Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1203: Assignments

   Chapter 1203 Assigning Tasks

   Although the girl’s blow was still powerful, it was a pity that she didn’t have much combat power in front of Chen Xuan’s eyes.

  Waves his hand to blow it away, touching it almost instantly.

  咚...The shocking blow resisted, and the huge counterattack made the girl's feet in front of her seem a little vain at this time, and she flew upside down in embarrassment.

  At a distance of several tens of meters, his body slammed into the mountains and rivers, and the huge mountains and rivers were cracked apart by her impact.

  Crimson blood was spit out from her mouth, and she began to flow a weak breath at this time.

Coming out of the ruins, the girl wiped the blood off her lips indifferently. Although she is completely at a disadvantage now, but at this time she does not have the slightest low seasoning.

  On the contrary, she looked at the young people around her at this time, and her attitude showed an extremely arrogant state.

   "Don't want to use your strength to crush me, you will die in the big deal!!"

  Holding her fists tightly, the aura quickly turned away in her body. The amazing turning makes the skin of the girl in front of me appear transparent. Such an amazing scene can't help but feel frightening.

  If there is a little problem in the operation of the aura, the girl's body will explode overwhelmed.

  Scenes like this make people feel scary. However, the girl at this time didn't mean to back off or stop, she looked at Chen Xuan nervously.

  It seems that as long as he comes to attack, then she will use a powerful force to explode her body, so that Chen Xuan has no possibility of taking advantage...

  Curiously looking at the girl in front of her who was going to end the battle in an extreme way, Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed into a line. After he pondered for a while, he shook his head helplessly, and looked at the girl in front of him and said: "The insidious poison in your body is now strong enough to penetrate into your bone marrow! If these toxins change their form, they will reach the depths of your soul today. If so, even the most famous pharmacist in the world of Baicao, I am afraid that he will not be able to save you!"

  Chen Xuan said faintly, it can be seen that he is really serious now.

  The aura that had flowed and rushed all over his body began to calm down gradually at this time.

  It’s just that although the girl has been affected a bit, she still has a lot of vigilance at this time.

  She looked at the young man in front of her nervously, her eyes narrowed into a line: "How do you see that I have been poisoned?"

   "Guess." Chen Xuan smiled.

  "Are you a pharmacist?" The girl was really surprised!

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly. But at this time he shook his head and said, "Although I am a pharmacist, the impression you gave me is really bad. You may have another chance to survive before, but since you don't want it, Then I have nothing to do."

  He turned around and left, and it seemed that he didn't mean to linger at all.

  The girl suddenly opened her eyes. The depths of her eyes were full of shock and surprise at this time. After a while, the girl immediately calmed down the aura that was turning quickly.

  After a short period of contemplation, she just turned into a wave like a breeze, and she burst into sight.

   "If you can really get rid of the insidiousness on my body...I...I can promise you anything!"

  At this time, the girl gritted her teeth and looked at the young man in front of her. A deep blush appeared on her playful face.

  Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed. This seemingly pure girl looks quite complicated in her thinking! Chen Xuan is not interested in making fun of this woman here, because he directly told the thoughts in his heart: "I can help you, but you also have to give me some visible benefits. If you can use the emperor dragon's blood If you get it for me, I will give you alchemy for free. How can I try it?"

  Chen Xuan faintly looked at the girl in front of him, and a deep smile appeared in the depths of his eyes.

   But at this time, it can be seen that there is a trace of his kindness that cannot be changed. Obviously, if the girl in front of him, unfortunately, does things according to his requirements, then Chen Xuan is more willing to cooperate with her.

  But if she can’t fulfill the request made by Chen Xuan, I believe that even if she is really beautiful and beautiful, it’s a pity that this will not be a bargaining chip to trade with Chen Xuan...

  Some sad expressions flashed from the depths of the girl's eyes. Obviously, she still had some knowledge of such a precious thing as Emperor Dragon Blood.

  However, after she pondered for a little time at this time, deep solemnity and warfare emerged from the depths of her eyes, and she said firmly: "Then I will promise you! How long will the agreement expire at the latest?"

   "Three months." Chen Xuan said lightly.

Although there are many good things in the vast vast sea battlefield, long-term cultivation here will gain considerable benefits, but this does not mean that Chen Xuan will cultivate here for a long time.

  After all, as long as he can find what he is looking for as much as possible, he naturally does not need to continue practicing here.

   Although there are many benefits of the battlefield, if compared with directly swallowing and absorbing those medicinal pills made with powerful materials, it is really slow like a snail!

   Chen Xuan really understands this cruel reality better than anyone else, so he now only has three months, which is already the maximum limit.

  Although the girl in front of me looks pitiful, and at this time she seems to be in need of help.

It's a pity that Chen Xuan doesn't have any friendship with him, so he can't help her with love for no reason!

   was not touched or changed by the pitiful appearance of the girl in front of him at all. Now Chen Xuan just looked at her with a relatively cold attitude.

  You can trade if you can. If you fail, you will find other alchemists for help. After all, there are countless alchemists in the entire Baicao world, so why bother to waste time on one person?

   "Okay then I will work hard, I will do it in three months!"

   "I really hope you can do this."

Chen Xuan looked at the woman who was disappearing in front of him, and he pursed his mouth and smiled. After all, the value of medicinal materials of this level is terrifying. If he is to find him alone, I believe that even if he spends a considerable amount of time. And energy, it may not be possible to have luck to find materials of this level.

But now that this matter is allocated, so that it will be searched for on behalf of others, this kind of opportunity is great, after all, the area of ​​the vast vast sea is so large, so as long as it is widely cast a net to find it, there is still a great opportunity to find it. !

  (End of this chapter)

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