Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1004: Absorb the power of Huangzun Tower

  Chapter 1004 Absorb the power of Huangzun Building

   "Your opponent is me!" Chen Xuanzheng's voice broke out!

  He punched out and suddenly burst out like ocean-like aura fluctuations. He collided with Zhang Jingshan in an instant. Although Zhang Jingshan's ability was very powerful and terrifying, he was still blasted and withdrew from the blow state at this moment.

  Chen Xuan turned to look at Zheng Junjian, who was extremely weak and covered in blood, a little apologetic surging in the tiger's eyes.

   "Brother Zheng is really hard for you!" Chen Xuan apologized.

  Zheng Junjian wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, barely showing a smile. However, his lips trembled several times at this time, as if he wanted to say something brave. But at this time he still failed to say this after all.

   There was a shocking convulsion all over, and he fell limp and looked as if he was about to faint.

   "It doesn't take much time for me to fight!" Chen Xuan was really fierce at this time.

  He turned around and looked at the shocking surging of light in the eyes of the old man in front of him. Chen Xuan walked out step by step, and the astonishing light of aura rose up.

  The monumental style makes people feel terrifying and stressful. After receiving the moment near Jingshan's body, Chen Xuan's eyes showed an astonishing killing intent.

   clenched his fists tightly and said cruelly: "Old things, I will make you pay the price today."...


   An astonishing chain of light tore through the space swiftly and violently, and swiftly impacted him with an astonishing aura fluctuation that could not be resisted and resisted.

  The fist surging with the light of not weak spiritual energy, turned into a crystal. Aiming at Zhang Jingshan's face door, he stabbed out fiercely.

  The terrifying heavy blow is irresistible. His fists instantly became stronger.

  The terrible suppressing force with a huge force like a giant, and it is incomparable in an instant.

  This punch tore the air away swiftly and violently. Zhang Jingshan instantly counterattacked an astonishing collision, and his arm showed an astonishing curvature.

   Click! Regardless of Zhang Jingshan's high-level physical strength and very domineering, it is a pity that at this time Chen Xuan's counterattack broke his arms together!

  His body was so stiff that he flew out in an embarrassing manner! Chen Xuan looked at him incomparably indifferently, and now there was an amazingly powerful light flowing all over his body, he sighed incomparably: "Pill essence bone biting pill is strong, and now he fully possesses the half-step pill element elementary combat power. Hehe internal energy of the same level. There are not many people competing with me!"

   sneered and mocked Chen Xuan stepping forward. The lightning-like substance appeared in the space in front of him, and Chen Xuan rushed to Zhang Jingshan's side like a gust of wind.

  The palms of amazing aura light surged, and the aura light moved swiftly. He swept across the space with a fierce slap, and there seemed to be lightning surging in the space.

  The not-weak spiritual energy strikes exploded out quickly, and the astonishing power of this moment is really scary.

   Zhang Jingshan's chest was smashed, and he flew out again. At this time, Chen Xuan swept out with three palms in a row, Zhang Jingshan vomited blood.

  However, Zhang Jingshan's aura rose up with a fist clenched, and these amazing auras turned into a mist-like substance at this time. It was tyrannical and terrifying.

  The shocking fluctuations of the spiritual fog are frightening. Zhang Jingshan's body suddenly raised a distance of seven or eight meters.

  In the palm of his hand, a giant knife ten meters away was surging with cold light. Zhang Jingshan looked at Xiang Chen Xuan coldly and arrogantly. He said indifferently: "The little beast will let you die together today!"

  Zhang Jingshan has a powerful combat power. He waved the sword in his hand and fell fiercely, and the air burst into layers, tearing the void and falling in a short period of time.

  This knife used all Zhang Jingshan's power. Chen Xuan still just sneered, wondering when the black and deep clock appeared.

   With an overwhelming and irresistible killing power, he swung the big bell fiercely and swept away, and the extremely cold spirit knife came to his eyes.

   "Break it for me!"

   Huxie Holy Cracking Spirit Bell’s blow hit his eyes and collided with the ten-meter-long giant knife. Boom, don't even look at the giant knife in front of you that seems to be powerful, but in this collision, it still breaks into fragments in an instant.

  Chen Xuan sneered and grasped the Evil Sacred Cracking Bell, and he moved forward fiercely. After getting the moment before Zhang Jingshan's eyes, he fiercely lifted the treasure.

   "Boy, what conditions do you have you can put forward, as long as you spare the old man's life, it is easy to discuss!"

   Hot scarlet blood came out of Zhang Jingshan’s mouth. Gududu was full of strong blood, and it was obvious that this kind of damage was really terrifying to a certain extent.

  Zhang Jingshan’s eyes were full of fear at this time, and now he really has completely lost the demeanor of a strong man.

  Chen Xuan looked at the old man indifferently and said: "I'm sorry you didn't really give me a chance, and I'm really sorry that I am not going to give you a chance."

  The Evil Holy Spirit Cracking Bell with heavy power surging down! The astonishing black light was falling swiftly, and this extremely heavy and astonishing smashing force was almost instantaneous, and it caused heavy and unparalleled damage to the old man in front of him.

   Zhang Jingshan roared and he made a final counterattack, but it didn't make any sense. The terrifying evil holy cracking spirit clock hit his body, and Zhang Jingshan suddenly snorted, vomiting blood and his whole body was torn away.

boom! Zhang Jingshan's body burst open. Suddenly a bracelet fell.

  The song refers to catching Chen Xuan and collecting it. At this moment, he looked at the battlefield in front of him and didn't know when Gu Yunyan had already escaped.

  "No matter you go to the end of the world, you will die!" Looking at the disappeared figure, Chen Xuan made indifferent taunts and roars at this time! ...

  The faint light of aura in the sky in front of him, gathered into a thick appearance and form, in which Chen Xuan looked at the entire plane and battlefield in front of him with a faint smile.

  When the experience enters the tenth day, it is finally facing an inseparable end! Many people have chosen to leave now, but Chen Xuan doesn't mean that.

  His long-prepared plan standing in the clouds has finally come into being. The siphon-like material fluctuations in his hands began to gradually become stronger. At this time, two thick, black lines began to become stronger gradually.

  Absorption! The astonishing absorption fluctuation quickly became stronger. The black lines began to darken in color, and the horrible absorption is terrifying!

  The siphon-like power caused the spiritual fluctuations in the entire space to quickly and violently converge on Chen Xuan's body. Almost just in an instant, the power he mastered became extremely powerful.

  The amazing strength made Chen Xuan seem to be transformed into a crystal form. At this time, the power of the entire eternal emperor building began to be used!

  (End of this chapter)

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