Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1190: Hanhai Linghua

  Chapter 1190 Hanhai Linghua

  In the depths of the extremely rich water waves in front of you, you can clearly see the waves of water surging around Chen Xuan at this time.

  These fluctuations are very pure, making Chen Xuan at this time really look very bright.

  It's just that Chen Xuan frowned at this moment. Although the aura reserves and quality of this place are still dozens of times stronger than other places.

  Unfortunately, Chen Xuan was not bewildered by these things on the surface, and the spiritual energy inside his body was gripped with his fists and started to rotate rapidly.

  These amazing auras made Chen Xuan's power begin to grow stronger at this time. Without the slightest intention of waiting, he rushed towards the distant space area and shot away.

   But it was also at this time that the originally very calm water waves showed a rather fearful boiling.


   Countless thick and solid lines are like steel cables, and they burst out quickly in the dark water waves.

  The entire depths of the incomparably dark water wave showed an astonishing sound at this time. The terrifying fluctuation made him feel terrifying, and hundreds of astonishing chains pierced towards Chen Xuan.

  It can be seen that such death-like piercing makes people unable to easily resist, and these irresistible forces will pierce Chen Xuan away.

  The water waves within a few hundred meters are now very weird.

   "Go away!"

  Facing these chains that were pierced violently, Chen Xuan naturally couldn't have the slightest intention to care about it.

   Clenched his fists and swept away. Boom... As if carrying death-like power, Chen Xuan swept out with a fist.

  Don't look at the chains in front of you, giving people a feeling of incomparable strength. It is a pity that under Chen Xuan's punch, hundreds of chains were completely shattered almost in an instant.

  Chen Xuan stepped forward and moved forward as fast as lightning. When he got the core, he suddenly saw a cloud of light.

  There are some mysterious condensed lines in the light. There is no doubt that these things are the mysterious and powerful ones in front of them, and the mysterious chains suddenly burst out of the water waves.

   "Break it for me!"

  Chen Xuan looked at these things indifferently indifferently, and did not attack out the least politely. At this time, the shockingly powerful aura fluctuations in his fists became shocking.

  Death-like killing intent vented from his body. He slammed it down with a punch, and immediately tore the light ball in front of him.

   Amazing tearing fluctuations and blows make people feel intimidated. Even though the light group in front of it seemed to be very strong in defense, it was a pity that under the blow of such a not weak fist, it still split in an instant.

   Lost the protection of these powerful brilliance, the inner lines began to become weak.

  Chen Xuan’s fist is really powerful! When it fell on the lines that fluctuated with the mysterious aura in front of me, the spiritual energy instantly penetrated into them from the surface of these lines.

  This makes the seemingly powerful lines in front of you collapse almost instantly! ...

   Chen Xuan's fist is very powerful. These forces that seemed to be full of control aura in front of him were bombarded and exploded in an instant under his powerful and fierce bombardment.

In the past, these mysterious lines were able to control the water waves. Numerous metal chain-like objects were shot madly towards Chen Xuan. It is a pity that they have been given by Chen Xuan's incomparable combat power. broken.

Chen Xuan scanned the space and battlefield in front of him, waiting to see the fragmented spiritual energy fluctuations in front of him, unexpectedly mysterious plants appeared, and the depths of his originally peaceful eyes suddenly had sparkling sparkles. Colors emerge.

"this is!"

After Chen Xuan thoroughly clarified the glorious plants, he really seemed a little surprised at this time.

   "If I am not mistaken, this should be Hanhai Linghua! I really didn't expect such a thing to exist in this place!"

  Chen Xuan was really excited at this time. He believes that as long as he can completely refine this thing and make it into a relatively high-quality pill, he can bring a considerable increase in his combat effectiveness!

"Although my current combat power is not bad. But this is just a relatively mediocre result achieved by fighting better people! If you encounter those who can leapfrog the battle, the real genius, These combat powers and methods seem to be somewhat inadequate! If there are no more powerful pills around, I believe that in the future battles, I will suffer a big loss."

   Thinking of these things, Chen Xuan pursed his lips with a faint smile.

   Immediately he did not have any polite thoughts. The dense and solid aura waves hovered in the palm of his hand, and an astonishing degree of attraction exploded at this time.

  The plants glowing in the water waves were immediately absorbed in front of him, and his palms were like knives, and he swept out.

  To say that this Hanhai Linghua is still relatively strong, especially the surface defense layer is very strong.

  Not to mention that the warrior is just using his palm to sweep, even if it is a real magic weapon, it is difficult to cut it off!

  It is a pity that these plants, which seem to be very defensive, can't bear it after encountering Chen Xuan's sharp blow.

   Chen Xuan's hands were sparkling, and his amazing spiritual energy gathered to an extreme degree, which made his combat power and attack possess a full destructive power.

  咻! Pouch! Along with the astonishing spiritual light sweeping away, the plants that looked more powerful in front of them were severely cut apart.

  Chen Xuan pursed his lips and showed some faint smiles. Without the slightest intention of caring, he swept away the palm of his hand extremely fiercely.

  This astonishing strike force was now terrifying to the extreme. Hanhai Linghua couldn't resist such astonishing strikes, because at this time, under Chen Xuan's palm swept away, it was instantly broken and broken.

   A faint spiritual energy was sent into the spiritual flower in front of me. The situation that came out of the gap was basically contained. Chen Xuan nodded faintly and pursed his mouth, and a smile appeared: "With this thing, I can make Hanhaidan. I believe I can make Hanhaidan on this battlefield. Have a pretty good performance."

   Wiped off the sweat from his forehead, Chen Xuan at this time had no thoughts of wasting time. The same powerful plant was immediately taken out, and the two sides cooperated, Chen Xuan began to enter the state of refining medicine.

   Refining medicine is not too difficult for Chen Xuan. From the beginning to the end, he almost only consumed five or six to disappear, and the pill was basically successful!

  (End of this chapter)

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