of the original righteous villa, and saw a battle in front of him. All of them were annihilated, and Zuo Qianhu, who was fighting with him, had many wounds on his body. Seeing that he was about to lose his strength because of his injuries, these monks and servants fell to the ground when they met.

The posture of their corpses was extremely strange. Zuo Qianhu fiddled with the knife to see it, and found that it turned out to be an empty shell, just a human skin, the flesh and blood inside was gone, and there were some dead centipedes inside.

Even if he didn't understand the matter of ghosts, Zuo Qianhu at this time could see that it turned out that the national teacher Pudu Cihang turned out to be a monster!

"Is it still necessary to keep such a court? A big monster is regarded as the national teacher. This court is corrupt and the emperor is stupid. It is better to overthrow it and rebuild the universe."

This sentence made Zuo Qianhu's heart linger, because this was not what he thought, but someone next to him spoke.

Looking up, it was Yue Si, who looked like a scholar. He was returning the Amitabha Buddha's Zen saber into its sheath, walking towards him and talking.

Without waiting for Zuo Qianhu to reply, Yue Si choked with one hand and waved a mana onto Zuo Qianhu's body. In the next instant, Zuo Qianhu found that his injuries were all gone, and he was killed by the descendants of Purdue Cihang. The wounds left on his body have healed, but the blood lost has not been replaced. Zuo Qianhu still feels sleepy inside, dizzy, and his face is almost bloodless. wΑp.kanshu Wu

However, martial arts practitioners have a strong physique. As long as their injuries heal and their nutrition can keep up, they can recover in a few days.

Only at this time did Zuo Qianhu really realize the strength of Yue Si. He single-handedly confronted those monsters in human skins, resisted from left and right, and used all his moves, and he could only support them, and in a moment he could only Let yourself not be beheaded.

As for Yue Si, he just swung a knife in the air, and the blooming knife energy slaughtered those monsters cleanly, without hurting himself who was entangled with them. This strength and control is Zuo Qian The strongest person I've ever seen.

Under the ruins of Zhengqi Villa, with an explosion-like sound, broken wood and bricks rose into the sky, and then came Zhiqiu Yiye's voice: "Wow, this old monster, give this place to shelter from wind and rain. It was demolished, so it didn't kill me."

Purdue Cihang showed the prototype of the hundred-zhang centipede, and immediately demolished the righteous villa of Zhengqi Villa, the wall collapsed, and the Fu family and Jinyiwei were buried. But among these people, except for Ning Cai Apart from Chen and Fu Tianqiu, all of them had martial arts skills, and at most suffered some skin injuries.

And Fu Tian

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Chapter 787 Heavenly Ghost [2/3 Qiu and Ning Caichen, who were powerless in their hands, were also protected.

Yue Si dealt with Purdue Cihang's swiftness, knowing that Qiuyi Ye ran the spell, blasted away the debris that was pressing on his body, and rescued the rest with all his might.

The Jinyi guards saw that Zuo Qianhu was covered in blood, and hurried over, but saw that Zuo Qianhu was not in a good condition except for his bad complexion and poor condition, as if he had not suffered any fatal injuries.

"I'm fine." Zuo Qianhu pushed aside, then clasped his fists and knelt down in front of Yue Si: "Please also ask the immortal to save the people of Dawn and save the world!"

"Wang Xianchang, save this Limin and the common people!" Jin Yiwei knelt down in a hurry.

After finishing speaking, Zuo Qianhu and a Qianjin Yiwei kowtowed again and again, hoping to move Yue Si.

Yue Si avoided them, and then said: "According to my opinion, there is no need to save this court. Purdue Cihang is a big centipede, and can still occupy the position of national teacher. You think about the civil and military in the court. Are officials any good things? They have been eaten long ago and replaced by the great centipede with its descendants, so as to grasp the court, swallow the fortune of the dynasty, and use it as food for cultivation."

"Fortune is a very complex system, and it's not the same as personal fortune."

"The loss of a dynasty's fortune will affect the thoughts, wills, and pursuits of everyone in the dynasty, and even the weather and location; when the dynasty is prosperous, the weather is good, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the land is prosperous, no matter where there is a disaster, It can also recover quickly, and the court can also provide disaster relief in time. However, most of the dynasty's luck has been affected by Purdue Cihang.

It was eaten, such as today's disasters and human disasters not to mention, the people do not want to live and work in peace and work hard, but to live by it, not relying on their hands to cultivate the harvest, but rely on stealing, robbing, robbing, killing, fighting and other methods. . "

"In the beginning, it was just a remote mountain village, then a township, then a county town, and finally it spread to the whole transition. People lost their intelligence, they were ignorant, aggressive, and they became like beasts, greedy and unscrupulous."

"If there is a master of ZTE, he will do his best to rule, and the officials of the court will also perform their duties faithfully, and they can still restore some luck and continue the life of the dynasty. It will take two generations to recover some."

Having said this, Yue Si deliberately paused, because Zuo Qianhu raised his head and looked at him with hope, and Fu Tianqiu over there also came over and listened to Yue Si's use of this set of words to explain the affairs of the dynasty. .

Previously, Purdue Cihang said that people in the world don’t cultivate, so they have greed, hatred, and hatred. It has to pray for the world’s blessings, so it won the emperor’s favor. I didn’t expect the cause of the incident to lie in him. This is a thief calling to catch a thief.

"But, all the civil and military officials of the imperial court have been eaten, and there is only one left, so Pudu Cihang was not allowed to make a round." Yue Si pointed to Fu Tianqiu and said, "I can help you. After all, you helped me find my knife, so I owe you a favor, but I am a low-level person, and I will rebel, but I can’t save the people, and I’m just good at subduing demons and eliminating demons.”

"And if you want me to save it, I can't do anything about it. The high-ranking officials in the court are basically eaten, and now they are removed. When the emperor came to court, not a single high-ranking official could be seen, and one was working. There are no more, the imperial court is going to mess up. Do you know how long it takes to train a qualified official? Even if the low-level petty officials are promoted to three levels in a row, they simply cannot bear the anger brought by that position. If they are lucky, they will be attacked instead, because their virtues are not matched, and their abilities are not worthy of that position."

"That's why I said, it's better to rebel, relying on swords and soldiers to clean up the turbid air on this land, re-establish a dynasty, and re-gather the luck. A newly built house is better than patching up an old one." reading book

Zuo Qianhu, who had smashed his forehead to the point of bleeding, showed a look of grief, but he heard Fu Tianqiu say, "Zuo Qianhu, this master has already promised to clear the court that Pudu Cihang left behind. Damn, this is enough, and the rest of the things are left to us officials! There is a cloud in "Yi", the sky is strong, and the gentleman is self-improvement. I think there should be loyal ministers and righteous people like us in the court and the people. , as long as we work hard, we will be able to regain our luck.”

Yue Si put his palms together and smiled: "You are quite ambitious, but before entering the capital, you need to take me to Pudu Cihang's lair. Although it is dead, there are still children and grandchildren. If we cut the grass without eradicating the roots, the spring breeze will come. Blow and live."

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Chapter 787 Heavenly Ghost [3/3

When he told the doctor about this guess, the doctor said he didn't understand, but was shocked and suggested that he go to the psychiatry department downstairs.

In short, the hospital could not find out the cause. Later, his mother brought him a special medicine from abroad, and the condition was controlled. As long as he took the medicine regularly, he would not have an attack.

"It must have been because I didn't rest well last night. I was too tired. It's all Jiang Yuyi's fault. He insisted on coming to my room to play games in the middle of the night..."

Although he said so, his heart was quietly heavy, because Zhang Yuanqing knew that the effect of the medicine had begun to weaken, and his disease had become more and more serious.

"I will increase the dose in the future..." Zhang Yuanqing put on cotton slippers, went to the window, and opened the curtain with a brush.

Sunlight rushed in, filling the room.

In April in Songhai City, the spring is bright, and the oncoming morning breeze is cool and comfortable.

"Dong dong!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the grandmother shouted from the door:

"Motoko, wake up."

"I can't afford it!" Zhang Yuanqing ruthlessly refused, he wanted to go back to sleep.

Spring is bright, and it's the weekend again. Wouldn't it be a waste of life if you don't sleep in?

"Give you three minutes, I'll wake you up if you don't get up."

Grandma was even more ruthless.

"I know, I know..." Zhang Yuanqing immediately softened.

He knew that grumpy grandma could really do this.

When Zhang Yuanqing was still in elementary school, his father died in a car accident. The strong-willed mother did not remarry, so she brought her son back to Songhai to settle down and left it to his grandparents to take care of him.

She plunged into her career and became a strong woman praised by her relatives. Fun Court

Later, the mother bought a house herself, but Zhang Yuanqing didn't like the empty flat floor, and still lived with his grandparents.

Anyway, my mother goes out early every day and returns late every day, every three or five business trips, and she is devoted to her career. Even if she does not work overtime on weekends, she will order takeaway when it is time to eat.

What he said the most to his son was "Is there enough money, not enough to tell my mother", a strong woman mother who can satisfy you financially, sounds very good. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

But Zhang Yuanqing always smiled and said to his mother: the pocket money given by my grandmother and aunt is enough.

Well, and auntie.

The woman who had to come to his room to play games last night was his aunt.

Zhang Yuanqing yawned, unscrewed the door handle of the bedroom, and came to the living room.

This house in my grandmother's house has an area of ​​150 square meters, including the public pool. When Zhang Yuanqing sold the old house to buy this new house, Zhang Yuanqing remembered that it was more than 40,000 square meters per square meter.

In the past six or seven years, the housing price in this community has now risen to 110,000 per square meter, nearly doubled.

It was also fortunate that my grandfather had foresight back then, and when he replaced it with the old house, Zhang Yuanqing could only sleep in the living room. After all, now that he was grown up, he could no longer sleep with his aunt.

