Villains Template

Chapter 806: We also come to Infernal Affairs

[[After playing a short scene with Dr. Doom, the green-winged bat king Wei Bancheng officially intervened in the battle between the two biochemical transformations born under Yue Si's hands.

"It's a terrible feeling."

From his appearance, from his title of "Green Winged Bat King Wei Bancheng", we know that this is Yue Si playing Batman Bruce Wayne, because Wayne really owns half of Gotham City. wealth.

The most commendable thing about Batman is his elusive whereabouts, when you inadvertently appear by your side, and when you are not paying attention, many ninja methods are applied in it, and the most amused , Drill the ventilation duct.

But the environment inside the ventilation ducts is very bad. There are videos of professional dust removal companies cleaning the ventilation ducts on the Internet. It can be seen that the ventilation ducts are not clean. Dust, fibrous substances of unknown origin, and insect corpses Even mice may exist in it. In order to perfect the character design, Green Winged Bat King Wei Bancheng really drilled the ventilation duct, and the harsh environment there made him a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, the means he adopted were violent and direct.

Without going through the door, he smashed his fists through the wall directly, as if using the method of extending the arms in yoga, the arms of the Blue Wing Bat King caught the frustration that was attacking the woman, and then it was like catching the prey. Like a plant, she dragged him into her arms.

As a result of this, the wall separating the two was directly shattered by frustration.

However, the shock that could seriously injure a person did not make Depression lose his fighting power. He still had the strength to make a move at the moment the wall separating him from the Blue Wing Bat King shattered. Bat King's throat.

Stretch out your hands and open the middle door. This is a big taboo for martial arts practitioners, because in this way the enemy will expose his torso, his fragile and deadly throat, and his soft abdomen.

For known animals, the throat is the fatal weakness. He has more than ten years of eagle claw skills, plus the increase brought about by the biochemical mutation that he doesn't know how to come from. Forged, he is also sure to pierce his muscle skin with his sharp claws, and then use his fingers to tear his throat out.

The dejected prediction succeeded, his claws accurately and fatally caught the throat of the Blue Wing Bat King, and there was no more.

His claws can indeed knead the stone floor into dregs like catching tofu, but they can't do anything to the throat of the Blue Wing Bat King, and he didn't even wear the leather protective clothing on the throat. Isn't this guy's neck flesh and blood? The body is made of titanium alloy?


The Blue Winged Bat King slapped Frustration hard, turned Frustration in a circle as if it had fallen off, and then grabbed his shoulder, facing his intact leg. Kick out with two feet.

Frustrated, he knelt directly on the ground. Compared with the leg that had been corroded by the venom with a large piece of flesh and blood, the other leg was directly broken and twisted into a weird shape.

Immediately afterwards, the Blue Wing Bat King threw another punch, hitting the dejected face that was kneeling on the ground, causing him to fall to the ground, hitting his head on the floor, cracking the floor.

"My mother, don't be a good person, let someone else be a dog."

After all, the Blue Wing Bat King lifted his frustration from the ground, and raised it high above his head: "Bane broke his back and knees!"

Then his left leg was bent and lifted up, and the depression in his hand fell violently. With a click, the depression was broken by the blue-winged bat king.

It wasn't a lumbar fracture like Batman's, but it was actually broken, and the whole person was folded together from the middle.


Throwing his frustration to the ground like a piece of trash, the Blue Winged Bat King pointed to a certain room, and said to the very vigilant woman next to him: "There is the target you are looking for, quick and easy!"

The woman didn't stop, the enemy who blocked her had already been maimed by the Blue Wing Bat King, and there was nothing that could stop her from venting her anger and hatred.

After the mutant-looking woman left, the Blue Wing Bat King squatted on the ground and turned his frustration over. If frustration hadn't entered a mutant state, then he is probably in a state of incontinence now, Qingyi Bat King's slap has turned his frustration into a high paraplegia, and incontinence is a very normal thing.

