Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1164: track

   Chapter 1164 Tracking

  In this place of cultivation in front of you, you can clearly see at this time, the shock wave power of an astonishing degree can be called the extreme degree.

  These auras converge into a blade-like shape, and the whole body is flowing with amazing sharpness.

  The air is torn apart forcibly during the movement. If people can be touched, they might be killed in an instant.

  However, in such dangerous places, Chen Xuan was striding forward. Although the wind blades around him were very powerful, it was a pity that when he approached him, he was blocked by aura almost instantly.

  On the battlefield, he could clearly see that these sharp blades were constantly impacting his body.

   Although it is dangerous, Chen Xuan still moves forward.

   "Speed ​​up a bit more, I must find the core thing." There is a deep wave of sharpness in the depths of his eyes at this time, and he is starting to become stronger at this time.

   Gradually approaching the core, these blocking and cutting forces begin to become crazy and powerful.

  Without consuming too much time, Chen Xuan finally reached the core! ...

  In this space in front of you, a huge vortex in the air is slowly rotating.

  At this time, I can clearly see that the terrifying medicinal materials within this whirlpool are radiating extremely dazzling light.

   Generally speaking, almost all the aura in this entire battlefield space radiated from this vortex.

  Chen Xuan stared at the medicinal material in front of him intently. At this moment, his eyes were filled with astonishing spirit.

   "Blow pulse spirit juice!"

"If this thing is combined with Hong Sang, it will be able to refine the explosive Hong Sang Dan, and this pill can bring nearly five times the powerful combat power to the warriors in the peak realm of the Holy Spirit. I have to say that this is very powerful. Powerful!"

  Chen Xuan's lips were squirming-moving, and he could clearly see it. At this time, he really seemed extremely excited.

   didn't mean to wait at all, stepping forward with lightning-like forward and shuttle force, almost instantly tearing the air away, and then bursting out crazy.

  At this time, I can clearly feel it, and an astonishing force is beginning to surge in the space.

  In the space in front of him, Chen Xuan's palm glowed with a faint white light.

  The brilliance became very thin, making its palm as sharp as a knife.



The snow-white seamless light and shadow swept away from the plant in front of him. At this time, I could clearly see that the seemingly powerful plant in front of me was suddenly cut under such an amazing sweep. Disconnect.

  I have to say that this amazing intensity is terrifying, even if the plants in front of you look very powerful, the quality is not weak.

  It's a pity that under this amazing edge sweep, he was cut off almost instantly.

  These amazing sweeping fluctuations, at this time, the horror is to the extreme.

  The plant was so light and fluttering that Chen Xuan waved his hand to grab it, and he could see that quite pure aura waves flowed from the inside of the plant at this time.

  If you feel it carefully, you will be able to know that these powers contain a terrifying explosive power.

  I believe that as long as it can hit a person, it will cause quite serious damage in a short period of time.

   "With this thing, Hong Sang is missing now."

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes for a while, saying that this thing is so easy to find, if it doesn’t work well, he won’t get the slightest gain in a few years.

   But anyway, one of the medicinal materials is now found, which is a very good thing.

  Chen Xuan immediately wrapped the medicinal material with a faint aura.

  The incision that seemed to vent aura was immediately sealed tightly.

The whole body was also completely enveloped by aura at this time. Chen Xuan carefully placed it in a wooden box. This wooden box looked very warm and cold, even the precious medicinal materials could be very relaxed. Keep it completely.

  After finishing these things, Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and smiled.

   "You can leave now." He looked into the distance with a sense of war in his eyes...

  But when Chen Xuan was about to leave, he unexpectedly discovered that there seemed to be something flashing in this space.

  The amazing speed made Chen Xuan seem to see the air torn apart, which made him really a little surprised at this time.

  After he pondered for a while, his eyes narrowed to a line.

  I saw that at this time, he really looked a little solemn: "I really didn't expect there to be other people in this place! Who?!"

   Chen Xuan immediately became vigilant to say that in this adventure place, Chen Xuan did not think that there could be any powerful materials or treasures that could be stronger than Explosive Spirit Juice!

   But the figure seemed to be still walking towards the place in front of him, its deepest part.

   Could it be that there are any other tricks in this place? But if there is such a place or thing in this place, why didn't it find it during the previous detection?

  Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a line, and countless thoughts in his mind controlled him.

  After a while, he looked at the rapidly disappearing figure in front of him, pursing his mouth with a sharp look: "I want to see what this guy means."

  On the battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan was moving fast at this time, and he could clearly see him at this time, his actions became very agile, I have to say that such an astonishing speed of movement is terrifying.

  Even if the opponent in front of him is moving fast, and his moving speed is extremely fast, and his body is very keen and terrifying.

Because it is not easy to chase and track it, but Chen Xuan's speed at this time is very fast, and he follows behind unhurriedly. At this time, even if the person's movement is very treacherous, it is a pity. There is not much meaning.

  When you get the deepest part of the space in front of you, you will be able to see clearly.

  The brilliance gradually disappeared. Among them, a young man emerged. This person's face was extremely pale and sick, and his red eyes seemed to have rotted away.

  A lifeless breath came out of his body, and I have to say that such astonishing killing intent was terrifyingly terrifying.

  Don't say that people like this are fighting with him, even if they just look at it a few times, they will be scared immediately.

  The youth's gaze fell on the rock in front of him. After just pondering for a while, he pursed his lips and sneered.

  "The friend behind me has been with me for so long, should I show up?" The sick young man laughed.

  Chen Xuan walked out of the corner and said faintly: "You should also say your purpose."

  (End of this chapter)

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