On the long dining table next to the living room, the culprit who caused his headache was drinking porridge with 'gugugugu', and the pink slippers were curled up and down at the bottom of the table.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, her round oval face looks quite sweet, and there is a tear mole at the corner of her right eye.

Just getting up, the big fluffy and messy waves were scattered, which made her a little more lazy and charming.

The aunt's name is Jiang Yuyi, who is four years older than him.

Seeing Zhang Yuanqing come out, the aunt licked the porridge beside her mouth and said in surprise:

"Yo, it's not your style to get up so early."

"Good job your mother did."

"How can you scold someone?"

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Chapter 788 The Son-in-law [1/3 "I'm just telling the truth."

Zhang Yuanqing looked at his aunt's beautiful face, full of energy, bright and moving.

It is said that the dark night will not treat people who stay up late, it will give you dark circles, but this law does not seem to work for the woman in front of you.

When the grandmother in the kitchen heard the movement, she stuck out her head and looked at it. After a while, she came out with a bowl of porridge.

Grandma's black hair was mixed with silver threads, and her eyes were sharp. At first glance, she looked like that kind of old lady with a bad temper.

Although loose skin and shallow wrinkles robbed her of her elegance, she could vaguely see that she had a good appearance when she was young.

Zhang Yuanqing took the porridge handed over by his grandmother, Gululu took a mouthful and said:

"What about grandpa?"

"Going for a walk." Grandma said.

My grandfather is a retired criminal policeman. Even though he is old, his life is still very regular. He must go to bed at ten o'clock every night and wake up at six in the morning.

The pretty aunt was drinking porridge and said with a smile:

"After breakfast, Auntie will take you to the mall to buy clothes."

Are you so kind? Just as Zhang Yuanqing was about to agree, the grandmother beside him gave him a murderous look:

"If you dare to go, break the dog's leg."

"Mom, why are you like this." The aunt said with a biting face: "I just want to buy some spring clothes for Motoko, you are not happy? Although the nephew has a foreign word, but

It’s also my dear~” Download the Love Reading Novel app and read it for free without ads.

Grandma tried her best to break the law, "You also want to be interrupted by the dog's leg?"

The aunt pouted and lowered her head to drink porridge.

As soon as Zhang Yuanqing heard the game between the mother and daughter, he knew that his grandmother would arrange a blind date for his aunt again, and the quirky aunt wanted to drag him to stir up the water.

This is what I used to do in the past. I took my nephew to a blind date and sat for a few minutes. The nephew with social arrogance would get the blind date. The two men talked very much, from the people's livelihood plan to the world situation. thing.

All she needs to do is drink a drink and play with her mobile phone. The blind date will also feel that she has shown enough social experience and knowledge in front of the beauty, so she will feel happy and feel good about herself.

Jiang Yuyi has been delicate and cute since he was a child. He is the object of praise from the neighbors. He is handsome, sweet and well-behaved, and is very popular with elders.

Such a beautiful girl, of course, my grandmother must be strictly guarded. When she was in junior high school, she was not allowed to have puppy love, and she was not allowed to go out with male classmates.

The youngest daughter did not disappoint her. She didn't have a boyfriend until she graduated from college, but when she entered the society, especially after her 25th birthday at the beginning of the year, her grandmother couldn't sit still.

I said in my heart that I just didn't let you fall in love early, and I didn't let you be a leftover girl. How many years of youth can a woman have?

So he called the old sisters, collected information on young talents from all over the world, and set up a blind date for his daughter.

"Grandma, she made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to someone else, and a twisted melon is not sweet." Zhang Yuanqing nibbled at the buns and suggested himself:

"Would you like to arrange a blind date for me? My melon is so sweet."

Grandma said angrily: "You're still young, what's the hurry. There are all female classmates in the university, so you can't find them yourself? If you make trouble again, be careful and I'll beat you up."

Grandmother is a southern woman, but her temper is not gentle at all, and she is very hot.

Even Zhang Yuanqing, the mother of a career woman, did not dare to contradict her grandmother.

I have grown up, I have been a craftsman for several years... Zhang Yuanqing muttered in his heart.

After breakfast, at the strong request of my grandmother, my aunt went back to the room to change clothes and make up, and went out on a blind date.

Auntie put on light makeup, which made her look more bright and moving.

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Chapter seven hundred and eighty-eighth son-in-law [2/3>

The fluffy crew-neck sweater is paired with a long coat, and the light-colored narrow-cut jeans wrap the two long legs, which are well-proportioned and rounded. Narrow cuffs are tucked into black martin boots. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

Mori is a simple style of dress, not glamorous or flashy, but also very delicate.

The aunt threw a "you know" look at him, carrying her bag, twisting her waist and going out:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date." Download the iYue app to provide you with the latest and complete content

Zhang Yuanqing returned to the room, put on a black t-shirt, a jacket, and running shoes in a hurry.

After a few minutes, he opened the bedroom door.

Grandma was cleaning in the living room, and when she saw him come out, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him silently.

Zhang Yuanqing imitated his aunt's tone:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date too."

"Go back." Grandma raised her broom and threatened: "If you dare to step out of this door, the dog's legs will be interrupted."

"Okay!" Zhang Yuanqing returned to the bedroom in a good manner.

Sitting at the desk, he held his mobile phone and sent a message to his aunt:

"Death before leaving the apprenticeship, the hero is full of tears."

"Speak human words!" Download the iRead Novel app and read the latest chapter content for free without ads

The aunt should be driving, and the content of the reply was concise and to the point.

"I was stopped at home by my grandmother. You should go on a blind date yourself."

Auntie sent a message.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the latest and full content of Aiyue app for free, and Jiang Yuyi's angry voice sounded from the speaker:

"What do you want!"

The aunt withdrew one voice, and then sent another, this time with a different tone, coquettishly and cutely:

"Good nephew, come quickly, my aunt loves you the most, mua~"

O woman!

Acting like a coquettish girl and trying to make me touch my grandmother's scales? At least have to give out a red envelope ah.

At this time, a slightly harsh ringtone came, Zhang Yuanqing came to the living room, and under the gaze of his grandmother, pressed the call button of the building intercom, saying:

"Which one!"

"express delivery."

Sound came from the speakers.

Zhang Yuanqing pressed the door button, and after two or three minutes, the courier boy in uniform took the elevator upstairs, holding a package in his arms:

"Is that Zhang Yuanqing?"

"it's me."

I didn't shop online... He signed the receipt with a puzzled look, glanced at the package information, the package did not write the sender, but the address was Hangcheng, Jiangnan Province, next door.

He returned to the room, found the paper cutter from the desk drawer, and opened the package.

Inside is an anti-fall air cushion wrapped with a black card and a yellow letter.

Zhang Yuanqing picked up a black card the size of an ID card. The material seemed to be metal, but the tentacles were extremely warm. The card was exquisitely made, with a light silver cloud pattern on the edge and a black full moon in the center.

The black full moon is very delicately printed, and the irregular patches on the surface are clearly visible.

what? With doubt, he opened the envelope and opened the letter.

"Motoko, I got a very interesting thing, I thought it could change my life, but my ability is limited and I can't control it. I think if it's you, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Brother, this is my gift to you. The website is about to close, download the Love Reading app to provide you with @{{book title}} of the great **** @{{author}}

"Lei Yibing!"

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Chapter 788 The Son-in-law [3/3

When he told the doctor about this guess, the doctor said he didn't understand, but was shocked and suggested that he go to the psychiatry department downstairs.

In short, the hospital could not find out the cause. Later, his mother brought him a special medicine from abroad, and the condition was controlled. As long as he took the medicine regularly, he would not have an attack.

"It must have been because I didn't rest well last night. I was too tired. It's all Jiang Yuyi's fault. He insisted on coming to my room to play games in the middle of the night..."

Although he said so, his heart was quietly heavy, because Zhang Yuanqing knew that the effect of the medicine had begun to weaken, and his disease had become more and more serious.

"I will increase the dose in the future..." Zhang Yuanqing put on cotton slippers, went to the window, and opened the curtain with a brush.

Sunlight rushed in, filling the room.

In April in Songhai City, the spring is bright, and the oncoming morning breeze is cool and comfortable.

"Dong dong!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the grandmother shouted from the door:

"Motoko, wake up."

"I can't afford it!" Zhang Yuanqing ruthlessly refused, he wanted to go back to sleep.

Spring is bright, and it's the weekend again. Wouldn't it be a waste of life if you don't sleep in?

"Give you three minutes, I'll wake you up if you don't get up."

Grandma was even more ruthless.

"I know, I know..." Zhang Yuanqing immediately softened.

He knew that grumpy grandma could really do this.

When Zhang Yuanqing was still in elementary school, his father died in a car accident. The strong-willed mother did not remarry, so she brought her son back to Songhai to settle down and left it to his grandparents to take care of him.

She plunged into her career and became a strong woman praised by her relatives. Fun Court

Later, the mother bought a house herself, but Zhang Yuanqing didn't like the empty flat floor, and still lived with his grandparents.

Anyway, my mother goes out early every day and returns late every day, every three or five business trips, and she is devoted to her career. Even if she does not work overtime on weekends, she will order takeaway when it is time to eat.

What he said the most to his son was "Is there enough money, not enough to tell my mother", a strong woman mother who can satisfy you financially, sounds very good. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

But Zhang Yuanqing always smiled and said to his mother: the pocket money given by my grandmother and aunt is enough.

Well, and auntie.

The woman who had to come to his room to play games last night was his aunt.

Zhang Yuanqing yawned, unscrewed the door handle of the bedroom, and came to the living room.

This house in my grandmother's house has an area of ​​150 square meters, including the public pool. When Zhang Yuanqing sold the old house to buy this new house, Zhang Yuanqing remembered that it was more than 40,000 square meters per square meter.

