Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1161: Chu Bao

  Chapter 1161 Chu Bao

  The incomparably dark smoke began to rise, and the smoke gave people a sense of horror.

  Under the thick smoke, there was a broken city at this time. The blood and the black smoke are mixed together, and this breath and taste can be described as terrifying to the extreme.

  On this battlefield in front of me, I can clearly feel that an amazing young figure is arrogant.

   "You ants! I can't even fight and want Master to take action. This is really ironic!"

   An extremely cold killing intent emerged from the depths of his eyes. At this moment, he could see that he stepped forward with a surprisingly incomparable killing intent, almost violently stabbing him in front of his eyes with just one leap.

  The breath of death immediately gathered in his hand, and the sharp halberd in his hand waved with the light of the strong.

  He immediately swept the war halberd out with extreme brutality, and this death-like killing intent could not be easily resisted.

   The extremely sharp strikes and fluctuations came to the eyes quickly, and at this time, you could clearly feel that this amazing killing intent was terrifying to the extreme.

  You can see that dozens of old and weak women and children in the ruins of the city are screaming!

  Obviously, at this time of the battle, they did not have the slightest resistance to resist. It seemed that they would all die miserably during this attack. I have to say that this situation makes people feel a little helpless.

  But also at this time, you can clearly feel it.

  The powerful but not weak blow from the space, it also suddenly became clear at this time.

  The incomparable killing intent turned into a powerful counterattack with the palm of his hand. He slammed on the body of the invading enemy, and the dull and dull blow immediately caused him to fly away...

  Chen Xuan walked out with a faint smile. Being able to see him clearly at this time, his whole body began to become cold and ruthless.

   "Who are you and why do you want to destroy this city?" Chen Xuan's voice was high and terrifying.

  Although facing a powerful young man, he was under great pressure, but he could clearly see him at this time, and there was no fear at all.

  At this time, many people around him returned to their normal state in panic. They all looked at the young man with hatred, and they were all annoyed to the extreme at this time.

   "Chu Leopard! A conscienceless thing!"

   "If it weren't for this young man to take action at a critical time today, it is estimated that we would be killed!"

   "It's a death-seeking thing!"

  Many people present at this time were extremely annoyed, and they wished they could take a strong shot now and tear this amazing young man to pieces.

  There is a deep killing intent on their faces, but although they hate at this moment in their hearts, they can still clearly feel that their confidence is not enough.

   cast their gazes on Chen Xuan one after another, and they seemed to look forward to it at this time.

   "Don't worry, this brother Chen Xuan is our great benefactor. He will use powerful means to defeat the guy on the opposite side. Don't worry!"

  Zhou Yin smiled faintly. At this moment, he came in front of him, and a deep, confident light emerged from the depths of his eyes.

   Obviously, the girl has an instinctive trust in Chen Xuan, who has not been acquainted for a long time!

  When many people looked at Chen Xuan before, they were surprised, but in the end they didn’t trust him much.

  After all, Chu Bao’s ability is too powerful and terrifying. If you want to fight with it, then the conditions to be met at the level of strength are terrifying!

  Although the young man in front of him seemed powerful, it was really impossible to tell whether it was Chu Bao’s opponent.

  However, looking at the girl in front of her at this time was so confident, this inevitably caused many people around her to have confidence.

  At this time, they looked at Chen Xuan one after another, and most of them were looking forward to it...

  "Who are you kid, why dare you to intervene in my affairs?" At this time, a deep horror appeared in Chu Bao's body, and he could clearly feel that he was full of horror at this time.

  It can be seen that on this battlefield in front of you, the strength of the astonishing strength is terrifying to the extreme.

  There seemed to be sharp waves like a knife in his eyes, and they became extremely powerful.

  There is a review of fluctuations in the words, and it has to be said that this amazing intensity is scary.

   "You don't have much qualifications to talk to me." Looking at the kid in front of him, Chen Xuan just sneered indifferently.

  Before this kid forcibly made a move, causing Chen Xuan's heart to have considerable hatred.

  Now he is starting to become fierce, and people like Chu Bao are not qualified to talk to him at all!

   Clenched his fists and swish, Chen Xuanhua came forward with a burst of light.

  Heavy waves of fists smashed down extremely fiercely, and suddenly a large area of ​​space appeared to collapse at this time!

The   death-like breath makes people feel terrified. I have to say that this amazing pressure cannot be easily resisted!

  On this battlefield in front of you, a blow of amazing strength. Makes Chu Bao surprised.

  The moment he reacted, this powerful and thick punch was already incomparably fierce.

  The shocking power of amazing strength makes it impossible for people to resist easily.

  At this time, the death-like killing intent came forward, making people feel trembling all over.

   Chu Bao is not bad.

   When it is critical, its extremely powerful blows immediately counterattack. The astonishing killing intent made people tremble all over, and his arms like an angry dragon suddenly swept away.

  In order to swept the mighty force, it smashed into it fiercely. Boom... the extremely powerful smashing force immediately burst into sight.

  This astonishing strength brought a full crushing aura, and it collided with it fiercely.

  In an instant, Chu Bao's face became distorted! His arms were bent in an astonishing state, which made his face become cold at this time.

  He retreated to the rear in embarrassment, and when he was tens of meters away, blood was flowing from his mouth.

   was able to see clearly that his eyes were very deep, all of which were gloomy and bleak.

   Chu Bao wiped the blood off his lips with a guilty conscience, and he could see that he was really embarrassed to the extreme at this time.

   no longer had the slightest thought of continuing to resist, at this moment, an astonishing killing intent was surging in the depths of his eyes, and then he turned around and quickly disappeared.

   "Can you go?" Chen Xuan's icy smile appeared in the air, and that smile contained a rather majestic killing intent.

   Then his body disappeared, and a dull explosion in the air surged. He swept away with a fierce slap, and immediately smashed that Chu Bao out!

  (End of this chapter)

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