Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1117: Refining Baiyun ethereal

   Chapter 1117

  The white cloud misty beast immediately swallowed Yang Sen! However, Yang Sen's sword light was not weak at this time, because of this, the huge body of the Baiyun Misty Beast showed fragmentation.

  The huge pain caused the monster beast to start struggling, which caused the nearby mountains and rivers to shatter, and then struggling to fall into the valley and disappear.

   Chen Xuan leaped down among the distant trees!

   His feet fell gently to the ground, he calmly looked at the powerful monster in front of him, and a faint smile appeared with his mouth pursed.

   didn't have the slightest thoughts about it. Yang Sen himself hadn't noticed the trap of this beast carelessly, and there was nothing to say about all such serious failures.

  His gaze fell in front of the cave that looked a little dark, and Chen Xuan’s gaze suddenly became incomparably wonderful: "This is it!"

  He immediately turned calmly into a breeze, and quickly jumped into the cave and disappeared! ...

  In the space filled with the misty breath of white clouds in front of you, you can clearly see at this time, the shocking intensity of the aura fluctuations are really condensed.

  The amazing aura fluctuates into materials like water waves. Now Chen Xuan looked at these things, really excited!

  However, Chen Xuan was not attracted by these things at this time, because he was very pure in this cave, and these things were only relatively elementary and low-end things.

  I am afraid that the real good things can only be found in the deepest place!

   is located at the center of the cave, a lake constructed entirely of white clouds.

  The astonishing fluctuation of sword energy flowing in it makes people feel very domineering and tyrannical. On the battlefield in front of him, at this time, he could clearly see that the astonishing killing intent was extremely powerful and terrifying.

  Chen Xuan stood in the depths of this white cloud full of killing intent, and he was very uncomfortable at this time.

   squinting at the thing in front of him, Chen Xuan squinted his eyes and said: "It looks really interesting."

   "There are so many Baiyun misty liquids near Baiyun misty grass. If this is extracted and used as a refining medicine, I believe it will be able to obtain considerable benefits!"

   With a faint smile, Chen Xuan was really happy now. These things are exactly what he urgently needs now!


  Chen Xuan certainly wouldn't be the slightest polite looking at these things! Both fists clenched the astonishingly powerful absorption power, and became stronger quickly and violently.

   The horrible absorption of fluctuations feels irresistible, even though the powerful forces around him at this time seem to be rich and solid.

  It is a pity that it was absorbed into Chen Xuan's body with ease. With the extremely strong absorption, it was possible to clearly see that Chen Xuan's body began to glow gradually.

  The incomparably pure white cloud aura made Chen Xuan at this moment look crystal clear.

  It took a full hour to absorb, and most of the power was absorbed.

   "Haha, what's left will be used as renewable resources to restore this place!" Chen Xuan smiled at this time.

  After all, he has already obtained great benefits in this cave. If he absorbs all the resources and makes its foundations shaken and cut off, it seems a bit too damaged!

  Chen Xuan said that he needed strength, but he was not so hungry. With a faint smile, Chen Xuan looked at the light in his hand, and at this moment a smile emerged from his lips.

   "These are the purest Baiyun Misty Qi, and I have almost refined them now. As long as the Baiyun Misty grass is refined, you can refine the Baiyun Misty Pill."

  Chen Xuan was really excited at this time, feeling that his strength should have been greatly improved! ...

  The illusory figure outside the cave swiftly moved forward. At this time, it could be clearly seen. When the eyes came, the light of blood surging through his body began to gradually dissipate.

   Yang Sen? Chen Xuan was slightly stunned. But at this time he knew that in the previous confrontation, although his body was forcibly taken by the Baiyun Misty Beast, he swallowed it away, but he did not receive any too serious blows and injuries.

  Because, after the white cloud misty beast was dealt with, he only entered this cave!

  Chen Xuan watched this guy arrive at this time, and he really pursed his lips with a smile.

   "You're late, all the things inside belong to me!" Chen Xuan looked at the dusty young man in front of him, and a faint smile emerged from his lips.

  I can see clearly at this time that he is really overbearing to a certain extent.

   "Die to me!"

  The amazing killing intent quickly began to grow stronger. The death-like breath makes some people unable to easily resist and endure it.

  In the depths of Yang Sen's eyes, an astonishing killing intent suddenly emerged from the depths of his eyes. He clenched his fists, and the terrifying and astonishing wave of killing intent began to become stronger.

  He stepped forward fiercely at this time, and the amazing spiritual light in his hands suddenly became stronger.

  When it was in front of you, the light of the sword became extremely powerful and dazzling. Na Sensen blade light was extremely terrifying, and this terrifying intensity of killing intent tore the space abruptly.

  The incomparable killing intent makes people unable to resist easily.

   "Five Fingers Jianbo!" Chen Xuan smiled lightly in response to the terrible blow of the guy in front of him.

  The shocking concentration of aura fluctuations among the five fingers really seemed a bit terrifying.


  Suddenly, lightning violently pierced away, these surges with amazing intensity, and the fingers that seemed to fluctuate like sword aura suddenly pierced fiercely.

  The piercing fluctuations of amazing strength make people feel extraordinary. At this time, they can clearly see that under this amazing killing intent, the terrible blows of the two sides quickly touched each other.

  咚! An amazing wave of aura surged out. Chen Xuan withdrew seven or eight steps away, and he looked extremely cold at this time with a faint smile.

   Yang Sen's double knives were buzzed and buzzed, and the harsh sound really seemed a bit terrifying.

   He shook his two knives and looked at Chen Xuan in astonishment: "The last time I saw you, I still had a half-step pill formation. Now I have reached the realm of pill formation?"

   Yang Sen was really shocked! You must know that the increase in level is extremely difficult and slow. Even if a genius like him is accompanied by countless powerful medicinal materials from the family, it took him nearly five years to get it successfully done!

  And the pain he endured during this process was terrifying! He even guessed that five years is the shortest time needed for improvement!

  You can see that this kid in front of you has reached this stage in just one or two months! How can this make him not surprised?

  (End of this chapter)

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