In the past six or seven years, the housing price in this community has now risen to 110,000 per square meter, nearly doubled.

It was also fortunate that my grandfather had foresight back then, and when he replaced it with the old house, Zhang Yuanqing could only sleep in the living room. After all, now that he was grown up, he could no longer sleep with his aunt.

On the long dining table next to the living room, the culprit who caused his headache was drinking porridge with 'gugugugu', and the pink slippers were curled up and down at the bottom of the table.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, her round oval face looks quite sweet, and there is a tear mole at the corner of her right eye.

Just getting up, the big fluffy and messy waves were scattered, which made her a little more lazy and charming.

The aunt's name is Jiang Yuyi, who is four years older than him.

Seeing Zhang Yuanqing come out, the aunt licked the porridge beside her mouth and said in surprise:

"Yo, it's not your style to get up so early."

"Good job your mother did."

"How can you scold someone?"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read books in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If you have installed the Aiyue Novel app, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If you have not installed it, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 789 Huo Guang? Zhuge? [1/3 "I'm just telling the truth."

Zhang Yuanqing looked at his aunt's beautiful face, full of energy, bright and moving.

It is said that the dark night will not treat people who stay up late, it will give you dark circles, but this law does not seem to work for the woman in front of you.

When the grandmother in the kitchen heard the movement, she stuck out her head and looked at it. After a while, she came out with a bowl of porridge.

Grandma's black hair was mixed with silver threads, and her eyes were sharp. At first glance, she looked like that kind of old lady with a bad temper.

Although loose skin and shallow wrinkles robbed her of her elegance, she could vaguely see that she had a good appearance when she was young.

Zhang Yuanqing took the porridge handed over by his grandmother, Gululu took a mouthful and said:

"What about grandpa?"

"Going for a walk." Grandma said.

My grandfather is a retired criminal policeman. Even though he is old, his life is still very regular. He must go to bed at ten o'clock every night and wake up at six in the morning.

The pretty aunt was drinking porridge and said with a smile:

"After breakfast, Auntie will take you to the mall to buy clothes."

Are you so kind? Just as Zhang Yuanqing was about to agree, the grandmother beside him gave him a murderous look:

"If you dare to go, break the dog's leg."

"Mom, why are you like this." The aunt said with a **** on her face: "I just want to buy some spring clothes for Motoko, you are not happy? Although the nephew has a

It's a foreign word, but it's also a dear~" Download the Love Reading Novel app, read it for free without ads

Grandma tried her best to break the law, "You also want to be interrupted by the dog's leg?"

The aunt pouted and lowered her head to drink porridge.

As soon as Zhang Yuanqing heard the game between the mother and daughter, he knew that his grandmother would arrange a blind date for his aunt again, and the quirky aunt wanted to drag him to stir up the water.

This is what I used to do in the past. I took my nephew to a blind date and sat for a few minutes. The nephew with social arrogance would get the blind date. The two men talked very much, from the people's livelihood plan to the world situation. thing.

All she needs to do is drink a drink and play with her mobile phone. The blind date will also feel that she has shown enough social experience and knowledge in front of the beauty, so she will feel happy and feel good about herself.

Jiang Yuyi has been delicate and cute since he was a child. He is the object of praise from the neighbors. He is handsome, sweet and well-behaved, and is very popular with elders.

Such a beautiful girl, of course, my grandmother must be strictly guarded. When she was in junior high school, she was not allowed to have puppy love, and she was not allowed to go out with male classmates.

The youngest daughter did not disappoint her. She didn't have a boyfriend until she graduated from college, but when she entered the society, especially after her 25th birthday at the beginning of the year, her grandmother couldn't sit still.

I said in my heart that I just didn't let you fall in love early, and I didn't let you be a leftover girl. How many years of youth can a woman have?

So he called the old sisters, collected information on young talents from all over the world, and set up a blind date for his daughter.

"Grandma, she made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to someone else, and a twisted melon is not sweet." Zhang Yuanqing nibbled at the buns and suggested himself:

"Would you like to arrange a blind date for me? My melon is so sweet."

Grandma said angrily: "You're still young, what's the hurry. There are all female classmates in the university, so you can't find them yourself? If you make trouble again, be careful and I'll beat you up."

Grandmother is a southern woman, but her temper is not gentle at all, and she is very hot.

Even Zhang Yuanqing, the mother of a career woman, did not dare to contradict her grandmother.

I have grown up, I have been a craftsman for several years... Zhang Yuanqing muttered in his heart.

After breakfast, at the strong request of my grandmother, my aunt went back to the room to change clothes and make up, and went out on a blind date.

Auntie put on light makeup, which made her look more bright and moving.

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 789 Huo Guang? Zhuge? [2/3>

The fluffy crew-neck sweater is paired with a long coat, and the light-colored narrow-cut jeans wrap the two long legs, which are well-proportioned and rounded. Narrow cuffs are tucked into black martin boots. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

Mori is a simple style of dress, not glamorous or flashy, but also very delicate.

The aunt threw a "you know" look at him, carrying her bag, twisting her waist and going out:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date." Download the iYue app to provide you with the latest and complete content

Zhang Yuanqing returned to the room, put on a black t-shirt, a jacket, and running shoes in a hurry.

After a few minutes, he opened the bedroom door.

Grandma was cleaning in the living room, and when she saw him come out, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him silently.

Zhang Yuanqing imitated his aunt's tone:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date too."

"Go back." Grandma raised her broom and threatened: "If you dare to step out of this door, the dog's legs will be interrupted."

"Okay!" Zhang Yuanqing returned to the bedroom in a good manner.

Sitting at the desk, he held his mobile phone and sent a message to his aunt:

"Death before leaving the apprenticeship, the hero is full of tears."

"Speak human words!" Download the iRead Novel app and read the latest chapter content for free without ads

The aunt should be driving, and the content of the reply was concise and to the point.

"I was stopped at home by my grandmother. You should go on a blind date yourself."

Auntie sent a message.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the latest and full content of Aiyue app for free, and Jiang Yuyi's angry voice sounded from the speaker:

"What do you want!"

The aunt withdrew one voice, and then sent another, this time with a different tone, coquettishly and cutely:

"Good nephew, come quickly, my aunt loves you the most, mua~"

O woman!

Acting like a coquettish girl and trying to make me touch my grandmother's scales? At least have to give out a red envelope ah.

At this time, a slightly harsh ringtone came, Zhang Yuanqing came to the living room, and under the gaze of his grandmother, pressed the call button of the building intercom, saying:

"Which one!"

"express delivery."

Sound came from the speakers.

Zhang Yuanqing pressed the door button, and after two or three minutes, the courier boy in uniform took the elevator upstairs, holding a package in his arms:

"Is that Zhang Yuanqing?"

"it's me."

I didn't shop online... He signed the receipt with a puzzled look, glanced at the package information, the package did not write the sender, but the address was Hangcheng, Jiangnan Province, next door.

He went back to the room and found the paper cutter from the desk drawer

, open the package.

Inside is an anti-fall air cushion wrapped with a black card and a yellow letter.

Zhang Yuanqing picked up a black card the size of an ID card. The material seemed to be metal, but the tentacles were extremely warm. The card was exquisitely made, with a light silver cloud pattern on the edge and a black full moon in the center.

The black full moon is very delicately printed, and the irregular patches on the surface are clearly visible.

what? With doubt, he opened the envelope and opened the letter.

"Motoko, I got a very interesting thing, I thought it could change my life, but my ability is limited and I can't control it. I think if it's you, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Brother, this is my gift to you. The website is about to close, download the Love Reading app to provide you with @{{book title}} of the great **** @{{author}}

"Lei Yibing!"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 789 Huo Guang? Zhuge? [3/3

When he told the doctor about this guess, the doctor said he didn't understand, but was shocked and suggested that he go to the psychiatry department downstairs.

In short, the hospital could not find out the cause. Later, his mother brought him a special medicine from abroad, and the condition was controlled. As long as he took the medicine regularly, he would not have an attack.

"It must have been because I didn't rest well last night. I was too tired. It's all Jiang Yuyi's fault. He insisted on coming to my room to play games in the middle of the night..."

Although he said so, his heart was quietly heavy, because Zhang Yuanqing knew that the effect of the medicine had begun to weaken, and his disease had become more and more serious.

"I will increase the dose in the future..." Zhang Yuanqing put on cotton slippers, went to the window, and opened the curtain with a brush.

Sunlight rushed in, filling the room.

In April in Songhai City, the spring is bright, and the oncoming morning breeze is cool and comfortable.

"Dong dong!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the grandmother shouted from the door:

"Motoko, wake up."

"I can't afford it!" Zhang Yuanqing ruthlessly refused, he wanted to go back to sleep.

Spring is bright, and it's the weekend again. Wouldn't it be a waste of life if you don't sleep in?

"Give you three minutes, I'll wake you up if you don't get up."

Grandma was even more ruthless.

"I know, I know..." Zhang Yuanqing immediately softened.

He knew that grumpy grandma could really do this.

When Zhang Yuanqing was still in elementary school, his father died in a car accident. The strong-willed mother did not remarry, so she brought her son back to Songhai to settle down and left it to his grandparents to take care of him.

She plunged into her career and became a strong woman praised by her relatives. Fun Court

Later, the mother bought a house herself, but Zhang Yuanqing didn't like the empty flat floor, and still lived with his grandparents.

Anyway, my mother goes out early every day and returns late every day, every three or five business trips, and she is devoted to her career. Even if she does not work overtime on weekends, she will order takeaway when it is time to eat.

What he said the most to his son was "Is there enough money, not enough to tell my mother", a strong woman mother who can satisfy you financially, sounds very good. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

But Zhang Yuanqing always smiled and said to his mother: the pocket money given by my grandmother and aunt is enough.