But for depression, this kind of injury can also be healed. After biochemical transformation, the abilities of all aspects of the body are terrifying, but now he feels only humiliation, even if his eyes are covered by a layer of translucent material, he The eyes of hatred still fell on the Blue Wing Bat King unabashedly.

The Blue Winged Bat King ignored the dejected eyes, and the index finger of his right hand suddenly deformed, changing from the shape of a human finger into the shape of a sharp probe, and then pierced into the dejected brain, guarding the brain meticulously, and performing an operation on his brain. Certain modifications.

Modified his cognition, modified his memory, modified his rationality.

After the operation was completed, the previous depression was dead, leaving only a complete monster, with the desire to kill and eat, with a powerful body, extremely intelligent but irrational.

After the Blue Wing Bat King let go of his frustration, he climbed up with both hands, toward the corpses of the mercenaries. He needed to replenish his body and heat by eating, so that his injuries began to heal.

In the room on the other side, there was a man's screams. Obviously, just like his father, Steven Andrew, the woman didn't want him to die so quickly, and needed to soak in the pain for a while.

For this reason, the woman also specially used her ability, and the remaining accessory limb injected a certain dose of toxin into the man's body to keep his nerves excited and prevent him from going into shock due to pain and blood loss.

"Why me, why me!"

The man cried out in despair, but there was no way to undo the fact that he was going to die a miserable death.

The Blue Winged Bat King just sat and watched all this happen, his body began to squirm and deform, and he readjusted his posture.

Obviously, this "Green Wing Bat King Wei Bancheng" is the venom supported by the mechanical skeleton, and only it can do various things in the form of playing tricks according to Yue Si's idea.

"Seven days, a full seven days, before the biochemical monster was finally wiped out!"

The veins on Nick Fury's forehead were throbbing, and he said in a suppressed angry tone: "In just the first day, the number of people who died even exceeded the number of deaths in the Battle of New York, and the lethality of a monster is more than one monster." The Chitauri army; and before we wiped it out, it had directly and indirectly claimed 80,000 lives, more than in the entire Vietnam War.”

In the jungle made of reinforced concrete in the city, it is too easy for that monster to hide itself. It has strength comparable to the Hulk, and various strange and sensitive abilities. , there is no place that can stop it, and no theory can stop it, it is the most powerful killing machine.

This biochemical monster hides in the corner very quietly in normal times, not being discovered, instead of opening a wormhole in the sky like the Battle of New York, people can see it when they look up, and get an early warning to deal with it .

Of course, more importantly, the quality of the monster in all aspects is far superior to that of the Chitauri soldiers, enough to be ranked among the first-line superheroes. The reinforced concrete walls are basically the same as foam boards for it.

Therefore, people are basically in a state of defense against biochemical monsters, which makes biochemical monsters succeed frequently, and the powerful ability of biochemical monsters is useless even if they are used to guard against them. Ordinary people in this world rarely stop this monster Yes, at most it would slightly reduce its killing efficiency.

In the city, the population is dense, which greatly improves the killing efficiency of monsters. With the speed and strong body relying on the body to break through the speed of sound, even if it is only running at full speed and colliding with the crowd, the killing and injury caused are also very terrible. People There is no time to react at all, and usually by the time they see monsters attacking, they are already dead.

Just like ancient cavalry fighting infantry, relying on high mobility, speed is strength, holding a knife does not even need to be slashed, the power of horses running and sprinting, endows the blade with terrible lethality.

In order to completely wipe out this monster, Nick Fury invited a number of superheroes to take action, but ordinary superheroes couldn't handle it at all, and finally relied on the power of magic, first to determine the location of the biochemical monster through witchcraft divination, and then Doctor Strange pulled it into the mirror dimension, dismembered it with magical blades, and burned it to ashes with magical fire.

