Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1303: restore

  Chapter 1303 Recovery

  The holy flame of non-falling sacred flame burned rapidly in the surrounding sky, and this thrilling temperature was terrifying to the extreme.

It is not difficult to imagine that even at this time, Chen Xuan no longer launches any form of new offensive. I am afraid that the old man in front of him wants to rely on his current weak strength and strength to counteract the blow of the Holy Fire. easy!

   Zhou Kong looked at the young man before him emptily, and a wailing voice came from his mouth. Obviously, he did not have much resistance to resist at this time.

   And when the battle was in front of his eyes, he didn't want to continue fighting anymore. After all, he was able to get to where he is today. Zhou Kong had paid a considerable price in the past few decades.

  He still doesn’t want to die like this!

   "What you said doesn't seem to count." Chen Xuan smiled faintly.

  The old man in front of him in the previous battle caused too much influence and damage to him. Even during the battle, Chen Xuan could clearly feel that this old man felt that he would be abolished.

  Such a cruel reality made Chen Xuan's heart, the last good feeling for the old man in front of him also disappeared.

  Since the old man in front of him at the beginning stage did not have any kind words, then after his failure at this time, Chen Xuan would not give him the slightest face.

   was when Zhou Kong was talking to him almost in an imploring tone at this time. The surging flame of Unfallen Sacred Fire suddenly became powerful and dazzling.

The flame of   huhu turned into a pure liquid-like flow at this time, and the force of death-like blows was the key to shock. It was at this moment that Chen Xuan volatilized the dazzling and powerful combat power away.


  Tear-like shock waves suddenly pierced, and the unspeakable violent fluctuations made people irresistible, and the shattering felt full of shocking blows. It must be said that such death-like killing intent made people fearful.

  "Dare you little beast!" Zhou Kong's old eyes were a little straight at this time, and his whole body was convulsed. Even at this time, he expressed anger with a cruel voice, but it is a pity that no matter how you look at him now, he is a little bit nasty.

  Chen Xuan naturally ignored the dying struggle of the old man in front of him, and his astonishing and terrifying palm fell down extremely hard, and the cruel and heavy blow was immediately suppressed to his side.

  The strong attack force suddenly fell. Containing powerful combat power like mountains and rivers, Chen Xuan's palm hit Zhou Kong's chest almost instantly.

  咚! The dull and incomparable blow force was immediately sent to the depths of the flesh and blood that closed the mouth. This extremely powerful penetrating wave and crushing and tearing force suddenly caused the empty chest in front of the eyes to be torn apart.

  The blood-red flesh and blood appeared. Large pieces of minced meat mixed with astonishing blood burst into the air, and at this time, he could clearly feel the death-like blow in front of him.

  The extremely powerful Zhou Kong in front of him, in the process of being torn apart, his body expanded like an explosion!

  Fortunately, even though Zhou Kong is weak at this time, as a strong man with astonishing strength, his reaction is still okay.

  In the depths of the extremely cold eyes, a deep wave of sharp aura emerged at this time. With cruel and fierce fluctuations, he quickly withdrew towards the distance...


  In the air, a black ring shone with dazzling light, and at this time, it came to the eyes with a touch of rapid fluctuation.

  Chen Xuan looked surprised, he settled and waved to hold it. To say that the quality of this ring is really good, the extremely gentle fluctuations and breath are flowing on the surface of the ring that looks very good.

  With a faint smile, Chen Xuan held it, and whirring aura fluctuations circulated on the surface of the ring. It was obvious that these powerful powers and brilliance were really tyrannical to a terrifying degree.

  It was at this moment in front of me that I could clearly feel it, and within this space in front of my eyes, the fluctuation of the aura suddenly became several times in full.

   "This ring can actually increase the concentration of spiritual energy and the strength of its quality. It is really amazing!" Chen Xuan was really shocked by holding the ring in his hand.

  Although he had obtained countless rings after the battle, it was the first time he saw a ring with its own attributes and such a powerful attribute.

Thinking that as long as you wear this ring, you will be able to get stronger spiritual support all the time in the future practice. At this time, Chen Xuan's eyes are full of deep spirit and joy. .

  He believed that as long as he could refine it, he would get huge benefits. He put away this very good ring, but at this time Chen Xuan looked into the distance.

  When he returned to normal from the joy of a very good ring, his eyes narrowed into a line.

   "It looks like you are quite smart." Chen Xuan clenched his fists and sneered.

  However, even though the old man at this time relied on selling treasures, Chen Xuan was slightly stunned, and slipped away with this fleeting breath.

  It is a pity that his heart of cultivation will inevitably be affected by this failure. Maybe in the next few years, he will live in the shadows.

  At that time, he wants to return to normal again, it will be very difficult!

  Chen Xuan sneered at this time. In order to avoid the danger of being killed today, or the pain of being abolished and cruelly hit, he chose to escape the pain and danger by fleeing.

  The result is a long and cruel pain! This result is only a one-time blow than today, perhaps hundreds of times more cruel!

  Chen Xuan sneered in his heart at this time, since this old man wants to leave, let him go!

  In the space in front of you, you can see Chen Xuan sitting cross-legged. The faint light of spiritual energy gathered in his hands. These powers are truly pure in all respects. I believe that as long as they can swallow them, the warrior can obtain considerable benefits.

  Chen Xuan has been practicing quietly here for three days. Although in the last battle, he relied on the power of the Heaven's Beard God Pill to obtain the strength of fighting across levels.

  Finally, relying on the powerful ability of not falling to the sacred flame, he forced the sky to dying to escape. This is simply a miracle of battle!

   But although the result is brilliant and dazzling, the powerful force that was transferred in the process has also brought huge impact and damage to Chen Xuan's body!

  I believe that if it is not repaired and supplemented in time, I believe it will pay a considerable price. At this time, Chen Xuan didn't have the slightest thoughts of delay, because his efforts to recover to the present were only considered small and good!

  (End of this chapter)

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