Well, and auntie.

The woman who had to come to his room to play games last night was his aunt.

Zhang Yuanqing yawned, unscrewed the door handle of the bedroom, and came to the living room.

This house in my grandmother's house has an area of ​​150 square meters, including the public pool. When Zhang Yuanqing sold the old house to buy this new house, Zhang Yuanqing remembered that it was more than 40,000 square meters per square meter.

In the past six or seven years, the housing price in this community has now risen to 110,000 per square meter, nearly doubled.

It was also fortunate that my grandfather had foresight back then, and when he replaced it with the old house, Zhang Yuanqing could only sleep in the living room. After all, now that he was grown up, he could no longer sleep with his aunt.

On the long dining table next to the living room, the culprit who caused his headache was drinking porridge with 'gugugugu', and the pink slippers were curled up and down at the bottom of the table.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, her round oval face looks quite sweet, and there is a tear mole at the corner of her right eye.

Just getting up, the big fluffy and messy waves were scattered, which made her a little more lazy and charming.

The aunt's name is Jiang Yuyi, who is four years older than him.

Seeing Zhang Yuanqing come out, the aunt licked the porridge beside her mouth and said in surprise:

"Yo, it's not your style to get up so early."

"Good job your mother did."

"How can you scold someone?"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read books in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If you have installed the Aiyue Novel app, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If you have not installed it, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 790 Killing the King [1/3 "I'm just telling the truth."

Zhang Yuanqing looked at his aunt's beautiful face, full of energy, bright and moving.

It is said that the dark night will not treat people who stay up late, it will give you dark circles, but this law does not seem to work for the woman in front of you.

When the grandmother in the kitchen heard the movement, she stuck out her head and looked at it. After a while, she came out with a bowl of porridge.

Grandma's black hair was mixed with silver threads, and her eyes were sharp. At first glance, she looked like that kind of old lady with a bad temper.

Although loose skin and shallow wrinkles robbed her of her elegance, she could vaguely see that she had a good appearance when she was young.

Zhang Yuanqing took the porridge handed over by his grandmother, Gululu took a mouthful and said:

"What about grandpa?"

"Going for a walk." Grandma said.

My grandfather is a retired criminal policeman. Even though he is old, his life is still very regular. He must go to bed at ten o'clock every night and wake up at six in the morning.

The pretty aunt was drinking porridge and said with a smile:

"After breakfast, Auntie will take you to the mall to buy clothes."

Are you so kind? Just as Zhang Yuanqing was about to agree, the grandmother beside him gave him a murderous look:

"If you dare to go, break the dog's leg."

"Mom, why are you doing this?" The aunt said with a biting face: "I just want to buy some spring clothes for Motoko, you are not happy? Although the nephew has a foreign word, he

It's my dear~" Download the love reading novel app, no ads and free reading

Grandma tried her best to break the law, "You also want to be interrupted by the dog's leg?"

The aunt pouted and lowered her head to drink porridge.

As soon as Zhang Yuanqing heard the game between the mother and daughter, he knew that his grandmother would arrange a blind date for his aunt again, and the quirky aunt wanted to drag him to stir up the water.

This is what I used to do in the past. I took my nephew to a blind date and sat for a few minutes. The nephew with social arrogance would get the blind date. The two men talked very much, from the people's livelihood plan to the world situation. thing.

All she needs to do is drink a drink and play with her mobile phone. The blind date will also feel that she has shown enough social experience and knowledge in front of the beauty, so she will feel happy and feel good about herself.

Jiang Yuyi has been delicate and cute since he was a child. He is the object of praise from the neighbors. He is handsome, sweet and well-behaved, and is very popular with elders.

Such a beautiful girl, of course, my grandmother must be strictly guarded. When she was in junior high school, she was not allowed to have puppy love, and she was not allowed to go out with male classmates.

The youngest daughter did not disappoint her. She didn't have a boyfriend until she graduated from college, but when she entered the society, especially after her 25th birthday at the beginning of the year, her grandmother couldn't sit still.

I said in my heart that I just didn't let you fall in love early, and I didn't let you be a leftover girl. How many years of youth can a woman have?

So he called the old sisters, collected information on young talents from all over the world, and set up a blind date for his daughter.

"Grandma, she made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to someone else, and a twisted melon is not sweet." Zhang Yuanqing nibbled at the buns and suggested himself:

"Would you like to arrange a blind date for me? My melon is so sweet."

Grandma said angrily: "You're still young, what's the hurry. There are all female classmates in the university, so you can't find them yourself? If you make trouble again, be careful and I'll beat you up."

Grandmother is a southern woman, but her temper is not gentle at all, and she is very hot.

Even Zhang Yuanqing, the mother of a career woman, did not dare to contradict her grandmother.

I have grown up, I have been a craftsman for several years... Zhang Yuanqing muttered in his heart.

After breakfast, at the strong request of my grandmother, my aunt went back to the room to change clothes and make up, and went out on a blind date.

Auntie put on light makeup, which made her look more bright and moving.

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 790 Killing the King [2/3>

The fluffy crew-neck sweater is paired with a long coat, and the light-colored narrow-cut jeans wrap the two long legs, which are well-proportioned and rounded. Narrow cuffs are tucked into black martin boots. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

Mori is a simple style of dress, not glamorous or flashy, but also very delicate.

The aunt threw a "you know" look at him, carrying her bag, twisting her waist and going out:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date." Download the iYue app to provide you with the latest and complete content

Zhang Yuanqing returned to the room, put on a black t-shirt, a jacket, and running shoes in a hurry.

After a few minutes, he opened the bedroom door.

Grandma was cleaning in the living room, and when she saw him come out, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him silently.

Zhang Yuanqing imitated his aunt's tone:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date too."

"Go back." Grandma raised her broom and threatened: "If you dare to step out of this door, the dog's legs will be interrupted."

"Okay!" Zhang Yuanqing returned to the bedroom in a good manner.

Sitting at the desk, he held his mobile phone and sent a message to his aunt:

"Death before leaving the apprenticeship, the hero is full of tears."

"Speak human words!" Download the iRead Novel app and read the latest chapter content for free without ads

The aunt should be driving, and the content of the reply was concise and to the point.

"I was stopped at home by my grandmother. You should go on a blind date yourself."

Auntie sent a message.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the latest and full content of Aiyue app for free, and Jiang Yuyi's angry voice sounded from the speaker:

"What do you want!"

The aunt withdrew one voice, and then sent another, this time with a different tone, coquettishly and cutely:

"Good nephew, come quickly, my aunt loves you the most, mua~"

O woman!

Acting like a coquettish girl and trying to make me touch my grandmother's scales? At least have to give out a red envelope ah.

At this time, a slightly harsh ringtone came, Zhang Yuanqing came to the living room, and under the gaze of his grandmother, pressed the call button of the building intercom, saying:

"Which one!"

"express delivery."

Sound came from the speakers.

Zhang Yuanqing pressed the door button, and after two or three minutes, the courier boy in uniform took the elevator upstairs, holding a package in his arms:

"Is that Zhang Yuanqing?"

"it's me."

I didn't shop online... He signed the receipt with a puzzled look, glanced at the package information, the package did not write the sender, but the address was Hangcheng, Jiangnan Province, next door.

He returned to the room, found the paper cutter from the desk drawer, and opened the package.

Inside is an anti-fall air cushion wrapped with a black card and a yellow letter.

Zhang Yuanqing picked up a black card the size of an ID card. The material seemed to be metal, but the tentacles were extremely warm. The card was exquisitely made, with a light silver cloud pattern on the edge and a black full moon in the center.

The black full moon is very delicately printed, and the irregular patches on the surface are clearly visible.

what? With doubt, he opened the envelope and opened the letter.

"Motoko, I got a very interesting thing, I thought it could change my life, but my ability is limited and I can't control it. I think if it's you, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Brother, this is my gift to you. The website is about to close, download the Love Reading app to provide you with @{{book title}} of the great **** @{{author}}

"Lei Yibing!"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 790 Killing the King [3/3

When he told the doctor about this guess, the doctor said he didn't understand, but was shocked and suggested that he go to the psychiatry department downstairs.

In short, the hospital could not find out the cause. Later, his mother brought him a special medicine from abroad, and the condition was controlled. As long as he took the medicine regularly, he would not have an attack.

"It must have been because I didn't rest well last night. I was too tired. It's all Jiang Yuyi's fault. He insisted on coming to my room to play games in the middle of the night..."

Although he said so, his heart was quietly heavy, because Zhang Yuanqing knew that the effect of the medicine had begun to weaken, and his disease had become more and more serious.

"I will increase the dose in the future..." Zhang Yuanqing put on cotton slippers, went to the window, and opened the curtain with a brush.

Sunlight rushed in, filling the room.

In April in Songhai City, the spring is bright, and the oncoming morning breeze is cool and comfortable.

"Dong dong!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the grandmother shouted from the door:

"Motoko, wake up."

"I can't afford it!" Zhang Yuanqing ruthlessly refused, he wanted to go back to sleep.

Spring is bright, and it's the weekend again. Wouldn't it be a waste of life if you don't sleep in?

"Give you three minutes, I'll wake you up if you don't get up."

Grandma was even more ruthless.

"I know, I know..." Zhang Yuanqing immediately softened.

He knew that grumpy grandma could really do this.

When Zhang Yuanqing was still in elementary school, his father died in a car accident. The strong-willed mother did not remarry, so she brought her son back to Songhai to settle down and left it to his grandparents to take care of him.

She plunged into her career and became a strong woman praised by her relatives. Fun Court

Later, the mother bought a house herself, but Zhang Yuanqing didn't like the empty flat floor, and still lived with his grandparents.