This result made Nick Fury very dissatisfied. The opponent could mass-produce powerful biochemical mutants, but he had to deploy multiple top-notch superheroes to deal with the opponent. Although the superheroes had begun to sum up their tactical experience and formulate How to solve the tactics of biochemical mutants faster, more quickly, and with less consumption, and start patrolling and checking in the city to guard against the emergence of new mutants.

There are also superheroes with the identity of scientists who have entered the laboratory and began to analyze the tissue samples left by the biochemical mutants, trying to develop an antidote to solve the mutation of the other party and restore it to a normal person.

There are also superheroes researching antidotes that can kill biochemical mutants more efficiently.

This brings out the difference between different superheroes from different worlds, some trying to save everyone, and some trying to protect the majority by eliminating the threat entirely.

Just being a mutant has a huge impact. It restrains the energy of some superheroes and leaves them no time to do other things. The tactical purpose has been achieved.

In the past, whether it was the killing caused by the biochemical mutant or the successful elimination of it in the end, Nick Fury always showed a calm expression, as if nothing could disturb his thoughts, only Nick Fury During the meeting between Fu Rui, he showed his true emotions—of course, whether this angry and depressed state is the true feelings of the king of secret agents, only he himself knows.

The rest of Nick Fury began to discuss with each other, exchanging their own ideas and plans, checking for gaps and filling in gaps.

"Apart from this monster, as far as we know, there is another monster lurking, and the mastermind behind the emergence of these biochemical mutants. They are all hiding in the dark, like poisonous snakes in the grass, waiting to spit out With venom—a biochemical mutant is already difficult to deal with, and the opponent has the technology to mass-produce biochemical mutants, and can completely create an army."

"Originally, the mutant man named Shan En was going to stand on our side, but later he turned into a monster who only knew how to kill. He had contact with the mysterious man who called himself the Green Winged Bat King Wei Bancheng. The other party must have been sent by the black hand behind the scenes, who has mastered the technology of controlling biochemical mutants, and reversed Shan En's position..."

"According to the information provided by Iron Man, that 'Green Winged Bat King Wei Bancheng' is a tactician expert who possesses technological strength no less than his, and is immune to and resistant to some magic, so it is impossible to use witchcraft for divination." form to determine their whereabouts."

"We can't be passively beaten, we must take the initiative!"

"The research on the tachyon cross-universe exploration needle has made great progress. It is not limited to sending a person to a parallel world. It can complete the observation and interference of the parallel world. We can send a person back to my world." The world can no longer just sit back and watch the other party do whatever they want."

"In addition to taking the initiative to send specific people to the observed parallel world, you can also pick up people from the parallel world at any time, or get something from the parallel world."

"You mean Infinity Stones? Use the power of Infinity Stones to destroy the group of invaders and never cause trouble again?"

"No, the idea doesn't work, there can only be one set of Infinity Stones in one universe," said Nick Fury.

Nick Fury nodded: "The Infinity Gem of my universe still exists, among which the Space Gem-Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the Mind Gem-Spirit Scepter are already in the hands of the Time Gem-Kama Taj from the Eye of Agamotto also surrendered to the invaders—Master Modu from Kama Taj was unwilling to surrender, so he brought a magic book to cooperate with me, and only then did the tachyon cross The design and prototype of the Space Exploration Needle."

"Then next, I will vote for Dr. Iron Man Doom who decides who will be sent to the parallel world for spy work."

While talking, this Nick Fury called up the information of the notorious Iron Man and showed it to the rest of Nick Fury.

"No, Dr. Doom has the power of magic. Kama Taj has already surrendered to the invaders, and those invaders still have technology that makes magic ineffective, which will make Dr. Doom lose the greatest advantage—I propose, the best candidate It should be that middle-aged Spider-Man, who is powerful, scientifically literate, experienced, and does not rely on external equipment."

While talking, this Nick Fury showed a profile of a middle-aged version of Peter Parker.

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