Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1131: Great Ape

   Chapter 1131

   "Fist of Falling Star God."

   Feeling the astonishing punches all over his body, Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and smiled. I have to say that this astonishing shock fluctuation at this time really made him feel extremely excited and joyful.

  At this time, his fist was filled with aura, and I have to say that such an astonishing strength of fist power was terrifying to the extreme.

   "As long as you master it, your combat power can be improved. Haha, this is really exciting."

  Taking away this incomparable martial skill, Chen Xuan arched his hand at Elder Li, and then he left the large warehouse in the Diyuan...

  After half a day.

  Diyuan Cultivation Field is a relatively remote place. Chen Xuan stepped forward, a faint light of stars lingering in his body.

After waiting for the starlight in his hand to gradually strengthen to the extreme level, he slammed it open with a fierce punch, causing cruel and incomparable damage almost instantaneously.

  The heavy and terrifying punch was reprinted in the air, and the air was smashed and exploded.

I could see that he was really embarrassed to the extreme at this time. Chen Xuan walked out slowly in this starlight and cracked space, and he could clearly see that there was a gentle smile on his face at this time. .

   "The Star Falling Fist has become so powerful now that it only masters one-third of its power. If you master more, what point can it reach? This is really exciting!"

  Chen Xuan was really excited at this time. He immediately reduced his strength.

  His eyes fell into the distance, and at this moment he pursed his mouth and smiled.

   "It looks like it's time to go out to see Yang Hun's mission." Chen Xuan pursed his mouth with a smile, and as he stepped forward, he quickly disappeared into the space.

  Near a square outside Diyuan.

"Chen Xuan, you must be careful when you go out this time. Zhou Song has already released his words. He wants to deal with you fiercely!" Zhou Jie looked at the young man in front of him with a slightly worried look. A deep vigor and brilliance emerged from the depths.

  It can be seen that he is still quite sincere at this time.

  Chen Xuan curiously said: "How did you know about this?"

   "This guy is now preaching this everywhere. You often practice alone so you don't know this, but it's not surprising..." Zhou Jie said with a faint smile at this time.

  Chen Xuandao: "Okay, thank you for the promotion." He arched his hand towards Zhou Jie.

  A young man who was as sharp as a spear from a distance walked out slowly. There was no warmth on his face. When he passed by Chen Xuan's eyes, there was a deep killing intent flowing in his eyes.

  I have to say that such astonishing killing intent is terrifying.

   "I will beat you outside." Xu She's voice was cold, and it looked terrifying.

  Chen Xuan faintly looked at the guy beside him, and he faintly nodded and said: "Okay, then I'm really looking forward to it."

  The last time in the battle, because of the sudden action of the elders of the Jiugongwaige, the duel between the two sides did not come to fruition.

  However, this time going out to kill Yang Soul, even the elders in the Jiugong Pavilion could not effectively control these outgoing personnel, because Xu She said these words, but there was some cruelty in it.

  It's just that Chen Xuan's attitude is cold, he doesn't care much about this guy's meaning.

  After all, you didn’t use all your strength last time. Did I use all your strength? If you are going to shoot in front of you, be prepared to pay the price! ...

  In this ancient wasteland in front of you, there are pure and thick auras everywhere. As long as these not weak auras can be absorbed in the body, they can obtain considerable benefits.

  At this time, Chen Xuan was cultivating here, and the strong power like water waves turned into a state of flowing water, rushing into his body inside, which made his body look like crystal clear and bright at this time.

  With this kind of not weak absorption, Chen Xuan's level finally reached the extreme level, and his level finally increased.

  咚...The bursts of aura burst out, and at this time his level finally reached an astonishing mid-level of pill formation.

  With a faint smile, Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and smiled.

   He opened his mouth and exhaled the stale air in his body. At this moment, he felt an explosion of power all over his body.

   "You have been following me for so long, should you come out now?"

  Chen Xuan's eyes fell on a bush near Hungry. At this time, the astonishing killing intent was filled in the depths of his eyes. It was obvious that he had become extremely hot now.

  A shocking killing intent emerged from the depths of his indifferent eyes, and he was really cold now.

   "A good boy is not weak in perception."

   With a faint smile, he stepped out, the cold aura of entering people turned into an extremely terrifying sharp aura, and the space that swept tens of meters in the scene was all in silence.

  The young man is naturally Xu She. He faintly pressed against Chen Xuan, his eyes filled with astonishing killing intent, Xu She pursed his mouth and sneered at this moment, he looked at the young warrior in front of him, his eyes were filled with astonishment. Killing intent: "I already said that as long as you come outside, you will pay a cruel price. When you meet me today, I will use your strength to tell you who is the real strong."

  Xu She moved his muscles and bones. He looked at Chen Xuan indifferently. At this time, the depths of his eyes were full of cold and proud fluctuations.

Chen Xuan looked at the warrior in front of him in surprise, followed by an astonishing cold scent in his eyes. At this time, he said faintly: "Before you talk to me, it's better to look at the surrounding environment. Otherwise, you might not know how you died."

   "Huh?" Xu She was suddenly surprised! He sneered at first, but then he began to clearly feel that the astonishing pressure that seemed to come from his side was growing rapidly and violently.

  He then turned around in a panic, and was immediately shocked by the amazing beast that was more than ten meters high behind him!

  You can clearly see the tall, ape-like figure, with an astonishing killing intent at this time, a pair of **** eyes deep, at this time, there is a horrible and infiltrating light.

   "The Great Ape!" Xu She's eyes suddenly became panicked! Then he burst out all his power, trying to escape at this critical time!

  It's a pity that he didn't achieve this goal. The terrifying figure, which looked very tall, came to his eyes with swift and violent swiftness.

  The big mouth of the blood basin suddenly opened, and it was obvious that he was now terrifying to the extreme!

  Even though Xu She in front of him seemed to be still capable, after all, he was able to enter the late stage of alchemy at such a young age, which was considered very good.

  Unfortunately, under the blow of this beast, he still couldn't resist it, and was immediately swallowed by it!

  (End of this chapter)

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