Anyway, my mother goes out early every day and returns late every day, every three or five business trips, and she is devoted to her career. Even if she does not work overtime on weekends, she will order takeaway when it is time to eat.

What he said the most to his son was "Is there enough money, not enough to tell my mother", a strong woman mother who can satisfy you financially, sounds very good. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

But Zhang Yuanqing always smiled and said to his mother: the pocket money given by my grandmother and aunt is enough.

Well, and auntie.

The woman who had to come to his room to play games last night was his aunt.

Zhang Yuanqing yawned, unscrewed the door handle of the bedroom, and came to the living room.

This house in my grandmother's house has an area of ​​150 square meters, including the public pool. When Zhang Yuanqing sold the old house to buy this new house, Zhang Yuanqing remembered that it was more than 40,000 square meters per square meter.

In the past six or seven years, the housing price in this community has now risen to 110,000 per square meter, nearly doubled.

It was also fortunate that my grandfather had foresight back then, and when he replaced it with the old house, Zhang Yuanqing could only sleep in the living room. After all, now that he was grown up, he could no longer sleep with his aunt.

On the long dining table next to the living room, the culprit who caused his headache was drinking porridge with 'gugugugu', and the pink slippers were curled up and down at the bottom of the table.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, her round oval face looks quite sweet, and there is a tear mole at the corner of her right eye.

Just getting up, the big fluffy and messy waves were scattered, which made her a little more lazy and charming.

The aunt's name is Jiang Yuyi, who is four years older than him.

Seeing Zhang Yuanqing come out, the aunt licked the porridge beside her mouth and said in surprise:

"Yo, it's not your style to get up so early."

"Good job your mother did."

"How can you scold someone?"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read books in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If you have installed the Aiyue Novel app, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If you have not installed it, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 791 Jia Jiuxi, Mian Shiqi... [1/3 "I'm just telling the truth."

Zhang Yuanqing looked at his aunt's beautiful face, full of energy, bright and moving.

It is said that the dark night will not treat people who stay up late, it will give you dark circles, but this law does not seem to work for the woman in front of you.

When the grandmother in the kitchen heard the movement, she stuck out her head and looked at it. After a while, she came out with a bowl of porridge.

Grandma's black hair was mixed with silver threads, and her eyes were sharp. At first glance, she looked like that kind of old lady with a bad temper.

Although loose skin and shallow wrinkles robbed her of her elegance, she could vaguely see that she had a good appearance when she was young.

Zhang Yuanqing took the porridge handed over by his grandmother, Gululu took a mouthful and said:

"What about grandpa?"

"Going for a walk." Grandma said.

My grandfather is a retired criminal policeman. Even though he is old, his life is still very regular. He must go to bed at ten o'clock every night and wake up at six in the morning.

The pretty aunt was drinking porridge and said with a smile:

"After breakfast, Auntie will take you to the mall to buy clothes."

Are you so kind? Just as Zhang Yuanqing was about to agree, the grandmother beside him gave him a murderous look:

"If you dare to go, break the dog's leg."

"Mom, why are you doing this?" The aunt said with a **** on her face: "I just want to buy some spring clothes for Motoko, you are not happy? Although the nephew

Although there is a foreign word, but it is also dear~" Download the love reading novel app, read it for free without ads

Grandma tried her best to break the law, "You also want to be interrupted by the dog's leg?"

The aunt pouted and lowered her head to drink porridge.

As soon as Zhang Yuanqing heard the game between the mother and daughter, he knew that his grandmother would arrange a blind date for his aunt again, and the quirky aunt wanted to drag him to stir up the water.

This is what I used to do in the past. I took my nephew to a blind date and sat for a few minutes. The nephew with social arrogance would get the blind date. The two men talked very much, from the people's livelihood plan to the world situation. thing.

All she needs to do is drink a drink and play with her mobile phone. The blind date will also feel that she has shown enough social experience and knowledge in front of the beauty, so she will feel happy and feel good about herself.

Jiang Yuyi has been delicate and cute since he was a child. He is the object of praise from the neighbors. He is handsome, sweet and well-behaved, and is very popular with elders.

Such a beautiful girl, of course, my grandmother must be strictly guarded. When she was in junior high school, she was not allowed to have puppy love, and she was not allowed to go out with male classmates.

The youngest daughter did not disappoint her. She didn't have a boyfriend until she graduated from college, but when she entered the society, especially after her 25th birthday at the beginning of the year, her grandmother couldn't sit still.

I said in my heart that I just didn't let you fall in love early, and I didn't let you be a leftover girl. How many years of youth can a woman have?

So he called the old sisters, collected information on young talents from all over the world, and set up a blind date for his daughter.

"Grandma, she made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to someone else, and a twisted melon is not sweet." Zhang Yuanqing nibbled at the buns and suggested himself:

"Would you like to arrange a blind date for me? My melon is so sweet."

Grandma said angrily: "You're still young, what's the hurry. There are all female classmates in the university, so you can't find them yourself? If you make trouble again, be careful and I'll beat you up."

Grandmother is a southern woman, but her temper is not gentle at all, and she is very hot.

Even Zhang Yuanqing, the mother of a career woman, did not dare to contradict her grandmother.

I have grown up, I have been a craftsman for several years... Zhang Yuanqing muttered in his heart.

After breakfast, at the strong request of my grandmother, my aunt went back to the room to change clothes and make up, and went out on a blind date.

Auntie put on light makeup, which made her look more bright and moving.

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

The seven hundred and ninety-first chapter adds nine tins, and the crown is ten... [2/3>

The fluffy crew-neck sweater is paired with a long coat, and the light-colored narrow-cut jeans wrap the two long legs, which are well-proportioned and rounded. Narrow cuffs are tucked into black martin boots. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

Mori is a simple style of dress, not glamorous or flashy, but also very delicate.

The aunt threw a "you know" look at him, carrying her bag, twisting her waist and going out:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date." Download the iYue app to provide you with the latest and complete content

Zhang Yuanqing returned to the room, put on a black t-shirt, a jacket, and running shoes in a hurry.

After a few minutes, he opened the bedroom door.

Grandma was cleaning in the living room, and when she saw him come out, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him silently.

Zhang Yuanqing imitated his aunt's tone:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date too."

"Go back." Grandma raised her broom and threatened: "If you dare to step out of this door, the dog's legs will be interrupted."

"Okay!" Zhang Yuanqing returned to the bedroom in a good manner.

Sitting at the desk, he held his mobile phone and sent a message to his aunt:

"Death before leaving the apprenticeship, the hero is full of tears."

"Speak human words!" Download the iRead Novel app and read the latest chapter content for free without ads

The aunt should be driving, and the content of the reply was concise and to the point.

"I was stopped at home by my grandmother. You should go on a blind date yourself."

Auntie sent a message.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the latest and full content of Aiyue app for free, and Jiang Yuyi's angry voice sounded from the speaker:

"What do you want!"

The aunt withdrew one voice, and then sent another, this time with a different tone, coquettishly and cutely:

"Good nephew, come quickly, my aunt loves you the most, mua~"

O woman!

Acting like a coquettish girl and trying to make me touch my grandmother's scales? At least have to give out a red envelope ah.

At this time, a slightly harsh ringtone came, Zhang Yuanqing came to the living room, and under the gaze of his grandmother, pressed the call button of the building intercom, saying:

"Which one!"

"express delivery."

Sound came from the speakers.

Zhang Yuanqing pressed the door button, and after two or three minutes, the courier boy in uniform took the elevator upstairs, holding a package in his arms:

"Is that Zhang Yuanqing?"

"it's me."

I didn't shop online... He signed the receipt with a puzzled look, glanced at the package information, the package did not write the sender, but the address was Hangcheng, Jiangnan Province, next door.

He returned to the room, removed from the desk drawer

Find the paper cutter and open the package.

Inside is an anti-fall air cushion wrapped with a black card and a yellow letter.

Zhang Yuanqing picked up a black card the size of an ID card. The material seemed to be metal, but the tentacles were extremely warm. The card was exquisitely made, with a light silver cloud pattern on the edge and a black full moon in the center.

The black full moon is very delicately printed, and the irregular patches on the surface are clearly visible.

what? With doubt, he opened the envelope and opened the letter.

"Motoko, I got a very interesting thing, I thought it could change my life, but my ability is limited and I can't control it. I think if it's you, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Brother, this is my gift to you. The website is about to close, download the Love Reading app to provide you with @{{book title}} of the great **** @{{author}}

"Lei Yibing!"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-one plus nine tin, Mian ten ... [3/3

When he told the doctor about this guess, the doctor said he didn't understand, but was shocked and suggested that he go to the psychiatry department downstairs.

In short, the hospital could not find out the cause. Later, his mother brought him a special medicine from abroad, and the condition was controlled. As long as he took the medicine regularly, he would not have an attack.

"It must have been because I didn't rest well last night. I was too tired. It's all Jiang Yuyi's fault. He insisted on coming to my room to play games in the middle of the night..."

Although he said so, his heart was quietly heavy, because Zhang Yuanqing knew that the effect of the medicine had begun to weaken, and his disease had become more and more serious.

"I will increase the dose in the future..." Zhang Yuanqing put on cotton slippers, went to the window, and opened the curtain with a brush.

Sunlight rushed in, filling the room.

In April in Songhai City, the spring is bright, and the oncoming morning breeze is cool and comfortable.

"Dong dong!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the grandmother shouted from the door:

"Motoko, wake up."

"I can't afford it!" Zhang Yuanqing ruthlessly refused, he wanted to go back to sleep.

Spring is bright, and it's the weekend again. Wouldn't it be a waste of life if you don't sleep in?

"Give you three minutes, I'll wake you up if you don't get up."

Grandma was even more ruthless.

"I know, I know..." Zhang Yuanqing immediately softened.

He knew that grumpy grandma could really do this.

