Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1192: Sky Dragon Sword

  Chapter 1192 Sky Fighting Dragon Sword

  Chen Xuan pursed his mouth with a faint smile, stepped forward and quickly jumped onto the white stone platforms in front of him.

  The reserve of aura in the white stone platform is very sufficient. There are some differences between the reserve of these auras and the normal aura. Its condensed degree and quality far exceed the ordinary aura!

   just has a faint attraction in itself, which makes any life close to this stone platform be controlled.

  If one's own strength and ability are not strong enough, it will be quite difficult to get rid of it.

  In this space and battlefield in front of you, you can easily see at this time that the shock fluctuations of amazing power can be described as terrifying to the extreme.

   "What a powerful aura fluctuations." Feeling the strong and strong aura fluctuations coming from under his feet, Chen Xuan pursed his mouth with a faint smile.

  For the warriors, the strength of the aura determines their stay. Similar to this place in front of me, I believe that no matter who comes here, they will be immediately attracted and don't want to leave.

  Chen Xuan took a deep breath and absorbed some of the spiritual energy flowing quietly under his feet. Only then did he pursed his mouth and smiled.

  Turning his eyes, he saw that in the deepest part of the three-story stone platform, there was an ancient bluestone altar.

  The nearby water waves were blocked by mysterious power. Under the protection of the eggshell-like spiritual energy, the rushing water waves couldn't really get close to the stone platform at all.

  After pondering for a while, Chen Xuan pursed his lips and showed some smiles.

  The place where he is going is the bluestone platform full of mystery and fluctuations. Ha ha... I have to work hard! ...

   But also at the moment when Chen Xuan was about to step into the bluestone platform in front of him, an extremely cold voice appeared in his ears.

   "Boy, you have the ability to show up here, which is really surprising."

  The cold and merciless killing intent appeared in his ears. Then a cold and merciless figure emerged near the stone platform.

  This is the appearance of a young man. Deep in his eyes are deep waves of sharpness. It seems that he has a very cold and sharp attitude towards Chen Xuan.

  Maybe it will make a sudden move, inflicting huge blows and injuries on Chen Xuan.

  Attracted by the sounds around him, Chen Xuan turned around curiously and drove away. His surprised expression flashed away. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Chu Cong?!"

  This guy has already been dealt with in the battle that day, why can he still appear here now?

   "You are wrong, I am his brother Chu Fei."

   "You used cruel means to hurt my brother, today I will let you die."

  A deep killing intent appeared in the depths of Chu Fei's eyes. He clenched his fists tightly, and the huhu aura quickly became stronger in his hands.

  After these powers became strong and solid, he clenched his fists.

  The death-like breath began to become terrifying and condensed. There was almost no waiting for him, and there were fierce fluctuations in the depths of his eyes.

   stepped forward and jumped to the side. That powerful punch makes people unable to be easily resisted.

  The tearing power came before him, and Chen Xuan looked at this powerful attack, and his eyes seemed a little sharp at this time.

   "Not weak!"

   "But it's not enough to hurt me!"

  Chen Xuan looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, but he didn't care about it at all. A fierce punch slammed open, and almost instantly this powerful punch brought cruel and incomparable damage to the opponent.

  Death-like breath and pressure make people feel uncomfortable.

The fists of the two sides suddenly collided, and Chen Xuan's body was blasted back several steps in succession. After the flesh and blood seemed to be torn away, he said in a bit of pain: "Half-step fit in the middle 30 Nian warrior."

  Chen Xuan was really taken aback at this time. It should be said that after entering this stage, the efforts made by the martial artist at this stage tended to the peak and extreme level.

  In the future, even if you practice for fifty or a hundred years, you will just stay in place, and you will basically not have much success.

  After Chen Xuan pondered for a while, he looked at the young man in front of him, and his eyes were filled with deep, sharp light.

  The ability and means to deal with such a warrior must be strong enough, otherwise, let alone fighting with it, it is very difficult to protect yourself!

  Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and a faint smile appeared. After pondering for a while, his eyes narrowed to a line at this time.

  The weapon used by this guy... Feeling the amazing power flowing in it, Chen Xuan's eyes looked a little straight.

  Subconsciously clenched his fists, his whole body stiffened: "This should be the Sky Fighting Dragon Saber! I didn't expect that the legendary thing would actually appear in front of my eyes!"

   There is no doubt that this powerful weapon in front of you is a legendary weapon, and its value is very high. Even for those more legendary big families, it is naturally not easy for them to get it.

  Because of this, Chen Xuan's heart is naturally coveted! He stared at the weapon in front of him, and saw that although it was still full of high-quality combat power at this time, it was a pity that Chu Fei in front of him did not seem to have too much control over it!

   After Chen Xuan pondered for a while, deep sharp fluctuations appeared in the depths of his eyes at this time.

  It seems that this guy only acquired it in unexpected circumstances, and the acquisition time should not be long, so that this guy has not been able to completely grasp it until now.

  But in general, this is also a good thing. Otherwise, if this powerful weapon is effectively mastered, it will be difficult to deal with it.

  Now is just an opportunity! Chen Xuan fiercely looked at the weapon in front of him. At this moment, there was a deep wave of sharp spirit in the depths of his eyes!

  At this time, Chen Xuan was really excited! ...

   "Boy, I think you are looking for death." Chu Fei looked at Chen Xuan's eyes and constantly scanned the knife in his hand. It seemed that he valued and coveted it very much. This really made him feel unacceptable!

   Fists clenched fiercely. The Heavenly Vault of War Dragon Sabre in his hand, which originally seemed to be relatively calm, showed a state of glittering golden light.

Huhu's sharp fluctuations began to rise above his knife, and the unspeakable breath of air made it difficult for people to resist and bear it easily.

  I have to say this amazing intensity. It was terrifying to the extreme, and a golden dragon's phantom suddenly appeared in the sky, and then it was forcibly chopped down.

  (End of this chapter)

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