Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1123: Amazing record

   Chapter 1123 Amazing Achievement

   Chen Xuan handed over the task, which surprised the elder of the task.

  But at this time, Chen Xuan didn't have too many mood swings. Although Wang Tong's ability was pretty good, after all, his combat power was limited, otherwise, how could he be beheaded.

  And the good things in its storage gems are also scarce, which shows that this old thing that has done terrible things is actually just a poor thing!

  Because apart from these merit points, Chen Xuan did not get too many benefits from Wang Tong, so Chen Xuan did not have the slightest affection for this person.

   But it was also at this time, but there was a faint ridicule around him, and naturally Zhang Feng came.

   "What good stuff did the kid get?" Zhang Feng laughed.

He then took out the storage ring and handed it to the task elder. He then looked at Chen Xuandao: "I have completed two ten meritorious tasks. Don't be jealous and envious of Junior Brother Chen Xuan. "

  Zhang Feng looked really proud at this time. The old people behind them are now whispering, and they don't seem to appreciate Chen Xuan much, just waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

  The mission elder looked at Zhang Feng in amazement, but then he pursed his mouth and appeared sarcastically.

   "Hey, hey, you're almost done. What's so great about getting two ten-decent missions? What's the point of farting here!"

  The task elder is unhappy.

  Zhang Feng was stunned! He looked at the mission elder with an ugly expression and retorted: "What's wrong with what you said? What's wrong with the ten meritorious mission? How many can accomplish this? You are so humiliated, but it's a bit embarrassing. ."

   Although he was very angry at this time, he still did not dare to deal with the elder beside him too much.

   "Things that are short-sighted! Not to mention ten merits, even a hundred people can do it! You are really a disgusting thing." The mission elder laughed.

He pointed to Chen Xuandao next to him: "You look at people more. You are very low-key, but you are more capable but powerful. This kind of kid will have some promise in the future. Whatever you have just achieved, you are here to show off You are not welcome here. If I will be there in the future, you will never want to receive a mission."

   Obviously, the mission elder at this time was a little disgusted with Ze Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng was choked. He was irritated at this time. He was a little unhappy and said: "I really don't believe it! You tell me what's wrong with me! There are a lot of talents in the Jiugong Pavilion. There are many people who can achieve the value of a hundred meritorious service! I admit all of these, but am I not as good as the **** in front of me? Do you have anything to do with him, or do you have any prejudice against me? Today? , If you don’t say clearly, I won’t accept it even if I die!"

  The mission elder's eyes sharpened suddenly!

  噗, Zhang Feng’s chest collapsed...

  At this time, Zhang Feng's aura became extremely sluggish, and he fell to the ground in an embarrassing manner, and he could see that there was a real feeling of dying now.

  The breath of Zhang Feng's whole body was depressed to a certain extent. Now let alone continue to deal with the elder in front of him, even if he is asked to stand up and leave quietly, it seems that he is a little unable to do it!

  In the space in front of me, I can clearly see that many old people in front of me are walking out.

   "Quest elder, you don't seem to be good at bullying people like this!"

  "This matter, we have to talk about it!\"

   "Why do you retaliate privately!"

  Several old people walked out at this time, looking at the mission elder coldly.

  The mission elder said faintly: “Well, a few of you have seeds. Today I also tell you that you guys and Zhang Feng have a result, that is, don’t want to receive any quests in the hands of the old man in the future!”

  He sneered at this moment, but in the attention of these people, he waved his hand and suddenly a token of fifty merits appeared.

  Under everyone's stunned attention, hand it over to Chen Xuan.

   "Now I think you should know why I scold Zhang Feng like this." The mission elder said lightly.

  Everyone was stunned at this time!

  Obviously, even if the task elder has a high status, the relationship may be quite hard.

  But this merit is the most valuable thing in the entire Jiugong Pavilion! If anyone dares to do anything in this matter, it is almost a death penalty!

  Even the elder in front of him, obviously he did not dare to mess around.

  After all, with his identity and ability, I am afraid that he can’t afford to give such a big event privately.

   And given it to Chen Xuan in front of so many people, there seemed to be only one possibility.

  That's the Wang Tong mission that made a lot of noise this time, and it was completed by the guy in front of you!

  Many old people present were they can't even imagine, the legendary super power who has reached the late stage of pill formation.

  A powerful master who is helpless with countless elder-level characters, has he been completed by this kid in front of him? Could this be true?

  At this time, everyone had an amazing attitude. Looking at Chen Xuan, they really couldn't believe this!

Chen Xuan shook his head awkwardly in response to the gaze of the people present. Is this event so shocking?

  But at this time, he didn't pay attention to the attention of these people, and quietly took away the merits.

  This time, everyone was speechless!

  Several old people were apologetic at this time. They looked at the mission elder and said: "We offended the elder before, please don't care!"

   "We apologize to you!"

  Several old people are very guilty at this time! Obviously Chen Xuan's strength is beyond their imagination! And they mainly rely on unfairness to fight back!

  And this unfair starting point is obviously the suppression of Zhang Feng! But now it seems that Chen Xuan is indeed much stronger than Zhang Feng. This kind of achievement, let alone Zhang Feng, can't even be done by other people!

  From this point of view, there is no problem with the words of the mission elders, and they actually helped Zhang Feng find things and talk!

  It seems really stupid right now...At this moment they really regret it!

   "Get out of here, do you think it's a fart? The old man keeps his promises, you can go to other elders to receive the task in the future, the old man will definitely not do it here!"

  The task elder said coldly at this time!

  Several old people are stunned, and now their faces are extremely stiff! Looking at Zhang Feng coldly, his eyes were filled with deep hatred!

  (End of this chapter)

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