When Zhang Yuanqing was still in elementary school, his father died in a car accident. The strong-willed mother did not remarry, so she brought her son back to Songhai to settle down and left it to his grandparents to take care of him.

She plunged into her career and became a strong woman praised by her relatives. Fun Court

Later, the mother bought a house herself, but Zhang Yuanqing didn't like the empty flat floor, and still lived with his grandparents.

Anyway, my mother goes out early every day and returns late every day, every three or five business trips, and she is devoted to her career. Even if she does not work overtime on weekends, she will order takeaway when it is time to eat.

What he said the most to his son was "Is there enough money, not enough to tell my mother", a strong woman mother who can satisfy you financially, sounds very good. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

But Zhang Yuanqing always smiled and said to his mother: the pocket money given by my grandmother and aunt is enough.

Well, and auntie.

The woman who had to come to his room to play games last night was his aunt.

Zhang Yuanqing yawned, unscrewed the door handle of the bedroom, and came to the living room.

This house in my grandmother's house has an area of ​​150 square meters, including the public pool. When Zhang Yuanqing sold the old house to buy this new house, Zhang Yuanqing remembered that it was more than 40,000 square meters per square meter.

In the past six or seven years, the housing price in this community has now risen to 110,000 per square meter, nearly doubled.

It was also fortunate that my grandfather had foresight back then, and when he replaced it with the old house, Zhang Yuanqing could only sleep in the living room. After all, now that he was grown up, he could no longer sleep with his aunt.

On the long dining table next to the living room, the culprit who caused his headache was drinking porridge with 'gugugugu', and the pink slippers were curled up and down at the bottom of the table.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, her round oval face looks quite sweet, and there is a tear mole at the corner of her right eye.

Just getting up, the big fluffy and messy waves were scattered, which made her a little more lazy and charming.

The aunt's name is Jiang Yuyi, who is four years older than him.

Seeing Zhang Yuanqing come out, the aunt licked the porridge beside her mouth and said in surprise:

"Yo, it's not your style to get up so early."

"Good job your mother did."

"How can you scold someone?"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read books in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If you have installed the Aiyue Novel app, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If you have not installed it, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 792 Another Me [1/3 "I'm just telling the truth."

Zhang Yuanqing looked at his aunt's beautiful face, full of energy, bright and moving.

It is said that the dark night will not treat people who stay up late, it will give you dark circles, but this law does not seem to work for the woman in front of you.

When the grandmother in the kitchen heard the movement, she stuck out her head and looked at it. After a while, she came out with a bowl of porridge.

Grandma's black hair was mixed with silver threads, and her eyes were sharp. At first glance, she looked like that kind of old lady with a bad temper.

Although loose skin and shallow wrinkles robbed her of her elegance, she could vaguely see that she had a good appearance when she was young.

Zhang Yuanqing took the porridge handed over by his grandmother, Gululu took a mouthful and said:

"What about grandpa?"

"Going for a walk." Grandma said.

My grandfather is a retired criminal policeman. Even though he is old, his life is still very regular. He must go to bed at ten o'clock every night and wake up at six in the morning.

The pretty aunt was drinking porridge and said with a smile:

"After breakfast, Auntie will take you to the mall to buy clothes."

Are you so kind? Just as Zhang Yuanqing was about to agree, the grandmother beside him gave him a murderous look:

"If you dare to go, break the dog's leg."

"Mom, why are you doing this." The aunt said with a biting face: "I just want to buy some spring clothes for Motoko, you are not happy? Although the nephew has a foreign word.

, but it's also dear~" Download the Love Reading Novel app, read it for free without ads

Grandma tried her best to break the law, "You also want to be interrupted by the dog's leg?"

The aunt pouted and lowered her head to drink porridge.

As soon as Zhang Yuanqing heard the game between the mother and daughter, he knew that his grandmother would arrange a blind date for his aunt again, and the quirky aunt wanted to drag him to stir up the water.

This is what I used to do in the past. I took my nephew to a blind date and sat for a few minutes. The nephew with social arrogance would get the blind date. The two men talked very much, from the people's livelihood plan to the world situation. thing.

All she needs to do is drink a drink and play with her mobile phone. The blind date will also feel that she has shown enough social experience and knowledge in front of the beauty, so she will feel happy and feel good about herself.

Jiang Yuyi has been delicate and cute since he was a child. He is the object of praise from the neighbors. He is handsome, sweet and well-behaved, and is very popular with elders.

Such a beautiful girl, of course, my grandmother must be strictly guarded. When she was in junior high school, she was not allowed to have puppy love, and she was not allowed to go out with male classmates.

The youngest daughter did not disappoint her. She didn't have a boyfriend until she graduated from college, but when she entered the society, especially after her 25th birthday at the beginning of the year, her grandmother couldn't sit still.

I said in my heart that I just didn't let you fall in love early, and I didn't let you be a leftover girl. How many years of youth can a woman have?

So he called the old sisters, collected information on young talents from all over the world, and set up a blind date for his daughter.

"Grandma, she made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to someone else, and a twisted melon is not sweet." Zhang Yuanqing nibbled at the buns and suggested himself:

"Would you like to arrange a blind date for me? My melon is so sweet."

Grandma said angrily: "You're still young, what's the hurry. There are all female classmates in the university, so you can't find them yourself? If you make trouble again, be careful and I'll beat you up."

Grandmother is a southern woman, but her temper is not gentle at all, and she is very hot.

Even Zhang Yuanqing, the mother of a career woman, did not dare to contradict her grandmother.

I have grown up, I have been a craftsman for several years... Zhang Yuanqing muttered in his heart.

After breakfast, at the strong request of my grandmother, my aunt went back to the room to change clothes and make up, and went out on a blind date.

Auntie put on light makeup, which made her look more bright and moving.

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 792 Another Me [2/3>

The fluffy crew-neck sweater is paired with a long coat, and the light-colored narrow-cut jeans wrap the two long legs, which are well-proportioned and rounded. Narrow cuffs are tucked into black martin boots. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

Mori is a simple style of dress, not glamorous or flashy, but also very delicate.

The aunt threw a "you know" look at him, carrying her bag, twisting her waist and going out:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date." Download the iYue app to provide you with the latest and complete content

Zhang Yuanqing returned to the room, put on a black t-shirt, a jacket, and running shoes in a hurry.

After a few minutes, he opened the bedroom door.

Grandma was cleaning in the living room, and when she saw him come out, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him silently.

Zhang Yuanqing imitated his aunt's tone:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date too."

"Go back." Grandma raised her broom and threatened: "If you dare to step out of this door, the dog's legs will be interrupted."

"Okay!" Zhang Yuanqing returned to the bedroom in a good manner.

Sitting at the desk, he held his mobile phone and sent a message to his aunt:

"Death before leaving the apprenticeship, the hero is full of tears."

"Speak human words!" Download the iRead Novel app and read the latest chapter content for free without ads

The aunt should be driving, and the content of the reply was concise and to the point.

"I was stopped at home by my grandmother. You should go on a blind date yourself."

Auntie sent a message.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the latest and full content of Aiyue app for free, and Jiang Yuyi's angry voice sounded from the speaker:

"What do you want!"

The aunt withdrew one voice, and then sent another, this time with a different tone, coquettishly and cutely:

"Good nephew, come quickly, my aunt loves you the most, mua~"

O woman!

Acting like a coquettish girl and trying to make me touch my grandmother's scales? At least have to give out a red envelope ah.

At this time, a slightly harsh ringtone came, Zhang Yuanqing came to the living room, and under the gaze of his grandmother, pressed the call button of the building intercom, saying:

"Which one!"

"express delivery."

Sound came from the speakers.

Zhang Yuanqing pressed the door button, and after two or three minutes, the courier boy in uniform took the elevator upstairs, holding a package in his arms:

"Is that Zhang Yuanqing?"

"it's me."

I didn't shop online... He signed the receipt with a puzzled look, glanced at the package information, the package did not write the sender, but the address was Hangcheng, Jiangnan Province, next door.

He returned to the room, found the paper cutter from the desk drawer, and opened the bag


Inside is an anti-fall air cushion wrapped with a black card and a yellow letter.

Zhang Yuanqing picked up a black card the size of an ID card. The material seemed to be metal, but the tentacles were extremely warm. The card was exquisitely made, with a light silver cloud pattern on the edge and a black full moon in the center.

The black full moon is very delicately printed, and the irregular patches on the surface are clearly visible.

what? With doubt, he opened the envelope and opened the letter.

"Motoko, I got a very interesting thing, I thought it could change my life, but my ability is limited and I can't control it. I think if it's you, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Brother, this is my gift to you. The website is about to close, download the Love Reading app to provide you with @{{book title}} of the great **** @{{author}}

"Lei Yibing!"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 792 Another Me [3/3

When he told the doctor about this guess, the doctor said he didn't understand, but was shocked and suggested that he go to the psychiatry department downstairs.

In short, the hospital could not find out the cause. Later, his mother brought him a special medicine from abroad, and the condition was controlled. As long as he took the medicine regularly, he would not have an attack.

"It must have been because I didn't rest well last night. I was too tired. It's all Jiang Yuyi's fault. He insisted on coming to my room to play games in the middle of the night..."

Although he said so, his heart was quietly heavy, because Zhang Yuanqing knew that the effect of the medicine had begun to weaken, and his disease had become more and more serious.

"I will increase the dose in the future..." Zhang Yuanqing put on cotton slippers, went to the window, and opened the curtain with a brush.

Sunlight rushed in, filling the room.

In April in Songhai City, the spring is bright, and the oncoming morning breeze is cool and comfortable.

"Dong dong!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the grandmother shouted from the door:

"Motoko, wake up."

"I can't afford it!" Zhang Yuanqing ruthlessly refused, he wanted to go back to sleep.

