Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1113: News from Wang Tong

   Chapter 1113 Wang Tong’s News

  In the mysterious Heavenly Sage Scroll, countless information characters appeared at this time. After Chen Xuan figured out the contents of these characters at this time, he suddenly showed an extremely surprised expression and appearance.

   "Wang Tong is really nearby!"

   "He is really doing that too!"

   "It's just... isn't that something in the legend? Does it really exist in reality?" Chen Xuan was surprised.

  A series of questions arose in his mind, which made him enter a state of thinking.

  After thinking hard for a period of time, Chen Xuan still reluctantly denied his idea, after all, the more critical and useful information he can grasp now is really not enough.

  In other words, relying on the information he has now, he can't make any more valuable judgments at all.

Chen Xuandao meditated for a while: "Fortunately, I have found Wang Tong's whereabouts. Compared with countless people, this guy has a significant advantage. Although this guy is powerful, there are really many people who want to hunt him down. !"

   At this time, Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and smiled.

  After the power of the scroll is exhausted, it turns into pieces one after another.

  It’s just that mysterious matter seems to emerge from these fragments, and these aura waves gradually converge to form something like a line.

   Whoosh! Whoosh! The astonishing lines exploded in front of the eyes quickly, and it was obvious that these lines were sent into Chen Xuan's body at this time, making Chen Xuan's skin seem to have something else.

Ok? this is!

   Chen Xuan felt that the spiritual energy sent into his body was very mysterious and mysterious, but under careful perception, this thing was illusory, and there was no way to discover its traces!

   Feeling the mysterious thing in his body, it disappeared magically, which made Chen Xuan feel uncomfortable at this time.

After a few moments of indifferent and solemn contemplation, Chen Xuan nodded faintly: "It seems that there should be something mysterious in the scroll of the Saint Pavilion this day. After the power of the scroll is over, it will be accompanied. The destruction of power appears and enters the body of the person who is observing."

   shook his head helplessly. Although he expressed dissatisfaction with the barbaric behavior of the Saint Tian Pavilion, after all, this thing has disappeared, and there is no way to find and discover it.

  So even if there is no amount of dissatisfaction in his heart, it will not help, but Chen Xuan quickly calmed down.

   Reluctantly shook his head and stopped paying attention to this matter...

  On the mountain peak in front of me, I can see clearly at this time, the astonishing and incomparable spiritual light, turning into countless crystal spikes.

  The spikes of terrifying energy, with a concentration all over the body, these indescribable violent fluctuations can be called terrifyingly terrifying.

  咻! The astonishing spikes slammed into the eyes quickly and violently. I have to say that such astonishing and terrifying blows made people somewhat irresistible to resist and bear.

  The dazzling big thorn suddenly burst into the side, and instantly fell into the cold and hard ground. The sharp and sharp thorns ripped the ground under the feet.

  These amazing tearing fluctuations can be described as terrifying to an astonishing degree!


  A majestic mountain of tens of thousands of meters was just pierced! This incident is really amazing and terrifying!

   Chen Xuan burst out from this chaotic spiritual light at this time, and he turned to look at the old man beside him, and he could see that in the depths of his eyes at this time, there was really an astonishing killing intent.

   "Wang Gang?!" Chen Xuan stared at the old man in front of him in amazement, then he sneered and remembered that he had encountered this old immortal when he just went down the mountain.

  As a result, he used extremely powerful means to crush Chen Xuan.

  However, even though Chen Xuan had suffered a brutal blow at that time, it was a pity that he managed to get this guy's storage ring in his hand during the retreat.

  This allowed Chen Xuan to reap a lot of benefits, and he even mastered the five-finger sword wave, which has very powerful potential and combat effectiveness, recently.

  If there was no such battle, I believe he would not be so easy to resist this blow!

  On the battlefield in front of me, at this time, I can clearly see that the astonishing killing intent brings cruel and incomparable fluctuations, rapidly becoming stronger.

  Wang Gang stared at Chen Xuan fiercely, and deep in his icy eyes, at this time, there were deep horror fluctuations and flavors emerging.

  It can be seen that now he is really hideous to a certain extent.

   "Well, you little beast, why didn't I tore you to pieces last time!" He looked at Chen Xuan indifferently, his voice was as terrifying as thunder at this moment.

  Rumble broke out. Falling on Chen Xuan's body at this time made Chen Xuan's body shake slightly at this time.

   "Hehe... Still a very courageous old thing." Chen Xuan faintly looked at the old figure in front of him, and then he pursed his mouth and a faint smile appeared.

   Although the power that this person exploded at this time was still acceptable, it was not able to bring the slightest influence and deterrence to Chen Xuan.

   "The little beast last time I failed to kill him personally, I really regret it!"

   "But this time you will never have the chance to leave!"

  Wang Gang's eyes were filled with a deep ferocious color, and at this time he was extremely mocking and vicious.

   didn't mean to wait or hesitate to see that he stepped forward at this time, like a lightning-like shock wave, diverging swiftly.

  Such astonishing killing intent, it can be said to be tyrannical to a certain extent! The incomparably cold killing intent swiftly reached a tyrannical state, and lightning-like power radiated in the air.

  At this time, I can clearly see that in this cold and solemn battlefield in front of my eyes, the powerful light turns into the power of pure palms.

  He slammed it down almost instantly! As the palm of the astonishing strength was going down, the air was smashed to pieces almost instantly.

  The extremely cold killing intent makes people feel that they cannot be easily resisted. It has to be said that this indescribable strike force makes people be killed in an instant.

  "Little beast, die to me! Haha..." Wang Gang was now screaming, but suddenly seemed very confident at this time, as if he didn't put Chen Xuan in his eyes at all.

  Chen Xuan looked at the guy in front of him indifferently at this time, thinking that you still don’t know what I can do.

  Wait for a while and maybe you will know what cruelty is in the true sense!

  (End of this chapter)

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