Spring is bright, and it's the weekend again. Wouldn't it be a waste of life if you don't sleep in?

"Give you three minutes, I'll wake you up if you don't get up."

Grandma was even more ruthless.

"I know, I know..." Zhang Yuanqing immediately softened.

He knew that grumpy grandma could really do this.

When Zhang Yuanqing was still in elementary school, his father died in a car accident. The strong-willed mother did not remarry, so she brought her son back to Songhai to settle down and left it to his grandparents to take care of him.

She plunged into her career and became a strong woman praised by her relatives. Fun Court

Later, the mother bought a house herself, but Zhang Yuanqing didn't like the empty flat floor, and still lived with his grandparents.

Anyway, my mother goes out early every day and returns late every day, every three or five business trips, and she is devoted to her career. Even if she does not work overtime on weekends, she will order takeaway when it is time to eat.

What he said the most to his son was "Is there enough money, not enough to tell my mother", a strong woman mother who can satisfy you financially, sounds very good. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

But Zhang Yuanqing always smiled and said to his mother: the pocket money given by my grandmother and aunt is enough.

Well, and auntie.

The woman who had to come to his room to play games last night was his aunt.

Zhang Yuanqing yawned, unscrewed the door handle of the bedroom, and came to the living room.

This house in my grandmother's house has an area of ​​150 square meters, including the public pool. When Zhang Yuanqing sold the old house to buy this new house, Zhang Yuanqing remembered that it was more than 40,000 square meters per square meter.

In the past six or seven years, the housing price in this community has now risen to 110,000 per square meter, nearly doubled.

It was also fortunate that my grandfather had foresight back then, and when he replaced it with the old house, Zhang Yuanqing could only sleep in the living room. After all, now that he was grown up, he could no longer sleep with his aunt.

On the long dining table next to the living room, the culprit who caused his headache was drinking porridge with 'gugugugu', and the pink slippers were curled up and down at the bottom of the table.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, her round oval face looks quite sweet, and there is a tear mole at the corner of her right eye.

Just getting up, the big fluffy and messy waves were scattered, which made her a little more lazy and charming.

The aunt's name is Jiang Yuyi, who is four years older than him.

Seeing Zhang Yuanqing come out, the aunt licked the porridge beside her mouth and said in surprise:

"Yo, it's not your style to get up so early."

"Good job your mother did."

"How can you scold someone?"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read books in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If you have installed the Aiyue Novel app, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If you have not installed it, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 793 Divergent Points [1/3 "I'm just telling the truth."

Zhang Yuanqing looked at his aunt's beautiful face, full of energy, bright and moving.

It is said that the dark night will not treat people who stay up late, it will give you dark circles, but this law does not seem to work for the woman in front of you.

When the grandmother in the kitchen heard the movement, she stuck out her head and looked at it. After a while, she came out with a bowl of porridge.

Grandma's black hair was mixed with silver threads, and her eyes were sharp. At first glance, she looked like that kind of old lady with a bad temper.

Although loose skin and shallow wrinkles robbed her of her elegance, she could vaguely see that she had a good appearance when she was young.

Zhang Yuanqing took the porridge handed over by his grandmother, Gululu took a mouthful and said:

"What about grandpa?"

"Going for a walk." Grandma said.

My grandfather is a retired criminal policeman. Even though he is old, his life is still very regular. He must go to bed at ten o'clock every night and wake up at six in the morning.

The pretty aunt was drinking porridge and said with a smile:

"After breakfast, Auntie will take you to the mall to buy clothes."

Are you so kind? Just as Zhang Yuanqing was about to agree, the grandmother beside him gave him a murderous look:

"If you dare to go, break the dog's leg."

"Mom, why are you doing this?" The aunt said with a **** on her face: "I just want to buy some spring clothes for Motoko, you are not happy? Although the nephew has a foreign word,

But it's also dear~" Download the Love Reading Novel app, read it for free without ads

Grandma tried her best to break the law, "You also want to be interrupted by the dog's leg?"

The aunt pouted and lowered her head to drink porridge.

As soon as Zhang Yuanqing heard the game between the mother and daughter, he knew that his grandmother would arrange a blind date for his aunt again, and the quirky aunt wanted to drag him to stir up the water.

This is what I used to do in the past. I took my nephew to a blind date and sat for a few minutes. The nephew with social arrogance would get the blind date. The two men talked very much, from the people's livelihood plan to the world situation. thing.

All she needs to do is drink a drink and play with her mobile phone. The blind date will also feel that she has shown enough social experience and knowledge in front of the beauty, so she will feel happy and feel good about herself.

Jiang Yuyi has been delicate and cute since he was a child. He is the object of praise from the neighbors. He is handsome, sweet and well-behaved, and is very popular with elders.

Such a beautiful girl, of course, my grandmother must be strictly guarded. When she was in junior high school, she was not allowed to have puppy love, and she was not allowed to go out with male classmates.

The youngest daughter did not disappoint her. She didn't have a boyfriend until she graduated from college, but when she entered the society, especially after her 25th birthday at the beginning of the year, her grandmother couldn't sit still.

I said in my heart that I just didn't let you fall in love early, and I didn't let you be a leftover girl. How many years of youth can a woman have?

So he called the old sisters, collected information on young talents from all over the world, and set up a blind date for his daughter.

"Grandma, she made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to someone else, and a twisted melon is not sweet." Zhang Yuanqing nibbled at the buns and suggested himself:

"Would you like to arrange a blind date for me? My melon is so sweet."

Grandma said angrily: "You're still young, what's the hurry. There are all female classmates in the university, so you can't find them yourself? If you make trouble again, be careful and I'll beat you up."

Grandmother is a southern woman, but her temper is not gentle at all, and she is very hot.

Even Zhang Yuanqing, the mother of a career woman, did not dare to contradict her grandmother.

I have grown up, I have been a craftsman for several years... Zhang Yuanqing muttered in his heart.

After breakfast, at the strong request of my grandmother, my aunt went back to the room to change clothes and make up, and went out on a blind date.

Auntie put on light makeup, which made her look more bright and moving.

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 793 Divergence Points [2/3>

The fluffy crew-neck sweater is paired with a long coat, and the light-colored narrow-cut jeans wrap the two long legs, which are well-proportioned and rounded. Narrow cuffs are tucked into black martin boots. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

Mori is a simple style of dress, not glamorous or flashy, but also very delicate.

The aunt threw a "you know" look at him, carrying her bag, twisting her waist and going out:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date." Download the iYue app to provide you with the latest and complete content

Zhang Yuanqing returned to the room, put on a black t-shirt, a jacket, and running shoes in a hurry.

After a few minutes, he opened the bedroom door.

Grandma was cleaning in the living room, and when she saw him come out, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him silently.

Zhang Yuanqing imitated his aunt's tone:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date too."

"Go back." Grandma raised her broom and threatened: "If you dare to step out of this door, the dog's legs will be interrupted."

"Okay!" Zhang Yuanqing returned to the bedroom in a good manner.

Sitting at the desk, he held his mobile phone and sent a message to his aunt:

"Death before leaving the apprenticeship, the hero is full of tears."

"Speak human words!" Download the iRead Novel app and read the latest chapter content for free without ads

The aunt should be driving, and the content of the reply was concise and to the point.

"I was stopped at home by my grandmother. You should go on a blind date yourself."

Auntie sent a message.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the latest and full content of Aiyue app for free, and Jiang Yuyi's angry voice sounded from the speaker:

"What do you want!"

The aunt withdrew one voice, and then sent another, this time with a different tone, coquettishly and cutely:

"Good nephew, come quickly, my aunt loves you the most, mua~"

O woman!

Acting like a coquettish girl and trying to make me touch my grandmother's scales? At least have to give out a red envelope ah.

At this time, a slightly harsh ringtone came, Zhang Yuanqing came to the living room, and under the gaze of his grandmother, pressed the call button of the building intercom, saying:

"Which one!"

"express delivery."

Sound came from the speakers.

Zhang Yuanqing pressed the door button, and after two or three minutes, the courier boy in uniform took the elevator upstairs, holding a package in his arms:

"Is that Zhang Yuanqing?"

"it's me."

I didn't shop online... He signed the receipt with a puzzled look, glanced at the package information, the package did not write the sender, but the address was Hangcheng, Jiangnan Province, next door.

He returned to the room, found the paper cutter from the desk drawer, and opened the package.

Inside is an anti-fall air cushion wrapped with a black card and a yellow letter.

Zhang Yuanqing picked up a black card the size of an ID card. The material seemed to be metal, but the tentacles were extremely warm. The card was exquisitely made, with a light silver cloud pattern on the edge and a black full moon in the center.

The black full moon is very delicately printed, and the irregular patches on the surface are clearly visible.

what? With doubt, he opened the envelope and opened the letter.

"Motoko, I got a very interesting thing, I thought it could change my life, but my ability is limited and I can't control it. I think if it's you, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Brother, this is my gift to you. The website is about to close, download the Love Reading app to provide you with @{{book title}} of the great **** @{{author}}

"Lei Yibing!"

Website Announcement: Dear readers! It is more stable to read and read in the official app of Aiyue Novel~ The website has been set to click on the next chapter. If the Aiyue Novel app has been installed, you will be prompted to skip to the Aiyue Novel app to continue reading. If it is not installed, please download and install the Aiyue Novel app first. ~

Chapter 793 Divergence Points [3/3

When he told the doctor about this guess, the doctor said he didn't understand, but was shocked and suggested that he go to the psychiatry department downstairs.

In short, the hospital could not find out the cause. Later, his mother brought him a special medicine from abroad, and the condition was controlled. As long as he took the medicine regularly, he would not have an attack.

"It must have been because I didn't rest well last night. I was too tired. It's all Jiang Yuyi's fault. He insisted on coming to my room to play games in the middle of the night..."

Although he said so, his heart was quietly heavy, because Zhang Yuanqing knew that the effect of the medicine had begun to weaken, and his disease had become more and more serious.

"I will increase the dose in the future..." Zhang Yuanqing put on cotton slippers, went to the window, and opened the curtain with a brush.

Sunlight rushed in, filling the room.

In April in Songhai City, the spring is bright, and the oncoming morning breeze is cool and comfortable.

"Dong dong!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the grandmother shouted from the door:

"Motoko, wake up."

"I can't afford it!" Zhang Yuanqing ruthlessly refused, he wanted to go back to sleep.

Spring is bright, and it's the weekend again. Wouldn't it be a waste of life if you don't sleep in?

"Give you three minutes, I'll wake you up if you don't get up."

Grandma was even more ruthless.

"I know, I know..." Zhang Yuanqing immediately softened.

He knew that grumpy grandma could really do this.

When Zhang Yuanqing was still in elementary school, his father died in a car accident. The strong-willed mother did not remarry, so she brought her son back to Songhai to settle down and left it to his grandparents to take care of him.

She plunged into her career and became a strong woman praised by her relatives. Fun Court

Later, the mother bought a house herself, but Zhang Yuanqing didn't like the empty flat floor, and still lived with his grandparents.

Anyway, my mother goes out early every day and returns late every day, every three or five business trips, and she is devoted to her career. Even if she does not work overtime on weekends, she will order takeaway when it is time to eat.

What he said the most to his son was "Is there enough money, not enough to tell my mother", a strong woman mother who can satisfy you financially, sounds very good. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

But Zhang Yuanqing always smiled and said to his mother: the pocket money given by my grandmother and aunt is enough.

Well, and auntie.

The woman who had to come to his room to play games last night was his aunt.

Zhang Yuanqing yawned, unscrewed the door handle of the bedroom, and came to the living room.

This house in my grandmother's house has an area of ​​150 square meters, including the public pool. When Zhang Yuanqing sold the old house to buy this new house, Zhang Yuanqing remembered that it was more than 40,000 square meters per square meter.

In the past six or seven years, the housing price in this community has now risen to 110,000 per square meter, nearly doubled.

It was also fortunate that my grandfather had foresight back then, and when he replaced it with the old house, Zhang Yuanqing could only sleep in the living room. After all, now that he was grown up, he could no longer sleep with his aunt.

On the long dining table next to the living room, the culprit who caused his headache was drinking porridge with 'gugugugu', and the pink slippers were curled up and down at the bottom of the table.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, her round oval face looks quite sweet, and there is a tear mole at the corner of her right eye.

Just getting up, the big fluffy and messy waves were scattered, which made her a little more lazy and charming.

The aunt's name is Jiang Yuyi, who is four years older than him.

Seeing Zhang Yuanqing come out, the aunt licked the porridge beside her mouth and said in surprise:

"Yo, it's not your style to get up so early."

"Good job your mother did."

"How can you scold someone?"

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Chapter 794 Parade [1/3 "I'm just telling the truth."

Zhang Yuanqing looked at his aunt's beautiful face, full of energy, bright and moving.

It is said that the dark night will not treat people who stay up late, it will give you dark circles, but this law does not seem to work for the woman in front of you.

When the grandmother in the kitchen heard the movement, she stuck out her head and looked at it. After a while, she came out with a bowl of porridge.

Grandma's black hair was mixed with silver threads, and her eyes were sharp. At first glance, she looked like that kind of old lady with a bad temper.

Although loose skin and shallow wrinkles robbed her of her elegance, she could vaguely see that she had a good appearance when she was young.

Zhang Yuanqing took the porridge handed over by his grandmother, Gululu took a mouthful and said:

"What about grandpa?"

"Going for a walk." Grandma said.

My grandfather is a retired criminal policeman. Even though he is old, his life is still very regular. He must go to bed at ten o'clock every night and wake up at six in the morning.

The pretty aunt was drinking porridge and said with a smile:

"After breakfast, Auntie will take you to the mall to buy clothes."

Are you so kind? Just as Zhang Yuanqing was about to agree, the grandmother beside him gave him a murderous look:

"If you dare to go, break the dog's leg."

"Mom, why are you like this." The aunt said with a biting face: "I just want to buy some spring clothes for Motoko, you are not happy? Although the nephew has a foreign word, but

It’s also my dear~” Download the Love Reading Novel app and read it for free without ads.

Grandma tried her best to break the law, "You also want to be interrupted by the dog's leg?"

The aunt pouted and lowered her head to drink porridge.

As soon as Zhang Yuanqing heard the game between the mother and daughter, he knew that his grandmother would arrange a blind date for his aunt again, and the quirky aunt wanted to drag him to stir up the water.

This is what I used to do in the past. I took my nephew to a blind date and sat for a few minutes. The nephew with social arrogance would get the blind date. The two men talked very much, from the people's livelihood plan to the world situation. thing.

All she needs to do is drink a drink and play with her mobile phone. The blind date will also feel that she has shown enough social experience and knowledge in front of the beauty, so she will feel happy and feel good about herself.

Jiang Yuyi has been delicate and cute since he was a child. He is the object of praise from the neighbors. He is handsome, sweet and well-behaved, and is very popular with elders.

Such a beautiful girl, of course, my grandmother must be strictly guarded. When she was in junior high school, she was not allowed to have puppy love, and she was not allowed to go out with male classmates.

The youngest daughter did not disappoint her. She didn't have a boyfriend until she graduated from college, but when she entered the society, especially after her 25th birthday at the beginning of the year, her grandmother couldn't sit still.

I said in my heart that I just didn't let you fall in love early, and I didn't let you be a leftover girl. How many years of youth can a woman have?

So he called the old sisters, collected information on young talents from all over the world, and set up a blind date for his daughter.

"Grandma, she made it clear that she doesn't want to talk to someone else, and a twisted melon is not sweet." Zhang Yuanqing nibbled at the buns and suggested himself:

"Would you like to arrange a blind date for me? My melon is so sweet."

Grandma said angrily: "You're still young, what's the hurry. There are all female classmates in the university, so you can't find them yourself? If you make trouble again, be careful and I'll beat you up."

Grandmother is a southern woman, but her temper is not gentle at all, and she is very hot.

Even Zhang Yuanqing, the mother of a career woman, did not dare to contradict her grandmother.

I have grown up, I have been a craftsman for several years... Zhang Yuanqing muttered in his heart.

After breakfast, at the strong request of my grandmother, my aunt went back to the room to change clothes and make up, and went out on a blind date.

Auntie put on light makeup, which made her look more bright and moving.

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Chapter 794 Parade [2/3>

The fluffy crew-neck sweater is paired with a long coat, and the light-colored narrow-cut jeans wrap the two long legs, which are well-proportioned and rounded. Narrow cuffs are tucked into black martin boots. Download the Love Reading Novel app, read for free without ads

Mori is a simple style of dress, not glamorous or flashy, but also very delicate.

The aunt threw a "you know" look at him, carrying her bag, twisting her waist and going out:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date." Download the iYue app to provide you with the latest and complete content

Zhang Yuanqing returned to the room, put on a black t-shirt, a jacket, and running shoes in a hurry.

After a few minutes, he opened the bedroom door.

Grandma was cleaning in the living room, and when she saw him come out, she stopped what she was doing and looked at him silently.

Zhang Yuanqing imitated his aunt's tone:

"Mom, I'm going out on a blind date too."

"Go back." Grandma raised her broom and threatened: "If you dare to step out of this door, the dog's legs will be interrupted."

"Okay!" Zhang Yuanqing returned to the bedroom in a good manner.

Sitting at the desk, he held his mobile phone and sent a message to his aunt:

"Death before leaving the apprenticeship, the hero is full of tears."

"Speak human words!" Download the iRead Novel app and read the latest chapter content for free without ads

The aunt should be driving, and the content of the reply was concise and to the point.

"I was stopped at home by my grandmother. You should go on a blind date yourself."

Auntie sent a message.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the latest and full content of Aiyue app for free, and Jiang Yuyi's angry voice sounded from the speaker:

"What do you want!"

The aunt withdrew one voice, and then sent another, this time with a different tone, coquettishly and cutely:

"Good nephew, come quickly, my aunt loves you the most, mua~"

O woman!

Acting like a coquettish girl and trying to make me touch my grandmother's scales? At least have to give out a red envelope ah.

At this time, a slightly harsh ringtone came, Zhang Yuanqing came to the living room, and under the gaze of his grandmother, pressed the call button of the building intercom, saying:

"Which one!"

"express delivery."

Sound came from the speakers.

Zhang Yuanqing pressed the door button, and after two or three minutes, the courier boy in uniform took the elevator upstairs, holding a package in his arms:

"Is that Zhang Yuanqing?"

"it's me."

I didn't shop online... He signed the receipt with a puzzled look, glanced at the package information, the package did not write the sender, but the address was Hangcheng, Jiangnan Province, next door.

He returned to the room, found the paper cutter from the desk drawer, and opened the package.

Inside is the anti-fall air cushion wrapped with a black card a yellow letter.

Zhang Yuanqing picked up a black card the size of an ID card. The material seemed to be metal, but the tentacles were extremely warm. The card was exquisitely made, with a light silver cloud pattern on the edge and a black full moon in the center.

The black full moon is very delicately printed, and the irregular patches on the surface are clearly visible.

what? With doubt, he opened the envelope and opened the letter.

"Motoko, I got a very interesting thing, I thought it could change my life, but my ability is limited and I can't control it. I think if it's you, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Brother, this is my gift to you. The website is about to close, download the Love Reading app to provide you with @{{book title}} of the great **** @{{author}}

"Lei Yibing!"

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Chapter 794 Parade [3/3

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